L10 Iho Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 976 TurboFire Spark Plugs Standardtype 99 new set helps to im prove starting per formance fuel eco nomy Most makes Resistortype 29 Spark Plugs ea Windshield Washer Pump Universalfit for most 12Volt systems Kit includes new re placement motor all necessary hardware for adapting pump to existing washer sys tem on car Standard Ignition Coils Performance engineered for maXImum output 59 Each Filled with insulating oil for maximum cool ing Molded cap re sists tracking and high voltage breakdown or 12V Most makes tactic Wiper Blades Available for most popular makes models 49 435 to ea Weatherresistant Motomaster blades made by Trico Tough covering resists ice buildup so wipers re main efficient in winter Extra Savings with CASH BONUS COUPONS on all auto parts Molded Distributor Caps Sample Listing 196074 Ford with V8 engine 289 Moisture and impact resistant to provide maximum service We can supply for most popular car makes models$219to$659 Expert Installation available at very reasonable service charge Replacement Bad Caps 12 to 18Ib available State make and model Quality pressure caps manufactured to meet precise specifications Avail for most popular North American makes and models use Your 33 ianrtarnieï¬iftodayétoehaavre 15 its Canada ySiiTéjareflSï¬Stni 22 mom 12564 Shoppe card back on the road ready for TUNEUP including ENGINE ANALYSIS 95 Parts Most 4cylinder Most 95 Most 95 6cylinder Pads 8cylinder Parts Labor Labor We Test or Check Firing Voltage of each Plug Ignition Coil ydrocarbon Content We Install New Turbo Fire Spark Plugs New Ignition Points New Condenser Carbon Monoxide Emission New Rotor Battery Voltage Output Cranking Voltage WEAWUSL Compression of each Cylinder Tmng Carburetor Manifold Heat Valve Carburetor Linkage Dwell Angle And Clean Battery Terminals Not Required on Electronic Ignition Additional Parts and Installation Extra Make Your Appointment Today All Ignition Circuits Distributor Voltage Drop Cranking Starter Current Cranking RPM Rotor Gap Voltage Distributor Capacitor Manifold Vacuum Alternator Voltage Voltage Re ulator Distributor ap PCV Valve Air Fuel Filters All Hoses and Belts Ventilated TuneUp Kits Example 6074 Font V8 with single point dist 259 includes prealigned points and machined rotor plus condenser Avail to fit most full size American cars 3259 to $579 Tailored Wire Sets 7mm Hypalon Cables 37911259 Waterproof resistor cables Easystarts without misfires Sil icone sets also avail able for most makes $1149 to $2149 Alternator Regulators Sample Listing All 1974 to 1976 Ford Products 65° exch Remanufactured un its Others available to fit most makes mod els 3615 to $2099 Alternator Regulators Sold only with Exchange Remanufactured Alternators Example 6576 stand equipped Ford 3842 amp 29 exch Guaranteed 4000 miles or 12 m0nths Whichever first for most$1995 to $6089 Alternators sold on an Exchange Basis Only Motomaster Renutactured Motomaster Automobile ammo Fan Belts Water Pumps Sealed Beams Miniature Bulbs farp 2197074 GM popufararglgktgs gnmgjitels without air conditionciiig 534 diam for 99 cï¬ggfnsggï¬aavgilge$g 4lamp system 93 125 39 diam for 39 AUTO SERVICE to ea exch 2lamp system ea Canadian Tire Auto Centres stock everything you can think of for proper automotive care from weatherstripping to factory remanufactured engines We offer full range of specialized services includ ing complete installation and machine work And all parts and services are fully Tough belts made to exacting specifica tions and reinforced with prestretched polyester cords to en sure long service Guaranteed 4000 miles or 12 months whichever first for most $899 to $3349 Sold on modelfor model Exch Basis Ori inaIequipment qua ity sealed beams for 4lamp 12V sys tems and 2lamp or 12V iystems Made by CG Topquality replace ment bulbs available for most automotive applicationsmade for Canadian Tire by CGE 37¢ to $199 AJ BROWN BAIRI lTD IAYFIElD MAll IAYFIIlD ST HWY 27 HOURS MON TU 96 WED WIS FII 99 SATURDAY 0306 the winter driving ahead