HELP WANTED IIElP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALES REPRESENTATIVES required by Energetic downtown Real Estate Office Experience preferred but not essential If your are am bitious and prepared to work you write your own pay cheque DS Mcgonatds LI HOMEMAKERS Counter and kitchen sales very appealing hours to homemakers Monday through Friday to hour shifts Training uniforms providedabove minimum starting wage Free Food Regular Increases apply at MCDONALDS RESTAURANT BAYFIELD ST NORTH BARRIE MWSTF TAURUS REAL ESTATE lTD ibT 30 Owen Street Barrie Ontario 7373000 AMBITIOUS REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS Required NOW Experienced preferred but not working individuals Call for confid essential High income for hard ential interview Mr Thompson 7373000 margin in education iPEMBERTON BC CP The way Bruce Kiloh sees it the three Rs may be good enough for some but for him there is whole alphabet of educational possibilities left largely untouched by traditional institutions Mr Kiloh is the 26yearold principal of the Coast Mountain Outdoor School 313acre spread 10 miles north of this lit tle community nestled among the mountains about 80 miles north of Vancouver Here education involves feeding pigs climbing moun tains raising fences and studying the treeslearning about life in the outdoors The Coast Mountain school began its third year of oper ation last September with more than 3000 students from kinder garten to Grade 12 spending time on the farm to get first hand look at nature and life out side the city The idea isnt new one Out door programs are part of the curriculum in many Canadian schools but this is the large scale version principal dreams of with permanent fa cilities and the full support of the area school boa rd RECREATES PAST The farm was purchased in 1973 for $120000 At the in stigation of local trustees plans were formulated to turn it into mode of other outdoor pro grams After two years of renova tions additions and equipment urchases the school boasts rn chicken coop irrigation tract bird sanctuary beehives machine and tool shop and the soontobecompleted heritage village We want the kids to know how people lived 100 years ago says Mr Kiloh Here in the village they can actually experience what it was like There is no running water or electricity and the store were building wont sell any milk or butter When the village is com pleted it will consist of five log cabins housing 40 students lo cal store tanning shop and church Local Initiatives Project sponsored students to work on the village during the summer Another LIP grant will ensure completion of the facilities by early 1977 FACILITIES EXPANDED Until this year students from the 10 schools in District 48 which stretches 85 miles along sea shore and narrow valleys were restricted to maximum visit of three days With the completion of the heritage pro gram students will be able to stay for week The kids get chance to practise what they learn in class says Mr Kiloh in stead of looking at pictures they can touch and experience the real thing here We have facil ities for pond studies weather reporting and of course the kids get chance to plant crops and harvest them He believes it is important for children to witness the end re sults of their labors Grade students who plant crops in spring return as Grade 75 in the fall to participate in har vesting The food raised is used to feed students and staff The plan is to make the farm self sufficient within five years Death Notices Engagements Blrt 55 $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word lCard of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per word lln Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra Comin Events COMING EVENTS $500 cents per line $322 per column Inch COMING EVENTS THE FLEA MARKET ASSOCIATION Formerly at Molsons Site HAS MOVED TO EMBASSY HALL BLAKE ST EAST BARRIE EVERY SUNDAY am to pm 25 Vendors in attendance Ample Parking Refreshments Vendors Welcome 4362765 N27 BIRTHS IN MEMORIAMS HOSE Norman and Liz are happY to announce the birth of son Steven Nor man on Thursday November 25 1976 at Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Viszlay of Brampton and Mr and Mrs Bill Hose of Barrie JACKMAN Mr and Mrs Al Jackman nee Joan Bridger of 219 Duckworth St Barrie are happy to announce the birth of their first child daughter Denise Lanai at Royal Victoria Hospital on November 17 1976 Proud grandparents Mrs Viola Bridger Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jackman Charlottetown PEl Special thanks to Dr Green and 4th floor nurses GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Bar rie Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 7287414 DEATHS VAN DYKE Albert After lengthy lness at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Wednesday November 24 1976 Albert Van Dyke Beloved husband of Akke of Barrie Loving father of Edna Mrs Verkuyl of Edmonton Robert of Barrie and Rennie and Richard of Georgetown Dear grandfather of 18 grandchildren and two great grandchildren Dear brother of John of Bradford and predeceased by Wopke Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visitation from Thursday at pm Service at the First Christian Reformed Church St Vincent Street Barrie on Saturday November 77 at pm Interment Mount Pleasant Ceme tery Bradford GOODWI Joseph Whitney Suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday November 26 1976 Joseph Whitney Goodwin of Thornton Son of the late John and Isabella Goodwrn Dear brother of Lillian Mrs Dew Goodwin and Goodwin and the late Elma Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown alter Sunday for service on Monday November 29 at 330 interment Christ Church Anglican Cemetery Ivy AYMAR Russell At the Princes Margaret Hospital on Sat November 27th 1976 Sergeant Russell Aymar Beloved husband of Annette Aymar of CFB Borden Dear father of Lewis Cathy Melissa and Roxane all at home Dear son of Leeo and Estelle Aymar of Meteghan Nova Scotia Dear brother of Maron and Earl of New Brunswrck Gerald of Nova Scotia and Carol of Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford 51 Barrie Visnation from Sunday at pm Service at the Holy Redeemer Church CFB Borden on Mon day November 29th at interment Stella Maria Cemetery Meteghan Nova Scotia will THOMPSON We sincerely Wish to thank all our relatives friends neigh bors for their kindness during our sad bereavement in the passing of our brother Russell We also wish to thank Rev James Norouay of Metropolitan United Church Toronto for his comfor ting message The Arnold Funeral Home for their efficient service Your kind nesses Wlll always be treasured iMabel Rena andfamiiy SCOTT We wish to thank all the friends who planned such an enioyablc evening on the occasion of our SOIh wed ding anniversary November 23rd also for all the cards gills and telephone callsrcceived Jack and Hyacinthc EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 PlIBllc uoncr TOWNSHIP OF ESSA The next REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING will be held on THUR SDAY DECEMBER 2nd 1976 beginning at pm ROTH Clerk N27 THE BARRIE EXAM HAS ROUTE OPENINGS GLENWOOO DR DUCKWORTH AMELIA AREA VANCOUVER BLAKE AREA ASHDALE SPRINGOALE AREA WELLINGTON OAK AREA BLAKE RODNEY ST AREA BLAKE ALBERT ST AREA INER Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Baytield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 Qt masses TF Name WATSON In loving memory of dear husband father and grandfather Jim Watson who passed away November 27 1971 part of my heart he took with him But his love he left me to keep 50 we will never be parted The bond between us Is too deep Lillian and sonsJim and Bob and their families PORRiTT in loving memory of dear wife Phyllis Hilda who passed away November 27 1975 Nothingcan ever take away The love heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps her near Ever remembered and sadly missed by husbandAllan PORRITT in loving memory of our dear friend Phyllis who passed away November 27 1975 Everin our hearts Jean Louis andfamiiy BANTING In loving memory of our dear father William Edward Billie who passed away November 271975 He had nature you could not help loving Andaheartthatwas purerthan gold And to those who knew him and loved him His memory will never grow cold Sadly missed by The Family THORN in memory of wonderful husband and father John Thorn who passed away November 78 I975 Alwayswonderfui memories Often silent tears Alwaysfhe secretlonging wishing Dad you were here Sadly missed by his wife June and family PERKINS wish to thank everyone for lovely cards gifts and phone calls received while was in hospital Special thanks to Drs Porter and Hill nurses on 6th and 7th floors and Lorne and Marion Graham Bill Perkins COMING EVENTS Walter Miller is coming TUESDAY NOV 30 830 pm meeting ORILLIA FAIRGROUN DS Concession of Orillia Topic of meeting Provincial form stabilization bill the in consistencies ond pricing beef marketing TO THE BEEFFARMER are you bankrupt yet How long can you carry on TO THE HOGFARMER what is in store for you TO THE CONSUMER how will stabilization affect you COME AND LISTEN to well in formed formleader sponsored by the National Farmers Union District Everybody welcome farmers consumers political organizations church groups labour organizations etc in N29 BINGO EVERY MONDAY pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $400 CONSOLATION SIOO srr TENDERS avw uu comma EVENTS CHRISTMAS TEA Bake Sale Bazaar Thurs December pm to pm Legion Hall 410 St Vincent St Tickets available at door Auspices Ladies Auxiliary N2527Dl Classic Shiridress Printed Pattern SIZES 820 New the all iri shirtdress With graceful emlnine flare to the 8gore skirt beneath nipped waist Choose tie silk print glowing solids Printed Pattern 4749 Misses Sizes 810 1214 1618 20 Size 12 bust 34 takes yards 45inch fabric $100 for each oailern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 7¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Ave Scarborough Ont Ml 4P7 150 styles lots of Quick Easies in our NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Jumpsuits tops pants plus Total Wardrobe patterns Free pattern coupon 75¢ Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday TENDERS ontario Government Tender STEEL SUPPLIERS Supply and Deliver 89 Open Web Steel Joists for the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont 94663 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Renovations of the Cooler ot the Staff Development Centre KEMPENFELT BAY BARRIE Ont 82840 New Washroom in the Workshop Building Pine Ridge AURORA Ont 82824 Separate Individuoi Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Wednesday December 22 1976 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Of fice 24 James Street East PO 6K7 Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsooc at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted N2730 Ministry of Government Services Ontario AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES GIGANTIC Toy Gift Auction Nov 30 at 730 pm at 331 Boyfield St At Ferris Lane Consignments of new toys and new snowmobile clothing all brand names Terms cash Chargex or Master Charge No reserve AUCTIONEERS JOBBERS at 7266314 N29 sum Guthrie WI donates $50 to girls GUTHRIE The Guthrie Womens Institute met at the community centre on Nov 17 Mrs Ernie Coates president opened the meeting with everyone singing the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect Mrs Norman Campbell ac ting secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting The matter of electing new Homemaker leaders was left with the nominating committee to consider The sum of $50 is to be given to the Homemaking club for their current expenses Correspondence from the Cancer Society revealed meeting to be held Nov 24 The Sick Childrens Hospital will receive the usual donation of $25 The Federated News is to be subscribed to again We were reminded of the Mental Health Gift drop boxes in Barrie Mrs May Lee char ter member of our Institute will celebrate her 90th birthday soon suitable remembrance will be sent to her NEXT MEETING The next meeting is on Dec with our husbands as guests Mrs Jack Jones and committee will be in charge change in plans may make this social time instead of our regular program The motto will be No one is rich enough to be without neighbor The leadership training school on needle craft will be club Hall Our dele ates are Mrs Norman Camp 11 and Mrs JackJones Mrs Wm Campbell con vener of consumer affairs in troduced her guest Mrs Woodward Mrs Woodward who works at Eatons in Toronto as sale rson and demonstrates blen ers Her talk and demon stration were very convincing and convinced us that we all should have one blender is like having maid only you dont have to pay her She made bread chunks lemon drink ground cranberries for relish dip and fruit sugar could also be made by flip of switch The model she had was Kitchen Centre with blender meat grinder and mix master all in one machine Mrs Keith San derson thanked the speaker and prsented her witha suitable gi Mrs Robert Campbell and Mrs Norman Campbell repor ted on the area convention held in Orillia Mrs Morris McArthur gave the comments on the motto You cant keep on being good egg you must hatch or go bad Mrs Howard Caldwell gave the humor for the evening The meeting was closed by taking the pennies for friend ship and the singing of Canada Mrs Jack Jones and Mrs Howard Campbell served cake and ice cream speakerz The Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 1976 19 Ivy Anglican church yMRSMELJAMIESON held at Guthrie Community By JEAN ENNEIT IVY Plans have been made for mini bazaar bake sale and crafts to be held at Christ Anglican Church on Thursday evening Dec starting at Oclock Lunch will be available John Weir of Toronto vice president of Corporate Sales TransCanada Pi lines was guest speaker in hrist Church on Sunday where he preached an interesting sermon There will be service of healing and praise at 730 pm on Sunday Nov 28 Mrs Maudie Phillips of The Kath Kuhlman Foundation will coming from Brockville to assist in showing the film The Advent Message of Kathryn Kuhlman Rev John Speers of Trinity church Barrie and Rev Charles Speakman of Craig hurst will be present Eddie Patton has left for Elliott Lake where he is taking mechanics course for four months Mrs Grace Batchelder has returned home from months visit with her brothers in Boston Mrs Lyall McLean spent last week in Royal Victoria Hospital at Barrie for surgery on her legs She returned home on Saturday Several parents and friends from here attended the band concert at Barries North Col legiate We were proud to see so Vespra fire chief is Edenvale speaker By MRS AUDREY GIFFEN EDENVALE On Tuesday evening the Womens Institute met in the Community Hall for its regular meeting The roll call was safety habit you have tried to teach your child was answered by 10 members and guests from the Crosslands Institute The mots to The best inheritance parent can give child is few minutes of their time each day was discussed Mrs Warren Giffen read paper entitled The meanest mother in the world Plans were made for our Christmas meeting on Tuesday Dec and we are to meet at the hall at 630 pm before going to Barrie We are to leave our Mental Health Gifts at the Service Slation SAFETY STRESSED Reports of the area conven tion held in rillia were given by Mrs Russell Sage and Mrs Russell Maw The meeting was then turned over to our con vener of Family Affairs Mrs Warren Giffen who introduced Mr Bob Byers the fire chief of Vespra Fire Chief Byers told us many things about safety He had several fire ex tinguishers smoke alarm and an escape ladder and showed us how each was used Mr Ted Chapman showed us film of fires in Vespra Township Mrs John Ploeg and Mrs Warren Giffen were the hostesses and served delicious lunch social time followed Mrs Vaughn Latimer enter tained her friends and neigh bors at plant party recently Several ladies of the com munity travelled to Barrie to go to the Barrie Central United Church Bazaar Glad to report Mrs Annie McNab is now home from the Royal Victoria Hospital speedy recovery is wished Mr Jack McNabb who is pa tient in Barrie Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs John Ploeg spent two days at the Royal Winter Fair as guest of the 4H Mr and Mrs Russell Maw spent the weekend in Toronto AT WINTER FAIR Several from here attended the Royal Winter Fair and Ron Giffen put forth good showing in the Queens Guineas class with his MaineAnjou Calf Mr and Mrs Audrey Giffen visited Dr and Mrs Donald In gram in Guelph then travelled to London On the return trip they called on Mr and Mrs Jack Lenhardt of Burgessville and Anne Giffen of Waterloo The Edenvale Ball teams and families had skating party at Elmvale on Sunday Nov 14 Then they all returned to the Community Hall for pot luck supper About 70 sat down to beautiful meal The ladies have started their winter hobbies Mrs Dou Gif fen had the ladies in or quilting party last week This week Mrs Raymond Ward has aquilt in New Quebec position is discussed by Milne Ity ROSSE MILNII MP Peel Dufferiii Siiiicoe new chapter in Canadian history began last Monday when the Quebec electors elected majority Parti Quebecois government commit ted lo holding referendum on separation within two years There is no question that the strength of the PamQuebecois vote surprised and shocked most Canadians would ven lure to say that it surprised and shocked many people who voted for the PartiQuebecois 1821 means at registering pro test against the Bourassa gov ernment The people had many reasons to vote against the Bourassa government major labor unrest serious cost overruns on the Olympics and James Bay projects certain sections of Bill 22 which did not satisfy the more vocal nationalists and of fended the moderate voters Mr Levesque played very cool hand Contrary to the previous election when he made independence the major PamQuebecois issue he this time played down separatism by promising that it would be dealt with by referendum This meant that people who wanted Quebec to remain in Canada could vote for the PartiQuebecois without fear of independence being imposed against their will Most of all it Arena issue at Midland MIDLANI Staff Pro blems concerning new arena and community cen tre relocation of the fire department and proper zon ing for the new official plan are key issues in the Midland election according to Aid Miles Blackhurst Referring to the arena situation he said This must be planned and staged to fit into the recreational needs of the community but must also keep in mind the costs to ratepayers He said relocation of the fire department should be carried out in order to update its needs to provide the quail ty service desired We must protect and im prove our environmental controls he said stating this can be achieved by pro per planning and zoning allowed people to vote against the government without having to vote for separatism Many people have argued that the election result may be the best thing that could have happened It will they feel provide the means to settle the issue once and for all This may be but think we must all be very careful that we do not relax and drift into rude awakening two years from now ABLE POLITICIANS There is no question that Premier Levesque is clever man and an extremely able politician No one in his right mind would have bet six years ago that Mr Levesque would have been able to achieve the victory he did on November 15 We must watch closely that we do not succumb to his most able salesmanship ability He ob viously knows the positive points relating to the separa tion argument and he will be careful to remain silent on the negative aspects Canadians who are interested in keeping our country intact and am sure we all are must ensure that the negative factors are clearly placed before our friends and neighbors agree with those who say that Quebecs relations with the rest of Canada can never be the same again Forces have been set in motion which may prove hard to reverse Quebec is now in the hands of academic se paratists and scholarly social ists This point was obscured during the campaign This is the danger to the unified future of our country One very important point should not be overlooked Mr Levesque did not campaign on the theme that the transfer yments to Quebec were too ow or that the province did not receive enough DREE funding etc Instead he struck respon sive note with the voters by of fering the hope that the ple of Quebec could live an work in the French language and culture and that they would not achieve this under the Federal system In effect Mr Levesque took the entire argument of Que becs role in Confederation back to the two nations theory that was discussed seriously in the 19605 think the new Quebec government will try to achieve special status within Cénada before the referendum but at tempting to bargain for in creased powers in culture com munication immigration and social programs TRUDEAU VIEW believe strongly that Prime Minister Trudeau established the proper Federal position when he said We do not intend to negotiate any form of separatism with an Province The government is edicated to Canada which is indivisible We have only one mandate it is to govern the whole Country Now is the time for the moderate opinion to be heard There is no question that the ef fect of the extreme opinions on open line radio shows letters to the editors etc did much to say to our fellow Canadians you are not entirely welcome to ive in Canada in your own language and culture appeal for an understanding and positive attitude toward one country two official languages and the reservation of the cultures the many ethnic groups that makes this the greatest country in the wort Lets not let recent events destroy it Alimony bill is shelved OTTAWA CP Progressive Conservative MP Ronald Huntington attempted Friday to introduce private members bill in Parliament that would have tightened up enforcement of alimony and familymaintenance payments Mr Huntington who repre sents the British Columbia rid ing of Capilano said lack of interprovincial cooperation between courts results in large percentage of divorced or separated spouses reneging on these payments Michael Landers parlia mentary secretary to Justice Minister Ron Basford said Mr Hunstingtons proposal would be too costly He said most provinces are trying to upgrade their maintenance enforcement procedures and did not feel Mr Huntingtons bill was necessar The bit was shelved when the allotted hour for debate expired without action PEOPLE DISTRIBUTED The density of the Canadian population is five per square mile and the distribution is 70 per cent urban and 30 per cent rural many Ivy iris in the band They inclu Virginia Price Lorri Peacock Shelly Gibson and Cathy Darlene Cochrane Mr and Mrs Elwood Jen nett Mrs Irene Hirons and Jennett were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Winston Blan chard of Alliston on Wednesday night Mr and Mrs James McDer mott spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Watson of Shelburne Congratulations to Kenneth Hoggarth who married Susan Mason of Toronto on Oct 23 Several friends from here at tended the wedding in Toronto Mrs Irene Hirons and Mrs Lottie Ellis spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Hirons of Scarborough Rev Bruce McCallum at tended conference in Washington this week Mrs McCallum and Robbie stayed with her parents Dr and Mrs Warren in Toronto While they were away several parish ioners worked at the rectory In sulating and rodecorating Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith who cele brated their 35th wedding an niversary recently family dinner was held in their honor on Sunday Nov 21 Malcolm Wilson returned home on the weekend after an enjoyable trip to California and Mexico Heather and Bob Lawson of Barrie had dinner Sunday night with Elwood and Jean ennett Mr and Mrs Keith McVanel and Mrs Ruth Hunt of Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mrs Arnold On secession HULL Que CP No parts of Quebec will be allowed to se cede from that province if Que bec decides to separate from the rest of Canada says Claude Morin Parti Quebecois mem ber of the national assembly Mr Morin chief architect of his partys policy to hold pro vincial referendum to settle the se aratist question acknowl ged Thursday there may be few counties in Quebec which will vote against separation but they will have to follow the wishes of the majority be cause that is how democracy operates It is fundamental prin ciple of our democratic process that the majority rules and no exceptions can be made to this principle Gaston Isabelle LHull and other local federalists have said they would seek secession for the Hull region if Quebec de cided to separate GLlMPSES FALL FAIR BOARD SEVERN BRIDGE Staff The Morrison Agricultural Society which sponsors the Severn Bridge fall fair will hold its annual meeting on Satur day an 29 at the Womens In stitute hall here Annual repor ts will be presented and officers elected PLANNING BOARD 0R0 STATION Staff Clarence Smith is completing his fifth year as chairman of the Oro township planning board He has serv on the board for seven years The next planning board meeting will be eld at the municipal office building on Thursday Dec TO SHARE COSTS MOONSTONE Staff Medonte council has approved resolution passed at joint meeting with Flos council agreeing to share costs to rebuild the townline road at Orr Lake Flos council to maintain the road on the north side of the lake and Medonte on the south side under the agreement 0R0 COUNCIL 0R0 STATION Staff Oro township council will hold its next regular meeting on Wed nesday December instead of the usual first Monday of the month since this is municipal election day Reeve Wallace Key will preside ALLISION MEETING ALLISTON Staff The town council which is headed by Mayor Oakla Gray will hold its next regular meeting on Monday Dec 13 at pm Reeve Peter Cameron and Deputy Reeve James Dickey are the towns county represen tatives COUNTY COUNCIL MIDHURST Staff Sim coe County council will hold its last meeting of the current term on Tuesday Dec 14 at the county administration com plex here with the session due to open at 10 am COOKSTOWN PARADE COOKSTOWN Staff Plans are proceeding here for the annual Santa Claus parade which is to be held on Saturday Dec 11 MEET AT ANGUS ANGUS Staff meeting of the executive committee of the Nottawasaga Valle Con servation Authority will held on Wednesday afternoon Dec starting at 30 oclock COLDWATER PARADE COLDWATER Staff Arrangements have been made here for the annual Santa Claus rade which will feature oats bands and clowns on Saturday Dec 11