Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1976, p. 18

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min 18 The Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 1976 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE FARMERS MARKET INSTRUCTIONS FARM MACHINERY ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Well °° FIEQMELLBL in i°i°¢iisilii°m CARS FOR SALE Fridays from 430 pl Cormlck Deerlng complete in running 1971 PONTIAC Catalina door In good condition Top vinyl roof radio alr condltloned snow tires Certified Tinted glass Telephone 7269143 anytime ALL THE HELP YOU NEED Mm RIGHT HERE speed turbo positraction heavy duty suspension Goodyear 60 Rally tires new paint Asking$1995 Phone 7968444 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS excellent con dition $2995 Power steering power brakes radio Telephone 7269816 1971 TOYOTA will certify $600 Call Erlc 4589536 after 12 noon i973 MERCURY Brougham all equip ped in excellent condition $3390 will consider trade Lorne Hay 7284700 alter finest iob possible Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assureiyou of the CANT SIT STILL oIlR FURNITURE DEALS ARENT RUN or THE Mill REDUC IONS GALORE HES ON THE FLOOR Every Saturday am to 430 pm 331 Bayfield corner of Bayfield and Ferris Lane IF Wham mountédii day grandfather clocks Regular $120 necessaumstss ANTIQUES Buffets dressers depres sion glass china books plne cupboard rocking chair oil lamps sealers etc Telephone 4875389 alters pm order llth concession south of 20th slderoad ivy first farm on left side FORD supermalor tractor Freeman 3000 loader Portable Lincoln welder generator welder 130 amp generator 3000 watts Tonaka cutting torch with regulators and 100 ft hose Phone4240596 i976 TRACTOR and Loader 444 Interna tional tractor and loader Model 1850 like new two buckets Apply Moreau Farm Equipment Phelpston Telephone Elmvale322i770 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7264907 7288489 Closed with IIELP WANTED Christmas is Time of Joy and Bills Accentuate the ioys Eliminatethebills by becoming an AVON Representative in your neigh borhood Call now 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie fr ctt FUEL WOOD Now cutting large quantli ty of maple Will cut to your specifica tions Dealer enquiries invited Phone or BRANDNEW pm 7267680 SundaysYourcontainers 1972 GRAND PRIX Svaundance orange FSN27 Ontario potatoes POTATOES NO with white vln Ito and lnteri it on Ceda Produ ts Powassan Delivered Tele hone 7289378 or wheels stripeys alld mirrorsFFRagllayl 3357333424 7287677 HAIRDREESES RECIIIIREggoLogéa tires PSPB automatic AC tilt steer 3676 RANBEM window ogen and en area ea pos on lng wheel Power windows seat and 15 cubic GE rerigerawr In ex POULTRY AND CHICKS plus commission Telephone 7266837 trunk lid Asking 32700 Call 7373000 or during business hours ll dlt Call 2451 msm ALUMINUM COMMERCIAL ART HOME IMPROVEMENTS PICTURE FRAMING OLOUR TV Sm 59Dgrgflflgggulfififgg53m my nuanycsscn wangeda fuin 1972 DATSUN 510 door Sedan 47 000 lenCEG 01 the 3338 Or area 01 COMMERCIAL ARTIST desl all INTERIOR REMODELLING Kit ns MOVNG SALE SmPIC w°° November CW9 Hum POW Farm ec further informationtele hone737 2740or VtiryliggodSUgUgnbIn big Eli work layout etc New cull collect 416 rooms Call Russ 4303681 after 630 Pm wasner Singer eade sewmg machlne SFOUd4368 9367631 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom 7261960 SALESPEOPLE needed immediately full or parttime in Barrie and surroun ding areas to market residential Insula Telephone 7373346 1973 Chrysler one OWher driven like new by appointment only Telephone ali teré pm 7285990 girls winter clothing two rugs all good condihgmlelephone 7284628 77 FIREPLACETHARDWOOD seasoned top quality lace cord 16 $35 12 530 References available FEED SEED AND GRAIN 3000BALES first cut mixed hay never rained on 95¢ bale in the barn Phone CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE NEED MORE living aciefrocroolm extra bedroom play room aundry olfice storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray BUILDING PRODUCTS $4 59 tion Liberal commissions Training ro 1973 CHEVROLET in am sIafio wood fences Improve your property 9989 WWW 99I9EFUILEEEdelverygfiifl 7286632 77 vided Phone726057 IorJIm Churchfil wagon auomafic poweP sieerlng annd 7374507 CUSIOM ROOM$ Complete basement GAMES pE IA LI BALED STRAW for sale Apply to Harry IMMEDIATELY RequIred part4th brakes radio power rear window New ALUMINUM msc 10cm P°9 and deowlmei vrvocv dnih Yellow pa WE ACCEPT flémsmeIIEQDiEQiBJLWc Christmas help In Barrie Work lols radial exceuem condition Askin and patios aluminum door The number for 99 SWIlt disc hockey 3154 Disc golf $59 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE hours week No experience we train 52 95° phone 7269000 WE all your needs 7288906 Akgfx MASTERCHARGE Games can be seen any eventng between MUS hava car 6895653 7370307 °Sidlng Eavestrough THOMSON TURNTABLES Music Io all or TZ ri ARTFRAM Custom Plclvre mm Wd9 and Phone 7237499 Creative Inven evenings 50 Windows slons all ages Immediate bookings SPECIALIZING god pglntlng chIIE golections Factory price fast service ans Company SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and WE neys wa erproo lng rlc an one cau II 1729963 iv 77v New Trailers Several makes AISO lease lzglisrnTSLsToerAggll 552$ $323123 Focia Doors mmlable Wd°ws WNW i°I5W° solsgcjflgyfluufig fiAuRegisd 42213 gagxd 322 and rentals 7261551 Lady or gentleman you own car and 737090inépm Shutters Awnings guummead 45893 plgeview Friday pm 245 Edgehlll Drive HARNESS REPAIRS h0CkeY equP can quaUY can 5h°w You the way to 1972 DATsuNHiiooWasiEaEkElli Add DRESSES it made by JOSIE AQUlNO INCOME TAX 3407 39 lsipdaélresyiaggIESggcgiitggde 332032 wgiririfigrzegronlgéulsg green excellent condition AM radio ilions oo in 900d tires two extra summer tires Porch Enclosures 233figepfygfggfiwm °° INCOME rAx an WWW Aug TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL WHEN THEYRE HOT DRUMS SET WW5 PM extra wick 7372982 year old progressive Canadian manufac skins Excellent condition 18 months old 3550 firm Phone 4363224 after 530 ask fo7r7l73ri7a7n Uncertified Low mileage $600 Call after pm 7267896 7777 77 1969 FORD FAiEIINITso Two door no area $5 up Dobson 4245910 after and weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared turing sales organization For confiden HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo Spring Ranch 10th line of Oro Phone 2a6719ervlew 35 Mr Graul 4875842 CUSTOMMADE clothing specializing In leather suede denim wool pattern dral Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glosses THEYRE HOT BRAND NEW Stonework If 4562976 hardtop 302 V8 automatic radio new For free eSImme lng am ms pm Kidd 245 Edgohlll Dr 7263407 etc HAN NC BASK ETS HORSES BOARDED dm arena Eégfiygiehgaglgfigbhllvgg5311333 paint and body work At mechanically can pHIL SPURLING CUSTOM MADE CLOIHNC 599 149 same individual care as our champions $14 000 Certified and winterized saw 7263273 leohei suede denim WOO WW INSULATION We DeliverReserve Now New shipment at real bargain prices without superv son arn per tingandaltorations 456 2976 of Royal Winter Fair and CNE $80 nch baskets with hilodendron ETC at Year plus bonus contac CUSTomers irgraAs 726 6907 DRYWAH SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass 73771338 bnly $295 living gift for Christmas 91917053321599 Lessonsavailgglgi around Rania We mm wme new never seer wirlnyeybm gILeesvirIlfi Local Family Business blowtng and putting Free estimates Scott 248 Tiffin SI Barrie Iazgayqssparden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 335555155 02323513383037 Ingaflaye gIcakfipPJresénSolughvyjztern Petroleum Muir 81267 top radials etc real buy at $3799 SPECIALIZING IN tgping and texiurad splay VsiAEAW We 77 rHrrA stabieWest olAngus4245538 RI IFT the 7¥7v re WW aways35 7777a 5667377777 ALTERATIONS ceilings Calliotiy7281102 ANDSCAPING RIDING INSTRUCTION 5726 957 TaiesotrieCSIfRSteves paem MOTORCYCLE Spee Cer titled Telephone7268027 KDESS AT 22°3j3°°ri3 n7 EAVESTROUGHING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses EZEZIHJMIWXHSV figfivfsy Cfindylgyfihfig MECHAN IC 1972 CHEV Impala Its0077b7aie 7273x446 oep °V° C° PuYW b°°rd8¢ 30 IWM WiidY Hau9h Open Sundays Chargex accepted Must be licenced with administrative power steering very dear can 31500 rr4 GRANAM EAVESIROUGHING llltler Insecticide Herbicide 4673401 Form 7760192 ability preferably with Honda Suzuki experience We offer top wages secure future Write to Box 588 Barrie Ex aminer WIG BOUTIQUE Parttime help re Eavoslroughlng Installed Call 778 6678 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specloltsts lAWN CARE ROOFING ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authoruod sqlgs Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates ll ll AND ROOFING New and old Repairs and SSFYIcSrrménrmrnce BVd 728 3392 ca I956 EW owe SPRING CLEANUP Prurllng mowing sod 729 9369 GBkr PA system $450 or best one Also Hagstrom semiacoustic guitar and case$507Cal 7377786757 777 CB FOR SALE channel Lindsey Telephone 3222529 after 30 pm APPLIANCES JEEP 1948 wheel drive with plow many spare parts Priced at$1098 Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St MW F9095im9933231897i09691 chrome case preamp mike coax and Ulred Must have sewn ex erlence 1970 ford custom 500 good running con ALL ELECTRUHOME ELECTRICAL dmsi soedmg 9°00 malnlenuncei SECREfARMl SERVICES antenna 5110 firm Telephone 7288030 be able to work withouIsuervision ditton body needs some work certified °°b°d 776 5557 anytime MA WA Apply in person only to Rocchettis Wig 75 b°S°fTSePhQIJEZZBEEIE PRODUCTS zglgznnglmgtimfl lj1gllufiflfésgr MASONRY Sammie Swim available typing dlc WALKIN FREEZER for sale TownGeorglanMallBarrie 1969 TOYOTA Corolla 5250 or best otter ma 72619567 taphone invoicing Picked up and delivered With coll $800 or best offer Phone ice AN INTERNATIOMEL OIL co oIIers I970 Plymouth Belvedere $600 or best of AND MASONRY Complete block Iounr Culers7Todr7non772678853 Cream Unlimited 737 0971 ask for Rod plemy oI money plus cash bonuses at erszlephoneméug QZI££7W REPAIRED SMCOE ELECTRIC dollons brick work and fireplaces SEWING cuss FEDS he gome trainlnchor rgftureflndlvldya In i973 LYMOUTH doo station wagon estimates 7266062 WASHER AND dryer I974 Maytag arrie area egar ess exper ence new radialtiresnewbrakesandshocks IN BARBIE rwlndustriol rrrrCommercial matching pair Washer has water write Read Pres American power steering power brakes Certified Residenial mFarms MICROWAVE OVENS BOUCLAR SIRUCH mm 00 temperatures load sizes Excellent Lubricants Co Box 696 Dayton Ohio 42000 miles Best offer Telephone Fast Dependable Service Junior classes Saturday Mrs Collander BRAND NEW WEDNESDAY 45401 condition7734700 fi7rm Telephohe7370311 SALES PE RSON Must be personable 4872202 LADYS MINK DELL MICROWAVE Services Authorized 725684 Amana Sales Service to all Microwave trimmed Matara Lighting design l970 BUICK Skylark needs some work Electrohome Humidifier Electric Icon Itn Alaska seal coat size 18 cleaned and able to sell retail plumbing and bath ac front Fight Sider $500 uncertiied Accessores 20 rs 06x elian my nbunmymwfi SEWING MACHINES shinerizcd Reasonable Telephone 728 cessories able to handle cash sell Teleph0097235° BI9PLVW¥W are also available MUSIC NTERTAHMENT sew TECH co Spoctullsts repairs all 4608 53 and neat appeaance APPY 1972 EL CAMINO Low mileage new ex City Masters Lic 118 makes industrial domestic FRIDAY sowtng Dalton Slessor Homestead Plumbing SNOWPLOW Western hydraulic in $99 haust sy rt brakes and tires Best of ELECTROHOME WARREN BROWN Mum to poop who machines New used Aganls Brother any wheel drive in excellengcondltlon MM fer Telephone45627777777777 CONSUMER SERVICE 7288134 like to demo Good rules 728 9545 Sawmg Machnos 7371621 737 1185 ready to be mounted $800 or best offer PHYSICIANS FAMILY seeks mothers i973 VEGA Hatchback dspeed radio MUSIC INSTRUCTION snow 3me 39°09 2w LEV 99 gfiieffinuarfllrffloaagysg snow tires 28000 original miles ex 49 Morrow Rd Unit EXCAVATING MOFFAT Epicure self cleaning range Advertisers frequently ask this Kai °U5°9°PS9d IVS cellent condition $1400 Telephone bl excellentcondition Telephone726 i614 6years new erences GUITAR lessom Classical grid popular WE SPECIALIZE to snow owmg IIWWWs We Question Oftunate ere IS and photo non smoker please Apply 737 3981 afteropm CALL 7255982 ROBERI aoycnorr Excavating haulage V0 my ROYCE 1605 CB We mp 50 mmhmg loud WON MotcelPotvln GuttarSludlo 7261489 For 89 wlmula Ca 10 37 660 °°C°9 no best do Io advemse Each Mrs Koffman 22 Flowerdale Rd 024 7372859 anti theft tray 5200 With antenna 5235 Thomhm onIario L31 AJ 1973 luvel 4361558 43o I257 ACCORDION oitai tone or an be in ND it and t6d 7pm nllt tel Inset Yenphme 726 9816 day new wants arlse brlnglng MUSICIANS bassist drummer Chevelle Malibu 40000 miles 3504bar no puns BULLDOZING smclovldmgelobs Easol 23 INCH color TV good condition Id d5 77 7638 maul loaned to home prallce Canadian PC new rea ers as ones sotts keyboard or gurtarlst for top 40 popular 95eerada5rAMFM cassemlmn Acadiriii olMusltl7lBoyIlold77817W PAULS SNOWPLOWING reawnabe Fbegass 70° CMWlh rock band to work weekends lmi dard transmission Telephone737A1182or AND ACCESSORIES DRAG LINE woiii wdiiied Form ponds dlt ommmml moab flux fL bindings like new Raickle Fibreglass their W0MS We recommend mediayelyymmcned7235362 4753 96937 innig general excavating on Pllolle offlcf SERVICES Mm mm 7330 bootsi high back size 9V2 650 desk thatyou start your ad tomorrow ENW GAS SAVER 1971 Plymouth Cricket FACTORY REVBUILT ENGINES for most can no 8693 dresser etc Telephonenosw hMA UIRE Rsot lg Tdyls ht nMmy 23000 mIIes 51450 or Des oIIer Tele and trucks lacrllltes to Tabulll your own COMM BOOKKEEPWG and yping WRIGHIS SNOWPLOWING Small commm aErDROOM rsuvie on cancel It en you get omerorg 7pm 1rrt ngld on phone 4310 gfev bsugg7TA°°°9HIS 2° WINS offered 050005 PM gjLofgjbi°7g° momma headboard springand mattress mirror results After many years of ex gfaynspgnafiréfiayShanrys 30éde ax 1970 DATSUN 510 white redinterior 3L Eyfyd flag up CONSTRUCTION UPOMdelVD 47 673 and dresser Excellent condition Less perience wIIh millions OI won TeIephone72a4w7 radio tires extras 58000 mlles Cer We pAmnNG Yea Teepwn Mm MECHANIC ClassA Must be responsi tilled Al throughout Owner leaving REPAIRS WBOCkhoe EXCOV sh 77 3600 ads we now tomorrow Is ble and have own tools Hourly rate ggggtszy Sacrifice at $975 Telephone ¥Trenching MINING papa hangmj Demand FIREWOOD FIREPLfiCE HfRDJV9005iAChEiDB 585 day Start Your ad Grid good working conditions uniforms supf dimcg WE REPAIR British European and Japanese ti lgrli Nichol sort 776 2012 by the C070 199 iVEFY 50 095 lied Downtown Fina I4 Collier Street 1975 GREMLIN blue door coupe cars Coronation Auto Serv i7 Mary st Horlzontal Augerlng 18755883 BRCHi HARDWOOD MIXED and posts 728 1637 eve dY Tshheabefl dfiay °°d $2375 cyl automatic matching interior 7265441 ver Ise In orrle xomlner 7289833 ifi0° r351 $223333 FR DEM PLUMBERS PEG IAL Classified Section Ssieiiiifecznziszsi Elem33 JYJ 34 To M0i05i7733 Established 30yaars 726 7609 9002 Also 500 only inch ABS drain pipe 12 it 430 Monday through Friday references 1976 HONDA civic hatchback 6000 Cum rouy Professtoncll painters lengths 75 Albany laundlY tub requiredCalafter6 pm7371789 miles certified asking 52795 firm 72 tuna and Interior nuc ustimdtus Work SNOW PLOWING one pumps 345 Telephone 436 3855 HuMANIC SKI boots ste CCM Tacti skates size and hockey equip merit Telephone 726 8205alter5pm FOR SALE Dress form S25 Yamaha trombone line new 5185 gold shag rug6 96 315 slice toaster like new $18 elec tronic flash $5 beige drapes 16 40 LTD power steering power brakes door hardtop new paint lob Certified 5895 1971 Volkswagen 1600 new paint lob certified $850 firm Daytime call 726 3869 night728 6010 i975 CUSTOM Fury Maroon door hardtop V8 360 engine automatic power steering and brakes radio air £58 Willard batteries antlIreexe washer anllrfreeze block healers etc All at Om petlive prices Mon to Fri to 30 Sat to pm Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 778 S911 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply ut97 COMPARE ANYWHERE MANY COLOURS AND PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM guulullleod no 7389 DON SIESLING Professmnal painting In tonal extirtlot papal hanging custom work Sallslortlon guaranteed 776 6808 HILISDALE DECORATING lnlerlol ax ILIIOI wallpapemig custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 835 5387 local FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick LAUNDRY Person to wash and iron sheets pillow cases table cloths etc for two persons Apply co PO Box 968 Barrie Ont APPLICATIONS are invited for the posl tion of Supervisor of the Barrie Animal Shelter Experience in animal husban FREE ESTIMATES 7264813 7287375 MWFMyl PERSONALS BANDUET FACILITIES Book now for Christmas New Year Parties Weddings Cross Custom built and designed 773 s7 long red velvet dress with white condmOmng whle walls Licence JPC erase v7e7 arms or eep our 283 All workmanship guaranteed Rov DOIRON pniiitiiig rniitinrtoi Interior GREAVES LANDSCAPING size In table or desk or Country Skiing Golf Tour gy3Iereézézdgemzedggsfiz x3312 6967ngffioipf93878111 777mm CARPENTRY pETER HENSTRA 737287I 907luggggglcwmw °° brown rug 11 50 310 boys dress noments with 19 public essentiaL Apply In i972 VEGA Hatchback relined rear AND AND TREE SERVICE vanishwtlapqlgPhonezzééibsi RoyAL oosz writing to President oHs 91 Patter brakes nice tray car 5750 Can be seen 60 OnlOtOr lt UPRIGHT PIANO Canadian made son Road Barrie 571110wen sgreep anyme rooms redno7vollons additions fireplaces gogLIOlmnAgggiigigCEs hum bu 0y 715 gallngfifl GSIIVWM Work 910 RR BARRE Morris solid wood cabinet in Good COD TENNIS CLUB 717LWHW E71933 llceilfld£°l799 21121 so STONEWORK niiil Itinploris wornin vir VSNOW REMOVAL 33 78523 00 be °l° 19 miles West OI Barre torsoffice Neatnessessenttal Previous 1975 ASTRE Hatchback sharp Radial pm Holsortforlren usllrtloiu 7281599 PAVING TREE REMOVAL 4240241 or 4240246 WHEN 3559 DUI 110I essential tires under 12000 original miles Asking Wmdellmg PINS rrrrr rrkr SNOWBLOWERS used One hp 019 Send resume to Box 592 co Barrie Ex 32400 or best otter Telephone 726 2348 888 °°°° FLOOR REFINISNING BILOIIA corlrpAcrltlc Patios FLOT CLEARING Wheclhorse one hp International Antigen after6p CEDAR DECKS rot rooms erlenslolli MW wit nllri stops I1l171110y5 curbs New In oom and one hp Bolens all in good conat TfioédsMoémé Iicehcedbowered Fully experienced 726 9002 726 2609 HARDWOOD FLOOR lnitolntinii grill wrif unit rrpnlrs fins astimdtm ece on Talcphone 36 fflPLOYMENT WANTED 00 Telephone LWOI CAME MAKER Empw mm roliihiicliiiig Itldpigiigo guniniiiimdwt iii 4584233 alinisd ii 010 ChEStertle Ottoman TELEVISION black and white radio UCENSEDMECHAMCMrepalrurs hens vanities Pine lurnilutu renorolirtlls 09 54 VT record player combination in perfect Ii 1975 RAMBLER sound body good swwel Rocker in spare time Anything consideredr mechanically can be certified Needs $223253 BMW C° URNnURE REFN5HNG NEE MW IOES SNOWPLOWING Commercial 332 50 °r be Teephme Ml Telephone7g779947evenings mo Tmphoneué 3855 WELL fluidsmic Reasonable tam Phone 1911 DOCk all NEW JANITORTm 1675 CHEVROLET Capncecmssic con LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom hon Rm 5W yarpeducnble 726 7365 ADMIRAL AM FM radio and record As courgesy our company manta company woud Re comm vemble EXqu condmon Soon be cottages renovations repairs Satisfartiim and law WW V1 II WWI Aw player console for sale tn A1 condition Ir 017 am and residemia comrac work Raw colyecyoyis em 0W inquies Bo guaranteed RondJConsrlvw 776 61 nuliiiiilinn mm niiii iili tori Pensions IAILORS Telephone no 2006 WI Pirange ee scheme ram and excellem resuhs sozlcoaarngaminer CARPENIER Will do rm rooms renowniris ltoll Itltphnllt 73 7614 good way save money eeiv FURNACE WOOD burning fits any SPOIIOIIOT Your departure guaranteed We need your bustness i97l FORD Capri for sale cylinder °°d°9 Gmbmm 77 NANDYMAN Alon 510 7d°°5 SINGER Whom 30 59 point and return on all bus and 42411074 WWW radio radial res AS is best one GENERAL CARPEMRV mm today for at you nee Chamber ofCommormauilding Takes logs upto 36 Thermostat Burns Ida Telephone458 4396 lng renovating dry wall built ltfllttt Iomorrow LeI me heIp You 99 Custom tailoring and alterations prycsrsgtzlsgh283512950 Junior bed With mat POC age Ysr CARS WANTED ureter admonish 7263853 FREE Wed MpET HAysrRAvcl SERVICE or xce ent con CARPET CLEANING Garagerioed Norm TELEVISION lEASlNG SEWINGMACHINE on WW mo ramp ognltopsyzlgIm WrAmwfi 72s 2786 arrle Trash hauled owa IL START YOUR spring cleaning mlny mile on ouse easing ease your Reilmllze you mum Wm Law pm MCKInneY new color from $3 75 pm week at 807ml IV SIUISallllkcltjseyogklgl gUFTTTtSShSIlIEs N2527ID24 For Borrigs Newest Car Dealer team3 776 63 JUST GIVE US 726 3757 wooiilop St 728 4297 42 00th PM VECAREiiiwg DlRECT PHONE El ig your pro em MM CLEANNG 909 YOUR CASTOFFS wfll DIGGING HEINTZMANpiano uprightwith bench alone Let friend help Call Telecare 72324 °nd d3 Izm Pll LLc Excellent condition Price $400 Tele 726 7922 anytime GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL one 06 W6 48755 634 llii Mutual Lilo of Curlmlu mom 576 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSTréeoséI if Classified advertisements and noticu for AUTOMOBILES CERAMICS between 10 am and 530 pm Th 27 LONE ST uarantee IOOWIIB Irélpevryooo 476356 shoidsglit drdy you drink7tziratf your Eufinessidf you $059 pass musLba moato pr1 ELL as mape cas etvere wan oqm sours any 719 yprac lng pu ication wit oaxcop ORVHARDYMOTORS NIERICK SCERAMICS Floor onrt wall Ming SPRING CLEANUP Plultillq Lilmu mi 7436 4505 Do SOMETHING NEW phone Ran flan of Classified Display advertlsamants I76 BRADFORD STA 7234272 99 7796793 d9 PLUMBING WEIl DIGGING BOATS AND MOTdRs dezvous Dating Ltd 1416 4531661 which must be in by pm two days prior TF MFhwl 52 MEET rr 7v 77 ir Brampton 11 pm Any age to publication HOW AND COIIAG Mltw W0 Id WM Do NOT BE DENIED 22 Ft SHEPHERD mahogany boat UNWANTED HAIR removed safely berHs ENGAGEMENTS ting Plumbing Root JliI twirlii itIlihl lmiltinq triflplflfr kitchen and bathroom 6c Ind Cm Ier nb° rd WANTED ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 earsrax Machinedug wells on yl 9r vs permanently medically approved Ly MARRIAGESDEMH NOTICES 4364M Innovations malvltr illo BllDlIcL motor AI condlhon Asklng 250° IT El IIIv patience Telephone Somers 436 7799 ASH 4221 Home Comma ram ldY 63 re er ec 09 40 words $500 CARIPFNIFTI 72¢ng Specializingtn Conuan Tile Teephone 35 353993 7372671 Additional words9cts per word Steel reinforced conuetu lilo BIRD Restaurant Painswick All makes and models SMAU moyttlo log ml liulig iit FRAMING CARD THANKS 75 WM 3500 Add WEEKEND SERVICES 24 hour super VISIOn meals entertainment LOVlf1g corr Foir Prices 777 lnsIan Cosh tops VIPUIHHI IJIItI snowpltiwtrtq 1le 738 OATES 87 Dunlop St East Custom lengths for solo Diameter 7148 Spindle headboard CASH FOR old furniture books dishes home away from home Home cooking home baking For your Christmas Party tional words cts per word HOUSE CLEAHUI hi tr II III ll st rli old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre try our catering service Come and see IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $500 KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS Reasonable ruir 6731 90ii iii 49iirr riTLlmgzii 33mm 73705 loveY mp ImSh °5°°5 mm °E will open am to FM mm mm Bral3vEmc in 17 GOWAN ST 7266488 AN9P EIVk AMAZINGLY quick relief for discomfort ERRORS AND CORRECHONS rvr EDGEHILL UARIA of mouth sores white canker spots den TThesAIB AUTOMOIIVE TETTW quaium tal plate sore tender gums wlth Flet 9050 mm Twic rrr st plan accessores owes chefs Sore Mouth Medicina Availabeay canvenlenm to tho advertisers TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors WM Prie 13 Adagh Rdi 009 Cusdenvs pharmacy and druggistsy Therefore the Classified Advertising Ltd Il9 Bradford St Barrie 72a 8111 SNOWMOBILES JUNK CARS WANTED Highest DIICLS Beautiful BANKRUPTCY STOCK NEW FURNITURE BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoolng and clipping of all breeds Sophia $399 DANCE bands available New Department requires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement lmr Years Eve Ballroom and general dance paid Same day pickup Holt Auto men surfs shirts Tuesday pm 33 StreelEaSt 726 41471 musicMrvjohn$i5n11n7260097777 77777777 modlalely afilfl$l5°fl °dh° Wreckers 7268711 sweaters slacks Levts many Hayfield comer OI Hayfield and POODLE TRllltlMleG prglessional WEEKN Hiya unwamed items into any errqor or DMISldIOnhmuY be pong TRACY WANTS cars and MRS or many Olhe ems 050 groomno rec pc Up and cash Barrie Orillia Auction House 10 my wrecking and parts lop DYICCS paid Free pickup Telephon0726 8487 SHAKELS WRECKING and rowing scrap melalcars boughtover scales$20 ton 436 1677 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days Big Red Castrol STP Oil AC Champion Bosch plugs Tecumseh 8i Kohler Engine Parts Delco Batteries INTEREST FREE SALE BAY TIRE lt2 ON Slacks sweaters shirts utc Matty everything unbelievably cheap all ARMY SURPLUS Christmas ornaments NORTHERN SURPLUS Ferris Lane This new furniture brands guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers Chorgex and inslore financing 7266314 name and Jobbers 7370879 delivery 726 8798 Pet Studio MAYS PDODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipplng and grooming rear sonnble rates Telephone 7260061 REG FOXHOUND pups Walker Frtoo good hunting stockTeephone 728 8075 DOBERMAN PUPS Excellent ped igrec Bred for show Disposition guar antced CKC registered Call 8355556 and COME ON GUYS LIGHT YOUR HOME FOR CHRISTMAS FROM OUR BEAUTIFUL TF SELECTION OF rectified for the following day publication the Barrie Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or re ject any want ads miles north of Barrie Corner of High way 11 and the 10th concession of Oro Auction every Tuesday night at pm beginning November 30 For informa tion call 487 2044 FLORIDA $75 for December 18 to 25 Treasure island Efficiency unit in motel Waterfront Purchaser unable to go Telephone726 142i atter530 pm lNTE RNAT lONAL investigation Seri WESTINGHOUSE 438 Dunlop St it 435 4322 Atterbp 424 5949 ALL POMERANIAN Puppy for sale man Vices CIVIL WWW COLOUR TV 7372600 RUG XII beige back round ink roses ths Iemalo cream color 325 Telephone thnSi SUrvelllanCE Dlscreet Nd COT PHONE 7284 TRUCK lTRAILERS wlth und 7261421 ft 30pm Ildential 737 2972 erpa yswner coare er LL 102 J01 51 BUY NOW N30 black fur trim full length size 12 All in TERRIFIC PRICES pOODLE Mrniayum mm 555 cm RIDE WANTED to Woodbine Steeies ion popo i7 tonwlth cap excellent 7280737 PAY OVER 12 MO PERIOD bIANO sup in rewMv excellentcondltion Tolephone726 3497 good homapour yearsold and papers area Toronto Arrive am leave nglfAIIIOgareOrroggtzaallfiszilfghace L2 4067 Th Myle WITH No INTEREST CHARGES Roisammmnsim $895WSZ°€enacnh CONN ORGAN automatic chord and areincluded Telephone 7265186 Earls sharemsi TEEPMM 62997 thm ear $I500Gendron ool WT TRAITS full it we in beau Sun tI it 0005 MAN PINSCHER ies sired POR 1974 GMC VAN short wheelbase ON BARRIE TV CHARGE AC Elmpvrllol In 1807 30 Queen Gbleaccessmlesnw 7789541 DOBER automatic tinted glass gauges rust proofed heavy duty suspensron Never worked Certified Sacrifice $2800 firm 726 1755 1967 FORD F350 13 ft horse van COUNT Good for November only Alicrlc CAT SNOWMOBILES PFAf SEWING machine Christmas Special featuring built in exlras for that DIOIPSSanfII look 726 3273 718 4615 FIREPLACE Hardwood seasoned full table WASHER SPIN DRYER for sale nor in excellent condition used only few times S160 Telephone 726 2586 aftcrb 30pm Hoover by one of North Americas top winning and top producing champion Dobes Dam is his champion half sister Phone Wycoller Kennels 4364191 DOBERMAN Pinschcr Iémalef Tlvé BED CHESTERFIELD comm wml pastels large 16 20 person $8 In drawing $15 Framing $5 Flne Chrlstmasglft 72676056 PERSONALS PHONE 7282414 msorms lljoy KER TABLE bra pmase MATTRESS months red andtanhousetralnedEars speed duals new 300 cylinder Jstalls In stock now at preseason wysmmmlm EinVWhfylziéain 5mm DOSIS Free efiphoneanewpm 728970fw and tail cropped All shots Excellently Eadajggadingsramp Must sell Cnll Prices 010W bred from purcI blue father Good pet 77 Dm Guaranteed registerable 4245254 ter MUST 5ch in my pinup v5 SPORT HAVEN MARINE S5f°5 ClESFOR 430pm speed standard $1500 Also 1975 Dodge mile eosI of BARRIE Ilillll FREE 70 good home dogs months van sunroof V8 automatic both ex sh Rd and eight months old small fenced In cellentconattion 436 2064 aftersp on anty ay YardIarmsomylumu i974 FORD Ir ton very good condl 726100 ENGLISHCockeilfléiirold nTale red tion Must sell best offer Telephone D29 color Registered good with children 728 3302 DENVER Needs room to run 3100 or best offer 1951 FORD tow truck for sale in ex mas ooouosuveBunglexconem cellent condition SL200 or best offer Telephone 424 0219 condition with speedometer tach and carbide runners Asking $675 Phone Just $3167 monthly over 12 Telephone 436 1062 GARDEN SUPPLIES lhe skiing season is almost if not already here and we iii 335312 lililrmem 997 months EPAR COTTAGES AND OUTBULDINGS TROPlCAL PLANTS All varieties 519 have number of super Ski destinations for you to choose 1971 MOTO Ski for sale Asktng $395 or moms 0U 598mm Bays Garden 1970 FORD ton certified $700 1972 bestoIfer Telep7honc487 229i BUYER CHFCK LIST LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH Cenlfci Fem AL fmml 101de if on nolm running owe 000 SKDOO Omeic 300 Mi Wih illIllIlll 1V IllillIIllllIfllllll giMPING WESTERN CANADA °e37 55 691 cover still under warranty Excellenl 1958 INTERNATIONAL ton pickup condition$950 or bestoller 5057 lelllillHHIIBIIII EQUIPMENT THE LAURENTIANS W95 C°° 3375 MERCURY snowmobile no 1974 model VIII iillllll llily tlllllvury Zzlgpgggernsyfs IIvm 37s r°° EFfllm COT IWiffVlilWlliIlwlifll I7 EASTERN TOWNSHIPS xoraonruc asw bs 267391 no or bestbffer Tglcpahofte bethenwl2 68 pp one STF TRAILER VERMONT and UTAH noonand Ask for ill uck726 9m nnrono or down no ARTICLES FOR 5m 20 DUNLOP 51 Lllllevsedi lnexcellenmdllonSleeps 4rspeed with wrecker snow plow and booster cableTelephone 416 775 6781 i972 INTERNATIONAL t7oo Load Star WiSllNGHOUN INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools IminT on display Come In today or call 726 4606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and 23 35 009 THICK gas stove with oven gas furnace corn blnation gas electric refrigerator toilet designed for winter use Brand new tires electric brake attachment for car Just West of as well as European ski holidays ASK ABOUT weekly departures to Smugglers Notch Vermont which includes air flight and condominium accommodation right at dump truck Excellent condition Tele above ground pools piano pools COMM My wmm my Miser Barrie Arena Mm gas bottles 32375 Telephone the ski tows on ModOnna Mountain STARTlNG JANUARY 21 as phonogZZZJBL Baymarwlam m5 into IHInliLY clertrli fan saves 436 3955 low as $159 perpersonquad accommodation 1968 GMC CURBSIDE Van possible money728 0755 camper new paint lob good exterior ORNAMFNAL Windmm law Must sell $1200 Telephone alters pm Any reasonable Wm DPaKppfd namnnts rustir allmitnl wrll matte 94712191 We need the room for new stork con MN 05ma MVmc 1973 FORD F250 Pickup 52000 miles 360 V8 standard transmission radio undercoated excellent condition Cer tilled $2695 Telephone 72647275 435108 Alliston FIREWOOD FOR SALE Full 0rd of ft slabs$10 Hardwood rind softwood no delivery 128 9204 tinuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and While TVs Barrie TV and Applinnrus 80 Dunlop St 728 4297 ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 TI N2629 45 Dunlap st Ill IatrlaDlIt 1284700 N27

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