REAL ESTATE NOW $49 with only $2000 Down to Featurlng FULLY DECORATEO THREE BEDROOMS TWO CAR GARAGE WALKOUT PATIO OVERSIZED LOTS CONVENIENT LOCATION WESTWOOD REALTY LTD NEW LOWELL HUDSON HOMES 7203122 4245550 norsm to SALE 900 Qualified Buyers DELTONA LAKES FLORIDA FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SALE Situated on nicely freed lot size 77 100 bedrooms living room dining area kitchen baths utility room central heating and air conditioning wall to wall carpeting pletely furnished screened porch carport com including washer dryer electric range and refrigerator City living in the country paved streets and walks water sewer and gas 25 miles from Orlando Price $33000 firm cash or terms by owner Also residential lot for sale in same area well treed with all ser v1ces Write to Box 589 Barrie Examiner STF MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARBIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS VViIIoW CIanng MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon till dusk Harold Davis 7287543 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert Cuff 7284067 John Colwell 7267726 Doug Baker 7283274 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Larry DeWiIde 7263253 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Larry Brewer 7289745 Harry Magill 7263864 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 TF NEI LIMITED Hz PHOTO MUL APPRAISALS MORTGAGES Bill Rawn 7268999 Charles Brown 7282624 Russel Carson 7266161 Collin Nelles 7265208 Frank Nelles 7266696 TF REAL 70 4o MAPLE AVE BARRIE gtK1 Complete Realtor Service mull 7372101 Agent for Pinevlew Estates of Mldhurst JOHN COLE 7288017 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 jR JUI PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP wesr BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 EXCLUSIVE AGENTSEOR ISBRANDT HOMES Ross Miller 7260563 Ron Sproule 4873715 Al Rose 7288116 Mike Lysobild 7266054 Harvey Weber 4363815 Cec Cook 7283036 Ron Jones 7268997 Ron Thorne 7288714 Percy Ford 7287930 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelsbn Garrett 7266096 Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb 7261881 Ken Miller 4873365 BernieBIum 4875540 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Iaronce Canning 7261676 $111151 10 11 rIossrn Amstnouo Lumen ItsIer Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER I49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 79 BAYFIELD ST 81111111 Iï¬rLi REAL ESTATE PROPERTY fOR SAL atr5 Ill Allllll ORILLIA AREA COMMERCIAL Former grocery store premises with 190 highway frontage in prime recreational area Suitable for any service in dustry Two bedroom living quarters LAKE COUCHICHING HOME Home on peaceful bay off Hwy No11 Full Basement Iivingrm diningrm new fireplace all on well treed lot 50 sandy shoreline Price $5990000 LAKE SIMCOE SPECIAL TWO bedroom cottage fireplace bunky year round ac cess must be seen at $44900 HORSESHOE VALLEY RD Close Medonte ski area acre with maples and fruit trees with excellent garden bedrms large ivingrm full basement All in excellent condition COUNTRY LIVING Spacious yearround home with inground pool Sauna and many extras on 16 beautifully treed acres Close to skiing and golfing LAKE SIMCOE COTTAGE Beautiful lot on lake with bedroom cottage In area of permanent homes 150 feet of excellent shoreline Utilities and most furniture included Asking $6750000 CALI DAY OR NIGHT BOWES COCKS LIMITED REALTOR ORILLIA 7053259571 Ina£57 lIlllll N27 DOWNTOWN Commercial Location Ideal retail or office setting 10 per cent financing available Bob Urry Vlau Real Estate 726177101 7285811 $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum siding bungalow Big Bay Point Im maculate condition Garage Attractive grounds Bob Urry Viau Real Estate 7261771 or 7285811 BUILDING LOT 312000100 x181 with septic permit Located in quiet village near Barrie Terms Bob Urry Vlau Real Estate 7261771 or 7285811 MIDHURST AREA Large new un finished brick home double garage fireplaces $39000 Also acre lots $5000Telephone Toronto 4948292 even lngs 335900 Two bedroom brick clean solid home Basement separate dining room new furnace Alliston area Telephone Mr Lawrence 4354470 or 4354475 $41500 WITH DOWN Attractive bedroom back split semi deatched home with garage Broadloom throughout 105696 mortgage Call Mar Iene Knowles Murray Warsh Realty Ltd Realtor 7289636 or 7265751 INNISFIL $53900 Vacant New bedroom brick bungalow large kitchen finished fireplace In rec room cold room double garage over V2 acre treed lot with year round creek Low down payment Just 10 minutes south of Bar rie Call Frank Kokel 458 4488 or 4589563 Rep McLean and Saunders Realtor $49900 large brick bungalow bedrooms 23 13 tamin room with shaped tlreptace roomy kitchen with breaktast area den tully broadloomed garage and quiet park at back private 7206340 NO DOWN PAYMENT Beautiful bedroom plus den Suitable for small tamily or retired couple This home must be seen Inside 44 Centre St Barrie $33300 carries tor 3378 and Purchasers must quality For appoint ment 7269334 TOWNHOUSE presently renting for $350 month with lease altered tor sale Appliances included Good investment potential Direct inquiries to Box S92 Uo Barrie Examiner $31911 BEDROOM Bungalow new plumbing wiring broadloom etc Only $3000 down Call Dave Scanlan 726 3422 or 7372493 OR DAmbrosio Realtor LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT innlstll Township Asking $12000 Make an offer Viau Vlau Real Estate 7261771 or 7261603 LOT FOR SALE Will build to new owners speciï¬cations Located on Sun nldale Road near 90 Highway Tele phone72671460r6260953 100 ACRES next to Base Borden hall workable halt bush Fronting on paved road with pond on property Thousands of acres of bush owned by government nearby Good terms Westwood Realty Ltd Broker Call Martin Bayer 4245550 or 4240338 ACRE building lot neardillllsdale spring led on county road 31000 down 15497326 FARMS FORSALE FARM IN Vespra Township for sale Four miles trom Barrie 111 acres with 85 acres workable land and 26 acres bush Close to highway 400 Phone 5194267262 atter6pm 400 ACRES OF plowed corn and grain land tor rent Bids accepted tor land ren tal plus plowing tor calender 1977 Box S91 Barrie Examiner FARMS FOR RENT COOKSTOWN 10 acres small new horse barn new deluxe custom home cathedral ceiling sunken living room huge ï¬replace billiard room with 12 antique pool table 3600 4355415 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FLOWER WORLD Join nationwide system of floral plant and glftshops as an owner operator or multiple unit licensee Write and include your phone number OR CALL TOLL FREE ANYTIME LBW6633426 ext 825 FLOWER WORLD Dept 26 375 Park Avenue NEW YORK NY 101722 N6132027H SIXPLEX nothing down to reliable pur chaser or will consider trade of mort gages or property May be seen by ap pointment only telephone 72110485 bet ween9 and 11 pm COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE tor rent downtown location carpeted parking available Kindly telephone Peter Archibald 7264511 MOBILE IIOMES TRAILERS TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes tor sale or rent Holiday In complete home com tort Barrie Tom and Awning Co 34 Baytleld st ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd can meet your trailer hitch re quirements Call Harold tor appoint ment 7289700 in AssI REAL ESTATE MOBILE NOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF COUNTRY LIVING Quiet park South of Barrie New homes sed homes from $11000 7286875 Open Sunday after noons TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes for sale or rent Holiday In complete home com fort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayfield St 1974 MOBILE HOME 12x68 bedrooms partly turnlshed dryer refrigerator and stove Located trailer ark south of Angus on 150 50 rental at 8x10 wood shed Price reasonable 4241319 LIKE NEW 1973 Northlander situated in park bedrooms avocado trig and stove landscaped many extras Ex cellent condition Must see Phone 737 1547 MORTGAGES KlNZlE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds Immediately available with competitive rates of Interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality fbr first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tlal commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR 7371881 4875385 KlNZlE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Bus HOME TF MORTGAGE LOANS 95 LOANS tstMTGSot114 2nd MTGS at 13 Open Daily am 530 pm Sat evenings by appointment Wm Summers 91 Bayfield St Barrie 7373451 equipment financing home improvements lond mortgages st 2nd and 3rd mortgages prime rates builders interim loans Olease back Coll collect to 71885 Dtllï¬lltltl 456 Mooney Cres Orillia Ont 7053254334 TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MORTGAGES T0 $25000 Big Cash to do Big Things Consolidations and Refinancing Competitive Rates Urban and Rural Properties Telephone Mr Gillespie 7285931 or evenings 7287401 BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD TThSN30 COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 1974 MOBILE HOME 12 ft 68 tt 7371414 bedroom partly turnlshed refrigerator and stove located trailer park south ot Angus on 150 50 rental lot to wood shed reasonable 4241319 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 7264651 evenings PROPERTY WANTED WILL PAY $40 000 FOR ACREAGE IN ORO TOWNSHIP PRINCIPALS ONLY 7265665 N29 REAL ESTATE vs MORTGAGES MORTGAGE SERVICES caring for csnads RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible rates Immediate Commitments Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG 7264491 BARRIE 8630398 TORONTO TThSTF IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST EAST Call Anytime 347 BAY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT 7260981 Phone Service 36332 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF RENTALS RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT HOUSES TO RENT WATER RONT KANEFF EaErgg TGEEgalowdl In OrsoI Agpliahgg APARTMENT HOMES 43115mfii £225 19123522 Barries Finest iMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building one and two bedroom apartments with nice view and many features 7370027 WELLINGTONPLACE and bedroom apartments adults an iv For more Intormation call 7263827 or 7267153 anytime MODERN luxury very large bedroom apartment tor lease Quiet adult buil ding No pets Relerences For lntorma tlon call 7289682 90 Holgate Apartment 102 ONE BEDROOM deluxe In tourplex St Vincent St North near Midhurst com pletely carpeted appliances laundry facilities S190 monthly Includes heat and hydro lst and last months rent requir ed Responsible adults only no pets Available 7284852 BEDROOM apartment tamily build lng available November 15 tor suitable applicant For further information please call 737 1295 BEDROOM central location Stove and fridge plus parking Adults only No pets Inquire at 11 Victoria St Apt after6p Available Dec January ist Teiephone ONE BEDROOM APARTMEnt Ground lloor Retrigerator stove utilites $180 monthly First and last months in ad vance No pets December Suit middle aged couple 89 Worsley Street 7285049 evenings ONE BEDROOM apartment in triplex Available December Refrigerator stove heated broadloom and parking S210 monthly Telephone 7260857 atter 11pm MISSISSAUGA COURT bedroom apartment Colored ap pliances Drapes supplied Available December 15 Telephone 7263383 SUBLET bedroom apartment lm perial Towers View of the bay Colored retrigerator and stove Sauna and exer cise room All utilities paid 7281391 alter pm BEDROOM apartment Married cou pie only no children $2l5 monthly First and last months rent required laundry parking facilities Available December lst Phone 726 4966 alter pm ONE BEDROOM Apartment for rent newly decorated close to shopping and schools Call collect 416 727 9857 after 6pm BEDROOM upper duplex on levels downtown area completely renovated modern new appliances range hood etc broadloom parking utilities heat Included No pets Security deposit re quired7261685evenlngsonly3285 UPSTAIRS OF large tarm house sell contained close to Barrie Suitable for people Available December 151 Tele phone 436 2451 alter5pm Ff FURNwHED One bedroom apartment Good view of bay $225 monthly includes heat light water and TV cable central suit adults Telephone 726 0988 weekdays BEDROOM waterfront apartment on Georgian Bay tully turnlshed utilities included $158 per month Telephone 3221522 SUBLEX bedroom apartment Well lngton Place S225 monthly Available January 1st Phone 737 3290 alter pm ONE AND two bedroom apartments Available December Close to downtown area Rents $145 and $150 monthly plus hydro Telephone 7263257 BACHELOR APARTMENT partially furnished $120 per month Highway 400 and 89 Call between and pm 4584352 TWO BEDROOM apartment upper floor duplex Includes trig stove heat utilities location Ross Street 5210 mon thly Phone alter pm and weekends 7269437 BEDROOM apartment trig and stove parking Central location no pets Adults only $180 monthly Telephone 7288898 BEDROOM apairiKent ï¬oï¬lMbhttii Tenants pay own heat and hydro No refrigerator 4162499528 4875788 weekends BRAND NEw bedroDm townhouse for rent in exclusive location For more in tormatlon call 7264544 DELUXE Townhouse tully broadloom ed With bedrooms garage stove and from S295 monthly plus utilities Located In Orillia south of Highway 12 bypass between Gill St and Forrest Avenue Call 13259811 BRAND NEW and bedroom homes Allandale area Large lots Telephone 429 3117 WATERFRONT bedroom bungalow in Oro Spacious rooms appliances drapes broadloom $400 monthly Lease and reterences 416 2499528 evenings 4875788 Sundays PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood Reterences 275 Blake For in formation call from 210 pm 726 2361 Evenings 728 9682 BEDROOM semi Georgian College area $300 per month Available Dec Telephone 416 862 3727 collect trom to 5MondaytoFriday BEDROOM farmhouse with large barn for rent or sale $375 per month Telephone 487 2412 BEDROOM detached home tully broadloomed tenced yard close to bus stop and schools $365 monthly Avail able immediately Telephone 726 4689 BEDROOM bungalow broadloom throughout car garage builtin dishwasher available immediately S325 monthly the726 7897 BELL EWART bedroom house with fireplace no appliances $225 monthly 456 3910 BEDROOM home on Bradtord Street recently redecorated Immediate possession references S275 per montn Telephone Simon Beekhuizen Rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Limited 728 4067 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR rent close to downtown and schools Available December $325 monthly Telephone 726 0032 evenings or all day Saturday ONE BEDROOM House miles west at Barrie on Highway 90 Hot and cold water in house Bathroom outside Reasonable Telephone 7266938 alter pm TWO BEDROOM home at convenient location In lower Allandale Handy for schools bus and station $235 monthly Dec possession Telephone 728 3646 or 737 3375 S150 MONTHLY Two bedroom bungalow North end at Duckworth Street Available immediately Preler married couple Telephone 726 8889 MODERN two bedroom tully furnished home garage Mldhurstarea Available Jan lst to May 1st No pets Phone 728 2874 LARGE bedroom townhouse tor rent finished tamin room motor ap pliances tully broadloomed Garage Steele Street Telephone 737 1526 DECEMBER Four bedroom semi back split broadloom $2195 monthly References please Bayï¬eld Cundles area Telephone 7269147 12 noon pm BEDROOM winterlled cottage 12 miles from Barrie Appliances and hy dro tor $185 month Available De cember lst Telephone 456 5400 BEDROOM bungalow with attached garage fenced yard recreation room East end area Available December ist $325 monthly Telephone 728 9460 BARRIE East end bedroom brick bungalow attached garage large tami ly room months lease References re quired $255 month Contact Enid Day Representing LePage 7370011 or 7266904 TWO BEDROOM home with re trlgerator and stove Big Bay Point $250 per month Option to purchase available Telephone 7281628 BEDROOM Townhouse close to shopp lng and schools rec room 1V baths appliances garage tully broadloomed S289 monthly Available Dec 15 Phone 726 5551 TEPARTMENTSWANTED TORENIHV FURNISHED bachelor apartment ur gently required Contact John Bruce at 726 6110 Reasonable FURNISHED apartment or small house for January or February by retired re liable couple abstainers Would babysit pet Phone collect 1519 565 2662 Or trlg or stove c811 David Wass Real WILEW CW1 BattleldONNIO Estate Ltd 7264651 ONE BEDROOM apartment to sublet In Wellington Place Apartments Close to Plate and bus stop Available December 115 Telephone 7263118 evenings or Satur ay SMALL BEDROOM upstairs apart ment trig and stove supplied Heat hydro and water Included Suitable tor couple only child welcome No pets Close to factories Available December Phone728 7956 CE NTRALLY located bedroom apart mont with stove and Mg $216 per month Including utilities Available December 1st Phone 726 5051 ONE BEDROOM apartment available Immediately $211 monthly Includes re trlgerator stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets please Telephone 7285816 BEDROOM Apartmentsm monthly Includes everything plus hydro 74 Shirley Ave Telephone 7268733 HOUSES TO RENT FOUR NEW LUXURY TOWNHOUSES 17 ST VINCENT ST Three bed rooms two bathrooms large kitchen with sliding doors to balcony overlooking courtyard Garages with paved parking into and throughout courtyard Close to schools churches shopping and transportation For more Information phone 4166331215 anytime 7055267998 am pm 70572830304 pm pm N30 BEDROOMS living room kitchen bath and full basement Highway 27 south at Holly miles south ot 400 Highway 72885406venlngrw ROOMSTO LET FURNISHED ROOMS Downtown loca tlon Clean bright modern Shared kit chart and bath Hamilton Realty 7371000 PRIVATE GIRLS residence furnished rooms Centrally located kitchens recreation room laundry facilities close to shopping single and double rooms 726 0838 DOWNTOWN Furnished rooms linen supplied with kitchen facilities and rec room privileges 7266392 BRIGHT newly decorated turnlshed rooms In downtown location shared kit chen Taurus Real Estate Ltd 7373000 FURNISHED ROOMS Central park lng kitchen privileges common room linen supplied weekly Responsible adults Telephone 726 7186 BRIGHT Frunlshed hOTlsekEeperg room with trig and stove Centrally located Phone 7283594 CLEAN newly decorated turnlshed rooms broadloomed throughout com munity kitchen and bathroom S120 monthly Please phone 7371605 alter pm BED SITTING ROOM centrally located clean and bright Also two bedroom apt In downtown area avail ableImmediately72623000r7371000 BRIGHT Elean room tor rent Central location Gentleman abstainer preter rad Telephone 7373923 CLEAN FURNISHED light housekeep Ing room on bus route Telephone 7171111 9179119179 9319 990 CLEAN ROOMS broadloom kitchen privileges responsible adults preterred Central location Telephone 7373931 or 7281922 SEMIFURNISHED room on bus route Available Immediately Call 7272699 or 7262551 FURNISHED ROOMS to renthrlendly atmosphere Cooking facilities provided S25 weekly Telephone 7266271 after pm CLEAN turnlshed rooms central kIt chen and living room Close to down town Bus stop at tront door Telephone 7287331 9135 59R Gifts of Enduring Beauty Fondue Sets Olrish Coffee Warmers 0Gourmetwore FIowerpots and vases plus Meeuws Pewter and Raphael Jewellry COPPERWORLD 53 Dunlop St She wants CRUISE WEAR FOR CHRISTMAS Swim suits Shorts Tonktops Warm Weather Slacks Dressesplus stareful of winter gift ideas SHERRYS 125 Dunlap St 7372082 II 726I683 The Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 1976 17 Get your HOLIDAY HAIRDO and win SUPER PRO FASHION FLAIR BLOW DRYER Dreits Christmas Week at POWDER PUFF HAIRSTYLISTS 15 Dunlop 7268912 Special Offer soft suede handbag and mat ching clutch purse kit $1395 per set needles and in Thread structions included GARNETS HOBBIES 123 Dunlap St 7268321 STUDIO ONE Ladies Fashions Hondbags gloves Scarves by Echo Pierre Cardin Evening Accessories Jewellry belts Hat Scarf Set Felt Hats Hones Hosiery 27 Dunlop St 930530 Fridays til 7288085 LIGHT UP HER CHRISTMAS With lasting gift for the home Selecton elegant light ing fixture at THE HOUSE OF TOMORROW 680unlop 7263100 LUGGAGE Samsonite Jetliner Dionite Skyway HANDBAGS Suede WALLETS BuxtonTilleyRolf Attoche cases briefcases gloves scarves evening bogs sportbags totebags gifts BARRIE lEATIIERGOODS BA YFIELD MALL 7265291 Leather Vinyls Give Her Gift From The TOWN SHOP Where smart women shop 24A Dunlop 7281521 DOWNTOWN Imports from an illllfl llll world Its The Season To Advertise 7282414 ltnITALs ROOMANDBOARD Gift Certificates CBindï¬ John Street 7286501 PRACTICAL GIFTS For All the Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes ll Hand Bags NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 YERYQNE 9N YOUR L181 SEND FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS Poinsettias Potted Mums Azaleas =9 Cyclamen Floral arrangements MURIELS FLOWERS 77 Bayfield St World Wide Delivery 7281 561 SEASONS GREETINGS To OUR MANY PATRONS Looking Forward To Seeing You IN 77 From all at LAKEVIEW DAIRY RESTAURANT 185 Dunlap 7235151 Give her lovely lingerie for Christmas by Koyser Molyclaire Van Raolte and Darling Body Fashions also Hosiery By Hanes Kayser and Can Can all at LOVE LATCH Bayfield Moll 7372661 Free Gift Wrapping Give LASTING GIFT OF ART Oils Watercolors Prints OEtchings Holiday Meals Are Extra Special At SCHNITZEL HAUS And SCHULZIES STEAK PIT 29 DUNLOP ST 7263831 Fully Licensed Karl and Sylvia Schulz Visit the art studio FRANKSOARTISTIC FRAMING 30 Tiffin St 7262800 Surpriseherwith °Crysta Figurines 0Leather Goods Fine Paper GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR jolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift sub scriptions of the Barrie Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors mailed to arrive at iust the right time before Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to the Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 Hand Crafted Pine Furniture by Tidy Hutches Tobles Wosh Stands Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasonable prices D24 LIVING GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS norm PLANTS Dracaena Benlamimo Oleonder Terra rlum plants Coctus Brays Garden Centre 7262951 26 Ferndale Rd RENTALS GARAGES ROOM AND board In quiet clean new home good home cooked meals bedding cltgngedyeeklyabstainers 7265017 OFFICESSTORES FOR RENT NEW 500 square It at ottlce or store space Corner Essa and Cumberland streets Prime location Ample parking Suit many businesses Asking S250 mon thly Contact John Trlbble 7260259 or 72118328 atterapm GROUND FLOOR office space suitable for or very central Could provide telephone answering and some sacre tarlal Apply to Box 890 Barrle Ex aminer SPACE FOR ENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 19500 sq tt tully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 It clear part at large expanding Industrial mall 7267130 BUICBINo 66x100 letable tor stare7 garage warehousing etc 21 Mary St eel Very central Apply Valley DriveYourself 16 Maple Avenue 7266666 SPACE lN Allandale area 1200 sq ft Ideal for mechanics garage radiator shop etc Considerable parking avail Ele Telephone 7288302 alter pm WANTED TO rent Heated garage or garage bay tor or months to restore older vehicle Telephone 7283202 ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE WANTED Mature business person age 20 to 30 to share largo msdcrn turnlshed home Bayfield and Cundles Available December Telephone 7265303 COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF DunlopW Spoonracks Special Stocking Stuffers from STATIONERY and GIFTS 7285128 FOX HOUND TACK SHOP Soddles Bridles Halters Boots Helmets Blonkets Liniments and Accessories ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7282431 Something for His car AUDIOVOX CB Tronscéivers Tope decks Aeriols Car Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor SupplyCo Ltd 39 High St 7285911 MonFri ti15230 pm Sat til pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories N19 Christmas Puppies Boxer Old English Sheepdog fPoodle ILhoso Apso Pomeranion oschnauzer BARRIE PET CENTRE Bayfield Moll 728720 RENTALS SORTS MILE LONG farm with bedroom house snowmobile run and ski run near commercial ski tows Short term or sea sonal rent Phone 15497326 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 75 MERCURY MONARCH door silver grey with maroon vinyl roof automatic power steering power brakes on very low mileage excellent condition Call SMITH 7261098 7263600 T969 CHEV Townsman Wagon V8 au tomatlc radio power steering power rear window tireson rims snow tires on rims all whitewalls Root mount CB antenna tog lights track player with rear speakers 7268173 1964 COMET Callente newflmotOFF body S200 Telephone 7264988 i966 CHEVSEWRI6rsirip2ooo In vested Will sell as is tor $1100 or best at far Telephone 7371091 or 7268617