LARENCE TOM SMITH UNLOAD CORN Filling county with people hurts agriculture tourism Tourism and agriculture are essential in Simcoe County ac cording to Tom Smith of Utopia newlyelected president of the Simcoe County Federa tion of Agriculture think annexation of the land around Barrie is ridiculous and unneccessaryz he said Agriculture and tourism could last forever in this county but by filling the county with people it takes away lot of good agricultural land and deprives us of revenue from tourism Mr Smith said that some new industry in the county is good but it brings in more people and cuts down on agricultural land and costs the residents more money through social services Mr Smith has been resident of the county all his life and is presently operating an Essa Township farm that has been handed down through the family for 130 years Ile succeeds Ross lliibbert of Barrie who will remain on the board as past president The Federation of Agriculture has regular llltllr thlv meetings and committee meetings to deal with problems facing farmers in this area Being the president is pretty tricky sometimes because you have to try and represent all of the farmers views throughout the county he said Mr Smith started out in the federation about five years ago representing the pork producers at the county level The last three years he has been the representative for Essa Iownship and prior to his election he was the vice president MARKETING BOARDS The ntilnflation Board has really tried to condemn marketing boards throughout the province he said They are both the consumers and fariiiers friends and only few of them have pricesetting powers Each farmer is responsible for paying small marketing board fee and this covers all of the assembly yards research and promotion he said feel we have the best system Mr Smith said In the liiited States they have to pay fee but dont get the protection that we do ALL KINDS OF FARMING According to Mr Smith Sim coe County has pretty well every kind of agriculture possible from cash croppers to feed lots and everything in between The older farmers have distinct advantage over the young man just starting out in business he said One or two bad years can pretty well crip ple young farmer who is already deeply in debt IN IT iI It takes lot of money to get started in the farming business now and there are lot of headaches that go along with it according to1r Smith If had to do it again ld still go into farming Its been good to me and Im luckier than lot of people because can get away once in while aiid Ive had lot of help along the way from my father and friends in the area Mr Smith said Mr Smith is married and has four children Farming isnt an easy life This time of year you often work to well after dark Stores asked to stay open evenings starting Dec 15 The Downtown Improvement Board is asking downtown stores to stay open evenings for Christmas shoppers beginning Dec 13 Suggested closing is pm Health unit nurses approach school board The Simcoe ounty Health Unit nurses provide vital ser Board returns industrial plan Barrie planning board wasnt very happy with plan of Bob Hollywoods Mr Hollywood the citys in dustrial commissioner submit ted an industrial subdivision plan to the board The board rejected sent it to the industrial commission and planning and development de partment for redrawing This needs some planning input said Doug Skclton board member At the ab solute least its pretty unex citing The plan is for 30 acres of land zoned heavy industrial on the north side of Big Bay Point Road cast of Canadian General Electric property It is part of 73 acres the city bought from TGE recently Whitfield Office Outfitters Ltd has outgrown its old location on Dunlop Street and recently opened new opera vice in schools says Jack Ram say director of education for the Simcoe County Board of Education Audrie Trotter trustee for In nisfil said Lilian Fralick president of Local 37 of the On tario Nurses Association had asked that the board endorse the work of the nurses The UNA has been involved in contract negotiations with local boards of health for nearly year Mr Ramsay said the board would be hardprcssed to write letter to the board of health The school board has no right to tell the health board what to do he explained He added however the nurses provide vital service in theschools Mrs liralick said Thursday she did not expect the school board to write letter We just wanted support she said Mrs lralick said there is negotiation meeting set for Dec 13 and she is optimistic WHITFIELI OUTGREW OLI LOCATI tion in the Barrie Plaza on Wellington Street Seen here with some of the equniment Monday through Friday with pm closing time for Satur day and for Christmas Eve whichfalls on Friday The hours are suggested only as the board has no authority to enforce closingtimes The board has also an nounced hours of operation for its storefront Santa Claus operation to be located on the north side 0f Dunlop Street few doors east of Owen Santa will greet youngsters in the store beginning Dec the day after the annual Santa Claus parade He will give away candy canes and coloring sheets and instant photo service will be available for parents who want their children photographed with Santa Hoursare Dec 13 and 14 to pm Dec 10 15 16 and 17 130 to4z30pm and7t09pm Dec 11 and lit Saturdays 10 am to noon and to4 pm Dec 20 to 23 Monday through Thursday of the week before Christmas 10 am to noon to pm and to pm hristmas Eve to am to noon and ms pm The board also plans to have Memorial Square decorated for Christmas by Dec Decora tions all lighted will include lFrfoothigh snowman an 18 foot candle and 30foot long train with cars six feet high on display at the new locaton are barric branch manager Jack Bartholomew at left Georgian College planning 10th anniversary program Georgian College will be 10 years old next year and plans are being made for tenth an niversary program to be car ried out from February to December Honorary chairmen of the program committee are George McCague the first chairman of the board of governors and MP for DufferinSimcoe and Yates the present chair man Cunningham dean applied arts division is the com mitteee chairman The committee was as sembled earlier this month with representation from the three College Campuses in Bar rie Orillia and Owen Sound The first action of the com mittee was to launch competi tion open to all fulltime students for special 10th an niversary logo The deadline for entries is pm Dec 14 with prizes being awarded for the Winning entry and runners up The objectives of the anniver sary program are threefold to increase the community awareness of the significance of the college in the Georgian Bay Region and beyond to plan series of special academic events to highlight the stature of the college as an educational institution and to develop true celebration by arranging or encouraging the arrangeL ment of series of social and recreational events Some of the im rtant first occasions to be hig lighted will be the founding meetin of the board of gnvemors the irst ap pointments to the faculty and staff registration of the first students the beginnning of Elite Tï¬arm Examiner The Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 1976 11 Aldermanic candidate Says more planning staff needed Barrie council should hire new director of planning and development says Chris Kas zuba aldermanic candidate in Ward Mr Kaszuba said the city council has not made any at tempts to replace Wayrnan Fairweather department di rector who resigned in September City council is going to have to do something to provide something in the terms of plan ning he said This city is go ing through critical period of time The aldermanic candidate said Rick Jones planner and Rick Bates zoning admin istrator are doing good job for the city but the department is understaffed Mr Kaszuba is an urban planner for the Town of Markham which has pula tion of 57000 and sta of 10 Misleading and confusing mayor says of radio poll Mayor Dorian Parker says CKBBS opinion poll today could affect the outcome of the 1976 mayoralty election in Bar rie Mayor Parker who was un able to comment on the radio stations poll Friday morning said later in the day the poll may not be illegal but its con fusingandmisleading It could have some influence on the outcome of the election she said have some con cern But the mayor said whatever the result of the poll is she and her committee workers would not be disheartened dont have much stock in election polls she said CKBB sent written invita tions to between 1500 and 2000 homes in Barrie asking eligible voters to take part in pri mary vote Mayor Parker said the des cript ion is Incorrect because ON MOVED TO LARGER and the two principals Don Whitfield and Al Examiner Photo Hockin GEORGE McCAGUE first chairman classes and the official opening of the college on Nov 25 1967 Special anniversary ac tivities will be held in connec tion with regular College func tions such as awards day and convocations and spring festival and house are be ing consider It is hoped that some of these events can be held in conjunction with com munity organizations STARTED SMALL The first meeting of the board of governors was held on Feb 1967 and Robert Crawford was appointed president of the college on June 1967 Georgian first opened its doors in rented accommodation in the Barrie Plaza on Oct 1967 when 112 fulltime students planners and zoning people He said successful annexalt tion bid will put additional stress on the planning and development department The city will need new of ficial plan and zoning bylaw to regulate the development of the annexed areas Mr Kaszuba said it would be almost impossible to expand the present city official plan approved in 1969 to accom modate the annexed area If the official plan and zoning bylaw is not changed he said there could be disasterous ef fects onthe city The new area should be developed in compatible fashion to the present city in housing types styles and don sities or it could become se cond distinct municipality NOT OFFICIALPLAN The citys $40000 annexation studv bv Proctor and Redfern Canada does not hold any primary votes The vote is being held on the first advance poll day in the ci ty The advance polls for the Dec election are open until pm at Prince of Wales School or ward and voters and city hall for Ward and2 voters YATES current chairman registered in five regular day Cundles Heights schbol Grade math class placed first in recent math contest held at Barrie North Col legiate Schools competing in programs and later 247 part time students enrolled in exten sion courses Within the next five years major campus operations were developed in Barrie Orillia and Owen Sound and by the aca demic year 197576 some 1440 students were enrolled in 89 postsecondary day programs and 1500 students enrolled in adult training courses Continuing education courses operated throughout the region accounted for an additional 120005tudents In September 1976 1680 students were enrolled in regular day programs at all campuses The Angus Leo Club is spon soring dance marathon this weekend at the Angus Lions Club Hall to raise money to fight muscular dystrophy The marathon which started Friday night at pm will con tinue until pm tonight Angus Leo Club president Terry Binns said he expects dancers from as far away as Orillia By pm Friday only eight dancers were on the floor but Terry said that those eight dancers alone represented $300 in pledges Each young participant in the marathon collected pledges from sponsors based on the number of hours he stays on the dance floor Collen Hamilton 16 of Angus said she had 50 sponsors for the marathon and she estimated that she would raise about $100 ifshedanced for24 hours make it she said ad ding that she put on three pairs of socks to help her feet stand up to the workout She also had no doubt that her dancing partner Miles Collier 15 of Angus would dance for 24 hours without giving up He has to stay she said Hes my partner LOCAL AND GENERAL DATE SET The Simcoe County Board of Education and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union have set Dec 10 as the starting date for contract negotiations OPSEU repre sents the boards secretarial clerical and technical staff TEACHER EXCHANGE The Simcoe County Board of Education has given approval in principle to two teacher ex changes The exchanges would involve Harry Beckett of Coll ingwood Collegiate and teacher from the United King dom and continental Europe and Glenn Campbell of Huronia Centennial ublic school in Elmvalc an teacher from the United Kingdom or Australia Ltd consultants he said can not be used as an official plan and does not give any sugges tions as to planning standards for the area The city cant use the study as an effective planning tool he said Mr Kaszuba repeated an earlier statement that he feels the city is asking for too much land in its annexation applica tion The city applied to the On tario Municipal Board OMB for permission to annex about 20200 acres from three sur roundingtownshi The land includpes 13500 from Innisfil township 4600 acres Vespra and 2100 acres from Oro Barrie is involved in an OMB hearing for the application and told the board it was not going to present evidence in support of annexation of the 0m land Its very ill timed she said But then what can you say CKBB stated in its letter the vote is to determine the pop ularity of the candidates for mayor including Mayor Parker Ald Ross Archer and former mayorWillardKinzie Pit Stop opens soon aims for fast service They can change your oil put in new filter do com plete lubrication and check 20 other items on your car and have you on the road again in 10 minutes The Pit Stop will be opening Thursday near the Canadian Tire Store on Hayfield Street and will provide fast service for routinecarmaintenance The Pit Stop is separate from the Canadian Tire Store it is owned and run by the Canadian Tire Cor poration and the store is owned and run by Arch Brown The store also has service department which handles major work The Pit Stop will be managed by Dennis Turn bull who managed the Pit Stop at the old Canadian Tire location on Dunlop Street He will be backed up by staff of about seven According to Barbara lnglis promotions co ordinator for CTC the total operation at the Pit Stop takes about 10 minutes There will be four people working on the car two in pit beneath the garage to drain the oil install new filter and lubricate the join ts and two above to deal with the customer put in fresh oil and check over engine and drive train functions The customer will be provided comfortable modern waiting room for his short wait As matter of fact pleasing the customer is of prime importance as far as Mrs lnglis is concerned Customers will be en couraged to watch the pit crew working on their cars The operation will be 50MILE RUN Striiiile Ontario Snow mobile Distributors Association USDA run is scheduled for Barrie Jan 15 The event will be held in conjunction with Molsons Breweries and the Huronia Snowmobile Associa tion Some 2000 machines are expected to participate MADWOMAN AT GEORGIAN Georgian College Theatre workshop students will present The Madwoman of Chaillot on Wednesday and Thursday at 830 pm in the college theatre Barrie Tickets for the well known comedy by Jean Gir audoux are $2 and will be available at the door larger and more modern than at the Dun10p Street location Mrs lnglis says it will provide faster service but she still anticipates some lineups during busv times The Pit Stop also includes gas bar two gas bars in fact Motorists will be given choice of selfserve gasoline or full service by the staff Mrs lnglis said there will be slight dif ference in price between the two bars but it would be in line with gasoline prices in other parts of town Friday morning resulted in damage to all three vehicles The van and car above were threevehicle collision at the intersection of Bayfield and Wellington streets CUNDLES HEIGHTS MATH TEAM WINS the contest were Forest Hill in Midhurst Minesing Cen tral Maple Grove Oakley Park and Cundles Heights Teacher Neil Urquhart is THESE TOITENIIAM teen agers hadnt begun to Show the strain of nonstop danc ing Friday night Don Sem seen with his team mem bers Mike Mallon Heather Cain Jeff Pasko and Lisa Nanni holding the trophy ExaminerPhoto Angus Leo Club spnosrs charity danc maraho ple and his partner Karen Barker were among the eight starters Examiner Photo Library gets booSt from hortic Through the generosity of the Barrie Horticultural Society the Barrie Public Library has made beginning at beautify ing itself indoors with plants The horticultural society has tended the grounds of the library for many years The Library had approached the society for advice and received as well cheque with which David Smith trustee Walter Mill ulturalists and Andre van Vugt associate chief librarian were able to purchase five large hanging plants and six assorted climb ingivies Now Swedish ivy and Tahitian bridal veil are part of the greenery gracin the arches of the nonfiction apartment while the annex is the proud possessor of beautiful Spider plant and Weeping Fig er guest at Orillia NFU meet Walter Miller vicepresident of the National Farmers Union NFU will be guest speaker at meeting at Orillia Fair grounds Tuesday at 830 pm The provincial farm sta bilization bill will be discussed under such topics as incon sistepcies in beef marketing POLICE STILL INVESTIGATING THREVEHICLE CRASH damaged so seriously that they had to be towed away The mishap is still under in what is in store for the hog farmer and how stabilization will affect the consumer The meeting is open to the eneral public It is sponsored Ey District of the NFU The fairgrounds are located on Con cession of Orillia Township vestigation by Barrie city police Examiner Photo