COMING EVENTS bread buns etc hand crafted Ample Parking Behind the Old Fire Hall Molcaster St Vegetables Fresh Eggs Dressed Poultry by order 0Home baking including pies tarts cakes OHome grown house plants Large variety of items for Christmas all OHand knits include sweaters baby sets socks mitts cusions doilies many other items too numerous to mention Open every Saturday 730 am to pm COME AND LOOK SEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY Card of Thanks 25 words $500 COMING EVENTS Fruits Honey THE FLEA MARKET ASSOCIATION Formerly at Molsons Site HAS MOVED TO EMBASSY HALL BLAKE ST EAST BARRIE EVERY SUNDAY am to 25 Vendors in attendance Refreshments Vendors Welcome 4362765 BIRTHS TAYLOR Brian and Betty Anne of RR COMING EVENTS THE ALLANDALE DISTRICT ALLISTON LADIES AUXILIARY Stevenson Memorial Hospitals Ladies Auxrllary members were informed at gageme IIIIIS their regular meeting last mulmumowordsaddlll°n°lw°rd9°°m5 P°W°d Thursday afternoon that the final $1500 cheque to com jAdditional words cents per word plete their commitment of In Memoriam no verse 3500 $6000 Iowards the cardiac Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line monitoring y5tem Whased routing Events $322 per column inch for the Hospltal presen ted to the Board this month Mr Consaul administrator at the Hospital has often com mented on how freQuently the equipment is used Much credit must go to Norma Con saul Ways and Means con vener and Mary McCutcheOn supervisor of the Gift Sho Gladys Bruce presid and Janet Whittaker acted as secretary protem Reports of various conveners were heard and the president Kingsburv and Jean Kingsbury reported on the convention in Toronto Correspondence included thank you note from Janice Hewson winner of the MorrowBanting award presented by the Auxiliary at BMHS commencement and members have volunteered to help with portering of patients to and from Xray and Physiotheraphy early in the New Year the first Inservrce Volunteer programme of the local Auxiliary and one area suggested by Mrs Marion Calton Director of Nursing at SMH at previous meeting The ladies were generous in bringing gifts for residents of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home which will be distributed at the Christmas Party arranged by the Sun shine Club and Ivy White had on display number of hand made articles which she donated to the shop including more knitted baby clothes social halfhour and delicious lunch followed The December meeting will be on the 16th with annual meeting and din ner in St Johns United Chur ch Fellowship Hall on January 20th Members missed Ruth Wright an active member of the Auxiliary but pleased to hear she is hoping soon to be released from Hospital and although confined has been busy promoting projects Sponsored by the Alliston Progressive Conservative Association and billed as an oldtlme political meeting ap proximately 125 people at tended meeting in the Legion Hall on Monday night Perrin Beatty of Fergus candidate for the new Federal riding of Wellington Dufferin Grey and Waterloo made some calls during the day and addressed the meeting Other speakers were Sinclair Stevens MP for YorkSimcoe Elwood Madill of Orangcville and George McCagueMPP Alliston Concert Band If Barrie are delighted to announce the birth of their son Kevin James on GUIDES BROWNIES ugzgatier 24 1976 at Royal Victoria present provided music during the GOEBEL QVErnTe and Shiela Goebel are eveqlng and Bab chkey pleased to announce the birth of their AND BAZAAR presrded for the meeting which son Vlichael Cory on Tuesday No vember 73rd 1976 lbs 13 015 brother for Christa Lee ELLIS William and Deborah nee Jonesl are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter Suzanne Kathryn at St Michaels Hospital Toronto on November 24 1976 Proud grandparents was called for the purpose of acquainting the people with Mr Perrin and explaining the new riding which is coming in to effect June lst of next year The Kinette Club served the Date Saturday Nov 27 1976 Place Burton Avenue United Church Time 100 to 300 pm Tea Adults 50 Children 25 are Mr and Mrs Lisle Jones Bar Baked oodles books and me and Mrs Ellis Tweed also Ch lunCheon alter the meetmg greatgranaparents Mrs McMullen Slmas r0 ls St Catharines Mrs Jones Barrie N26 and Mr and Mrs Beatty Tweed Aer GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Bar rie Examinerclippingsof the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place nghWOY 9o Angus an announcement atter birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 728 7414 every sunday 120 pm BOOTH RENTAL DEATHS Call 4246986 or 4241862 after FRANKCOM Ada Kale TORONTO CPI At the neighbors for the expressions of sym and mother Johh McArthur andfamily MEMORIAMS GEORGE In loving memory of deal sister Alma who passed awa November 76 1975 In tears we saw you Sinking We watched you fade away Our hearts were almost broken You fought so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping So peacefully frcetrom pain We could not wish you back Tosuffer that again Always remembered by susters Best and Annie HuTCHINSON rIn loving memo dear husband father and grandfather James Albert who passed away or November 25th 1971 there is family who misses you Idghye home where you used to be farme who wanted to keep you But God willed tI not to be you left some beautiful momonns And narrows too great to be told But to ones who loved you and lost you your memories wrll nevergrgwolu Sadly missed by wrfc Winnifred son Paul daughter Lynda son in law 00 and granddaughters Lisa and Rosalyn NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noonanturday McARTHUR The lamin of the late Mary McArthur wish to express their sincere appreciation to friends and pathy received in the loss of dear wrfc gains favor TRURO NS CPI Bow hunting is becoming increas ingly popular in Nova Scotia be cause of the challenge of the closerange sport says Don Mattinson president of the Truro Archery Club The average distance for good clear shot is only 30 feet and the maximum is about 50 feet so the animal has quite an advantage Mr Mattinson says The hunter has to stalk his prey in order to get close enough for agood shot He also has to learn the de manding skill of shooting the bow accurately The years highli ht for the 250 to 300 rcgistcre members of the Archery Association of Nova Scotia is the bowhunting season in the 85squaremile Chignecto game management area Nov 116 Xrays OTTAWA CPI Hospitals with Britishmade com Bgterized xray machines have cn told they may need correc tion to eliminate excess radiation exposure to patients spokesman for the federal health department said Thur sday He said the $500000 machines do not pose serious problem AAAMLLMAALALLAL because the additional radiation they emit is minor Only six or seven hospitals in Canada own the computerized axial tomography units be ad led The US Food and Drug Ad ministration said Wednesday repairs will bc made on the 267 of the machines in hospitals and clinics throughout the United States Hayfield Lodge Barrie on Tuesday No Pom FTF Canadians are spending more wafrnbermza 11976 Add Kate Frankcom iwvgs mow money on drink but the average W18 FBIICIS JOIIII Mum and 683 mm olacrecffo Baw WW BMW consumption of alcohol IS not glidhurst andthelate Percy of Elmvale JR gomgup randmothero ive grandchildren and rnwnles JUIIES aid The beverage alcohol en reatgrandchldren Frend ll aigmc Arnold Fluneral alum BTYBCaay CHRISTMAS TEA dustry enjoyed an increase of field 51 Barrie Service in the chapel bl 53m million in sales in 1975 but Thursday afternoon at 30 pm lnt alaal ment Midhurst Union Cemetery In Ifec Sat NUV 27th the lederdl agency reports that of flowers donations to your favoritr the average Canadian over 15 WW W°Ud bflfgfiflleigj WPIUTH consumed the equivalent of251 ARNOLD llgluj gallons of pure beverage alco ho in the form of beer wine or mers SYESLE SCThopel N25 spiritsno increase over the previous year 7282530 Richard Gilbert Toronto Friendly Courteous Service scientist with the Addiction Re MwF rp OW lln 111g search Foundation says the figures substantiate claims CARDS 0F THANKS that trend away from beer drinking is continuing When th drinking age went down in 1971 most people pre dicted the opposite effect said Mr Gilbert Young people drinking at 18 instead of 21 wouldnt have so much interest in wine and spirits Theyd head straight nor the beer But it never happened and the shift away from beer drinking went on uninterrupted Hotel managers and bartend ers say white wine has jumped in popularity vodka and white rum are gaining while rye is losing out with liquor drinkers and bottled beer is in while draught is out TASTES CHANGE Tastes are getting lighter said Jim Demaroutis president of the Canadian Restaurant As sociation and ownermanager of Torontos oldest bar the Silver Rail on Yonge Street Vodka is the new hot item Thats where the real action is these days few years ago it was rye and scotch Now you cant keep up with the orders for vodka People dont go for the old fashioned serious drinking any more They like the flavor of the mixes better than the booze The carafe of wine is grow ing noontime favorite said Mr Demaroutis Restaurant people are mak ing it easier to buy wines Cus tomers dont have to order by the bottle In Iowerpriced bars and res taurants the 70cent glass of wine is flourishing 1974 Rutgers University study of alcohol consumption listed Canada 14th on an inter national list of 27 countries Our 251gallon average was well beiow Portugals 62 Lu ALL Platform is outlined by Wasaga candidate WASAGA BEACH Bruce Arnold seyearold parttime news reporter and fulltime political organizer was one of the first declared candidates for Wasaga Beach council Arnold is one of seven can didates supported by the Wasaga Beach Ratepayers Assocation He says the association asked him to run after he expressed support for ratepayers policies because they said they would like more people with political experience on the ballot Arnold has been actively in volved in politics at all levels for about 12 years and he has developed reputation as an outspoken spokesman for com petitive free enterprise He says his political philosophy developed from per sonal admiration for the prin ciples that guided men like Senator Earnest Manning SCAlberta and former British Columbia premier CBennet FREE ENTERPRISE Those principles which he says have remained unchanged for 40 years are emblazened not only on all political material printed by his political colleagues but on the hearts of all free enterprisers Arnold lists them as The individual is the most important factor in organized society As divinely created being the individual has inalienable rights respecting his spiritual and physical poten tials and needs The individual must be free and have security Government should exist to get the people what they want Whatever is physically possible and morally right can and should be made possible by government Translated into council ac tion Arnold says these prin ciples would result in greater public participation in major decisions increased respect for the taxpayers budget and consciencious effort to keep the town out of debt Does anybody really believe that it is the public interest to load an extra $240 month levy on top of the present tax burden to ay for water and sewers for benefit of few developers and the provincial park he askes If the pro vince wants sewers to its washrooms then let Queens Park pay for them ARENA POLICY Because he believes so strongly in the competitive free enterprise system Arnold does not think council should buy the arena He disagrees with one exrstlng member of council who says the town could run the arena more efficiently than rivate enterprise would ike anybody to show me one example of government doing anything better than free enter prise he challenges According to Arnold the arena will not be jacked up on blocks loaded on truck and moved out of town it council does not buy it It will always be here and we will always be able to rent ice time there no matter who owns it he says Bruce Arnold has lived at Wasaga Beach about eight years He was originally from the Collingwood area He is married and has five children aged two to 11 They will be raised at the beach he says As father have to be concerned about our towns future Thornton WI to hold next meeting Dec 16 By MRS GEORGE HOLT THORNTON The No vember meeting of the Thorn ton Womens Institute was held in the Trinity United Church with Mrs Ralph Schandler as hostess There were 20 members in at tendance The meeting opened in the usual manner The roll call Something educational learned this week was well answered letter was read asking for Christmas gifts for the Mental Health Centres Mrs Robert Neil leader of the 4H Homemaking club outlined the project The Club Girl Entertains Thirteen girls have completed the course so far piano solo by Nancy Peacock wasenjoyedbyall Mrs Maltby presented slides of scenic trip to Washington which she and her family had enjoyed this sum mer spelling match con ducted by Mrs Caldwell was enjoyed by all The spelling match was followed by lovely lunch served by the hostess and her committee The Christmas meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Cliff Stephenson on Thursday Dec 16 Everyone is asked to bring gift valued at $1l25 Congratulations to Mrs Kcn neth Black who received $14 in the CKBB News Quiz Game on Nov 16 Dalton Banting returned home on Nov 15 after being hospitalized for two weeks in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Scott Sharp accompanied Mrs Allen Ireton of Stroud to Brantford of Nov 18 to attend the furneral of their cousin Tclford Sharp Mr and Mrs Emory Belfry of Bradford were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs George Holt on Nov 16 NEWLYWEDS Best wished go out to Earl Lennox and Barbara Waples who were married in the brides home in Durham on Nov 19 At tending from Thornton were the yooms parents Mr and Mrs Joe Lennox and his grand father Dalton Banting The newlyweds will reside on the grooms farm RR Orton Get well wishes go out to Mrs Ben Johnson who is recovering from broken hip in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie She fell in her home on Nov Trinity United Church Women will be holding their December meeting at the home of Mrs George Holt at 745 pm All committee chairmen are reminded to br ing their annual reports The roll call will be Bring one dollar and reveal your mystery 31 Dunlop tube and labor friend Visitors will be welcome tothe Christmas meeting Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Scott who celebrated their Golden Wed ding Anniversary on Nov 23 Mr and Mrs Orval Carr returned home on Nov 21 after spending 10 days in Daytona Beach While there they visited with Mr and Mrs Harry McKinnon and Mr and Mrs Ira Wilson IS MOURNEI Sympathy is extended to Mrs Fairbanks of Ellen Street in the sudden passing of her hus band Fred at his home on Nov 21 The Fairbanks had lived in Thornton since early October The funeral took place in WI visitors Craighurst By MRS HANDY CRAIGHURSI Womens Institute members from Dal ston Saurin and Coulson at tended the meeting in the Anglican Church basement on Tuesday evening Guests were welcomed by Barbara Sinton president Program convener Mrs Lin da Desroches thanked the special speaker Dr Irwin of Barrie who showed slides and told of his medical work in nor thern British Columbis Leaders of the senior needle point course will be Mrs Max Craig and Mrs Dades Mrs Carr and Mrs Ivey were appointed Girls Club Leaders for the next project Mrs Mar jorie Bell will be the special guest at our December meeting to be held in St Johns base ment on Tuesday Dec 14 at pm She will demonstrate Christmas decorations Mem bers are reminded to bring goodies for the shutin baskets Mrs Dades Mrs Williams and Mrs Craig took the sewing course this week at Elmvale Many friends and neighbors gathered in the Craighurst Hall to honor Herb and Mary Mow forth on the occassion of their 5th anniversary Jack Greaves expressed best wishes from Craighurst as he presented large mirror and an engraved silvcr tray Gordon Bidwell spoke on behalf of the Edgar friends in presenting china tea set and silver tray The guests of honor were assisted by their two daughterseLinda and Toby Old friends who were welcomed for this happy occas sion were Marys brother John Morrison of Montreal Her The TOSHIBA BLACKSTRIPE® With the exclusive 30month parts picture inhome wrrnty Model C365 The Toshiba 14inch Blackstripe® with solid state circuitry powerful modular chassis delivers brilliant yet natural picture Features include ABC AFT lighted indicators plus automatic voltage regulation for picture stability Molded cabinet in ivory red or harvest gold with 360 degree swivel base Available at ROBINSON HARDWARE Toronto where they had resided previous to moving to Thornton Mr and Mrs Len Vanderpost returned home on Nov 22 after having 17 day visit to Holland with relatives and friends They experienced beautiful summerlike weather while away so were quite chilled when they returned to our winter Besides travelling in the north and south of Holland couple of days were spent in London England on their way home It had been 24 years since Leon had been to his homeland and 17 years for Wil ly While they were away Mrs Harry Smith stayed with the children attend meeting sister Pearl and husband Bud Belanger of Barrie Herbs sister Grace and husband Tom Broiley of Crown Hill Harriett Mowforth and family of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Dale and girls from Toronto Mr and Mrs Craig and sons attended the Junior Far mers banquet at River Gardens Tom Craig spent Monday at the Royal Winter Fair in Town to Rev Farthing of Penetang assisted by David Ar cher student minister con ducted the service of appoin ting elders for Knox Prcs byterian Church on Sunday Nov 14 Those inducted were Mr and Mrs Art Dunn and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Martin The members of the Hillsdalc church attended the service Concerned CHATHAM CPI Attorney General Roy McMurtry said Thursday he is concerned be cause Canadians are deman ding tougher sentences for violent crimes while demon strating an increased tolerance for magazines books and films that cater to violent instincts There is nothing normal or healthy or praiseworthy about seeing someone whipped or beaten he said An if can discourage this type of material from being published and distributed will Persons who want to call such action interference with free dom of the press are free to do so the attorneygeneral said at the annual meeting of the Rotary Club 7282431 FORT SMITH NWT CP Jacques Van Pelt is asking Alberta residents whether they treasure colony of white peli cans enough to give up pro posed hydroelectric dam in the northeast corner of the prov ince About 60 white pelicans nest on an island in the Slave River near Mountain Rapids third cataract of the 17milelong Slave Rapids near the North west Territories border The colony is near what would be the crest line of planned hydroelectric dam with an estimated capacity of 2150 megawatts larger than any existing Alberta power plant Mr Van Pelt whose home in this community overlooks the Rapids of the Drowned just north of the border is the foun der of the PelicanPortage Group now about 100 members strong The group wants threemilewide restricted de velopment area set aside along the rapids It also wants the Alberta gov ernment to appoint warden to keep visitors away from the pelicans which desert their young when disturbed LIKELY WIPEOUT While there is possibility the birds could live with the dam Mr Van Pelt says it is more likely that the colony would be wiped out He adds the rapids are worth preserving in their own right aving great historical and ar cheological significance as well as great beauty Mr Van Pelt now in the sec ond year of iveyear study of the pelicans for the University of Albertas Boreal Institute says progress is being made After rovincial fish and wildlife iologists attended public hearing in Fort Smith two years ago the federal tran sport department issued war ning to pilots requiring them to fly at least 2000 feet above the colony There had been incidents of aircraft buzzing over the colony fora look Letitia Heights COMMUNITY OF AFFORDABLE HOMES IN BARRIE The Barrie Examiner Friday November 26197619 Are asked to favor pelicans over dam Mr Van Pelt says the only way to watch the pelicans with out endangering the young is with telescope from blind the technique he uses in his ob servations NOT PROTECTED The birds are not protected by the federal Migratory Birds Convention Act because of pres sure from commercial fish ermen It is alleged that they take too many commercial type fish but Mr Van Pelt says recent studies show they rely more on noncommercial spe cies The Slave River Rapids were first recorded by explorer Alex ander Mackenzie who warned that they involved 24hour portage In 1787 during voyage by explorertrader Cuthbert Grant five persons drowned on the lower set of rapids after mistaking hunters gunshot as signal to paddle through It has been claiming lives regularly ever since says Mr Van Pelt who frequently shoots the channels in his kayak PLEAIS FOR BEST MAN COLLIER HILL England CP Peter Williams of this Kent village laments that he has never been the best man at wedding The 21yearold bachelor says his big ambition is to be best man who next to the bridegroom he says is the most important man at wed ding but no one has ever asked him Jolly Elders make plans By BESSIE CRAWFORD 0R0 STATION Mr and Mrs Bob Pirrie spent the weekend of Nov in Mis sissauga with their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Calvin George They had tour of the CN Tower and attended the Ice Capades The Marigold Jolly Elders had pot luck dinner at the community centre on Tuesday Nov 16 They have made plans to hold their Christmas dinner at Guthrie on Dec The next meeting will be Jan at the Community Centre Mr and Mrs Bob Ryan of Sudbury visited with Mrs Ryans parents Mr and Mrs Bob Pirrie after returning from the Bahamas Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Karl Gilchrist who will be married 35 years on Nov 29 welcome is extended to Mr and Mrs William Brennan and family who have purchased the home formerly owned by Mr and Mrs Bob Andrews More money for loans TORONTO CP The On tario government will provide $18 million to municipalities for tile drainage loans next year Agriculture Minister William Newman said Thursday He told the legislature small part of the $18 million will be set aside in special fund for municipalities that have not taken out loans in the last three years MEIlUN DT DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture ServiCe Hours am pm Mon thru Sol 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society TIISSOSPACIOUS ITS GOINGTOBE SUCHANICESPOTTOBEINING AND WEIIAVEALDTOF LARGE BACKYARDAND NICETREES AND ITS JUSIA WONDERFUL PLACE TO UVE Mrs Karlein what made you decide to come to Letitia Heights PROPERTY Complete frame and body repairs 0V9 baked refinishing CaII Mel Smith 7261811 27 yrs same location 726 81 233 Bradford St BARRIE