FY vvwvv WVWWVWWW WWWVW vvwwmwww VLWI Www 16 The Barrie Examiner Friday November 26 1976 Al PROPERTY FOR SALE IE ESTATE Rorim FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS MORTGAGES APARTMENTS T0 RENT COMMERCIAL 50R ul BACHELOR APARTMENT partially SALE 0R RENT furnlshad $120 per month Highway 400 and 89 Call between and pm KINZIE TWO BEDROOM apartment upper floor duplex Includes frlg stove heat utilltles location Ross Street 3210 men thly Phone after pm and weekends 7269437 BEDROOM apartment trig and stove parking Central location no MORTGAGES iEEZZi°f5lÂ¥ii WE HAVE funds immediately Tenants pay own heat and hydro No bigot736531 David Wass Real avallabl lth ttlv tes BUILDERS ASSIST c°mp° ONE BEDROOM apartment to sublet In 995 PromP C0m Wellington Place Apartments Close to OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decgrated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 royal 00k really lid 42 Dunlop Steel West Barrie Ont Telephone l7l15 7371223 87 Bayfield sr 7372300 Toronto Direct Line 3620332 INNISFIL Lat with cabin $12500 EAST END4 YR OLD$4500 DOWNI TF 73 210 BUILDNG LOT Lefroy $16000 SIM buuamg your equity in Your 01 IUXUIY candominium mltments and complete con r51Ogiznggxégggiavalgï¬lfgggfgyaï¬ OFFgséL°TREs SBDRMS Close to GOStation Bus $27500 Bdr detached brick alum side split shaped living townhouse overlooking Lake Slchcaewlth low down payment or fldentiality for first second and day SBDRMS Close to schools shops $35000 012 hardwood floors family rm attached Oarage Low lbuilders assistance SY° mm afoot m°9°9° hld 1090995 ROOMSI mm 1000 SQ FT BDRM Brick downtown Barrie $37000 price of $45900 Immediate possession Bob Hocklay 728 liarrles from $335 m°mh or me on can eld I°r Y°°rs emrmce we and mgemor ALL TYPES Of property residen Dunlap St Suit young ople or BDRMS StarterRetirement home $38000 no commercioi and vacaï¬onoL students with references elephone BDRM Brick Barrie Reduced $45900 The best of modern store or office space for rent or lease Dunlap East Mlnl WIth no Interest and no payments COUNTRY CHALET rd wk dam 728292lior4245036 glgzaï¬ agar37217358 and owner parking Dro down and WE ALSO bu existln mor Lb NEW Bozxhï¬riplfea I°5565I°360 $5000 dn snuggle up In front of your choice of log burning oppzriuniiy for you to buy your first home gages cash ouss To In giggle Sogorsrtlgrartésfté ogngflgï¬mmrgz NEW BD ac sp It urc fireplaces cozy sleeping loft large games rm tom rm co 60 32538 OUR ADWCE Is FREE FOUR NEW LUXURY may prime Manon Amp mm ACRES APPROX Within annexation area $59500 close ski lodge Wayne Knish 7288800 TOWNHOUSES many businesses Asking mo BDRMS Double Att Garage Thornton $59900 Co IAN KERR thly Contact John Trlbble 7260259 or TALL TREES 17 ST VINCENT ST 7288328 after6 pm NEW BDRM M0171 floorfarntly room $59950 bd Bus 737488 Th re ed r00 WO FOR LEASE maner space ma 9ACRES Sandy Tm inmsm $67500 $49900 brick um ung en lrep ace rec rm HOME 4875385 kichen with warehousing 7263400 RAngelott BDRMS Indoor pool Builders Home $159000 905 b0rb°cuer 99 9V 99 00094 c°d EvelY worm 099 McLaren KINZIE LIMITED sliding doors to balcony riftuoigfvï¬imrriigï¬ï¬i 2313 IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING HOME MOR 107 Dunlap gas overlooking courtyardOGmages telephone answering and some secre TGAGE FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE JUST CALL ONE OF OUR EX EXECUTIVE TUDOR BARRIE with paved parking into and LxlgérAppY 1° 30X 590 Barri Ex PERIENCED SALES PERSONS 56000 98 Plus V°d° W1 5°C Member Ontario Mortgage throughout courtyard gpAca son RENT N26 mtge Gorgeous Bdr side split with fin fam rm fireplace FTP Brokers Associaflon Close schéols churches Bi purvis 7260452 Elva Mills 7283749 walkout expenslve broadloom decor absolutely im mmWWWHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIEITIIIIIIII TF shopping and transportation 335glgï¬ggnkkï¬ï¬fï¬am Anne Spencer 45392 Andy Melnyk 7267369 mOCUIaIe More 728I8800 II II For more information phone 315 Ile l°ldlnfldf°dgrd MRI Les WOIIIWIIgIIf Tom Fifzsimmins DETACHED VACANT anyï¬me ï¬neafryggsuo arge exp Dorothy Fitzsimmins 4562620 10 Mtge carries $320 Preferred east end location No bonuses 70552679989am pm Finished fam rm hardwood floors Walkout from dining rm brokerage or finders 7057283030 Pm pm garage vehufspï¬ ezcsplgt attached garage paved drive Only $45900 asking Nora REALTOR fees N30 DliVBIYOUfse 16 Maple AWth Rivers 7288800 488 Bayfiald St BARRIE Ont 7253371 WM Borrow up to $15000 BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT vlew SPACE IN Allandale area 1200 sq ft COUNTRY SIZE LOT 80 190 0149 on amounts 33 Eggsgrlgzldlgnmogtnmgllmcgl lsgeal 2r Itéecmlléilcsbfiafflflitl rooms or re 11 $751903 01°5°95 h°° °° mId °° DONT BE CHAUFFEUR bedroom side split in excellent con °V°3°°° ï¬ggyflggmï¬y 5333 3°¢°5 II TegP°n°72°3°I°III°I5m en zatozgrlmz RéaI1Wcéngdc ggaggoo ome diton Large family room Lshaped dining and livmg room baths I5 Year amogIéaIXCTY GARAGES IIY qualify broadloom This home is within walking distance to schools HOUSEHOL rent EXCUSIVG IOCMlOn For 1° WANTED To rent Heated garage or ASUPER 55M and shopping and an idea 0C°ï¬Â°n for growing fomny Asking CORPORATION LIMITED formail°ncall726f5 garage bay for or months to restore Ist mtge rec room partially finished paved dble 349900 To View can Lenora Laycock 7285018 BARRIE gxaï¬gflgggzgggemwé 9m VflCeTeupmuuom REALTOR APPRAISALS jIIveI 1705261 d7rggragogIeeI IIIIIIIY ShedI IOI 75 II II COII SOUTH OF BARRIE New bedroom side split with attached 25 DunIoP SIIeeIEOS LIIIIIItIlIeeSRIEIdcaItIeIIimlrfngrIIIISIIIgIIItIIIIIItf AUTOMOTIVE TORONTO 539 9487 mum on er garage almost completed Hollywood styled kitchen fireplace in Highway 12 bypass between 6111 St and CARS FOR 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 lNNlSFlL 12th CONCESSION basement large lot Asking $48900 Call Lenora Laycock 7285018 MWFN29 Fwwsmvmue Hun BRAND NEW and bedroom homes EXCELLENT STARTER Oro cozy bedroom stucco bungalow on area Large ms Telephone large lot Panelling in living room large family style kitchen Owner must sell $21000 1st mortgage VTB 2nd to sell Call Lenora OPEN7DAYSAWEEKWEEKDAVS UNTIL9 $2000 down bdrm bung new wiring furnace on secluded acre near beach $29900 asking Try any offer must sell Easy terms Very nice home Bill Warnlco 72B 8800 1969 CHEV Townsman Wagon au tomatic radio power steering powqr rear window tires on rims snow tir on rims all whitewalls Roof mount antenna fog lights track player with WATE RONT bedroom bungalow ln EXCLUSIVEAGENTS Ora Spacious rooms appliances drapes braadloom $400 monthly Lease speakers 7255173 FOR SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP LOYCOCk 7285018 and refeerrzjces 4162499528 evenings 1971drlONTI¢C Catalina door In 985 OME Locomd in we ark us so £71788 un ays can ton op vinyl roof radio air CW1 $24995 acres on paved road good drilled well room BEPROOM MOBILE OI ee ui mengfinoncin BEDROOMS living room kitchen C°ndlll°nedrWilresrcelmledTllle nd Io Barrie Included In the purchase price are refrigerator stove and mm and run basement Highway 27 classTelephone7269143anytlme °m° mme m° °r drapes Immediate possession Asking $11900 Call Lenora h0me lPFOVles south at Holly miles south of 400 1974 VOLKSWAGEN camper West MIDHURST much less With drilled well and permits Ralph Williams 728 728 5018 land mortgages ljlifllWGYnï¬BSAOeieninas thalia fully equipped Excellent tend Open Sat Sun noon till dusk 8800 Or 4233431 N26 aycoc lst 2nd and 3rd mortgages BEDROOM Gwrga 999 onwm cermy Iephmemwuum 500 HOBBY FARM Acres An older bedroom Two ore area 8300 per month Available Dec 1969 BEAUMONT GM 396 engine prlme rates Telemann4168623727 collect from9to speed turbo posltractlon heavy duty home in excellent condition Two barns and double car garage bufldersvimerim loans 5MondaytoFrlday suspension Goodyearao Rallytlres new 51 COLLEGE CRES storey bedroom home with attached Hurryl This wont last Call Lenora Laycock 7285018 leose back 71885 THREE BEDROOM house for rent 10 Palm05kl093h9959090972934 miles west of Barrie Reasonable rent 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS excellent con galuge bOhroomS 0nd Qeomlng IOOFS 00 05 Price N26 Calicollectto Available December 15 Telephone dltlon s2995 Power steering power $49900 with immediate passesston 7269409 supper time SBEDROOMI lthl TALL TREES SPECIAL Chateauwood model fenced rear yard cedar rem or aslariltelousiï¬tsfl $950353 deck oft kitchen family room with fireplace rec room l7 baths 008 DONOR Telephone4872412 good quality braadloom fieldstone wall in hall paved drive Just BEDROOM detached home fully broadloomed fenced yard close to bus $56900 RUKER 560 ï¬ï¬negcres stop and schools $365 monthly AvalI JUST LISTED hdb ks REAL ESTATE LID able ImmediatelyTelephone7264689 eorge avtes UI room ac pl 00 Size TI 7053254334 BEDROOM la dl kitchen Family room with fireplace and walkout Double garage unga roa oorn brakes radio Telephone 7269816 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu cylinder automatic with power steering In ex cellent condition $500 certified 7371016 after6 pm 1971 PINTO Certified 4901 miles refinished with snow tires $950 or nearest offer Telephone 1268905 1972 TOYOTA Corolla good condition will certify25 flrm Phane487571I throughout car garage builtIn with paved drive Pleasure to show Priced rightat$65900 1971 TOYOTA wlll certify ssoo Call dishwasher available Immediately $325 monthly Phone 7267897 Erlc4589536atterl2naon Fl BELLEWARTJbedroomhousewth PRICE SLASHED FOR FAST SALE bedrooms fireplaceIS flngsgoeod HORSESHOE VALLEY TF replace no appliances 25 monthlV mEeREéJuier gagggtltgrlnkglalweam rec r°° 907°99 large l° Beau 995 NOW Spectacular VleW of ski slopes beautiful bdrm custom built home £3910 consider trade Lorne Hay 7284700Iafter $4900downHUrry fireplaces baths brocdioom throughout wolkou deck TOWNHOUSE WHY PAY MORE COMPARE our rates First second BEDROOM homeon Bradford Street 6pm7267600 third mortgages appralsals Gerry recently redecorated Immediate SOMETHING DIFFERENT Country setting four bedrooms large lan QOTOQGI monY more IGOIUWS JTY Decole 7283542 $34700 Immaculate and attractive bdrm storey plus garage 5YV°k°5 27° Gum Ld Wsemm eferemes 75 °m 1972 GRAND PRIx SJsundance oran 737M Temphone Slmon Beekhuuen Rep LOU wlth white vlnyl top and Interior Ra dscaped lot fireplace and allround unique llvmg Owner tran GULL ROCK WATERFRONT Completely broadloomed and newly decorated four appliances in Magiggéégggubhfaggggï¬r Goedemondt Real EstateI Limited 333issfigpfu3ï¬21321233 sferred and asking only $51 000 bdrm bungalow full basement stone fireplaces car garage cluded Please call Enid Day 7370011 7266904 diate action confidential David 7297 lng wheel Power windows seat and LETlTlA ST bedroom bungalow with fireplace In the living 190 frontage excellentview finished rec room excellenitlnon HOBBY FARM Iov ACRES EXCELLENT AREA £3533 Esme arm MM Effnigfriwflgussirioglifmtlvgliieolé 7231319 mm ca Im room large family room bedroom downstairs Landscaped lot c19 low down POYmenl Must be 501d Jay Decarie 7283542 $57500 Minutes to Barrie and priced right 1t storey house or December 25 °Y Teepmne pleaseca117371295 DECEMBER Four bedroom semi back spilt braadloom S395 monthly insï¬gggoglltscepndxlnIIICAIIï¬lIts soIrIlIIIIyII References Please Baylledcundes Askin $53 900 Emus BmnWmlngsm L92 SALEday mlies very good condition Toe the Wlt patio rlvacy ence ossessuon In ecem er Farm Home for rent bdrmsn attractwely decorated onum area bedrooms full basement also born 20 24 360 frontage on ONE BEDROOM House5mtles wesyoi extras to 31400 or be on $250 per month plus utilities References please Jay Decaria 723 paved road Please call Enid Day 7370011 7266904 APARTMENTS To RENT Barrie on Highway 90 Hot and cold Telephone7373346 BUY NOW Move In before Chrlstmos $4000 down for this 3542 water in 0059 3300 01559 mm tastefully decorated condominium home in good area Features full N26 xscglve CULDESAC ALLANDALE KANEFF gï¬wnable Teepm M938 bodyszoo Telephone7264988 finished rec room extra pc both most attractive all brick raised bungalow on large lot 1966 CHEV SS street or strip $2800 In CONDOMINIUM bedroom Fem GERRY SYVOKAS 4372700 BERNICE WHELAN 7262334 90 145 beautifully landscaped LR DR 23 13 Kit 23 lo with APARTMENT HOMES mgwgï¬gï¬ï¬rmmaf ï¬gggglgg reestsgigllgfsgllaalgpgisybiioaasbestof housekee in sin am Phon in Igngesksgkï¬g JAY DECARIE 7283542 LOU KELLY 7264930 large dinette and walkout also four large bdrms This is truly an Barries Finest $06200 s3 51iégozi3572glfmlgé 197I3 Chryser one owner dva mm 536 500 executive home with fireplaces and bathrooms Large Rec Rm IMPERIAL TOWERS 7333 peeingby aggglgggentonly Telephoneaf area 28 11 and also games room 196 86 For more details 72695807264991 3150 MONTHLy Two bedroom w3 p$EVOLéT mp mow ANTEN MILLS Bullder clearance over 1500 sq ft of finished please call Enid Day 7370011 7266904 Adults tsigtnegedlovAvwltltaoglt lgngeddfaerckgygqy wagon mmaflc power steering 3nd area Lovely braadloom top quality fixtures double garage and 68 N26 TF mama couple Teiephonenuaao brgkeIS radiotliower reaglnlndoxsrï¬ treed lot over 200 deep Make an offer VM MODERN Mogbedmom My Umlshed ra as exce en con on $2950 Phone 7269011 daily 7370307 Mldh liable BEDROOMS UP and bedroom apt in basement fOr relatives DUNLOP 7283293 AE THE MAY FAI ï¬JIIIlsirigIMay lSItIIsNaoIegetsIIIIPhone rmm COmPlee lhls Clea brle bungalow NeWOn Sl Wllh dOUbe EAST Barries newest bulldinq 9M and two 728397 transmission Best offer Telephone paved drive Asking $46900 includes groves fridge extra In Bay le IIIOHO bedroom aparlmï¬nggith nice View and misï¬t 3mrgomotoanwn gusraalgrregtp sulation makethis Oil heated home very economical TIIIV IIIIIIII TVT Pluncesr bgadmgwï¬gzfaage leinDQLillyntIgnalliJIbm rIsIdIIlIdI Steele Street eep one EXTRA LARGE PARK LIKE LOT so 360 and fully landscaped Hours Weekdays9to9 Nï¬IQmjnï¬ BEDROOM HOME 12 miles west of Marita TN°fliff£i bedrooms formal dining room fireplace in living room fireplace in samrda 05 650 mmï¬mrï¬snon callI7263827 or BarrieI $175 monthlv First 836516 alter7pm7267m future family room 23 14 master bedroom patio and barbecue rlsaanviimo 321 33 011311232 muff 1969dF0R3325A81RLANE goo mg doc St ar auoma cr ne stumedomstesrangstroms WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN APPRAISALS StanisisziiémRoam ngggsggï¬ REMm bodywork so mechanlcallv ATTRACTIVE OLDER HOME Four bedrooms bog5 um room EAST END BARRIE bedroom bungalow close to schools and shop MORTGAGES ml 581311sczzggmhpnsszg hlggnggé bedrooms mm dean per Eagtllflgdnitnd winterized $340 7268273 large sun deck insulated work Shop Asking $42500 ng Plam PVOPBIIY W9 mainlained hydro 1in and last monitts rent requir ggégmoggIREZfELaï¬egggnog L°U LE Mans Only 29000 miles like ed 501 adults only no pets wlnterbluebluevln ANTEN MILLS BUNGALOW Beautiful quiet setting large ghELUNGTON IIICZY bedroom bungalow on 50 Io FROVIDING ACOMPLETE pERSONALIZED Avallaeglzon JIarfuary 151 Telephone 816 BAY POINT2bedroom bunaalow IIng Faziiisfg at buy 33796 bedroomS fireplace in living room walkout from dining room full 0059 Your own co ors 291532 EE 07 23mm1lgfggfghxggvgï¬zgiuxg wo car garage Forfurther information on the above ads call Jim Cross REAL ESTATE SERVCE BEDROOM apartment family build 19 970 FORD MAVERICK sx cylinder ve rive5639oo $210monthlyplusutllltlesAvallablet no available November 15 two door radio winter tires Certified N26 1w DUNLOP ST BARRIE weekizio 4507 HOSPITAL AREA $39 500 full me To 509 bnck home appllcenl For lwlher $800 Phone7284381afterlpM RIDGE RD Oro Twp house situated on acres with lovely view Zoned for multiple family dwelling ideally located walking distan 1968 VOLVO 142 4speed 35W Uncer ce to downtown park etc tlfied Telephone 7268027 of Lake Simcoe $55000 N26 $27000 bedroom family home Try your down payment Vendor N0 995 10 VCcm AD TeIephme nHIIII I2 noon asligrlrloealirgsgiaï¬wgrfligif allerépm Avallabe 0991 elephone3222529 after5Ktpm WIll hold first mortgage CTNE EBROOM AMRTMEM Ground BEDROOM winterized cottage 12 Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 50 umnes 90 miles from Barrie Appliances and hy JEEP 1948 wheel drive with plow Po Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 DUPLEX In Oro Twp In good condition close to school $42900 mogrrimye lgt we last morms in ad dro 31 is womqsbéglame De mgroyrgtatae flaggggggtflm Toke cent one Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 N26 N°RNonggréfshiglggggï¬ ARTM£NTS WANTED 1970 Tom custom 500 good running con Bi Evans no 3224575 Chuck Lambs 728800 John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Roohor service ezmrfggp To RENT ditlon body needsTsome work certified Bert Cuff 7284067 Larry Brewer 7289745 David Sheswe 4375560 Roger Sholswell 4372920 REAL we WW We Bevan65M bï¬l mp1 John ConeII 7267726 Harry Mogill 7263864 31 €31 726l59 TE 2322E€22203m SJ Siiilrtoi 5335Egï¬EJégï¬lï¬z3233323 power brakes steering vlnvl root new Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 A9 Pln°Vl°W 50 °I Mldhm mo Imonthly Telephone 7260857 alter 72660 Reasonwle gwsiglggkzgetggpasnls $425 or best 530 Jlm Harrls 7267173 TF Youn in JOHN COLE 7293017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 ERAND Mo mm abame HOUSES WANTED Wm TOYOTA CM 50 or TOM CAIRNS 7280653 available on Shanty Bay Rd Private en TO NT 1970 Plymouth Belvedere $600 or best of LIM ITE REALTOR trances Two bedroom has fireplace in ferTelephone4245166 anytime family room First and last months rent CARPENTER wishes to rent house or 973 pLyMOUTH door anon gym in advanca7264930 Available Dec 17 apartment In Barrie area with yard new radalflnslnwbnkumd shocks mt ESTATE Acts ï¬aiéaï¬Ã©ojfabahmem To rem privileges reasonable rent Box 471 23 monthly plus hydro Relrioeralor caring for canede stove heal included St VincentGrove ROOMS To LET IF ESEIEMMTUVW°€58£L FURNISHED ROOMS Downtown loca com MISS SSAUGA COU RT tlon Clean bright modern Shared klt Ist and 2nd en MOrthge Loans cheMlltonRealtynHooo Blrrlo 728 4491 Toronto Llnlfllom Immele bedroom apa men oore power steering power brakes Certified 42000 miles Best offer Telephone 4872202 1970 BUICK Skylark needs some work on from right side 8500 uncertlfled Telephone7282950 after5pm 1972 EL CAMINO Low mileage new ax ilan Dra es supplied Available ï¬lVATE GIRLS residence furnished Must system brake and east ot 59 is on yo lawn Anywhere homes C°°995r farms eceIrIneberlsPalephoneI26 3333 roomsfl Centrally llocaLed Alma ferTelephone4562427 re erties SUBLETvabargorhw31113773371If1 cm °° 1973 VEGA Hatchback 4speed radIo VOCOllon and commerca close to shopplng single and double perlai Towers View of the bay Colored snow tires 23000 original miles ex 89 refrlgerator and stove Sauna and our cellent condlflon $1 Telephone DOWNTOWN BARRIEI To consolidate debts low monthly payments clse room All utllltles paid 7281391 DOWHNgownlFgrnlshefllmmhgrt2 7373oaiamr5pm afters supp en ac Photo Multiple Llstlng Servtce The only fabric shop in downtown Barrlel Great potential Only H°mglmpr°vem°m5 anywouhy mason 35072007 aparï¬eml Manled co room privlleges7166392 1973 330000 John Cavanough 7264491 To pay off existing or maturing mortgage pledanly nochlldreni$215 mggitlvï¬dlgst BRIGHTd nemlngfiggzaggsgzgzflff Chevelle Malibu 40000 miles3141er 531 months Will mm 0W rel steel radials AMFM casse snow NEW LISTING Maplehurst Cr bedroom brick and aluminum CUNDLES ROAD AREAI Conï¬lfUClonlundlr°° advc°y parking iacllltles Available December chenTaurusRealEstate Ltd7373000 dardransmlsslonTeepm737nnof bungalow Shaped living room and dining room beautiful stone $44900 room semi brick bungalow in excellent condition 0We haveraady cash to purchase Mortgages FURNISHED rooms to rent Friendly £9693 tmenl forIIIIIIIaTiT atmos her Cookln facllltles provided fireplace and bar In rec room garage Owner transferred Priced at Finished basement large rec rm Dick Pollock 7264491 or 728 ONE BEDROOM AP 1967 MUSTANG for sale 209 motor A1 newly decorated close to shopping and 25 weekly Telphone 7266271 after power Se in need me my 550qu 2544 MORTGAGE FUNDING choals Call collect 14167279357 alter pm mp pr mm lemme 17 JimM FURNISHED ROOMS Central park 4292993 PRATT BUILT bedroom home on Cynthia Court finished basement OUR AGENTS ARE GOOD BEDROOM upper duplex on levels Ilng kltcnenllittaglvllegesI comRmon mom GA5 SAVER moo alga downtown area com letB renova lnen supp wee espo 450 on IamIIy room WIIII IIIepIace on moIn IIOOI Immedme posseSSIon IIIIISII courIeous arId knOWIedgeabIe senIo pmVIdOdl co anY 009 modern new applianILes range hood adults Telephone7267186 360234310 or Call for On appomtment today Askmg$57900 of them or drop Into our office if you have real estate problem 129 DUNLOP ST EAST CallAnyflme 347 BAY STREET etci groaddoam pagklngutlgltiesleat ATTENHON ï¬gsah ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iibm nc ed eis ecur epos re In CONCESSION 0R0 TOWNSHP bedroom FWGbOde homer com IIIOI needs IIOIVIIIIgI 24 hour serVIceI BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT aulred 726168 evenings only$285 327IgrxllIlzglIIItIlgï¬cgllflblgcleoze AIIIï¬hrgzghuhéagovengyï¬zasm pIIIIeIY bIOOdIoomedI IIIIICIIII IIeIIIIng IOI I00 no pleasure N26 7260981 Phone Service 363321 gofglAlgs IOF lgrggrfralgmsmggféï¬lfé Lonbus and malls Call 7269319 after comm Sum ms Tmphm Show Asking $47900 ne ose 7269560 Is Available December 1st Tele Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc muum msplm BRIGHT Frunlshed housekeeping room CONCESSION ItESPRA Large well freed lot approximately ltgny7lgasggstovs Centrally located CARS WANTED acres only miles from city bedroom brick bungalow spring FURNISHED CLEANWWHHB 99k Pr°pey Asking 55 900 One bedroom apartment Good view of roan bmadioomed Throughout com N26 bay $225 monthly Includes heat light mum Hyman and bamroom 3m water and TV cablecentral sult adults mommy please phone 7371605 an For gaff Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 T°°P°°77°935w pm Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 oaNrtEI 73931123 BracIISIdIIIrIIIrIaIreIItEIIgIeIIIIIIISII BEDISITTNG ROOM mer Larry Wood 00 lOIll 4373143 R0 B°l5l009 72930 couEa ond sC°nd rs IsItoveYand fireplace suitable for adult Iffttrtggm caIItIIIlrIIIItIIITiAIIITIiItIgiIIlh £31m GOOD CLEAN MTEWI CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS MORTGAGES ARRANGED no pets and none smoker please East immgd39ey 11623004 7371000 AUTOMOBIL WWW WWflrMw BARRIE 7262611 Reasonable Rates gné7géï¬rï¬bï¬rï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬m BngHT gloat room fogsï¬rftgr grim onv HARDY Mo 21 12 LOOK pop OUR 56 FOR All you hman Gem 176 BRADFORD ST glan Bay fully furnished ulilltles reaTegpnone1373923 REAL ESTAT In 5153 per month Tele hone 79 BAYFIELD ST NEAR HOSPITAL IJODITOWN $5122ng TIN ï¬IaIIIIIIIIINIgIIIIIEIIIIIII6 IIIIIIIIIIII IF roomapal me 737177101737T096Bl Of an For Cash in ton Pia 5225 thl Avallabl TOP PRICE 09 CD To Mr IARRIE louse 70 kidw Wllh WOIKOUI l0 patlo formal dlnlna °°v Mari elifelnsurance Jagiluarylsï¬ePhonETISIIJnmzftBFSpme 557angggï¬slgaï¬glflffémwfm Ld°3d° 53°71 rge 119 room family room and bedrooms very attractively r0 MNN Ff5°R aï¬ï¬memï¬m mm ocmm Whom 737393 Julsz EARS VJANTED Highest prices cefloémzd I°nc°d b°°Y Aklng Only 341900 AWKEIIAL LOANS 2319fgoxadln12onébasemezithsr not flm eminmify pic up Holt Auto Adams 7236829 HNA MTG °° Ist 501114 Both avallable December Evenings TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for um lt 95 COLLETTES47 700 ENTERPRISES 2nd MTGS at 139 rtecoatoralidovsaturday Acc3£23°Ns grecitIIIi gag com rlges paid ONE AND bed tments PHoIo MULHPLE LsNo SERWCE bedroom raised bungalow low down payment large existing first BAYFIELO 5T Open DOIIY amI 530 pm AVPHme o°z°mb$°mlapg°n 00 YOU WANT to share largefurnlshed SHAKE WRECKNG TWIN APPRNSALS MORTGAGES mortgage my Good vaiue Co Corby Adams 7286829 $018 evenings downtown area Rents $145 and $150 apanmm Pm young wan Cm scrap metal cars boughtover scalesm N26 H00 am pm by appointment azllyélocahtedsm monthly Telephone SMALL BEDROOM 9m Bill ROW 7255999 Collin Nelles 7265208 Mcclcory Manager 7281865 000 HOPklm 7281662 bY °PP°T BI 2072 mant trig and stove SIIIIIgiIsIIIIard 3361 WANTED Mature business person age $9585 WWI 90 Wqu charlgsarown 7282624 rmnt Ne 7266696 Dorothy MacQuarrle 7286358 AudroyManhall 4362380 Momb°°° M°°°° Ity II 2335JniywiéiIlriwiï¬ï¬swï¬ï¬3 fa so to so modern furnishes Wm Russel Carson 7266161 TF Corby Adams 7286829 Barry CampbellNash 7371324 Brokers Association 7333 cm don Manama bong home Bum mg Cum Anna wrum Fm up Lam Mil79u Decemberl Telephone 7265303 96322Aft16pm424