It Ilie Barrie Examiner Friday November anwzm BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON BARRIE CABLE MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TO FRIDAY FRIDAY EV 2I7 L22 News Movie Escape From Zahrainl ft 24 Hours Definition 127 Evening Report Grill Adaml lHor News ll Palm lame Il Spencer Pilots Tlto thitli 123512 liico Man 00 3512 Tommy iiection Ill ollcgc Foo tldd touple Row hug for Dollars tonceiilrrition Top Secret Life of Edgar Riggs Holmes and oyo To Tell The Truth Franklinl Marci lItI I010 Shtmlii 22 News 29 Dean Martin lr Starsky and Hutch in ItilILe Story LL Movie itliarlottes 12 lliiwriii liivtstl Weill llzotl Match iiiiiic PM Strikts Spares Hartman Misses 2ll59ll News DianeSltipIe lIti ti I£IIII Sleiiilierg News Break the Rank ilVHtzArNews ll lIin Ittistl tiui l2 Holi ewiiiirt ltpposile moo Sexes Sélllftlrll illlll Son ill Mary Tyler Moore Io ie Part itIiarlotlts Ill 37 News IIIi THE DOCTOR SAYS Wax in protects it By IIIUSIILSUN Ml Dear Dr Tliostesoii The other day we were discussing the formation of wax in the ear and since we have never heard this discussed by physician we would like to ask you what the function of this wax is What processes of the body are responsible for it It seems to be so different from other bod ily substances Can you illumi natethis Cerumen learwaitl is mat ter produced by glands located in the meatus imeATUSi of the ear That is the canal opening to the ear proper As with other skin secretions its purpose is to maintain the health of the tissue as well as protect that part of the ear from dust and foreign material Some folks glands may over do the job producing earwax faster than it can be elimi nated Usually the wax drops out of the ear in tiny balls as it accumulates We hardly notice the process The chief danger of over production is hearing loss from the accumulated wax closing off the canal and blocking soun dwaves Another danger is hardened wax clinging to the thin lining of the ear canal This can cause irritation For this reason impacted wax should be softened carefully with warm water or warm oil drops before removal Impacted wax should be removed by the doc tor who can see what he is doing You shouldnt use anything smaller than your elbow as the saying goes Dear Dr Thosteson am female 22 happily married with very active sex life Is there physical reason why woman is unable to achieve or gasm during intercourse have this problem and do not think it is merely in my head It is mystery to me have heard of other women friends who were inorgasmic until they had minor surgical procedure called dorsal clip This was said to be cut ting away of tiny bit of skin in the clitoral area to allow greater stimulation These women say they have never had trouble since My doctor avoids the subject The procedure sounds little scary to me but believe me am willing to try it My hus band is very gentle and under standing but dont think it is fair to either of us lam certain you can understand my feel ings because you always seem so considerateMrs high percentage of women 30 per cent in recent studyi are inorgasmic for various rea sons psychological or physical The chief causes are either emotional hangups or in adequate foreplay The womans response often is slower anyway However there can be physi cal reasons related to the cli toris itself It may be shielded too well not allowing sufficient engorgement The surgery you mention is comparable to cir cumcision in the male lt frees the clitoris Ask your gynecologist about this again It may be that he realized from examination that this is not your problem But if he continues to be evasive try doctor one of your friends has seen Where it is appropriate the surgery you mention has been quite successful Dear Dr Ihostesoii How wrong can you get All other doctors who really care about health always say never block sneeze So where do you get off passing along information that its OK to block sneeze lts healthy to sneeze Reader It isalways There are some very good reasons for wanting to block sneeze One is to avoid passing on germs when handkerchief is not handy That should be ob vious second reason equally im rtant is to avoid undue strain following sur cry or for per sons who suf er nosebleed the other hand sneeze should not be stifled just for the sake of stifling it since sneeze can have the dffect of loosening TELEVISION GUI 3BARRIE BUFFALO roiioino 79 Allstar Tribute to John Wayne it Great Debate 197 Rockford Files Movie French toir ll MOVIO lEleaiior iiml aught in the cl Mary llarimim Mary ulohnny titrson llr Larry Solwz 36 I976 Jiturmo I2 PETERBOROUGII 22 GLOBAL ENING Movie lRio Bravo Movie Vacation From Marriage IlIII l2 Movie Fools Ittti Movie iTunes of Glory Movie lllusbandsi News St Moyie The Ride lo lliiiiginaiis Tree MoVic llhe Good Bad and lglyI and the Hunter tbiill ll l2ltl Mary lliirlmrm lilltl Movie rllie Invisible lml Midnight Special loiie lolly and hlel no it lo ie lhlillt tin ri Str IIILZ If luic Killers ii ii If II Men iiilfiii lroiisille iltl IIII ti Mot ie Illic tase Against Brooklyn III Mime Ichp Em Fly noti ppos ear mucus and relieving congestion Dear Dr lliostesoii We have son who is allergic to animal dander We have household pets ldog and catl that are dearly loved and we hate to part with them Is there way to treat the allergy and keep our pets lrs Ti An article in recent issue of the magazine Modern Medicine reports high degree of sUCcess with the injection of animal dander extracts In recent study about 80 per cent of dandersensitive patients overcame their allergy this way If your sons allergy source has been narrowed to animal dander it would be worth look ing into this whether you have pets yourself or not However it may take some time before your sons tolerance to the dang der is achieved Dear Dr lliosteson have what my doctor calls spruc dont understand much about this How do you get it Do you have to have surgery Mrs lll presume you mean non tropical sprue This is an in tolerance to certain protein gluten found in grams lex cept rice and corn The lll tolerance causes shrivelling of the lining of the small lll testine Diarrhea gaseousiicss weight loss weakness and anemia can result Surgery is not necessary ex cept for biopson the intestine membrane to confirm the diagnosis If your physician is confident of the diagnoses and if you start on glutenfree diet promptly such biopsy may not be needed The intestinal problem imr proves as the diet which is quite restrictive progresses You should have the diet ex plained to you in detail Later on you may be able to eat the restricted grain foods occasion ally but frequent use will cause recurrence of the problem Dear Dr Ihosteson Is there any vitamin that can be used for dark circles under the eyes have had these circles since can remember Now am 29 years old Mrs II No vitamins for dark cir cles In most these circles are caused by the nature of the skin itself or of the contour of the cheeks If your skin is very thin and fair the circles would ap pear more prominent Loose skin about the eyes will cause this discoloration Stretch the skin outward from your nose with your lorefingers anti you will notice lightening effect Skilful use of cosmetics should hide your circles If un usually loose skin is the cause this can be corrected surgically Inaccurate Macdonell VANCOUVER tCPl an Audi torGeneral Macdonell said Wednesday he is amazed that Prime Minister Trudeau and Finance Minister Donald Macdonald have appeared to misunderstand his recom mendation to appoint chief financial officer to oversee government spending He said in telephone inter view from Ottawa that it is in accurate for them or anyone else who has read his report which says the overnment is losing control spending to suggest that constitutional problem stands in the way of appointing SUCII financial offi cer Both Mr Trudeau and Mr Macdonald have suggested that such an officer to be known as the comptrollergeneral of Can ada would usurp governmental and ministerial responsibilities on finances am absolutely amazed at any possible inference that this person could have any direct connection with Parliament Mr Macdondll said LAAJAA rALAL¢I4 444A4AAAAMWA WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD SEE You RIVER RATs L6TENJAKE IF YOURE 50 ACROSS 39 Beasts oi Answer to Previous ru zle ARE 5TILL CLlNGIN T0 THlEv WITH YOUR PV05PEROU9 Dafense not up to snuff burden LEAKY RAFT INSTEADA cuT RATE yrlofllg $32 éges 41 Artists Bernice Bode Osol EOLLYWN ME TQTHE 56 mgéuyi CARD T0 26 waSaSmPIQmatterm her $932er 42 23333 an an OWN BtEN CHOMPIN CAN 103 find Wests JaCk of clubs and ma manna For Saturday Nov 27 1976 ON 5TEAK M25 HOOPLE Energy unit Vibrantty 50 NICK DOWN her spade slam wheeled in 46 Grain EBB an AniEs March 21Aprll 19 You GOT TROUBLE WITH The greatest players of to 12 Cenain 47 Caustic EB Humanism dont haVe be 59Y l0d3Y but My UNA5 10 day could do no better but the 13 Unusual substance Hangings Fares 985° Y0 hr WEST EAST analysts could West could Metll 49 Gold 59 angling flan pEk Up the wad lab er Be well have marked his partner 5° 9905 50 Actress man an Y°Urse °° 10 for the singleton club In 1930 16 Las ene when an an an TAunus April 20May 20 086 0KJ1075 no one bid threecard club 17 mead 515mm nflmmnmuï¬ big miscalculation on an impor Compass 52 Western I3 HEB EEIEU tant issue is possible today on SOUTH sugzanld°lgtletgaslisf withgsi 19 golllll hemisphere I3 BE In EEK re cc Your Dart Its betcause you lg four tfumpï¬ 21 Young socia 53 gIeeantIlanon Disparity 34 Sticker ore the pm Therefore west had to litefor short Germany Lampel 36 Tristans GEMINI May 21June 20 You Q92 do to beat the slam would 22 Noble gas 54 Slav One wh° Moved tend to ma nil somethin do 24 Searches for 55 Ex losive lakes IOaYS hav bentooenacluband 37 youve done for another Later NorthSouth vulnerable 25 Emma abbrl 10 cormmans the facts wrll prove your con Ewe his Pam When 28 Fights 56 Treetop home 89 38 Bath aids tribution was not so great It West North East South he 30 with the ace of 29 Pece out Ignores 40 Make could be embarrassmg spades 30 Over poetic DOWN 19 Most Winding be innin 31 Japanese 20 Apart from CANCER June 21July 22 Your 355 ass currency Antique car ordinary 43 Poke around mates extrava Pass NT Pass gance could put Tenth month Tore down 23 King of fairies 44 perm you in an awkward position to 5EcR5TARy= P22 Sass 15 An wa realtilerf wantsjto 33 Pawn Actress Dahl 25 Worlds 45 Missing day You may be forced to try to Lg ass ass now pena or ea ing urred Put 27 Pull to pieces recoup and wind up looking Dbl Pass Pass Redbt out of turn 35 Nothing Seep 28 Presently Small amount Pass Pass Pass Declarer has these options 38 Leg part pl Paradise 33 Chewing gum 50 Age cheap LEO July 23Aug 22 To ac complish your arms today you should not be too lavish in your approach People will respect you more if what you offer is realistic VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be sharp estimator if youre domg work for someone else today Dont be lured into un derevaluating the scope of the ob LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your prudent iudgment Will be in direct conflict With your ex travagant whims today Unhap pily the lessdiscuplined Side of your nature may prevail SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your head Wlll rule your heart to day You could miss some warm human experiences because of your overly practical nature SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Youre liable to tell one per son one thlng and then trip yourself up by reversmg yoursell With another Play safe Tell it like it is CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Heed any expert adVice on purchase today Otherwrse youll spend too much and have little to show for it AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Good intentions today could lead you to bite off more than you can chew Fortunately someone With better sense wrll ball you out PISCES Feb 20March 20 Call spade spade today If theres favor you want of friend USI ask Trying to beat around the bush c0uld lose you both favor and friend Opening lead He can accept the lead He can treat the card lead asa penalty card In this case there is no lead penalty but that card must be played at the first legal opportunity Re can demand that partner lead that suit He can forbid the lead of that suit in which case the prohibition applies for as long as partner holds the lead III KIWI HI III III HII III HIIIE HI HIIHI EH EIIIH EllI ï¬ll WI HII HI WWII EIIEW Hflflfl HI HIIH HI III By Oswald James Jacoby The 1930 Bridge World magazines all had section called Experts at Their Best and Worst Editor Ely Culbertson occasionally ran hand where he was the victim but when Mrs Culbertson appeared she was always at her best As matter of fact Jo was great player and her bidding even in those early days was brilliant and effec tive Sitting South she made cue bids in both her opponents bid suit showed her spades at the four level raised clubs after her partner bid five spades and redoubled six spades after her partner went back there She won the heart lead with dummys ace while discarding diamond Then she took successful diamond finesse cashed her ace of diamonds ruffed her last diamond and went after trumps Later on it FUNNY BUSINESS By Polly Cramer Warning BUCHAREST Renter So viet leader Leonid Brezhnev is sued an implicit warning to R0 mania on Wednesday that the West is aiming to undermine Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY Please tell me if can save beautiful navy blue crepe blouse that had been hanging in the closet for some time find it has faded along the shoulders and down the sleeves tried to dye it but with no luck wonder what else could try MARTHA DEAR MARTHA can well understand your problem once bought dress on sale sales were final When looking at it at home in the daylight saw it marked just as yours have always thought such fading was from having been in display window in the sun My dress was pale lilac silk and also thought it could be dyed but like yours it had no effect on it My dress ended in the rag bag before it was ever worn If any of the readers have corrected such problem do hope we will be hearing from them POLLY ties between the Communist countries The answer must be strengthening of unity he said Brezhnev was speaking at friendship rally after sign ing declaration with President Nicolae Ceausescu pledging their two countries to increased cooperation DEAR POLLY Paint the cord on your electric hedge clippers bright red or yellow so it is clearly visible at all times There is less danger of snipping the cord sew snaps on the bottom of my floor length draperies and curtains and sew the other half of each snap to the back part of the way up While cleaning can snap them up out of the way of the vacuum cleaner MRS RL DEAR POLLY To clean batter or whipped potatoes etc from the mixer beaters straddle the tines of an old fork over each blade When baking custard or pumpkin pic bake the crust for short time before putting in the filling so the crust Wlll not be soggy when the pie is baked Small children find that bag of different colored sponges makes good toy They do not hurt the furniture and are quiet After each use always wash the one keep for my grandchildren use one of those turntables that are made for kitchen cup boards under heavy flower pot so it can be eaSily turned periodically RADENE DEAR POLLY have couple of things want to add to Ms list of nonfood uses for Vinegar find it makes good hair rinse after shampoo half vinegar and half water Iatch the rinse in the bastn and pour through the hair two or three times then rinse again With plain water to remove any odor Some people also like to Wipe the inside walls of their refrigerators With Vinegar do hope all these uses for vinegar do not make the price go up EAITHFII READER DEAR lOllY On busy days we sometimes have TV dinners To save our wood top kitchen table from being marred by the hot TV trays put each of them in LARGE Styrofoam meat tray have washed and saved for this pur pose Thcy fit perfectly LINDA LIEUJo PUT IT INTO smotee TERMS THE 60D$ ARE ANGRY AT 800 Your Birthday Nov 27 1976 There should be abundant op portunities l0r you in your work or career this year Failure to analyze what is best may lead you to take the least advan tageous course New budget OTTAWA Cli Opposition MPs renewed their demands for new budget Wednesday because of published reports that Canada faces mini recession next year unless the economy is stimulated AVEJAcctvswnmsu nus NOTE ASKIN MbY 10 come ammo ME THANKS FOR YOUR ADVICE JACKIE cm to ANDY CAPP no SHORT RIBS ONLY THE lNltUMANnY or THE oursroe WORLD WILL BE LEFT our me CRUELTY MANAND me ELEMENTS THIS IS TmPlCAL CAVE SCENE IM zoomrflEzwwrfli JJ 5Aio SHE MARRY ME LOVED YA ALL THE TIME ALAS LL NEVER FAT ANOTHEP BALJJNEY 6ANDWiM Ac LDNb cive BATS WILL CLUEIER OVER THOSE SIALACTITES ILL CREATE WHOLE WELD KERRY DRAKE BC orncr oummits lID VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN GREETING CENTRE NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 NOW om AT THEIR new l0CATION UNIT BARRIE PLAZA 7370201 Ycu enouw BEUQH Anrri rvrPY MFAL lF Atlltllilllb HAPPEUS iOMF 100M lTLL SE NO WEEKS BEFORE LA WORRH ABOUT lll HOLVI IOLEOO ARE W00 UlOKRlEO ABOUT FRANK and ERNEST DiViNE AM How Dio oékridéi ruti PHYSICIANS mm It MN LATE351 GOT APPENDICITIS CREATION UULET BERNAlSE IF You WANT SECOND OPINION THINK Yowve Z5fl IDCBAAIO BUGS BUNNY