an gt utg wuflw Jo Reiny Lamb is quite pre pared to handle anything coming his way whether it be block on his patented hook shot or low tackle Lamb isnt the new approach to no JUST PASSING TIME boys basketball which is gearing up for another season He was just passing time waiting for the pho tographer to set up during the official shooting session this week of the Barrie Cen tral Colle iate Redskins senior foot all team Ex aminer Photo Farm stabilization issue goes forward for debate TORONTO CP Ontarios farm income stabilization bill received second readingap roval in principlein the egislatureT ursday If passed Bill 131 which now goes to committee for debate would provide farmers with voluntary contributory plan to cut losses when market prices drop It would ensure those enrolled in the plan 95 per cent of the average market price for tthJrevious five years on mm ities supported at the 90 percent level under similar ederal legislation Special board for recycling TORONTO CP Ontario might have to consider the es tablishment of marketing board for recycled paper and metal Environment Minister George Kerr said Thursday He said during estimates de bate that there are large fluc tuations in the market for these materials But the number of rsons involved in marketing small It might be possible with ublic marketing board to grin more rationality and stabi ity to this area he said Liberals voted with the Con servative minority government to approve the bill in principle in 62to26 vote but said they would seek amendments in committeedebate New Democrats who voted against the bill failed to win support for their amendment that would require the govern ment to make third attempt at drafting legislation that would be acceptable to the NDP Bill 13l replaces Bill 90 which was rejected by both opposition parties last June when the gov ernment was instructed to bring back new bill with specific changes Liberals said the new bill sub stantially met those require ments but the NDP argued that it failed They asked for third bill no later than Dec that would provide farmers with participa tion in the plans ad ministration comprehensive coverage for all commodites at negotiated price levels and provision for current costs of production to be included in the price Agriculture Minister William Newman criticized the NDP saying their proposal would lead to socialized agriculture interprovincial border controls and might mean sabotaging agriculturein Ontario 2nd Annual of Cycle Sport He said he is prepared to ac cept amendments to the bill if they prove necessary but will not alter the principle of the legislation He indicated he would accept suggestions to alter the mem bership of the proposed five member commission to admin ister the plan to include mem bers recommended by the three major farm organizations The minister also said the bill might be changed to make clear that the commission must consult with farm organizations marketing boar ds or producer groups before setting up any specific com modity plan or amending it later But he rejected suggestion that the bill provide support at less than the 95percent level adjusted by the cost of produc tion indexing as not being con iï¬ltent with the principle of the He said the plan is desi ned to be integrated with lo cral plan when it is achieved on national basis and such change would make integration very difficult if not impos sible Liberal agriculture critic Jack Riddell had said his party would seek that amendment to cover cases where it would ap pear the support price was leading to overproduction YAMAHA Friday Nov 26 Saturday Nov 27 ti Door prizes fling Free balloons for the children Free coffee donuts and softdrinks Plenty of free parking Ell03 5m HWYN011 2MILES 0F BARRIE 7288771 to defend his integrity OTTAWA or Montreal accountant quit newly announced royal commission into government inanCial 599 vision Thursday saying he wants to be free to defend his in tegrity Marcel Caron appointed Mondav to the fourmember commission by Treasury Board President Robeit Andras ald he was disgusted with the reaction to his servmg on the inquuy Opposition members have been hammeringgovernment over the appointment saying there is conflict of interest smce Mr Caron had served for nine years on the board of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd It is one of the Crown corporations that Will be included in the commission investigation Prime Minister Trudeau had just launched into Commons defence of Mr Caron as man of high integrity When Mr dras walked in and handed him note saying the royal commis sioner had resigned The resignation telephoned to Mr Andras said reflections had been cast on Mr Carons personal and professronal integrl ty 31 must and will defend myself from these charges and must therefore be completely freeto do so he said AECL came under ire on the same day the commission was appointed when the auditorgeneral said in his annual report that company financial management was inadequate The auditors report made particlar mention of inadequate documentation for payments of $105 million to agents in South Korea and Argentina and the loss of $100 million on Candu nuclear generator sale to the South American countFY 131 loss has since been cut to $25 million through renegotiation Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie says that since he was director at the time Mr Caron would have to share the respon sibility for the losses Mr Trudeau said the Montreal accountant had said in September he intended to resign from the AECL board because he was worried about the appearance of conflict of interest His firm Clarkson Gordon and Co was the auditor for One tario Hydro and Hydro Quebec two of AECLs major and long term customers Two days ago Mr Gillespie said he had shaken up the board recently appointing six new members to make up for weaknesses he felt existed Mr Andras who said Tuesday night he had no idea Mr Caron was involved in AECL when he appointed the commissmn said he re justly by the whole affair gretted that the accountants name had been sullied un Its getting harder and harder to get people to serve in public life when innuendos and allegations are flung about as they have been in this case he said The resignation drew cries from the opposition that the other three commissioners also be investigated but Mr Andras said he had no intention to carrying out such checks The others are Chairman Allen Lambert chairmanvof the TorontoDominion Bank 00 Stoner deputy minister of in dustry and John Hodgetts Toronto professor Opposition MPs also drew fiery response from the rime minister when they criticized him for tabling an unsignc copy of the resi nation letter instead of the signed original Mr An ras explained that the original still was in the mail and had not been delivered THEO DD SPOT Dubious honor for gobbledegook WASHINGTON AP The state department is not taking its doublcspeak award sit tingdown The dubious honor was an nounced last week by the Com mittee on Public oublespeak of the National Council of Teachers of English The award cited an announcement that consumer affairs co ordinator Would review existing mechanisms of con sumer input thruput and out put and seek ways of ini proving these linkages via the consumer communication channel Lawrence Eagleburger dcp uty undersecretary for management who admitted having hand in the an nouncement said Wednesday think its an enormous compliment since it demon strates remarkable recognition of my ability since was largely responsible for the original document in recognizing the ability of my of fice to handle input output and thruput with remarkable facility recognizing the normal inability of the bureaucracy to do anything in manner which would merit an award for anything ST PAUL Minn lAll Re call the Myrtle VanQuekelbtrg fire It happened only week ago burning 110 acres along rail way rightofway southeast of Granf the state department of natural resources named the fire for Mrs VanQuekelberg in honor of her 27 years as an of fice assistant at the depart nients Deer River office At her retirement party Novtl fellow workers promised they would name the areas next big fire for her One week later the Myrtle Vane Quekelberg fire was entered in official records 1NlNNAll MN The Society for the Prevention of ruelty to Animals is trying little reverse psychology to find one of its wards home Norman the dog cant do any tricks but he sure is ugly This dog is so ugly said SPCA publicity director Doro thy Vail that otlicr puppies ig iiore Norman in the cage and have nothing to do with him The flumonth old dog has been alternately described as looking like either goal or like Ilo hi Minh Wednesday night is Junior Achievement night at Barrie Central Collegiate where two companies are man ufacturing games under the watchful eye of adult ad visers The companies are Committee will be allowed more details TORONTO tCPl The On tario government will allow further investigation of con troversial land deal in Brant ford The legislature decided Ihur sday that it would allow legislature committee to get more details on the granting of land speculation tax exlt emption to Ronto Development Co of Toronto Revenue Minister Arthur Meeii said in statement to the house that the special ex emption was granted in April 1976 to ltonto on the sale of 280 acres of land to Wimpcy an ada Ltd of Waterloo He said that until December 1975 Ronto had been developing the land with view to selling fullyserviced building lots and had called for tenders for installation of sore vices However he said the death of Ron Todghaiii chairman of Ronto made it difficult if not impossible for the company to continue financing installation to the point where it could have qualified for an automatic tax exemption WAStONiHIlON Mr Moon in response to 0p position questions said that Ronto and Wimpey approached the ministry with an agreement for sale He said that one of the condi tions of the agreement was the tax exemption Wimpey was not willing to pay the higher price that Would have been asked without the exemption If the exemption had not been granted he said the land might not have been sold quickly There also was the prospect that the use of land foi housing would have been delayed He added that Wiinpcy gave its undertaking to the govern ment to provide 2300 homes by June 1983 Mr Meen alsosaid that as far as he knows this was the only case in which such an eX emption had been granted Mr Meens statement was in regly to Nov l0 question from Li eral Leader Stuart Smith who said ltonto made $10 mil lion on the deal Letitia Heigth COMMUNITY OF AFFORDABLE HOMES IN BARRIE tWOULD SAYTHE AHOP HAN THE $0391 DY AND THE FEATURES OFFERED 6000 LOCATION AND Mr Mrs Hobbs What brought you to Letitia Heights 6AY THE PUBUCITY rrWAs GNEN on TV mammal IHAVETO LEARNING ALL ABOUT BUSINESS jw yv University fees going up TORONTO CP Ontario university tuition fees will be increased by $100 during the 197778 academic year Harry Parrott colleges and univer sities minister said Thursday Mr Parrott told the legisla ture tuition fees for colleges of applied arts and technology will increase by $75 for two term academic year In announcing the increay the first in five years Mr Par rott also said the pmvince will adjust its student loan program to account for the higher tuition fees The average tuition fee for twoterm academic year in pro vincial universities has been fixed at just below $600 since 1912 The $100increase in 1977 will result in an average anr nual increase over five years of 34 per cent Mr Parrott said College tuition fees have been frozen since 1972 at $250 year The increase to $325 amounts to an average annual increase of 54 per cent if spread over the five years manufacturing games under the watchful eye of adult ad visers The companies financed by the sale of stock at $1 per share hope to turn profit on the sale of their pro ducts Purpose of the pro gram is to teach high school students the realities of business life About 35 youngsters are involved in the program in Barrie this year Examiner Photo WWW ME SHOPRITE land deal Valley Sports of Horseshoe Ar HORSESHOE VALLEY 20 Off PieSeason Clearance Sale Open Saturdays Sundays Only 95 Until Ski Season HEATHER NORDS POTTERY JOHN NORDS FURNITURE Open House Sale at the Barn Studio Sat Nov 27 Sun Nov 28 From Stoyner go west on Hwy 91 then right on the first siderood then left on the next one 705 4285470 This is just one of more than 375 valuepriced gift ideas from our new Christmas catalogue lhcrcs thousands of addi tional gift ideas in our big l97677 ShopRite catalogue Wont you come in Catalogue Stores GRAY COACH LINES WINTER TIME TABLE Effective November 28th BARRIE GRAVENHURST PORT CARLING SERVICE LEAVE BARRIE 900 om Fridays 115 pm Wednesday to Gravenhurst only 400 pm Sundays 740 pm Fridays inexv uop Hommond Bus Service to Bola Only leaves Grovenhurst 410 pm Local Fore GrovenhurstBalo oneway $100 RETURN SERVICE FROM PORT CARLING 1100 om Fridays 635 pm Sundays Additional departure vio Hammond bus leaves Bola 915 om Wednesdays connecting with Gray Coach Bus leaving Grovenhurst at 1140 om to Barrie TORONTO SUDBURY NORTH BAY OWEN SOUND MIDLAND SERVICE UNCHANGED ASK FOR NEW BLUE TIME TABLE N0 TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT oaultInnIllCIlQadndnscsant unit so 0mg mom b5 Moplo Slmcoo Sts Telephone 1285511