The Barrie Examiner Thursday November 25 1976 Career starts There is 23year old long haired student minister who digs Christianity She is Donna Hazlett and in 50 years folks will say she was United Church minister who did all the things ministers do visit the sick preach and counsel the young But Rev Hazlett wont want to be remembered for the white collar wish people could think of me as Donna Hazlett Christian In some ways wish didnt have to represent denomina tion Denominational differ ences often hinder people from being Christian she said in an interview at her home on Mary Street JUST BEGUN But Mrs Hazletts career has only just begun She has taken year off in her studies at Em manuel College Toronto While she studies one course in theology basics she is working parttime at Central United Church She takes part in Sun day services confirmation classes and is in charge of HiC the youth grou at the church She also visits sick Previously she spent her summers in two charges one in West Hawk Lake Man and one in Telfordville Alta Although she has one year to complete before ordination Mrs Hazlett is convinced of one thing Im sure want to spend my whole life doing my work she said As career it is natural was always involved with church activities as young girl she said She is the daughter of Noel and Hilda Stephenson of RR Barrie Her home church is Col lier Street United Church where she joined Canadian Girls in Training CGITl The pledge took there is the basis of my decision to becomea minister The pledge ends to become the person God wanted me to become think Im doing what He wants me to do she said NOT AS CONVENTIONAL So in her mind God is not as conventional as His people who make the stereotypes Shes not your average minister There are lot of stereotypes that need to be broken she said DONNA HAZLETT She has already broken one by being woman The other The image of minister be ing in an elevated position is gradually changing Im glad think minister can be most ef fective if people see him or her as human being and relate that way So the church leaders are leading the flock along dif ferent path of thinking And the flock islikingit Attitudes within the church have changed people The young people for example are intrigued by how it became an institution They want to know how it ticks This response is result of selljob by ministers And they haVe something to sell The church is stronghold As minister people are more apt to come to me to discuss their beliefs because repre sent the church The church and its leaders definitely have role in our lives So as minister her role is clearcut But she is wife as well David is not member of the church but he is supportive in my decision to become minister shesaid Mr Hazlett is an optician We both respect each others careers she said Medical secretaries give Christmas cakes to seniors Christmas cakes will be distributed to senior citizen goups in Barrie and Orillia by members of the Simcoe County Medical Secretaries Associa tion The November meeting was held at the Barrie School of Nursing Sheila Quinn presided School picks top speakers Forest Hill public school in Midhurst has selected its en tries for the Barrie Legion public speaking contest scheduled for the new year In competition held last week Mary Ann Graves won first place in the junior divi sion followed by Debbie Beckley and Susan and Sheila Hollidge tied for third In the senior division Bob Graves won first place Carolyn Mance won second and Dan ny Mack came third The first and second place winners wrll compete in the Barrie Legion contest Winners of last weeks con test received plaques from the Intested Midhurst Parents The judges were Clair Charlton Lilianne Murphy and Shirley McHone WAN 0U Service Pat Hoffmeyer read the treasurers report and June Galloway read the house of representatives report donation will be made to the comfort fund at the Royal Victoria Hospital Election of officers for 1977 also took place Chairman was Edith Smith assisted by Ruth Arson Marie Salerno is president Pat Hoffmeyer vicepresident Fran Stewart treasurer Viola Peters recording secretary and Sylvia Pelletier correspon ding secretary Installation of the officers will take place at the hristmas party in December with candlelight ceremony Fran Stewart was auctioneer for the fhinese auction assisted by Lorraine Dobsky Members enjoyed cake and coffee for the eight birthday of the group QLAKERS There is Quaker meeting Sunday Nov 28 at am at Mountbatten Rd Barrie For information call David Mair at 7Zi5448 YS MENS IlB Mike Williams Mike Fowler Gary Oakley Alf Dick and Larry Miller are organizing float for the Santa Claus Parade Dec on behalf of the Ys Mens Iuh of Barrie Abortion alternatives presented to Parliament Day care housing and sup port for pregnant women are alternatives to abortion sug gested by the Coalition for Life Group Katherine McPherson of Uro Station was delegate for the groups visit last week to the Parliament buildings Ottawa Delegates from across Canada met to express concern for the until Dec 3Ist Good Brakes Save Lives rate of increase in abortions Coalition for Life feels strongly that abortion harms not only the women involved but society as whole Mrs McPherson said Many women have abortions for social or economic reasons she said and the prolife move mcnt is concerned about these problems facing women Broke Inspection 726181 233 Bradford St BARRIE Gold mine of information if people know about it The government is gold mine of information if only the public knew how to use it And Gail Wamsley is here to show us Miss Wamsley is one of the pioneers of our time And as government publications in formation coordinator she has lot of trail blazing to do Miss Wamsley is on staff at the Georgian Bay Regional Library System on Morrow Road The regional library stystem one of 14 in the province is an organization funded by the government and set up by the provincial library service The Georgian Bay office was opened about 10 years ago and feeds materials to about 70 libraries in the counties of Grey Bruce Simcoe and Duf ferin Some of these materials are 16mm film collections talking books and government publica tions What we is save everyone the trouble of reinventing the wheel on their own says director Ron Mackenzie The province recently granted library systems money to buy government publications to make available to libraries So the Georgian Bay system brought in person instead Miss Wamsley has already visited 26 of the libraries in the counties One of her respon sibilities is ensuring steady ac cess to government publica tions BYLAW PROBLEMS Ri ht now for example some ibraries are having pro blems getting bylaws into the JEIIOVAIIS WITNESSES The Barrie Congreation of Jehovahs Witnesses was host to more than 1500 members from Central Ontario who met Sunday at Barrie Central Col legiate Russell Hershey local spokesman for Jehovahs Wit nesses said they were atten ding special meeting designed to help understand the urgent and distressing times of the world Canadian concerns theme UNRRJEL xix GAIL WAMSLEY library Mrs Wamsley was born in Windsor She worked previous ly with library in Walkerton decided to take library science and graduated from the Univer sity of Toronto with masters degree in library science She worked with Albert Bowron on the Camp commis sion report and Bowron report which made recommendations for accessibility to government documents And as main resource per son she makes known the United Church Women Canadian concerns is this years theme of study for United Church Women it was announced at workshop held recently for the United Church Women of Simcoe Presbytery Filmstrips and slides are available to members to study this theme The workshop was directed by Dorothy Scott of Minesing Auxiliary sets date for party The ladies auxiliary of the Barrie Humane Society held meeting Monday evening at the home of Laura Cleland 69 Tif fin St The annual Christmas party is scheduled Dec 12 between and pm at the shelter Children areinvited The members exchanged Christmas cookies commission to Fund THIS advertisement 15110111Ee711510111l public nlItrin the prospectus only Copmz thereof may be obtained trorn Helen Coutts Eleanor Wright Irene Vasey Doris Clark Margaret McArthur and Phyl lis Foxcrof all of Barrie Mr Foxcroft led Bible study session on the theme of love using Cocordance to show how love is interpreted in various Bible passages Mrs Coutts introduced some getac uainted games She also showed new books and printed material for use with the years study The United Church Women of Cookstown put on skit called St Peter Look At Me Mrs Clark spoke of how the churches can help the Leprosy Mission through the collecting of postage stamps and also by using special banks which are now available Mary rr soloist conducted community singing during the day The next meeting of the Presbyterial will be held Ian 10 at Midhurst United Church You earn high Income by investing in mortgages hiï¬mui Royal Trust Fund is pooled investment in mortgages And you dont pay us sales participate Its solid Your investment is managed by people with wealth of mortgage experience Its highyield investment Mortgages have historically produced excellent rates of return Its flexible You dont look your money in for set term And you can register your Fund units in Retirement Savings Plan Put your money to work in mortgages Decide what you want We can help you qukhuï¬ifl Boyfield Moll Barrie Ontario 7288581 Eli Tilttflfllflllutiillxltil1y Ilriyal Iruit Company publications are available not only from munici at levels but provincialandf eral Im really excited about this job she said There is so much informationand if peo ple only knew it was accessible The wqole area of government is so gray Who do you write to when you have questions about loan You need some information about mercury poisoning in Georgian Bay Or the pros and cons of nuclear reactor what snowmobile trails are in the area What lakes are good What do you do about diseased trees And how do you insulate your house or grow house plants Information concerning the pulp and paper industry and general economic policy are just two of the many pertinent items MAKES SENSE It makes so much sense to have this material at the library said Miss Wamsley Its there for the person who wants it it always has becnbut how do you get peo ple interested This is democratic society but vigilance should be cons tant she said People feel xrwerless toward government and this need not be There is only so much the government can do she said The public has jo be interested enough to demand the informa tion and get it at the library Changing the librarys im age is challenge too she said Its not serious place and librarians dont say shh anymore she said So library schools urge their students to be dispensers of In formation rather than keepers of books PEOPLE AND iPLACES SALE PLANNED An arts and craft sale and workshop will be held Dec at lKillarney Beach School Lefroy from to pm There will be demonstrations on how to make Christmas ornaments BAKE SALE The First and Second Alcona Brownies are holding bake sale and treasure table of crafts this Saturday from to pm at the Alcona Community Cen tre on the 8th Line of Innisfil 40TH ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Lorne Orser celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary last weekend at gamin gathering at their home arranged by their daughters Nancy and Carol VISIT Mrs Elsie Monteith is Visiting her grandchildren in Kingston DRIED FLOWERS Mrs Philip Fraser of Barrie gave instructions recently on making dried flower pictures at the Vespra Horticultural Socie ty meeting UNICEF Lorraine Cars0n Louise Porrier and Nancy Newman of North Collegiate are volunteers With UNICEF Christmas card sales as part of the community servrccs proiect at school COFFEE ANI BAKE SALE coffee party bake and EOPLE m4 UEflti INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAVE OII OUT CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 25 Have professionally shampooed and steam cleaned carpets you can be proud of this holiday season at price you can afford We are fully bonded with both daytime or evening nsured and can provide you service SOUTHERN CARPET CLEANING 7289881 IIIIIIllIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllllIIIIlIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIllIlIlIIllIIIIlIIIIIII BREAST FORMS AND SURGICAL BRAC YEARS FITTING EXPERIENCE OSTOMY SUPPLIES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FREE $5 BOOKS OF WINTARIO TICKETS PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES Each week the word Wintorio appears in several of the advertisements on this feature Road the ads carefully clip the advertisements in which Wintorio appears and forward your entry to The Winterio Editor The Barrie Examiner Eoch week draws will be mode and winners notified Creative Ceramics Centre Ltd 33 Alliance Blvd Unit 13 Greenwore Supplies Afternoon and Evening Classes Register now Ask for Noolo Artistic Deco rating Commercial Residen tiol lnterior Painting Wollpapering Antique Finishing Angus Barrie 4240949 7371556 CORN BEEF EatIn TokeOut Catering Corner of Ann St and DunIOP 7372351 NOW OPEN Phils Garage Phil Bernier Snow Tire Time With Every Service Tune Up Tiffin8 Ferndole Superior Rustproofing Lustre Guard featu ring Olnterlor Shampoo OEnglne Repolnting IEngIne Washing 0Corpets Upholstery Trunks Repointed 7371712 150 Bradford New Furniture SALE Every Tuesday pm 49 Morrow Rd Unit 14 Buy Your Furniture at YOUR prices Auctioneers EB and Jobbers 7370879 7266314 HARPERS PHARMACY GARMENTS LYU SURGICAL Penetong St at St Vincent Barrie Ont 7285407 IIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIllIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE in months Learn on Live Models Mannequins For facts on beauty culture career send for free in formation regarding quolificotions cost etc Barrie School of Hairdressing 46 Mary St 7283962 Licensed by the Ministry of College Universities Ontario Call and ask about our ENNUX Energy Saving HEAT PUMPS GLENBRAE Ltd Heating Air Conditioning 133 Grove 7289228 Enterprises Ion om couvlucvolll Builtin Vacuum Cleaning Systems Installed or DoltYourself IO Yr Warranty more information call For 7265579 °Woil to wall broodloom Upholstery oAreacarpeIs Iln your home or our plant Free pickup and delivery Feoturlng Steam Valet todays most modern cleaning New to Barrie Nonio Oollvorv 50 mnlimited Grocery Variety For information call 7370971 24 Ounlo plant sale will be held Wednesday Dec from 10 to 1130 am in the basement of the First Christian Reform Church on St Vincent Street Admission for adults is 50 cents ith free babysitting Proceeds will go to the Ladies Society BeaBlessing VISITORS Visitors for the holiday season Family together again for the onceayear visit Youngsters home from school Let your neighbors and our readers know about it Call The Examiner at 7266537 ask for People and Places This is just one of more than 375 alucpriccd gift ideas from our new Christmas catalogue Theres thoUsands of addi tional gift ideas in our big 197677 ShopRite catalogue Wont come in Catalogue Stores CONNESE POOR Ill can Take Out Delivery Fine selection of Oriental Giftwore 7281823 53 Collier St ma Eliminate High Fuel Costs Call ENERGY SAVERS UNLIMITED FREE ESTIMATES Phone 7263178 The FISHER is the most versatile most ef ficient highest quality wood stove you can buy FISHER Wood Burning Stoves HWy ll 99 Coshway Rd 7264237 VIRGINIA UPIIQLSTERING Specializingriri Antiques Custom Made Furniture Free Estimate Free Pick Up und Delive 42419 Were Not Magicians But If we dont Rare have it well 3f try get it Troceys Au Wreckers 7168487 Highway 90 between Barrie and Anus Ymiw 14 sr QuoIlty Workmonshlp Complete Auto Body Servlce 46 Ferndole Rd Borrle 7267951 IIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIiiiiii IllllllllllllllllillllIlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII