VAWHW In Ms EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 726 6539 Classlied Advertising 728 2414 All Other Departments 7766537 112th YearNo 275 ti is Ross Turnbull of the Barrie Rotary lub cranes his head past moving figures toward bid boards Wednesday night as he checks on bid during Wants action on funds Stewart Fisher trustee for lnnisfil wants the school board to approach the ministry of education about providing grant funds earlier Referring to the boards mon thly financial summary Mr Fisher said it is costing the board hundreds of dollars day in interest costs to cover loans The loans to keep the board operational until grant moneys are received Tom Shultz superintendent of business said the grants are received monthly but the local board has been after the min istry to use method other than the mail to deliver the cheques By the time the cheques are prepared and delivered two weeks may have elapsed he said The local board has sug gested using bank transfers Another major problem he said is the large percentage of the funds which must come from the municiaplities These payments are only received quarterly Mr Fisher said the board often has people in Toronto who could pick up the cheques on their due dates Mr Shultr said that method had not been suggested However Jack Ramsay di rector of education said it is to the ministrys benefit to hold on to the cheques as long as possi ble so it will collect the revenue and not the local board BIDDING BRISK AT ROTARY RADIO AUCTION Rotarys annual radio auc tion Headquarters comr plctc with monitors of the items up for bids was es tablished on the third floor of Lorne Powers marks up the latest bid on one of the many items up for sale and bar gaining Wmlncsday night III the Rotary tlubs annual radio auction chr 100 Rotarians wcre irianning phones and bid boards in licadquarteis established on the Bayficld St Bell anada entre Some 100 Rotarians maimed the phones during thcprolitablcnight the third floor of the Bell tanada cntrc on Bayficld St hairman tiary lnskccp said between $20000 and 821000 was raised this year over last years $10000 The money will be used for com monity projects tExamiiur lhotosi Competition not to blame in sports violencereport BRAMPTON nt til preliminary report released Wednesday by three university professors says parents and coaches not competition leads to violence in body contact sports The report is based on 10 month study of 200 boys be tween the ages of nine and 16 who compete in minor hockey in this city It is the feeling of the au thors that parental and coach ing pressure along with some peer group pressure serve to teach young players how and when to be aggressive and vior lent the report says Richard Lunctto Univer sity of Guelph sociology professor who composed the jxsychological testing for the study says it shows that hockey provides outlet for aggression and retaliation The study was headed Mi Lunetto John Marshall who holds masters degree in psy chology at York University in loronto and Dave Tliambcrs physical education professor and coach of Yorks hockey team Players who took part in the study were shown 10 different photographs asked to identify with one of the players in the picture and explain their own feelings and the situation DEATH TOLL ESTIMATED AT 3000 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday Novembcr25 1976 OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Trudeau said Wednesday his government never will use force to keep the country to gether But he told national tele vision and radio audience it would be sin against human ity if the country disin tegrated in the wake of separatist governments elec tion in Quebec believe that Canada can not indeed must not survive by force Mr Trudeau said in an address taped at the govern ments official guest house across the street from his residence Canadians he said must face the brutal question of the countrys survival following the Nov 15 election of Rene Le vesques Parti Quebecois gov ernment government con vinced that there is no room in Canada for all Canadians The crisis is real and the challenge isimmediate But while Mr Trudeau con centrated on what he described as crisis over Confederation federal opposition leaders maintained that the real crisis Centred on the deterioration of the economy and on the Trudeau government None of the party leaders in cluding Mr Trudeau made 0112 Earth Examiner statements substantially differ ent from those they made the night Mr Levesques separa tists overthrew the Liberal gov ernment of Robert Bourassa ALL FAVOR UNITY All repeated their opposition to divided Canada Progressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark pledged to work against any efforts by Mr Levesque to destroy Con federation but devoted the bulk of his televised followup speech to economic problems and lack of leadership by the Trudeau government New Democratic Leader Ed Broadbent said Mr Trudeau must bear some responsibility for the election of Mr Le vesques government which is being sworn into office today More than any Canadian in modern history Mr Trudeau WEATHER FORECA 24Pages has been responsible for foster ing the dangerous myth that there is only one form of feder alism and that is his own rigid centralized form Mr Broad bent said Social Credit Leader Andre Fortin accused the prime minister of using the PQ vic tory to create state of national crisis for purely political purposes to save his own skin Trustees query preprie of chool advertisement The public school board is looking for some place to register complaint against promoters of the Letitia Heights subdivision The Simcoe County Board of Education is wondering on what authority promoters are advertising there will be school in the development Frank Prothero raised the question first saying he had Students arent groundhogs boards wants extra window By SHEILA McGOYERN Examiner Staff Reporter Studean are not groundhogs they have to see the clouds every now and then Allen Fisher told fellow public school trustees Dr Fisher was supporting the installation of two windows in each classrixun on the south side of the fourth Barrie high school in recent years we have turned children into ground hogs burying them in the building kcdncsday trustees ap proved the working drawings for the school and then adopted an area committee amendment increasing the number of win dows to two Joc thlan of Barrie raised the question of the extra win dow saying all trustees should ILII IlSlllJlt GIVE THE SCHOOL NAM WANTED noteworthy person place or event dcscrv ing of havmg school named after them ior it The Smicoe tounty Board of Education is continuing its search to find suitable name for the fourth Barrie high school Wednesday Bill Straughan trustee for Barrie said students who will be attending the school are being invited to takc part in an essay research project to find sliitable name for the building The student project was suggested by teacher loliii Bear croft of Eastview secondary school The ptiblic is also invited tosuggcst names for the school Pleads guilty to charges Barrie man charged Wllll threatening to bomb ivic Square Tower on ollicr St has pleaded guilty to five charges in provincial court Michael Kcitli Duff also known as Michael Keith lrcw Will be sentenced Dec 15 in the criminal division of provincial court after pleading ginlty Tuesday morning on all counts before liidge Don Inch lrew 221 was arrested Oct 27 after failing to appear in pro vincial court on earlier counts and has been in custody since He pleaded guilty through indicts will lk Heads we up the price of oil immediately fails we wait until after lunch lawyer Richard lark to bomb threat made llcc it at 1010 am in which he had bccn charged with saying bomb was placed at ollier and Hayfield Streets and dentin dmg$5000 lrcw was also charged and pleaded guilty to bomb threat involving thc ivic Square lowcr lolicc icports said lrcw called at 1112 am Sept with bomb threat again demanding $5000 Police in vcstigation uncovered brown bag placed at ity Ilall where the money as to be dropped in the same day lrcw was charged with calling lnnisfil police at 752 pm claiming he was the owner of llilltopSunoco on Ilighway 27 and saying he had been robbed The charge was mischief Eire hicf lack McAllistcr was in court lucsday during lrcws testimony in connection Willi charge of setting false fire alarm lrcw was charged with calling the Barrie fire department at 130 pm and claiming there was fire at 10 Mary St Firemen arrived to discover no fire Trew was ltlt red to appear in court Oct to answer to previoth charges and was an rested later for failing to ap pear His lawyer said lrcw had obtained parttime job in lhornton and left before re membcring he was to appear in court vote on the matter because of the money involved Installation of the windows will cost aii additional $5000 and could cost between $800 and $1000 year in extra heating costs The windows will face brick wall the side of the Radio Shack building Mr Whelan voted against the motion Ab arr superintendent of schools said the lack of win dows would not only make the school prisonlike on the out Sldt but would also have similar effect on the people in side Sid Owens superintendent of planning agreed saying shortage of windows does not provide good atmosphere for students He said teachers re viewing the plans had re quested more windows throughout the school iary Alex assistant su xrintendent of business is 0p poscd to the additional win dows not only in the interest of energy conservation but also because everytime he goes into school that has south windows the drapes are drawn Mr Alex said he expects the school will go out to tender in January with the contract be ing awarded at the Feb meeting Work would then begin as soon as weather is per mitting hc added The school expected to cost 841145047 is located on Bayv1cw Drive at Little Ave nuc It is scheduled for comple tionAug 11078 Supports fund project The Red ross Youth Fund tintario division is in financial difficulty so the public school board is expressing its support of the program The youth fund is the only fund raising project supported by the ministry of education In the past provincial inspectors supported the project when they visitcd schools lhcrc are no provincial inspectors now and fund has fallen off The funds are raised by clcmcntary school children lwcnty per cent goes to the iii ternational fund and the re maindcr stays in the province to help pay for health services required by needy children Simcoc ouiity has been se lected as one area for new organizational approach Bruce umming of lhornton said he is concerned about organiza tions always going to elemen tary school children for money $90000 paid for Bligh log LtNlN A1 small waterstained notebook used by Capt William Bligh as log af ter the mutiiious crew of the HMS Bounty cast him adrift in rowboat was sold in just 55 seconds for $90730 at Christ ies auction Wednesday Snowstorm hampers relief work in quake area ANKARA AP Relief workers battled snowstorm today to bring supplies into mountainous eastern Turkey where officials say thousands of persons were killed in an earth quake that destroyed 109 VII lanes There is no electricity Its snowing and the temperature is 12 degrees Fahrenheit 11 Co said Burhan Yavuz Yilmaz deputy governor of stricken Van Province The government mobilized soldiers and sent tents blan kets food and medical supplies by plane and special train to the rugged area hit by the tremor the strongest to hit this quake prone area in 37 years Yilmaz estimated that Wed nesday afternoons quake killed 3000 persons about 1000 of them in Muradiye where it was centred That would be two thirds of the towns 1600 population Officials said about 1000 others were injured Officials said the quake top pled 95 per cent of the buildings in the agricultural communit about 900 miles east of Istanbu FELT ELSEWHERE The quake and subsequent tremors also were felt in Soviet Armenia and in northwest Iran No reports of casualties or da magc were received from the Soviet Union But officials of the Red Lion and Sun the lra nian equivalent of the Red fross said five persons were killed near the Turkish border lranian newspapers estimated 21 dead and many more iii jured special train carrying 5000 tents 20000 blankets two mo bile kitchens clothing and food left Ankara for the Lake Van lqu area more than 300 miles away liour transport planes carrying doctors nurses and other supplies also were sent lranian officials sent two 1210 transport planes with 500 tents 500 beds 1000 blankets and 15 tons of food and medical supplies Turkeys Red Crescent Society the Moslem equivalent of the Red Cross made urgent peals for blood donations and othing Snow fell over most of the area as rescuers dug through the rubble of houses made of mud and sundried brick that crumbled easily as the earth shifted UICOMMUNICATIONS Authorities said the quake cut electric power and downed telephone lines making coni munications with the devastated areas impossible Even first aid was difficult to provide in some villa es ac cessibleonlybydirtroa Because of these reasons we have problems receiving flrm information from the villages and siaptching relief teams Turkish radio quoted Yilmazassaying The quake was the strongest recorded in Turkey since one in Erzlncan that killed about 30000 ersons in 1939 It hit in rugg mountain area near the towns of Ercis Muradiye and Caldiran between Lake Van Golu and Mount Ararat where Noahs Ark reputedly came to rest after the Great Flood Kandilli observatory in Istan bul said the quake registered 76 on the 10point Richter Scale Initial re rts however had put the shoe at 79 The fir st jolt came at 225 pm local time and lasted 14 seconds Tremors iollowed at halfhour intervals over twohour period the observatory said heard and seen advertising for the subdivision which says buyers will have their own school He said the advertising im plies the subdivision will have its own private school Allen Fisher trustee for Bar rie questioned whether the advertising is legal adding that promoters appear to be taking advantage because there is proposed school site in the area of the development Letitia Heights is located in northeast Barrie which city council has slated for major housing development When the development was in the planning stages the school board indicated it would pro bably need two school sites by the time all the housing is com pleted One of the school sites is located within Letitia Heights but it is owned by the city The board is under no obligation to build school Sid Owens superintendent of planning said of the two school sites the one located in the Vic toria Woods subdivision area would likely be the first built It was listed in the boards capital expenditures forecast last year but has been dropped this year Mr Owens explained the population growth in Barrie has not been sufficient enough to expect the ministry of educa tion to approve new school He said he has also requested meeting with the city to work out the problems of building that school on time It is ssi ble there will not be sufficient services available by the time the school should be built Joe Whelan of Barrie asked whether the promoters could be referring to Portage View public school which is located nearby the development Jack Ramsay director of education said he wondered whose jurisdiction the de velopers advertising would come under He suggested Mr Owens look into the matter to see if there is somewhere the board could register com plaint More detailed guidelines in mathematics instruction Next Se tember Simcoe County stu ents will be receiv ing mathematics instruction based on detailed core cur riculum guidelines ReSIgmng posntion Steve Musy assistant su porinttudent of business for the Simcoe County Board of Educa tion since 1970 has resigned his position as of Dec 31 Mr Musy has accepted the sition of superintendent of usiness for the Dufferin Coun ty Board of Education Jack Ramsay director of education said Mr Musys resignation had been accepted with regret Mr Musy has been valuable member of ad ministration hesaid Tom Shultr superintendent of business said the position of assistant superintendent will be advertized provincewide The position calls for senior management person with an accounting or business degree The salary range is $29700 to $337 MARGARET 101 Margaret Cumming left is 101 years of age but didnt show her age Wednesday as she poured tea at the Christmas bazaar and tea Mathematics is the first sub ject chosen by the Simcoe County Board of Education for its curriculum writing project committee of teachers from across the county will write the curriculum based on the min istry of educations mandatory but vague guidelines Wednesday Verla Hoult an elementary school consultant outlined how far the project has progressed She explained core cur riculum guideline requires more specific information than is provided in ministry outlines Thomas Wells minister of education has promised more core curriculum guidelines in the near future she said but the Simcoe County project will still be needed to expand on them Mrs Hoult said the first step has been nearly completed and includes how to manual that has taken five months to prepare The manual will be used by the teachers writing cur riculum It will ensure that all programs will cover Kin dergarten to Grade 13 without gaps or duplication and will specifically state what level of aA HELPS OUT held at Grove Park Home At centre is Joan Walker ac tivities director for the home and Edna Hall craft volun compency is required at each grade The basic skills will be divided into units of instruc tion with protesting to ensure the students isnt taking something he already knows progress testing to ensure the student is understanding the lesson and posttssting to en sure the student has learned the unit There will be specific method of recording the students pro gress that will be passed on from teacher to teacher and school to school so the teacher will know what the student has already taken The curriculum will also in clude suggested methods of in struction and resource ma terials The mathematics guidelines will be used as ilot project to determine the fectiveness of the local guidelines If it is suc cessful other subjects will follow The guidelines will be based on new and existing curriculum outlines Trustees hearing the report expressed concern that there was no indication that parents would be receiving report cards including marks teer The tea is an annual event and brought out more than 300 people Examiner Photo