Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1976, p. 4

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diggmkeh Annaw The Earth Examinrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus 4The Barrie Examiner DIM Henshaw Managing Editor Thursday Nov 18 I976 School board acclamations what do they tell us Simcoe County must be blessed with two of the best school boards in the province That is the way we read the 21 ac clamations to the 36 available on both separate and county boards Surely there should be more in terest in education Everyone at one time goes to school dont they There are many fine people serv ing on both boards but some who rarely open their mouths except to yawn at board and committee meetings Taxpayers must become more in terested in education More than half of property taxes go toward it Yet trustees in 11 of 16 separate school wards and in 10 of 20 public positions tion school positions have been returned by acclamation Does the educational system is run on wires strung to county school administra tions from the ministry of educa public believe that the Have we adopted whats the use attitude toward the way our schools are run Are school boards so large that the man on the street cannot relate there are elite Do most people believe education should be left in the hands of well paid administrative and technical Is public apathy leading this pro vince toward system in which education of our youth will be left solely in the hands of bureaucrats Voter interest must be rekindled or part of our system of responsible government will wither and die DOWN MEMORY LANE to support prohibition in Simcoe East election Winners of Simcoe 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner 1926 Town of Barrie severe loss in destruction by fire of Grand Opera House charged by Police Chief Alexander Stewart with arson held on $10000 bail Fine work of Barrie brigade contained flames believed to have started in two places saved much of and residence on Collier Street Prohibitionists of Simcoe Centre endorsed Eben Todd Liber al of Churchill for provincial elec Nominations for Ontario building tion Older Boys Parliament Barrie Allan Scott of St An drews George McMillin of Essa Road Presbyterian James Alex Coutts of Collier Street United Arthur Morrow of Barrie Collegiate teaching staff ander Sandy Nov 18 suffered Lessee Talmadge made in Club was hot water William QUEENS PARK Rentcontrol issue bound to surface By DON OIIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Theres real sleeper lying just under the sur face of the session here It is an issue which if and when it breaks through is cer tain to cause some con sternation and possibly could lead the way to an election And if it doesnt it will almost certainly cause the Ontario government some em barrassment HANDELMAN QLIT The rentcontrol program un der existing legislation ends nextJulyBl And the questionaand the is sueis what happens then The government has never really favored controls It was forced into them largely by the New Democrats Since it had to put in the pro gram various cabinet ministers have spoken out against it and Consumers Af fairs Minister Sidney Han delman the minister in charge has gone so far as to say that if it is renewed he wont handle it But both the NDP and the Liberals have been putting on some pressure to get an in dication of its intentions from the government To date it has been able to duck this but eventually it will have to respond And this could lead to the most fascinating moments of this minority legislature COMPROMISE The question is whether it likes them or not will the gov ernment dare not to renew the controls Probably its major feeling against them is emotional It just doesnt like controls Its one concrete argument is lil BLE THOUGHI Come unto me all ye that hbour and are heavy laden and will give you rest Mat thew 112 When you are down it seems misteveryonehatestoseeyw coming but the Lord Many timesHeisthelastonewegoto and et He is the only one who am ift us up Get up and go to God He loves you and in Jaus name you will rise again But Jesus said Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven Mat thew 1914 Dont ever be guilty of discouraging child from making decision for Christ Many times the Lord can get through to child quicker than toan adult XOUR BUSINESS Investors wary of By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service From the moment the Quebec election results became known on the night of Nov 15 most of the pundits and politicians have been downplaying the signifi cance of the separatists vic tory Investors however havent been buying that line People who are responsible for sub stantial amounts of capital dont listen to soothing analyses when they havethe hard facts instead The overriding fact seen by investors in Canada and abroad is that power in Quebec has passed to party with single policy and that negative oneto take the province out of Confederation Thats what caused the selling pressure on the Canadian dollar on foreign exchange markets im mediately after the election despite Bank of Canada sup port the weakness in the stocks of Quebecbased companies and the selloff in bonds modest recovery in the cur rency stock and bond markets after the initial flurry of selling shouldnt be surprise Thats the usual pattern In the longer term however the initial reaction is likely to be confirmed Investors have been growing steadily more cautious about committing their capital to Quebec en terprises and they will probably be much more cautious in the years just ahead CAPITAL EXOI1US How will Rene Levesque and manager Ball Planing County Essay Contest all from Bar rie Jean Malcomson Constance Hardy Mrs Page At Dick Garretts Capitol Theatre feature movie was Kiki starring Norma and Ronald Colman Barrie Bowling Academy over Frank Livingstones garage formed ladies league acquitted charge of arson at Grand Opera House Charles Henry Thornton farmer scored big suc cess with baby beef at Royal Winter Fair Sun Life announced that Elmer Thompson will be new district manager weeks booster prize at Kiwanis Charles Butcher Winner of Jack Rodgers general Mill It was qottle donated by Dr Lewis that they have held back the construction of new rental hous ing But unquestionably large sector of the urban public and that means big majority of the voters is for them And no matter how strongly it feels will the government risk bucking this Particularly as its memory is still fresh of how politically pd tent they proved in last fa ls election If it did refuse to continue the program it almost certainly would be defeated on con fidence and we would be into an election It would hardly want an elec tion on such an issue so pre sumably it will try and come up with some compromise The test of this will be whether it will be able to ro duce such compromise ich the Liberals can accept And whether it is acceptable can depend largely on just how the Liberals feel about an elec tion at the particular point when it rises The NDP of course can be expected to vote against any thing even continuation of the program in its present form which it thinks should be tightened up Whatever happens it would seem that the government is going to have to eat bit of crowor face an election 261172 my FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Quebecs economy uncertainty ahead By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service It would take Solomon blessed with extrasensory per ception to predict accurately what may happen to Quebec and indeed to Canada in the wake of Rene Levesques stun ning victory over Premier Rob ert Bourassa At one extreme it can be ar gued that the breakup of Con federation is inevitable because Mr Levesques Parti Quebecois is dedicated to separatism and with clear mandate from the people of Quebec way will be found to separate from Canada At the other extreme it can be argued that with majority of Quebeccrs apparently again st separatism Mr Levesque will simply form another provincial ovemment and that his genera policies will be no more nationalistic than those of Maurice Duplessis in the heyday of his Union Nationale government And in between those two ex tremes are so many possi bilities it may take weeks to think of them all Moments after the Parti Que becois victory heard Eric Kierans former cabinet min ister in both Quebec City and Ottawa say on television that Confederation would not be en dangered In fact he suggested now would be good time to invest in Quebec About the same time Bryce Mackasey another former fed eral minister who had just won seat in this provincial elec tion was offering different in terpretation of events Have no illusions he was saying The Parti Quebecois is totally committed to independence they have succeeded in fooling the majority of the FrenchCa nadian population ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS Apart from the longterm constitutional issue no one knows what the election of separatist government will do to the economy of the province There have been predictions of mass withdrawal of capital and Charles Bronfman head of the giant Seagram Co Ltd said that if the PQ won he would even pull his Montreal Expos baseball team out of the province Thats obviously another ex treme And it has to be weighed against the opinion of Michel Belanger president of the Pro vincial Bank of Canada that the economic disruption will be shortlived perhaps for just month After that it will be business as usual Then we have the opinion of Sam Hughes executive direc tor of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce that the business climate in the province will re main uncertain until the issue of separatism is settled once and for all The people have spoken on overnment and now the party as an obligation to let them speak on independ ence he said He thinks referendum on in dependence should be held im mediately The issue of independence could be the most confusing of mE WORLD TODAY separate Quebec would be Viable By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Several years ago during discussion with Philip Foisie foreign editor of the Washington Post the same great American paper which exposed Watergate outlined scenario for future republic of Quebec Mr Foisic was more shocked than anticipated for an Ameri can newsman and told meI was PQ intentions the Parti Quebecois govern ment react to an intensified exodus of capital And how will they treat busi ness especially businesses con trolled by people whose first language may not be French Nobody knowsand ood many investors arent stic ing around to find out Mr Levesque and his col leagues have gained power by the tried and true tactic of ap pealingto selfpity Their rhetoric left the im pression that other Canadians were depriving Quebeccrs of their franchise the right to own property to have their own schools to speak the language of their choice They convinced 40 per cent of the Quebec electorate Nov 15 that only the Parti Quebecois could give the people of Quebec the freedoms that are supposed to have been denied them until now For the next few years Mr Levesque is guaranteed the best possible latform from which to capitalize on that self pity to expand upon the theme that Quebecers are somehow an injured people and to present the independence referendum as means of correcting those fancied grievances ECONOMIC COST If he should falter there are plenty of volatile youn PQ the oreticians waiting in wings to hurry the day of separation regardless of its economic cost And not far behind them waiting with offers to help alle viate the economic cost will surely be France where the flame of intellectual colonialism still burns bri ht Castros Cuba always rea to the first Canadian he had met who had gone this far to visualize Quebec as new be mispheric nation During the earlier FLQ crisis of the fall of 1970 when was associate editor of The Toronto Telegram the editorinchief did not encourage me to write an article speculating that Que bec would become republic some day if her aspirations were not met Now there are no restrictions contribute to disruption and other countries similarly in clined Those who will be trying to spread mischief can probably count on the unwitting hel of those whose capital has con rib uted to the rapid development of Quebec throughout the last quartercentury Private investors even if they dont withdraw from Quebec are unlikely to commit new capital in the ears ahead There are plenty other places in North America that offer greater certainty and greater security Their retreat could create financial vacuum that social governments abroad would quickly and easily fill There are some heady and exciting times ahead for Que bec There may well be some painful economic choices too us$4 joy all Mr Levesque has promised referendum within two years and there are many who will argue that the results are not in doubt since public opinion poll indicated that only 18 per cent of Quebecers favor separatism But there are others who ar gue that once in office the Par ti Quebecois can manipulate referendums to suit its own ur ses The wording coul be uzzy the implications unclear and the vote could be timed to coincide with some emotional issue such as an air controllers language dispute the deliberate withdrawal of capital or alleged outside in terference Mr Levesque downplayed the independence issue throughout this campaign in successful attempt to collect nonseparatist votes from people who were angry at the Bourassa government The issue is government he kept repeating Independence can be decided later But we cant overlook the of ficial platform of the PQ al though it has been scarcely mentioned in this election PQ ovemment would commit itsel to realize the political sovereignty of Quebec through democratic means and to pro pose to Canada mutually ad vantageous economic associ ation Furthermore PQ gov ernment would set in motion immediately the process of ac cession to sovereignty All things being considered how can anyone predict what may happen in the next few months or even years Technically Canada 15 on the threshold of watchin sce nario unfold which con lead to the creation of an independent Quebec The event which provoked it at last was the unexpected sweeping victory of the separa tist Parti Quebecois on Nov 15 and its win of 69 seats in the 110 member National Assembly That victory does not mean Quebec per so will go her sepa rate way First Premierelect Rene Levesque will make for mal approach to Prime Minis ter Trudeau to discuss separa tion procedure TRUDEAU WILL OPPOSE This will undoubtedly be re jected by the federalist Trudeau Then the new PQ r0 vincial government will calrfor referendum in which Quebe cers will decide if they really want to secede from Canada This conce was developed for the party legal specialist and devout separatist Claude Morin who won key seat for the PQ in the Quebec City rid ing of Louis Hebert It is Europeanist proach to assist decisionma mg in government used by freely elected administrations Why write about Quebec and the PQ victory in foreign af fairs column Because sepa rate Quebec nation would be new and viable republic among the many others long in exis tence in the Western Hemi sphere Many silly and panicky sto ries have been written about Quebec cut loose with few re sources no access to the fed eral tax stream with private industry abandoning the new country in wave of fear and disillusionment Luv raw READER FORUM Cooke endorses Archer he can get results DearSir The interest in the for thcoming municipal election is heightening and am being asked by friends which can didate am supporting have deci ed to make public statement have worked with all three candidates on council and know and appreciate their qualities and capabilities For mayor at this time in our history am supporting Ross Archer There are several reasons First would like to clarify this point about fulltime ma or The most effective lea ers in any community are those who know how to manage time There is no evidence that those with lots of time ac com lish more than busy PeOP When Willard Klnizie was mayor he was actively involved as president and general manager of his own comapny ISo was Bob Bentley and so was During my last three years as mayor was not actually in volved in my business but did have other activities that feel contributed to my capability and capacity to serve It is not the time you but what you ut into the time that counts oss Archer is man who has shown he can con centrate his time on the im portant and get results like Archers determination to put some new life into the bayshore development and the extension of Centennial Park Moreover he understands the need of identifying the core area of the city with Kem penfeit Bay and he is dedicated put in tothisend Since annexation and dustrial development are closely associated believe he can achieve success on both counts and in so doing restore confidence with our neighbors His leadership will con centrate councils attention on policy and community goals He has plans for restructuring the council manager system that will rsult in better use of our tax dollar He has another important at tribute He listens to people He relates munici al decisions as to how they ef ect people Ive worked with him and have ob served this believe Ross Archer is the mayor we need today Sincerely Les Cooke Why hold public meetings if ponds likethis filled DearSir The Edgehill Pond the old swimming hole the pic turesque little skating rink unknown to most Barrie residents source of delight to favored few all this is going to be obliterated by 8000 cubic yardsof fill The fate of the pond is possibly pretty insignificant by itself The disturbing aspect is the rocedure that is being oilowed every time district Elan or subdivision is approved ycouncii What is the purpose of holding public meetings prior to approval of plan if one of the main features of the plan is later eliminated Either the developer must be made to live up to the final plan as submitted to the public or the farce of holding public meetings should be discon tinued Yours truly John Ball Thumbs Up to The Examiner for Up With People show Dear Sir would like to add one more WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space blic interest and good taste Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter Thumps Up to last Satur days edition for The Barrie Examiner which was the span sor of Up With People We became acquainted with the group on previous visit to Barrie and have been great fans ever since It has been pleasure to be hostfamily for such lovely group of young people We often dont listen to what young peo 1e are saying because we ink we know it all and they the young people have nothing to add This group however has lot tosay Their message is simple ELIE131 Love thy neighbor It doesnt matter to them whether we speak different language or have different color Their theme song says it beautifully If more people were for people All people everywhere Thered be lot less people to worry about And lot more people who care Many thanks to The Barrie Examiner for bringing Up With Petr ple to our city Yours truly Conny Mrs VanSaarloos Nature shows the way to make Bayfield lights By RICHARD DUNSTAN Natures way is best they say and nature seems to have found way to deal with the oftreviled traffic lights on Bayfield Street Anyone who has driven from Vespra Township at least it was Ves ra at press time to Kempen elt Bay knows what the problem is nearly every light you hit turns red as you approach it Its like jerking ongin stagecoach Similar problem now con fronting outbound traffic is scheduled to be solved by City Hall The lights will be syn chronized and anyone who wants to go from Barrie to Vespra should hit mostly green lights Unfortunatel as Ald Ross Archer point out last week the synchronization wont help the inbound or downhill driver whom series of red lights will continue to protect from the dangers of excessive or even reasonable speed But wait Last week an in trepid Examiner reporter modesty prohibits me from identifying himbraved typical Barrie November bliz zard to attend meeting at Cundles Hei his School featur ing Aid Ar er and his worthy mayoral opponents incumbent Dorian Parker and the once andmaybefuture mayor Wil lardKinzie While the candidates showered promises indoors Mother Nature showered snowflakes outdoors and when it came time to return down IN RPRETIN THE NEWS French byelection results sharpening political duel By Ron CURRIE LONDON CP Results in seven French byelections have sharpened the political duel be tween President Valery Giscard dEstaing and his for mer prime minister for control of the ruling coalition Although it is imprudent to read too much into such scat tered elections the message seems to confirm growing sup rt for the ri htwing and the Slicialists and eclining support Berrys orld lWSbyNEAJM ll Bob Dole calls for gosh sakes dont tell him where am for the Communists and Gis cards liberalleft Former prime minister Jac ques Chirac scored personal triumph in his Correze con stituency and already is orches trating huge rally for next month to consolidate his lead ership of the Gaullist party and the centreright in general Observers say it seems cer tain that Chirac has his eye on the presidency when Giscard who won by whisker in 1974 Bayfieldstfeetto the Ex aminer office the streets were barely visible The brave reporter respon sible levelheaded chap drove his ancient rusty Chevy at suitable crawl from Cundles all the way past the Five Points to the noble edifice housing Bar ries favorite newspaper Wonder of wondersevery light turned green for him even at the Five Points as if he were royalty visiting the city Not once was his alreadyslow pro gress halted by an imperious stoplight So take heed tortoises Let the hares cool their heels at the intersections Slow and steady wins the race Or should we have blizzard every day comes up for reelection in less than five years Many thought that Chirac 43 had spoiled his chances when he broke with the president last summer 61hr Bump Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $441 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly lBalance of Canada $600 year National Advertising Offices 85 Queen St West Toronto $44710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and regroducedinthisnews per ogeyrlght Regis ration Num r203815register61

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