Raps MIDHURST Staff Regional government is too costly for Simcoe County and shouldnt be considered it was maintained here by Michael Asselin former reeve of Tiny township Mr Asselin who will be 93 years old in February discussed local and area ad ministration when visiting here for the reunion of former members at the November meeting of county council It is important to maintain strong local administration he said mentioning almost casually he has had long ex perience Records show he was reeve and deputy reeve of Tiny for some 15 years and also he served as councillor since away back in 1924 From 1944 to 1958 he was municipal clerk Before he ran for council he also was school board secretary had part in helping to organize the first Separate School board in our area he said smiling at the recollection ENIItIIZTIU When member of county council in X967 he introduced resolution opposing proposals to establish countywide school boards It was argued by advo cates the larger boards would reduce costs by eliminating duplications and they were established in 1969 But think that subsequent events proved was right he said referring to substantial in creases in costs Iurthermore the old plan kept administra tion closer to parents and ratepayers who then had more control it was suggested When regional government Trustee talks at Coldwater SIIIRIEYJENNETT CULDWATER John Mc Cuilough of Midland trustee and former chairman of the Simcoe Count Board of Educa tioi conducted the worship ser Vice at St Andrews PRSiifitllttl Church recently 21 the absence of Rex Charles tarfer lr lcullough speaking about Time to Iteriitiiitwr reflected on the negative aspect at this era since TV and other media bring the problems of he world I£III to our living rooms He wondered if ana diaiis today are fulfilling the hopes and desires of those who gaw their lives and were far sighted enough to know this totintr was worth fighting for some Hoopoo billions are spent annually on weapons for war ilt told his audience while Sm billions are spent on the weapons of life Is this the iiiessagt learned from wars He spoke of the three Its of lite rights reason and responsibility and cautioned that at must be ready instantly to meet the needs of humanity that we should not mourn but Itilt and look to the future talk in positive terms and help build better world for the young people that follow This surely is the lesson to be learned from ar IIII ENERGY tltllll Staff rillia Water Light and Power Com mission has JUIIIHI the Ontario Hydro iii an appeal to electrical customers to conserve energy at hrisinias time ustomers were asked not to turn on hristiiias lights until pm and to turn them off before retiring It was noted that win ter brings dramatic increase in diiiiands for electricity FORMER TINY REEVE 92 MICHAEL ASSEI at county council was mentioned Mr Asseliii said he had opposed this too for Simcoe County and was glad that there was strong enough backing to keep it from the county There has been too much centralization he said stating local control was more efficient and kept ratepayers better satisified agree with him on regional government said Reeve Lloyd Pridham of Sunnidale former warden who was pres ent at the time said before Simcoe County is not ready for it It is perhaps different in Metro area but we are mostly rural IJIEST PRESENT Inside the county council hall Mr Asselin was enthus iastically greeted as the oldest present at the reunion attended by some 70 former members in addition to the current couiiv Cillors Besides Mr Assclin Warden rvillc Hughes also made special mention of former warden lohii liiiikwatcr of rillia township who was ill last June Like his liiiy township neighbor Mr Drink water enjoys excellent health for his age have suffered little from arthritis at times but otherwise feel fine said Mr Asscliii with hearty siiiilc Born on the family farm on oii it of Tiny he has lived there practically allhi life My health has reasonably good too coin meiited Mr Draiikwater who was former recve of iillia township for years and once been centralization trend school board secretary member of pioneer family he was born at Northbrook l95tiWARIEN The 1956 warden Roy Hickling of Vespra George Lisk of Tecumseth Herb Hughes of West Gwillimbury Dalton Jermey of Medonte Alex McAuley of Elmvale Ernie Miller of Coldwater and George MacKay of Coulson were other county council leaders of the era before the 705 present Also greeted with special ap plaiise were more recent wardens who included Lloyd Iridham iii 1972 James Wales 73 and Edgar iirric 75 Among the gathering of other former members welcomed were former liiiiisfil reeve icorgc lhirtoii who was county chairman of finance two years ago lloward Campbell Allan McLean and Ken Gilchrist all former ro rcprcscntatives ltill towunlock seli lom losliii of rillia township Prank lissiiigtoii from the city of rilliu and Illiiier llowell of iillia DISTRICT NE WS 27The Barrie Examiner Thursday Nov I8 I976 Pridham is opposed in Sunnidale election NEW LOWELL Staff There will be contests for all five council seats in the coming Stinnidale election on Dec Former county warden Lloyd Pridham who has beentown ship reeve for 14 years and former reeve Ed Culham both qualified to stand for the reeveshi again The qualifica tion dea line was pm yester day The electors also will have choice for deputy with incum bent Mary Stacy opposed by Joe McKinnon Five standing for three coun cil seats included Doug Day Charlie McNabb and Jim ONeill seeking reelection and two newcomers Donna Casey and Buriifield Wines customer new Wishing our good friend and Karl Chapelton Homes Inc success for his Grand Opening of his subdivision Heights on Nov 20 I976 Trimmers Inc Trim Suppliers and Installers Toronto 6901529 ratepayers meeting at which candidates have been in vited to speak has been ar ranged for New Lowell com munity hall on Thursday Nov 25 Warden of Simcoe County in 1972 Reeve Pridham is former chairman of county finance and general govern ment committee and also head ed the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority board STUDENT PUNISIIEI MUNICH West Germany AP The University of Mun ich has brought fraud charges against student who tried to sell his acceptance into the medical school for $4000 Just of on Letitia Phelpston 4H club girls active By MRS MARLEY PHELPSTON The 4H Kit Kaboodle Klub girls are busy practicing their skit on Leisure time activities Achievement Day will be held in Minesing on Saturday Nov 27 The new store owners Mr and Mrs Piwtorak have reno vated the post office and have stocked new supply of groceries ate Children are enjoying the early fall of snow It would be good time to start foundation or an outdoor rink Mr Tremblay is home recuperating from heart surgery Leo Marley is recovering from mishap at broomball separated shoulder bone Mr and Mrs Van Laarhoven entertained the Ninety Nine club on Wednesday evening Final Week of Sale 25 OFF SAVE OUR REGULAR STOCK ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE Paintings and souvenirs of Holland shown were very in teresting Angela Marley of Winnipeg was home for weekend and entertained few friends Friday evening Things are quiet in the village since the suspension closing of the hotel passage has been closed in between the rectory and St Patricks church which should prove shelter for the pastor interestPald Mormtomntv Year Guaranteed Investment Certificate Rahx Subitl Io Chanqr siruirsn turn tutunuaner Mon ta no hotuni ewes norm All titii inn NIW llltl $50 90 5905 55 55 62 80 7095 85 20 89 30 re to Deluxe Champion Polyester lilat Lwall Only nii lfl iiii4 um 14 Installed on your car at no extra cost No trade in required IHItIl iiii ia cm 14 out 14 mtgii If um 14 um it Whitewalls $3 00 ivw at up Saw iii to 50 or more Fiiostoiio New Iiio Guaiaiitee Incstone New Tire Tread Dcsngiis Installed on your IlUCk at no extra cost 77 Ross Furzecott Pl Ht 16 Dunlop St Barrie 7266495 €W€ LRY SUP in lth Hi now UNIV lv T777 t41 Hitrlt it itttii litH iwoi it Mn 15 innit ti afoo 14 on 00 as oo 93 00 49 00 52 oo 55 oo 57 oo Iiiwit I9 Tllllllly BELT BELTED 538 no 39 Of 4100 II oo dli it 52 no xi as oo It =4 IiiH IVA1 Ii II IN I91 00 Whiiawnll prices WIii CHECK THESE SNOW BIT SNOW BITE Ret reads for Trucks buy wlltl It All IIIAt Ilth III IIIIAI 1N IUWN HUNIHV llllVINV It $1890 $2290 2550 3100 25 50 30 25 28 90 3465 33 90 4040 33 90 39 9O 33 90 4040 co wot IIiIIiailatll 17 uwmlimi IIrItr pm ia oi Fwestone Stores USE OUR firestorm CREDIT PlAN 0R tawall ruan ieticiids PRICI KilI 67¢ it $579795 100 5275 fil 10 4910 I6 5645 Hit It 6475 IlAIIIiI WARNS SNOW CHAMPION IHttï¬f WIIileaIIS $3 more Installed on your truck at no extra cost No trade in required Selections from $10000 up BUDGET ACCOUNTS AVAILABLE BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Phone 7264312 small deposit holds your purchase for Christmas YO ed stt tid lai at ex 905 Ittt It liillly mm ll hit tiitt tti titih 67015 X4 508 X44509 7266585 BRAND NAME All flavors 26 II or Whitewalls $3 00 more ER TRUCK TIRE DLS SNOW BITER TRACTION ALL SEASON FOR TRUCKS 00 smxsm ssst raw ii coon RETREAD PRICI Btt 1871 Itt GTiiTz not if in t4 Hm it NEW TIRE GUARANTEE Viti Hi Immutable Tiiiiti til oo may it yam limit in is not ieiieadablv per wheel for most compacts and midsize cais 15 pei wheel for most full size cars 88 DUNLOP ST BARRIE OPEN DAILYB to Friday It to Saturday to