6The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov 1976 City bazaars raise more than $6000 Saturday was bazaar day indeed obtained by oning Ed pisons Corners at 845 Satur John Arts Shower hostesses There was everything masn she said Mayhew at 7263712 or Mrs day morning were the brides aunt Diane An imaginable in baked goods This was the first bazaar held Tilden at 7267308 Donations to EVERYONE WELCOME derson and her daughter knitted clothing arts and crafts by the club and was convened at several local churches and bazaar buffs were coming out of the woodwork Would you believe more than $6000 was raised in one day chblade one of the bestknown by the Catholic Womens groom also gave showers 0bv10usly bazaars rake in Presbyterian and St John evangelical films will be League of Our Lady of Grace Presentations were made by the money more quickly than Vianney Roman Catholic Chur any other fundraising efforts pm at Georgian College GRADUATE DEGREE Georgian College and the com That is the opinion of the con Three womens groups ban Theatre Showing of the film is Robert Lindsay Warner 21 munity of Guthrie veners of the five bazaars held ded together for blockbuster sponsored by The Harvesters Glen Echo Dr Barrie UAKERMEETING Saturday bazaar at St Andrews The The items at bazaars are cheaper and handmade by all the women They are different The Menettes annual boutique was held at Collier Street United Church Said Sharon Taylor con CRAFTS IDEAS Many come for the ideas for made at last years boutique Money raised goes to the YM YWCA building fund Marg Duncan of the Quota Club said bazaars are popular The Quota Chit held its bazaar at Trinity Anglican Church and was aiming for baking is fresh and people like to buy unique gifts for Christ by Agnes Mills and Betty Speares Meanwhile the bazaar ban dwagon continued at irace United Church St Andrews ch Evening Circle The Afternoon Group and The Womens Missionary Society church Financial object is $1100 for church maintenance Conveners for this bazaar United last January making toys clothing Christ Members of Grace Church started the church More than 350 people attended the hot lun cheon at noon and the bazaar later lot of people love to do by competition she said The Mistletoe Mart is held every two years and is the only some of the items which attracted young shoppers Iaris Suc Barr laulinc hap ionyenors loan Shanahnn and lnulinc Middleton said $1300 as raiscd last car for church four daughter of Kenneth and Holly llzunpson to Quota lub of Barrie at Trinity Anglican Church will go the deaf and hard of hearing PEOPLE PLACES POST BOX The Barrie branch of the Canadian ArthritisRheumatis Society now has post office box at the Barrie Post Office Box number is 112 Information about CARS member of the Barrie United Ap eal can be CARS can be sent to the Post Office box number TIIE CROSS AND TIIE SWITCHBLADE The Cross and The Swit shown Saturday at and 915 an interdenominational group based in Barrie Advance tickets are available at the $250 for aduts and $1 for children Funds raised by showing the film are used by The Harvesters for showing films at Barrie Jail and to Mountains Club of the Bruce Trail Association encountered Singhampton to Devils Glen says club spokesman Fred Ar mstrong The early snowfall did have one advantage though leaves were off trees and hikers were able to get better 10mile hike is planned Saturday by the Blue Moun tains Club of the Bruce Trail Association Jean Connelly at formation about the hike which starts at845 Saturday mor ning Those wishing to take the hike over the paths of the Royal Botanical Gardens and the adjoining country are asked to meet at the junctions of Highways and in Clap Everyone is welcome to at tend Christmas Bazaar Satur day Nov 27 from to4 pm at Our Lady of Grace School Angus The bazaar is being held Church received master of arts degree from Ohio State Univer sity at summer quarter com Good News Book Store and mencementexercises andnlhï¬l What people And more than 300 people SteingardPhotoStudiosat$L75 HALLOWEEN COSTUME 72F°8r5T4$rmat1°n can7262162m Want Sdd Mary Cowan of came out for the event held in each Tickets at the door are PARTY the Menettes three different rooms of the Mr and Mrs Moe Lanthier won the costume prize for ManfromMars outfit at the Kempenfelt Court 1337 In dependent Order of Foresters vener Older women shop for were Helen Brown and Pat youth groups Hal10ween COStume ball The PollardofBarrie gifts younger women shop for Oaks SIXTEEN HIKE draw for the rug was won by cloéhesdand kids shop for odds IISiLEIUIC MART Sixteen hikers of the Blue Mary Silverthorne Barrie VISIT game an en GUIDE SALE First Alcona Guides are slushy trail with snow knee having an auction and bake will Sald Ctrrtlt mas OFIIEIIIICIIIS and youname deep in places on the0ct 30 sale Tuesday at Goodfellow CoromYOfBame 621333R€Sgï¬c£ntgfl5£rii 6mm lllilii DOLLS were such as Kristina llampson bazaar held Saturday by the Proceeds from the bazaar 08 along the all fr0m SChOOl mth line and 25th OXFAMSALE sideroad of Innisfil township Anyone with toys or other ar ticles they wish to get rid of should be at the school by 630 pm Sale starts at pm SILVER MEDALWINNER from village cooperatives and because there are no beatthe their thristmas shopping at p01 and Allit lUttlv hit lï¬illllt look at the caves than in mid Greg Hodgins Barrie was refugees from around the clock shoppers bazaars said Phyllis Ioxr iosoycrull iomcnct summer The Clubs annual awarded silver medal by the world OXFAM aims to There is no hustle and croft swing convener No St John nnmey had an wiener roast followedthehike Royal Conservatory of Music promote international bustle They can stop for cup matter how many bazaars are itttl tittt lol llttlf 14 liSliVill TENMILE HIKE Toronto for his work in Grades awareness of issues and oftea held on one day no one is hurt lunchcoit and lthu All It It In guitar The presentation was made at the Conservatory Nov DANCERS wood carvin and Christmas $1200 for the deaf and hard of biggest fundraiser for lllt lllltllitfllzlllci Illtllli litshiens 4451673 Collingwood is the The Town and Country Folk gifts For giEiformation call 533233 tits Ca Dancerbemeeï¬ngtriday Esemirates Miirgtiret Roeding is paid to be very very picky at 730 pm at Steele Street School Cecille Ratney is in structor New members are welcome SHOWERS There were several showers given for Kim Hastings of Guthrie before she married Shelley Mrs ByngMayor and her daughter Stephanie and Cathy Hunter and Pearl Hun ter Mrs Anne Cradock and Mrs Wilma Cole sisters of the the brides classmates at There will be Quaker meeting Sunday at 11 am at 211 Cedar Trail Barrie OWEN SOUND VISITORS Mr and Mrs Casey Lansen of Owen Sound visited with Mr Lansens sister and brotherin law Mr and Mrs George Corrie Van Dyk of Deep River visited with his aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Charles There will be an OXFAM craft sale Nov 26 from noon to pm in the Blue Flame Room Consumers Gas Crafts On display will be brought directly cultures in developing nations Featured will be weaving jewelry wall hangings pottry vver CATHERINE COWDY five found puppets to play with at the Mistletoe Mart put on Log Books of home histories was the topic at recent Chur chill Womens Institute meeting Area curator of Iweedsmuir Histories Mrs Harry loyston of Minesing stirred up enthusiasm to com pile log recommended to be kept permanently in the home even though the residents move She said information should start with the first house on the property and continue with any other home built to replace the original one The log should state the exact location lot Two thousand six hundred dollars Centrals vibrant enthusiasm raised this amount for United Appeal Bubble gum sales sup er hero day Mr United Ap peal contest way to go Rob illow fights contributions rom teachers totalled this lofty amount Congratulations to the Grade homeroom that raised the top amount $130 in boardwalk race Do you believe that Cen tralites actually ran around the track with boards on their feet All of our boys volleyball teams have done relatively well this past season During the qualifications for GBSSA seniors put up great effort but were unsuccessful Midgets stepped up to take second place and will compete in GBSSA competitions this week Good luck Our con fident juniors won their zone and will be competing in GB SSA playaswell In girls basketball our seniors have done extremely well During the tournament the entire game was played and won by only five players Our midgets are gathering plenty of experience for future years and are pulling their weight now Juniors are on winning streak and are heading straightforthefinals Hope everyone is ready for Centrals first dance because CENTRAL COMMENT By JULIE STEWART and MARIA COHEN Saturday by members of Grace Lnited hurch Women Phyllis sziroft number concession township and county the date the hotlsc and suhsmiuent homes were built and if material likc luin her bricks or stone was ob taincd on local plupcrty should be noted Drawn should hc the early floor plan with additions and changes made and iJllis of water system installation and hydro and telephone listed All Illt families who hayc lived in the house should lit named along with date of bu ths marriages and deaths about Statistical data the 5t Shooter is our biggest feature this month As we all know by now fenr trals senior football team just cant lose It wasnt an uncxr pected victory when we won our 28th straight game Wednesday defeating North Juniors are following the rough and ready Redskin ways and are heading for the finals too The bands nixi engagcnnni is the Wilfrid Lauricr con vocation Sunday when Mr Ramsay receives his honorary doctorate dogrec This is great honor for the band to be asked to play Con ratulations are also ex tendet to successful Centralitcs competing in the GBSSA meet Central spells effort Lets just hope we can pull all out winning ways forth for the up coming exams Zlidays It lcit ICniliilini plump ti ti iiiiiilii Speaker stirs up enthusiasm for log books on area homes lnrin llltltitlllit tnaclninr pansion and liniigc in optration would also make ill tortstingrcadini ll loton said niif typo ol limii can ln li til lllli sln iliIliii tllllliri ltslllil Ioosv lciai hooks Shi iitiitzlcii out HUI iiill rccoids oAiicisliip iic ivailnblc at lili count Iiigrit flllltllrlliiilll utills iilcd llill iai bt won lot sinnlllvc Churchill lwrcdwnun history conycncls Mary Sloan and Jean Saunicr Viirt ill chargioiihcprogruin it llISl SPEAKER Honiiiclcc Ashlcy Will be guest spcnkci Wednesday at intcling oi the llniin hristian Ioincns lub oliii Hour The coilii hour if being held at new location the lllll hassy Hall 13th lllakc St from 030 to iltlani licaturcat tlic metting will be talk by Al lhoinson of St Clair on How to licauiify Your Iltttllt Miss Ashlcy of Oklahoma will relate her cxixricnccs as career woman Wouldnt you like to meet someone who wants to meet you PATS DIALADATE tin yours weve hetpod many people like you meet the right per itill Inexpensive monthly rquS 29 Momiii 73135 Morgorei runs the Reed Notionol DrOpery ploni She hos to be picky bec0use its her iob to see that your draperies ore not only ltt ll tllll lii in igtiiii put on by Illi from thcliazaal will gotoihe mode on time bUl iii 215l tl ii Don 1T1 llivl illttll llltl lli ft It lit this cii lilrli lin tropic ii invl it ttnimf ll lIi Nlillill tunwis ll 5ti Iatx ti liitLJl iiit illt iii Im llll lid tlfltl ilni oi tii pm now Huiztitll llll ti il Elir littilll pit lllil it tlw lllttllli5 oi llii inli llil 11 ttlni mnitl iiiiit uncrc ll ltcin Stitttlih IlNllltsHt JOHNSONS BABY SHAMPOO 350 Ml GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD ANTIPERSPIRANT If VITAMINS ONEADAY Mlllllfll FlINTSTONES 393 $59 ALLANDAE lv ltil zi tlni olliiiSiicit itllil IIltttltls WON ooziitiislnizh points ltonturl New iiiikc ticn Jigc bu Kim url itilltlktl tccn age ll lnvt Andrews 35sz ionc boy undcrH and inc titthou iincsing girl itiultl it lin IliIJlIIIH also clcctcd lll iItlliw lHt lJTT lob Andrews oi llaukcsionc is tln iiiv prcsidcni replacing rod Huggins lso clictid icic Ainos Ilttjylh lllii Sldlltill ltt picsnlcni iiiorgc Iiiid laln GUARD YOUR FAMILYS HEALTH BUDGET Guardians 0M DECONGESTANT COUGH SYRUP COUGH SUPPRESSANT CHRISTMA TYLENOL TABLETS building fund Gethons family winners TriCounty Draft group swick viceprcsidenl Stan MC laggart Stroud vice president iail Lavender Harrie secretary and Don itIllilllS Mincsing treasurer All the women at the dinner meeting Wtlt presented with corsagcs by Mr Huggins who will continue as president until the end of the year loor prizes were also given to Mrs Lavender Art ONeil Vcspra Mrs Stan Mac laggart Stroud and Roger icthons Minesing 69 Box of IE assorted TERINE ANTISEPTIC Mouthwash 30 01 Box of SIA 24 designs Mcuuloufl mmmm nl nloq Tluling ninpuly DRUGS ESSA ROAD BARRIE 7282823 SIMCOE DRUGS 301 BLAKE SI BARBIE 7282429 olonced finishing details FULL HEMS At Reed Notional Dropery we dont cheat on hems On sheers for ins Coll us today and let Morgoret Roeding be very very picky obout your custom draperies Because were the lorgesf buyer of custom dropery fobric in Conodo ond becouse our skilled every inch gets mode HAND SEWING At Reed Notional Dropery its the only kind of sewing we use on those important absolutely right We expect Margaret and her staff to treoi every poir of droperies and every bedspread they make as if they were for their own homes And to be sure they meet our exacting highquality stondords TRIPLE FULLNESS Some companies try to scrimp on moteriolsWe dont All of our lightweight fabrics for instance hove triple fullness for softflowing beauty PERFECT MATCHING On patterned fobrics we carefully match the poitern from panel to panel so your draperies ore perfectly tonce we make double hems so your draperies hong gracefully croftspeople take such meticulous core we con give you beautifully mode and finished droperies of honest factory to you sovingsl When you coll professional salesperson comes directly to Beautiful custom draperies in as little as seven days your home with complete set of samples meosures your windows and suggests window treatments in iust few days youll hove beautiful custom draperies of beautiful fociory prices OREED NATIONAL DRAPERY 726340l if