ARTICLES roll SALE HELP WANTED IIElP WANTED IIELP WANTED HOMELITE XL 75 Chain saw with 20 Easelsarulistreaming Full and PartTime Tellers SENIOR gluded 7264187 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov9 19761 $0352 Bedrdm EweRENE Experienced person reqUIred for our branch at Barrie ou eddresserwth late lassmlr 0na ï¬hestotdravlierSwgdistiwal Agphcfms mUSl have grade or equwalem Experienced in balaming maximumAOwordsodditionalwordsécents perwordusSoo inis ver ood dt 5250 Ranchboy pgngble 33 leamer UCCI Ion ong With Sincere deSire to greet and counts payable and accounts banwithdmatchingstools$l0Acups serve the Ublic en saucers and luncheon plates Noritake recelvcbe compue Albany 550 Depression glass green We Offer excellent working conditions competitive Vir°nmem TYPl19 °d°r kY CardotThanks25words$500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $5 00 coveredbunerdwnmanempmeslone sick ova dish new $40 728 9830 salary and full benefits package PunChmgfkns 055° Verse per count lino extra21 cents per line Weené and pm orily For appomtment please call 7261848 Dimes CIUde °C° Coming Events $322 per column Inch ï¬ftipRATV ialliyri 2375933 $13615 °°5 P°9 °° use some US 532 evenings gYAQnes Street N9 general ledger account recon lt CONSTRUCTION gnggif $3 919 1mm BIRTHS COMING EVENTS MACHINERY FERGUSON Lloyd and Sandy nee posmon Only selfmotivated I973 FORKLIFT 2500 MP 21 it mast North are thrilled to announce the ar CHRISTMAS CAROUSEL aggressive person who can rival ot Bradley Alexander 10 lbs 01 diesel engine automatic only 450 hours on Sunday November 7th at Royal Vic Bazaar LunCheon Price SIS000 or best latter Also work mdependemly com toria Hospital Proud grandparents are Snowmobiles 1973 SKIWhlZ model 400 WT pletion need apply Lloyd and Helen Ferguson and AI and Cemml unled ChurCh Min cyclinder and model 300 single Marg North Ross and Toronto Streets cytlinder Asking $1000 tor both 7260389 Send detailed resume and mass gnd Mrs Charles stnip 13 19 Pm Duno at salary requirements to son RR No Shanty Bay are pleased °Y °V GAR DE SU pp Es emoria to announce the birth or their grandson Luncheon 1200 noon 5Vnni uribgtÂ¥v BOX S79 BARRIE EXAMINER Steven David lbs 015 at Huronia $2 50 POTTING SOLS Go tested We mix District Hospital Midland Saturday our own Dont lose valuable plants N9 November 1976 brother tor Michelle Bazaar 00 pm Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale and Kim Proud parents are David and 88 one bv tflB ones an SALES REPRESENTATIVE Unique career opportunity lm Babysitting services LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Well established New Used Car Dealership medime °Pei9 59 5095 ouncemebrmoyowmldm The Bar to advertise rie Elxamlnercippings ot the notice are N39TO Hams offices institutions etc avai able for Babys Book Family Tree SPECtAL CLEARANCE or Used and reqUIres 0n aggresswe Records and to mail your triends and eeï¬m New Trailers Several makes Also lease lgl 95 commSSon P0Id Wllh galatriygs in tmsefarnawalyalc5fl1aï¬e éodrenlals 7261551 commission on automatic unce ef HARNESS REPAIRS cStockineqclilp Ge C0 repeat business Largest 83mEam°cass8dm nt 5031sSeapdadlgrianQESggnggcsth leaflets oo mEg on 0an dogpany Car Spectalty Lighting Company in DEATHS wick737 2982 xPerence ee Canada Established over 30 CARRUTHERS Gertrude Alberta HORSES BOARDEDand trained Echo Send Resume or Call years No investment car Sriglev McQuaY At Simwe Manon 599 Ranmv 10 00 Phone Beeton on Saturday November I976 11585842 1051 P0 lUlllme L°C°l Gertrude Alberta Srlgley Mitzigay Early Bird Games730pm RABBITS and Cages good stock Mona er to assist ou 80° of beloved wile at Isaac Carrutherso ar Reasonable Telephone 728 6892 rie dear mother at Joyce Mrs Chris ReQUlargomesaOOPm our volume is repeat business POULTRYANDCHICKS Lindsay Nort Bay inni re au Jackpot 3300 must go every WWW Sales Training Bonus offered man at Desboro and LaWrence McQuay ot Barrie Survived also by 10 grand week gcgixogrto lay pulllaetz Also lilagtn tresdh Sf Gohien opportunity Phone children great grandchildren siser Admissionflgoforgmrds Own egg ir oval mi and brother Resting at the tec ey November Craig Hunter Poultry Farm r0 or Slmgni Motlggexi Funeral Home 30 Worsey Barrie Air conditioned hall Sl0Udi36l3 or wrfe cerlfedv Service in the chapel on Tuesday 7GEORGESTHBARRE FOR SALE 118 brownegg laying pullets to Head Street Dundos on November at pm Interment Ivy in lull lay $300 each also Muscovy N10 Presbyterian Cemetery tario L9H 3H4 WIGGWS LauraJane At the Soldiers N8 MemorialHospital0rilliaon Saturday rENrrrrrrrr November two Laura McMiJrray EMPLOYMENT WANTED lormerly at Beeton in her 97th year HAY FOR SALE Firstcut no raingood rm rmm Beloved wile ot the late John Wig Ducks and Drakes $3 00 and $5 00 each Phone 728 6038 FEEP EEFPANPGBAIN LICENSED MECHANIC will repair cars gins dear aunt at Margaret Mrs Jack 15 Va 9372 03 in spare time Anything considered Shepherd ot Barrie Maude Mrs QUAï¬TITT 3V 19536 85 ems Telephone 737 0947 evenings Clarence Atkinson ol Phelpston Debbie 91 99 9835 cHlLDCAREReliable motherwilltake Ms M9 539° SBYM 355 FARM MACHINERY reqUired by care at your children in her home Big Lyeï¬ecexg bgatzvnoeilmgers Slcahyaï¬gs one Of Borres leadng reallors Bay Palm Road ages Ho meals and James Resting at theMathers Prlnled alter NEW HOLLAND haybind model dél 436 4196 years may like new never used for Chapel at theRobinson Funeral Home custom work Asking $2800 Telephone nggnecnrSigngUTnlfgzdcagmigrym In CLASSIFIED 1950 CASE TRACTOR snow bucket and Experienced preferred but not essential If you are ambitious ROBERTS Harry On Monday loader good running condition good and prepared to work you write your own pay cheque November 1976 beloved husband ot tires Includes chains Best otter Lillian Southetot RR No Barrio dear Telephone 728 1435 atterSpm N13 lTather oi Betty Mrs Peter Davis at oronto and the Reverend Bruce Rotter FRUITS AND VEGETABLES lsatvyinnipug Manitoba Altheluneral WW rrirrw 0390 Miles 30 St ci APPLES Apply Koole and San Con Avenue West Toronto Service waitr 19 535523 Ycézor cozgalgergn 89 CIOSEG Classified advertisements and notices for msday 30 Harmer MOW Pleasant Conlotory In lieu of tlowors lee 909 be refewed b7 donation may br made to the Canadian 00 day preceding publication with tho excop Camp SOUP DOVISVHC Avenm ion of Clas5ified Display adveitisemenls yoronto TELECARE why light your problem which must be In by two days prior alone Let iriend help Call Telecare to advertise to publication HUTTER Joseph Suddenly at the 776 7°72anVlme BIRTHS ENGAGEMESTSCES Royal Victoria Hospital on Monday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 it MARRIAGES DEATH Tl tNovptntyor ton Joseph Mutter in ms you drink thats your business It you 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7264881 TORONTO 3647941 40 words 5500 72an year Brilovrrd husband at the late wanttoqwtthatsours Call any time Addnmnalwardmcis perword Mrs Pauline Huttvr Lovinq lather of vay SUFFER agony with Corns and CARD or THANKS 25 words 5500 Addi gftvrcfl Dogfgrgndflzlgr Caucuses Relief now is yours from onulwordsgns pmword gr II England Carnation Corn Caps have JLnTTL Funeral Home 15 Bradtord St noon sold tor 0veil century with ettec IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $500 Barrio ViSitritiorl from Tuesday at ve results medicated pad that really With verse par count line 2l cents per Funeral Mass at St John Vianney noes the loot Corn Caps or Callous Caps line Church on Wednesday Novnittlttr loth now available at Cusdens Pharmacy at l0 am Interment Holy Cross anaallarquists COMING EVENTS CvrntltrrrToronlo INTE NATIONAL Investigation Ser 53 77 pm column inch vcos szil criminal marital investiga Grade 12 Ol better 24WORDMIN1MUM SEARLE View paswu away Emir ngégllzlgnga BMW and years finance banking or mortgage experience CLASSIFIED onennsmo Cash Novomhir im at ventura Hospilrltl aunt Rules apply if paid Within days California in hIr Both ytar Viol DO SOMETHING NEW phone EnthSlOSm and drive one WO memo 9c p9 wed m5 Svrtrli tOtrnurly ot Barrio Brilovtd Witt Qmcezvous Danna Ln 53 1661 tion Three consecutive insertions 01 hrl1rr1y 52 thtrlllw gzgncg Bramomn 90 Any age er cents per word insertion total $617 Six 29 Onyargso Inteymcg Fergus UNWANTED HAIR removed sdately Individualized training consecutive insertions 8c per word per in Umgn lmmpw Qtirmanontly medica approve Ly anion total 51157 Multiple insertions ttajzrenrnux Certified Electrologlsl Excning challenging work may be calmed UKauai JURPHY Jmmwmw ANN pow when satisfactory results obtained Excellent salary and benefns Method of counting fewer than 21 words FAC ES For an appointment to discuss career With one of Count as21 wmds breath miiioi abbrf ms no Low son or thy met Um Patrick 11nd Belinda Murphy Brothrr oil 300 mm hymn New Year Canada largest sales finance organizations We wont Edward Mman Ly Wm parties and other occasions Royal ohmill ll Barrio Gladys Mrs Downs Golf and Country Club miles Telephone Mr W951 ERRORS ANDCORRECTIONS us we cant Thmtipsnnl Lronrt Mrs Kinnrdyll westotganmtuu 074109424 0246 All phone insertion orders are acceptedas rititi Flrlll Mrs Roomvi all 01 IALAN ROBERT GOW oilloBradlord convenience to itie odverlisels Toronto Frank and Peggy Mrs mo Cith Ad on Drntrvttm Brllfll Jim at Brnmptonr ilfézbiilécméllFn°lnbf£i$2i12lï¬l€£ Trans Canada Credit and Homeplon Reovl Viola LI Cliirti inrt JOSIph Murphy iealiolbe° 976w°mw 32 DUnlOP 22i373llTIL3T$LZZ°Zl WWW WW WW JO errriltxy St BrTlet altrr pm BARRIE KENNEL ClUD meellngr Borrle ont °° be mom Tuteray Funiral Mass ill St Marys WEGnESGBYr NOVembe lot 01d 530 Old °Y be Churr tl Brirrii on Thursday Novorntwr Sunnidale Golf Course Club House rectified for the followtng day publKfltiO Ii it II Interment St Marys Guest speaker Hilda Pugh President oI remember his The Barrie Examiner is tesponSible for only Clmritrrr Canadian Kennel Club Public welcome one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves lhe mlspttnt Errors which do not lesson the value of the BrEAGLs Lgï¬ Tueaslday annfllargdale Avon Gms GRANNYHOUSEKEEPER tor homo advertisement are not eligible for error ea rt we in Cm Light household duties meals tor alt rts The Hat no in ons ym egoo tie Snoopy Child pet Reward Please chmimos are Mo school aged chum Pm We mmm mug mow WM or While every endeavor wlll be It teleohono728 2248 icy to givo Reierences Telephone 728 5975 oust many Nomad made to forward replies to box ness hours HELP WANTED toy to receive numbers to the advertiser as Flip collar above neck Ilip 0An even reater my to sell PHONE 728 24H For full gtformotion Write SARAH COVENTRY 50° 35 Possblei accep no panelled Skill this EASY no bilit in res ect of loss or ht AVON PO Box 485 Barrio or 35 seam ress IS lg GENERAL telephone 7239651 forllnncblhcgesgaansï¬g minBvacrsrtlrstgrrttf sunro damage alledged to arise chOIce 10 80 80 go ml the MTN30 deliveries Call Karen Johnstone through either failure or delay SCSSOTISHCPIIOOSG neat knits mam rinte attern 4699 Misses suc re res TIRE OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Lookingior deadllne for ClassfEd °°d9 Sizes8 10 12 14 16 18 20 couples imeremd in 93min ewe SECURITY GUARDS required full and however otherwise income Earn paid vacationswiy an on part time Apply in person only Barnes Size 12 Ibust 34 takes 2V2 portunity tor advancement Phone égcsurgérfeervnces Ltd It5 Dunlap St yards 45lnch fabric 726 94Mtor an appointment K92IPUIICTI Operator EXPEmENCED Bookkeeper Manager HELP WANTED tuiior part time flext EXAMINER 00 for 83c pattern 035 to yeotsexperience requiredor Army Navy Airorce Uni ble working hours convenient tor Cheque or money order Add Salary commensurate with experience houS win hld It dml Column 365 The person qualitytng must be ver andigéxiewlcafn 220 15¢ for calm pattern for 51 satile and have knowledge at all phases class mail and handling 011T Supervisor Data Processmg pertaining to this position Application BABYSITTER Required immediately 7263l70 must be made in writing to Club for preschooler Duckworth and Grove regldents add sales taX Secretary Box 206 Barrie Post Office area My home or yours Telephone Print plainly SIZE Style Num Application deadlineaate Novombteril 726 74I5 mornings her WUI Name Address Send TENDERS TENDERS to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner Barrie Curling Club it£i°9 READ at cm 38000 Tenders are invited for the over all insurance coverage of the Barrie Curling Club 175 Essa Rd 150 Styles lots of Quick Barrie Sample coverage of present policy is available EaSieS in NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG for study at the club office Tenders close 1200 noon Jumpsuits tops pants plus November 24 1976 Lowest or any tender not ngflryggï¬lg l7lgl¢lemi Free necessarily accepted nstant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Hem Instant Money Crafts $100 48 retaty Treasurer Instant Fashion Book $100 ec and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER Ontario Government Tender WHICH as GENERAL CONTRACTORS Id fr Renovations to existing itc on an ining ui ing in cluding the replacement of cooking equipment and hqod COOKSTUWN X22135Li°23uLliiil°SZLZLmlzï¬i3d32liï¬eiiip23 IS BEST RODNEYMOUNTBATTEN AREA 0393 Mills Ontario MONDAY GLENWUOD AVE SEALED TENDERS will be received until 300 pm LOCAL TIME TUESDAY on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 30 1976 Tender documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services Regional Office 24 James Street East Orillia Ontario Telephone No 705 3257403 or from the Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Roam M143A Macdonald Block Queens Park Toronto On tario Telephone No 416 9651 I52 100 Performance Bond may be required Advertisers frequently ask this NOTE For further information regarding this tender please question Fortunately mere ls call Mr Campbell Ministry of Government Services no best day to advertise Each Toronto Ontario Telephone No 416 9651152 or the day new wants arise bringing Regional Office above The lowest or any tender not new readers as old ones satisfy necessarilyaccepted their wants We recommend N59 that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every do is the best day to ad Seerces vertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section Phone 72814 WILLOW LANDING MIDHURST STROUD Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Baytield St Barrie AAAAA Luwpwnh AMAMasum Mungw