Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1976, p. 6

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Wls developing people Ontario president says Womens Institutes are still in the same business of develop ing people the business they were in when Mrs Herb Maluske of Chesley first joined 24 years ago Mrs Maluske president of the 30000 member provincial institute said the W1 is still training leaders in the organ ization and in the community She was in Orillia to give her report to the 44th Annual Sim coe Area Womens Institute Convention held this week at St Pauls United Church When you see someone who has started out very shy work her way up to be one of the head officers in the area or con vener you know that it has been worth while said Mrs Maluske just returned from England where she attended the Associated Country Women of the World Council Meeting she is council member The trip to England was part of six weeks spent away from home She recently completed 2000 mile tour of the north at tending area conventions We have always worked with the women in helping them acquire sounder homemaking skills and with the girls in 4H Homemaking tlubs she said Working with the girls is another great work we do By no means is the Womens Institute dead In ntario there are more than 30001 members more than half of the total Canadian membership When you see the women come out to the area conven tions and find too to 500 at area banquets you can see how alive the organization is today Ihe Junior Institues are join ing the ranks The WI opened lWo new branches this past year Mrs Maluske mother of two married daughters was elected president in January 1975 She is serving three vcar term President gives report to convention delegates am interested in you what you do and what we all do for this organization to which we belong Mrs Herbert Maluske of Chesley told more than 200 delegates attending the first day of the twoday Simcoe Area Womens Institute 44th annual c0nvention Mrs Maluske president of the Federated Womens In Stitutes of Ontario was in Orillia to give her report to the women attending the conven tion held at St Pauls Inited Church She reminded the delegates of the officers conference to be held May and at the University of Waterloo At that time tnorc than ooo delegates will receive training to serve in the various offices ot the organimtion Womens Institute Week will he held at the PIiliiiitl Lee Home Stoncy trcck the week of June ti to to she said The home is provincial plotctt and we have done improve ments llltlthlIllL painting and hope to improve the drive house and displays To raise money for the home we have asked tor quilt blocks to he made and sent tor sale at the home quilt block contest will beheld She pointed out that ttoo peo We visited the home during WI week lll IStTti Mrs Maluske told of the work to date on the Votilttt lnsti tute lIaII lttlIlL built at the Mn tarto QlltllllllTtl Museum at Iiton rn aim ot this lottL range plan is to tell the history of tlich She announced that the pro iiicial WI will again have rest spot at the Royal Wintir hair and that lllt lttltlilltil Womens Institute ot anada will hold national tttllWlllHtIl lll Regina flask iii 1075 Ilic ssociatcd toiiiitr Woinin oi the World lll inect iti aiiolii Mrs Maguire returned as Simooe Area WI president Mrs Maguire of Mines ing was returned to the office of president when the election of officers for Simcoc Area Wo mens Institute took place at St Pauls Lnited thurch Other otl fieers returned to office at the Iuesday morning session of the twoday convention are as to lows Mrs iordon lallion Iot tenhain past president Irs James Beard HM toltlwa tcr tttsl icctirtsidcnt lrs ltlllilfiKA 101 ill lllA Diana Douglas Iitt draw convener for the bake sale held Wednesday by members of the Beaver Rebekah Lodge Thapter mo chats with Eva Linnox general Convener and Hester Smith who poured tea good crowd attended the bake sale held at the Odd Iellows Hall If theres in Your Future Welcome Wagon is planning Special Party for bridestobe on Tuesday Nov at the Blue Flame Room Barrie For your in vitation call the Windham lTD 7261454 Youl to nIud you did on Ferris Lane Ijxainiiicr lhot oi Murray limitn IIawkistoni second icc Itltsltltlll lls ltihit lmttLihtttl lllllt siciitiiH ticasitrct lis lit tord Hall lllil Hiillia piililic ltlitlliillsIillitit lro iiicial Hoard directors iri ll lhill lJitiilis llI lllll talc iililhision It Minim tciitrc Minimi lIas tlltl sin ttii iillli lls ltiii lltlllti llllllligttlll lllr liit isioii It ini iit tsl lllltiit Nilllll itttl SiiiicocKtinpcntcld ttii tliioclot itt lllt lolltitt intt district piisidciits lis Ila Iiick tcntrt Irs Ioliii liltill lIast lis iliiis lyiiiiptiitvlilt lt ll lititoi orth li lippina soiitli and lis toiitts West Standingi iiililllllltt con ttltlsiill lt lohnjiisi lllsl st iiiiliai Lllttlllllt and tanadian Industries Irs lloii Iliiiiivs liiiiitrooii haunt lIIill oisiinci ttiiis Iis Simrs Iiim lord Ill titicnship tlll World ttiii Ml lltit litIIlis lilil IIliiivalc litllltolitili and IIIl tiiral tllllts li illltliil Mallion lottciihaii ltsttl llllltll lls llil lillllll Minising orator ot wiitt niuirllistoi Iis It llllltli lllliilt lflllllllltll ti LIltlllllllt li lir Stiiiiid chofiii iilitlitlllliil iiditoi iii Riviotti it llllllt illlfl li ll lloliii son lilll llllllt li hdlltls Ili chat llt ioiii ili li ll ll It lilllllltll1llilltt lllllx illltl llItItilitl lituiiiiti IRS tittllltt lllt ot lottcnhain past Itsl dent shakes hands with the Pauline Mctiibboti or ot ntario while Mrs It Magriire ol liiitsiiig prcsi Convention told of interest in resolutions by area Wls llltLllt attending the lllll inniial snncoe rca Womens Institute tonxciilion weic told this tl the area showed ll cicascd intircst Ill resolutions with 40 per cent holdiiit resolutionsiniitinusdurinuthi past year Iir tiordon lilhoii ot Iot tcnliaiii irca ltstlllllltlll con tlltl said that main ltlitlltllts hcld intctinLs on the propct piiiiitltlli ltii pittiitlllttl resolutions liti lllltls Illltll to t1octiitiiciit ilipaitiiictits toiicirione tlic tanada lcision liil lltllltlt citisiii IIt illtltllttl ttl igipiii piiiihincit tIllItt pittiiioii tllll to thr llitts lickiii lithiiil ii stltitl iniiki piiccs shc said llt inst stsltill tl lii twii tli coti ciitioii lht latliiatitl oiiiciis lntitiiir ol ttiitaiio pasin lhc toiltnwiiit it lllt spi llfi limiiil IllltllltL ItTti illltl llt Iidciotml oiircii lii stiiiior oi tiriiili stipporcd thr IlthllllIIlt it llltliil countintuit lltltl il tliarlottctontii liincl Im li lllili llll Illllilt ltill lit taii Ix iirr tliioiithoricil tartan loi kilt iiid plaids Itll to thc llIltotlititi tliiiil llttltt ptpt and drum band lliIictoii lic it llll iiiplty lic lttltlllttl lotiicii liistittt o1 tliiaiio and tiiiiili in pciwiii lic litltldl IUtlllllltlll It piis ii itisliiiiill IltillIlL llll lilitplt lldi itlit lltt rillltMl liiilatiliil lllt scar11th iitilitl tiliilt lIIIIllt tionoiiiists li Illilll oi oiilli ltiilllli liiliiit lfl Illlll lltt iitic tliili is pull oi lll oioihci tl ItIllil saiiii do fioin to Ill Il thc I1ii Ilt liitiiit llIilI ll iiiita ttlt licld lit to siiiiidiz oi lirinoiith Wouldnt you like to meet someone who wants to meetyou PATS DIALADATE For years welvelhelped many people like you meet the right per son Inexpensive monthly rote 19 MomM 737361 DRESS FABRICS SAVE MORE AT FABRIC DRAPERY Mlll 00an Ontarios original discounters of tap quality drapery dress fabrics upholstery Example 60 Grey Flannel 50 Polyester 50 Wool washable Oniy 399 PER YARD $600 yd value See for yourself the tremenr dous variety of dress fabrics at MillOutlet Prices BARIE WAREHOUSE Just north of the Geargian Mall open to the public Mon Tues Sat 930 pmWedThursFri930930pm 7262556 OAKVILLE BRAMPTON CONCORD DON MILLS MlSSlSSAlJGA Siinioe and Jane Sills of Sun coc North showed slidcs and commented on Iasliion Irmuw of 1077 courtesy of tuttcrick and Vogue Fashion laikctiiiLtU IIIZI IIItItIC lrs Donald Ilcnnessy ot Mintsing tainin and consumer affairs conycncr icported on current topic liliic indicts lilitl is the iridigcstililc part ot plant toods as in fruits vegetables grain and legumes she said Itittcrctit hltltls lllllt arc Ilfttlttl Her day IItl tits one liki liraii is lillll suggest taiiccr ol thc colon is liiikcd to lack of lllllt in thcilict liQl III lis fltttoril iiill own public relations otticir in lttttllltltl thi litall talilc at lllt luintiiiit lis linics ciirl tirst iciprisiilint picsidid oci the tttllllL scssioii llttli optowl iih sungI lone led to lrs MIT and lls llritll tainpiicll lis IoliiiliioiHiolasliii1o and Mrs Iionald lai ohs shoutd slides ot thi lriiiinial tontctitioii hill at thailol titoii lhi Mirct of itiillia iiitittoiiiill llll ocol li LlllLlltttllt skit ltosi lilooiiis was presented in incinlicrs ot the IIad Woiiiins Institute Sessions llitllltlttl oiiciicis rcports innoiniccinciits lllt tlttllttIl ol ottiicis and an ad stlttllltll lion Hotitli drcss by lllt director of tlic home economics branch of the ttiitario Ministry of Agriculture Mrs Murray towin second tct pitsidciit tilttlllltttl session llll Iis It Magritte llll conducted the Itsltltlll iii chargi of lllt closing afternoon dent of Simcoe Area Worn cns Institute made the in troductions Ill MACK GROUP Iliznitmnal Comniercral MORTGAGE LOANS Ll ld Mortgages it my lcianrinii NW cw iltn ill Badield no BARRH 7373451 Knit Hook Wool Shop FREE Knitting bag with every S20 PURCHASE WE CARRY WOOl TAPESTRY WOOL NEEDLEPOINT ORUG MOOKING MACRAME PATTERNS BOOKS NFXT DOOP TC ItlI Il ANT PLACE BAYFIELD MALL 7372271 BARRIE sopfs and vents 6The Barrie Examiner Friday Nov 1976 color portrait only 38 Create your own special portrait from our new selection of scenic and color backgrounds Daysi Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat NOV Shounng We Never Stop Sawing Vou Money Photographers Hours Tues thru Sat Ill8 ur 14$ At all Metro Toronto Stores plus Barrie Brampton and Oakvllle aqex Babies thildnn and adults the llllltq per subject Additional subieclsgroups or llddual in dnll laflllh $l till per sulrlotl No primfs house from finished professional piniam tpowsoiii witnon oii mm wleii addinonal portraits offered at reasonable pm in liuaraiuvrd omphri nlhldi tion or nuinP lhlblfilll refunded No handling charge Model GU728S Television Sugg Retail $89995 Converter Sugg Retail $8995 As piece of fine furniture this magnificent console in the classic Mediterranean manner will create striking centre of focus in your home Add RCAs ad vanced XLIOO chassis l00°o solid state with automatic fine tuning and color control and youll have marvellous combination of beauty and performance This set is finished in antiqued Windsor with realistic slate top and easy rolling casters for your can venience Warranty coverage friit If my part iiirliirliiig tuner and plug in ItitNllIlO fails iii your new set Within one your from date of purchase rriplm omen at no litlgt iii nxr haith for the item which failed Color Picture lube If the color picture tube fails in your new set we Will supply replar onient in exchange we will supply at no charge during the first two years from date of purchase and ti li lilio li 7BZtkl This sensational RCA XLIOO Color TV comes complete with JERROLD CONVERTER FREE This converter has many special features besides remote tuning for 30 channels as they become available So much more comfortable so much more com plete With Jerrold converter you can change channels fine tune your set switch on and off without getting up Your Jerrold con verter will bring in all the channels your cable company offers Reliable Jerrold remote control TV converters are first choice with out of IO converter users They take only few minutes to attach to any make or age of TV set and they save wear and tear on the tuner on your TV set Hurry Supply is limited Convenient budget terms CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE at one half of the suggested retail list prC of the roplntonient dur ing the following three years MONARCH TVand APPLIANCES H8 Dunlap Serving the Barrie Area for over 30 years 7282059

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