8The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov I976 INS DRAW Wally Bennett left of runsinthe1976WorldSeries Weston won $10m In the Mr Bennett had the right Barrie Minor liockey numbers 22forthetiiiciii Association World Series draw Bill Duncan BMIIA president presented the che que Saturday Tickets for the draw had numbers for total natti Reds and eight for the New York Yankees Mr Btll nett has already donated $30 back to the BMIIA irixr aniiner lhoto Cool reception on trade issue TORONTO iClt Japanese businessmen on trade mission in Ontario responded coolly to suggestions by provincial offi cials that the province would make willing and suitable place for investment Mission leader llisao Makita said although anada is politi cally stable the lack of coordi nation between federal and pro vincial policies can make in vestment risky We must be sure before tak ing the jump said Mr Makita president of Japans secondlargest steel company Sometimes incentives promised earlier are taken off Eiichi Hashimoto deputy leader of the trade mission also expressed skepticism about Japanese investment in Canada He said the two main stuin bling blocks to investment are the limited size of the anadian market and the effects on prof itability of excessive taxation labor relations and en vironmental legislation INIIRUVENIFINI NEEDED Some improvement in these is needed before the Canadian situation is truly coinpetitiLe internationallysaid llashimoto chairman of IItsiii and Ltd Toyokichi lakahashi managing director of Hitachi Ltd said high labor costs and import duties on parts and Hi ished goods also discourage Iii vest ment Investment incentives are not yet sufficent to coin pensate the executive said Ontarios bid for Japanese iii vestment was headed by Claude Bennett industry and tourism minister who said the economies of the two countries are complementary He said anada needs ia pans capital and manufao turing plants while Japan needs Canadas raw materials and energy Never saw children so emaciated doctor LONDON int TPI family doctor testifying Mon day at the trial of an Jneida reserve couple charged with manslaughter and failing to provide the necessities of life said he has never seen children as emaciated as Loretta and JoanAntone The girls were examined by Dr JM rchard when they were brought to Victoria Hospi tal last Dec 18 by their parents James 23 and Florence 32 county court was told Loretta died of lllitltllllll tion at the hospital and her sis ter Joan was kept for treat ment for six weeks Dr tr chard said Joan weighed 22 pounds when she was admitted to hos pital When she was released six weeks later into the custody of the Childrens Aid Society oI London and Middlesex her weight had increased to 391 pounds the doctor said As result of being under nourished she suffered per manent damage to her mental and physical development said Dr Edward Ecclestone of War rm III In your PII AUTO BODY REPLACEMENT PANHS Contact your local Body ShOp for details Distributed by DEMPSTER Automotive Supplies Victoria St Barrio Phone 1370190 or 7370192 Memorial liildrciis Hospital in London lie said the parents showed little rcponse when told one daughter was dead and the other had to be treated in litisplv tal He said Joan had frost bites in both hands her feet were swollen and she had thIII shiny skin ClliililtltllSlH of malnutrition or shoulder and rib bones were visible because she had so little fat on her body he said Two younger sisters lur lianne and Jennifer also were brought to hospital at the same time They were in better physical condition lr litcles tomsaid NEWS QUIZ ANSWERS PART Hi Zrb IirAan Inflation Board 4True legislative PART II lc 211 15c Hi rd PART III lc 24 Be 4a 3d PICTURE QUIZ Anthony Ab bott IIH mm iiiIa urn tlulv muiv FRESH GRADE FRYING GRADE FRESH Young Fresh lc WHOLE CUTUPCHICKEN CUTS 69Ln Shoulder or Blade LB AV CHICKEN LEGS 79 LB tug CHICKEN BREASTS 89 la PUEEEIIASBO CHICKEN WINGS 69 FRESH BONE IN EV CHICKEN NECKS FOR SOUP 09 VEAL STEW 6m MAPLE LEAF SPECIALS LUNCH MEATS oz 39¢ pkg 99 lb 09 ii 79 BONELESS STEWING BEEF SHANK AND NECK CUT FRESH YOUNG VEAL RIBCHOPS LOINCHOPS BONELESS VEALCUTLETS BONELESS RUMP AND ROUND ROASTS 136 lb 156 lb 176 lb SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER POLISH COIL SAUSAGE WIENERS LB PKG BEEF 10 LBS UP LIMIT PKG FAMILY DEVON PORK SAUSAGES sroRE PACK l8 139 CHUCK STEAK VAC PACK SLICED la CROSS RIB BONELESS SHOULDER SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS II9LB OR ROAST so are SIDE RIBS MEAT No GRADE LB GRADE LB BEATRICE FREH seams ROUND BONE SHOULDER BONELESS BORDENS HOT MILK SHORT RIB OR BONELESS POT minimum 3°°PJ Pack OT BAG OR JUG Marshmallow PART SKIM £3315 or PIain HOMOGENIZED 99¢ PLUS IUG DEPOSIT DAVIDS BISCUITS Currousel SWING ORANGE FLAVOR CRYSTALS AOUA FREEZE POPS ASST GARBAGE BAGS TIDY NEW COMMERCIAL STRENGTH PACK OF Is MIL 36 PACK 3i oz PACK 5mg Du PKG TIMEX WRIST WATCHES BUY ONE sI GET ONE FREE TOOTH BRUSH purchase of any size or brand TOTHPASTE EASY OFF WINDOW CLEANER I2 01 Bottle WITH SPRAY PUMP 49¢ ONT NO GRADE LB POLY 0R LARGE CELERY STALKS IO PACK 89F Asst 24s $199 JOHNSONS STAY FREE SANITARY MAXI PADS Re 119 lCLOTH ALL PURPOSE TOWELS Free Grocery Draws Two $1000 FREE Grocery PER STORE Six $500 PER STORE One $5000 PER SIORE Six Weston Fruit Cakes PER STORE One Thermo Cooler PER STORE Free ballot from Cashier when shop ping with grocery purchase of $300 AIR FRESHENERS WIZARD AEROSOL TIN REG 79 FACE SOAP ERIN WITH COLD CREAM BAR DEAL FIL YOUR FREEZER WITH CANADAS FINEST MEATS 0000oenenfuflbooooooosqu GRADE $1 09m HOG Gi 891 NO EXTRA FOR CUTTING OR FREEZING SIDES MIX OR MATCH HINDS Pv vvvvv Vvvvv 33331 cozozozozo ozozozozgzi gzgzgzgzgzgz 53333 We Always Save You ore 000009 0000004 000000 0004 000 vy 000000 000000 p000v000 00000 000000 000000lt 90°30 0000 339933 30303 30360 535 13532 233 699 3°°°l 322221 0004 gt000 00 00 0c000000i 0000 0000 00000 00000000 0004 0004 0900 0000 0000 0000 099°9900000000 r000i 000c 0000 09 090000 gt000 0000 0000 000 o0°000004 0000 000 0000 00 row 0000 00000 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