Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1976, p. 5

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rlt¢ 11 aflll MM NEWS ROUND UP Seance fails to NIAGARA FALLS Ont CP he spirit of escape artist Harry Houdini was out Satur day night when psychic investi graéorssoglried to contact him on anniver death sary of his Joanna Honsberger of Niag ara Falls the medium said she made contact with someone named Sam who was sufferin from chest pains But she failed to demonstrate any contact With the worldfamed magician fore an audience of several psychic investigators and curious Journalists When Joe Pope of Winni eg radio station CFRW was asked to rate the seance on scale of 10 he asked whether he could choose rating below zero Allen Spraggett Toronto based psychic investigator made similar comment Make point TIMMINS Ont CP Negotiating teams for three locals of the Canadian Union of Public Employees employed by the city ended their occupation of city council chambers Satur day afternoon saying they have made their point The 16 men who occupied the chambers said they are await ing mediator from the labor ministry When they began the occupation Saturday morning they said they would remain in the chambers until contract talks resumed To intervene SAULT STE MARIE Ont CP Cyril Symes NDP member of Parliament for Sault Ste Marie predicted Saturday that the federal government inevitably will move towards further in tervention in the Canadian economy Mr Symes said the future role of the NDP must be to pro mote policies of economic plan ning and public ownership while accepting the fact that our policies will be stolen at least in name by the govern ment Get attention LONDON Ont CP Cana dian literature is on the verge of world attention Lovat Dick son noted British author and publisher said Saturday Bilingualism KITCHENER Ont CP Allan MacEachen president of the Privy Council and Liberal House leader said Sunday that Canadians do not seem to ac cept the federal policy of bili ngualism Major fire WATERLOO Ont CP fire of undetermined origin de stroyed half block of the downtown business section Sun day Fire officials said no one was injured in the blaze which de stroyed two stores and seriously damaged third PROCEED Barbara Wheeler cocon vener of the Thrift Shop held by the Kempenfelt Chapter of the Imperial Order Follow te Great ROOT PRINCE CHARLES Leave Navy ROSYTH Scotland AP Prince Charles heir to the throne and captain of the minesweeper Bronington plans to leave the Royal Navy on Dec 15 after five years of service In weekend interview with the British Press Assocoiation during naval exercises ofl Scotland the prince acknowl edged he had been seasick Man dies HARROW Ont CP Mi chael Parker 19 of Harrow was killed Saturday in twocar collision near this community about 20 miles south of Win dsor Police said the Parker vehicle was in collision with car towing horse trailer car rying pregnant thoroughbred mare valued at $5000 Police said the mare still was alive Sunday and veterinarian was hoping to save the foal due in two weeks Charged ST CATHARINES TP Niagara regional police said 5yearold man was charged with murder on Sunday follow ing stabbing incident Michael Gamalay of St Catharines will appear in provincial court today on charge of seconddegree mur der Police said that Donald McFall was found Saturday stabbed in the chest in house in which he was tenant and which is owned by Gamalay Horses die STOLFFVILLE Ont CP Police said fire early Satur day killed 19 horses and de stroyed barn on farm near this community about 15 miles north of Metropolitan Toronto Police said 36 other horses in the barn were saved The loss was estimated at $100000 Youth charged WINDSOR Ont CP Windsorarea youth has been charged with careless hunting in connection with shooting 4i Daugh BEAR GO TO CHARITY ters of the Empire shows articles to Mary Hoey good crowd came out to the old Burroughs Furniture find Houdini incident Saturday near here Police said two men were struck with pellets after youth fired shots into dense bush while trying to train his dog not to be gunshy George Dennis Constantine 17 will appear in court Nov 16 Two die ENGLEHART Ont CP Provincial police said two per sons were killed Saturday when their light aircraft crashed near hear Dead are the pilot Stewart Bradley 23 of Garson Ont and the passenger Ed ward Smith 22 of Englehart of this community 25 miles south of Kirkland Lake Three killed WALTHAM Que CP Mi chael William Perkins 16 Kerry Miles Moore 18 and Douglas James Nolan 20 all of Petawawa 0nt were iden tified Sunday as the persons killed in traffic accident near here Saturday Police said the wreckage of their car was found in ditch off Highway 148 about 529 miles west of here Saturday Fish zone THE HAGUE AP Com mon Market foreign ministers agreed Saturday to declare joint 200mile fishing zone off their countries shores effective Jan 1977 Not build HONG KONG Reuter governmentappointed com mittee has recommended that Ilong Kong not build nuclear power station because of the unpredictable final cost and the comparative cheapncss of conventional station The report of the committee examining whether Hong Kong should invest in nuclear power generation was announced Sat urday after it had examined an international atomic energy agency study on the subject Smugness TOR NTO VP Smugness is the biggest enemy to freedom that anadians face Ontario Ircasurcr Darcy NIcKeough said Saturday He said that srnugncss and laziness our lack of concern over the restriction the in fringements on freedom that others may face here or abroad threaten anadian liberty Nude robber KISARAZIL Japan AP 29yearold bar hostess had her handbag snatched by semi nude robber on rainy strtet police said Sunday half nudc man appeared suddenly and snatched my handbag from my hand while was still in state of surprise officers quoted Kazuko Mizukoshi as saying The man wore only an undershirt Shop at the corner of Toronto and Dunlop Streets Pro ceeds will go to charity Ex aminer photo Marion SIGEL INomo SIEEGLN PHONE 7284681 46 DUNLOP SI BARRIE Suicides up WASHINGTON Renter More Americans are killing themselves dying of serious ill nesses or becoming criminals because of the strain caused by rising unemployment says study released by Congres sional group Saturday 14 percent rise in unemployment during 1970 alone was associ ated directly with 1500 addi tional suicides 1700 additional homicides and 25000 heart and kidney disease deaths during fiveyear period Nets sub TOKYO AFP Japanese fishing boat earlier this month netted Soviet nuclear powered submarine in the nor thern Pacific Five crew mem bers of the submarine set the ship free by cutting wire ropes of the fishing net after an ex change of gestures with the Japanese fishermen said the fishing boats captain Hikohito Katsumata In clinics MOSCOW AFP Thirty two Soviet citizens have been arrested or confined to psy chiatric clinics for political or religious reasons since the So viet Union signed the Helsinki Agreement Moscow dissidents said Saturday Defies Pope ECONE SWITZERLAND REUTER Archbishop Mar cl Lefebvre defied Pope Paul again Sunday by ordaining 13 deacons even though he has been suspended from all priestly duties for ignoring papal orders Lefebvrc right wing French traditionalist who opposes reforms promoted by the Vatican Council ordained the reists at the seminary he established here six years ago Find missile LONDON AP US Navy salvage team conquered gale winds and heaving seas Sunday to retrieve Phoenix missile that fell from an air craft carrier off the coast of Scotaland six weeks ago and lunged to the bottom of the At antic Plan talks VIENNA Reuter Soviet and Egyptian foreign ministers are to visit Bulgaria for secret talks sources said Sunday There is no official con firmation that Andrei Gromyko and his Egyptian counterpart Ismail Fahmi plan to meet but Bulgarian authorities have an nounccd both are due shortly in Bulgaria Find guns DALLAS Tex Reuter Two persons were arrested on wetfons possession charges Sun ay at hotel whereJimmy Carter was appearing but po lice said they are not suspected of intending harm against the presidential candidate Police said 55yearold woman and 31yearold man were arrested Withdraws AMMAN Jordan AP Hundreds of Iraqi troops have been seen moving away from the border with Syria trav cllers from Baghdad said Sun day They said troops along with armored personnel car riers and tanks were moving toward Baghdad Car wrecked COROZAL Panama Canal Zone AP timebomb ex ploded Sunday wrecking the car of US Canal Zone policeman who has filed civil suit to halt USPanamanian negotiations on new canal treaty officials said Will meet LISBON Reuter The Spanish Socialist Workers par ty will hold congress in Madrid Dec 58 secretarygen eral Felipe Gonzalez said Sun day The congress was to have begun Nov but authorities refused permission saying the request for approval was not made properly euervtiouv Ills WI FE MICHEL JACOI ANNE GRAI olur ME 350 at 700 pan EAUIIII Pt An entry from the host club won the regional Master Junior Bowling Tournament held at Kempview Bowl Sun day The team of master Bill Grant and junior girl Wendy Horne and junior boy Bob Roy IIcrcun of Queens llotcl puts the boot to the ball dur ing action Sunday in the liar ric Mens Flag Football League Queens routed Pc ter Reino Hustlers 2444 in the game crucial one in the flag football schedule Both SJ WE AlSO CATER TO YOUR HOME Canadian Scandinavian Style Cold Buffet Danish open faced sandwiches our specialty Barrie Control Co Tickets Available At Sam the Record Mun IO Dunlop St Mum Centre and PJs Audio Muster Bayfiold Moll Radio Shack The Barrio Exoml QUEENS ROUTS HUSTLERS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS Ellie Warm Examittrr Musical ntrtainment to the entire family NOVEMBER II 800 PM Gare were 53 points in front of an entry from Richmond Hill with total of 3119 Thirty teams from the area competed The team goes on to the provincial final in learns had Tl records enter ing Sundays action Ex aminer Photo DRINK CALORIES The California Wine Institute says fourounce glass of table wine contains about 96 calories HIVEW CATERING AND BANQUET HALL 50 221 PERSONS PHONE 7268979 Presents if Iloglote Auditorium Georgian Moll nor to Hayfield St III1min NOW ADVANCE TO PROVINCIAL Toronto Winning an in dividual honor Sunday was Allan Fahey standing at left from Sheas Bowl who had the boys high single Ex aminer Photo Sniper kills MECHANICVILIJS NY AP former US marine accused of killing two persons and Wounding nine others while shooting from his apartment window had been drinking and had family problems state po lice say hearing is scheduled here Tuesday for Kenyon Billy Pruyn 32 charged with second dcgree murder in connection with the shooting incident Sat urdaynight Police said one of the victims was policeman who had given Pruyn speeding ticket about 45 minutes before the shooting occurred but they said they are unsure whether the incidents were related About 300 rounds were fired from shotgun and several rifles through the thirdstorey window of an apartment Pruyn occupied in this industrial com munity north of Albany police said Killed wcrc Paul Luther 21 parttime policeman and James Marsh 50 customer in barrestaurant across the street from the apartment building TRAPPED 12 IIOIRS About two dozen persons were trapped in the bar restaurant and another 20 per sons were afraid to leave nearby apartment building during the hours of shooting authorities said IMPERIAL ClNEMA The Barrie Examiner Monday Nov 19765 Survey shows 38 died accidentally THE CANADIAN PRESS Three Petawawa 0nt resi dents killed in traffic accident Saturday near Waltham Que were among at least 38 persons who died accidentally in Can ada during the weekend survey by The Canadian Press from pm Friday to midnight Sunday night local times showed 28 other traffic fatalities five fire deaths and two men killed when light air craft crashed Besides the three whose car was found in ditch near Wal tham Quebec had nine traffic deaths and three fire fatalities In Ontario nine persons died in traffic two in the plane crash and one in fire Manitoba and Alberta each reported three traffic fatalities Nova Scotia had two Two persons were killed in traffic and one in fire in Brit ish Columbia No accidental deaths were re ported in Newfoundland New Brunswick Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan The survey excludes indus trial accidents slayings and known suicides Police believe man is misleading them NICE France Reuter Police said Sunday they believe former faratrooper is trying to mislea them by claiming he gave his share of $10million haul from the sewer rat bank raid here to an Italian rightist organization They said they believe 40 yearold Albert Spaggiarri who says he masterminded the rob bery last July may have had his share of the loot passed on to rightist forces in the Leba nese civil war through former mercenary Jean Kay Spaggiari photographer and extreme rightist has told police he led the bank raidbe lieved to be the biggest ever in Franceto finance pre viouslyunknown Italian rightist group called Catena the Chain He said Catena had been formed to help nationalist causes in Europe Police sources said Spaggiari is suspected of meeting Kay in August and that the former mercenary might have given some of the money to the right ist Phalangist party in Lebanon Buitlegging target of US officials WASHINGTON AP US officials say they are estab lishing toehold in the fight against cigarette smuggling The Law Enforcement Assist ance Administration LEAA in report issued Sunday said officials in seven states that are Ezrt of pilot program may making inroads against the cigarettesmuggling gangs that are costing the states hundreds of millions of dollars year in Iosttaxes The smugglers buy their cigarettes legally in states that grow tobacco and levy low taxes on it They are North Carolina where the tax is two cents pack Virginia 212 cen ts and Kentucky three cents Workers complain TORONTO CP Thirty four assemblyline workers all black except two are cumging harassment and discrimination against plant which fired them for working too slowly Lawyer Howard Goldblatt said Friday he has filed com plaints of discrimination on be half of the workers with the On tario Human Rights Commis sion and brought charges of ha rassment and conducting an un lawful lockout against Milrod Metal Products Ltd of nearby Mississauga before the Ontario Labor Relations Board Now Playing What if there were list list that said Our finest actors werent allowed toact Our best writers werent allowed to write What would It be like if there were such list It would be like America in 1953 Adult Entertainment unit liiHl rui nun mm um mum11w IHANIISN om moott mm WOODYALLEN THE FRONT mu muosm MERSCNEL BERNARDI moi um mint WNW Adult Entertainment lNIinl Mun UVR moms in rat Ha useHm null ltllt1tnli IDA mot not mum um Now Playing 905 pm in FRAN VICH lSELP Production FROM NOON TILL THREE Iciiijfltw byl RANK tilIR Hawil on llnl th by FRANK GILROY hurried lryl RANK ROY liodut llI va IRANKOVlCHand WILLIAM SLU Music bvl IMI Iii NSIHN mrn bv ALAN and MARILYN BljRCMAN Legislators in the tobacco producing states are loathe to raise the taxes for fear that high sales taxes will decrease the demand for tobacco and hurt their tobaccogrowing con stituents BIG PROFITS MADE You can see the tremendous profits to be had in buying them in those states and bootlegging them in Minnesota with its 18 cent tax Connecticut with 21cent tax New Jersey 19 cen ts or New York with 15cent tax said George Stewart executive director of the Inter state Revenue Research Centre in Indianapolis The centre has received $787 000 from LEAA to coordinate investigations of smuggling in the sevenstate pilot area of Missouri Michigan Ohio Flor ida Illinois Minnesota and In diana To date the investigations have resulted in 38 arrests with 54000 cartons of cigarettes con fiscated The stakes are high Stewart estimated that five states in the group of seven not counting Florida and Missouri will lose combined total of $100 million this year in taxes that would have been collected on legally imported cigarettes The true story that has captivated over 8000000 Eda HIDING PLAGE Starring JULIE HARRIS EILEEN HBCKARI ARI HUI OCONNELL lntnoduci JEANNETIE cuff 30 Pm List Sulmdod Show WALT Imasum III Illatecumbe PRODUCTION loaded 1° Ns Mil 0mm llillhll0l3 WIIt Diana uAPPLE GANG IltllNK OI ill SPECIAL ADDED TREAT

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