Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1976, p. 3

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Illll IllthlI of Wales team won tlte city recreation departittetits flag toottiall and basketball tournaments this week Ieant metiiliers are iii the front from tlte left lloyd ooIry ll letii Ilotude llenry Siettk iewiez l2 Shawn Saunders and Scott Saunders til it tlte second row are laiil Iloticette let Ien lltilie III Steve Atlst It thiis Ilarris lit aitd llillltl Miltiiirn til it the rear is lattl llllllitllltl coach ot the tealii aitd cit ltltll cetitie learlei Also oii team but not In the picture are liaie liotteette lit and leter Smith IIIxaninier llitiltit Prince of Wales activity centre wins flag football tournament this week Prince of Wales aetivity eeit tre is tlte winner of the citys tlag toothall tournament lteld during tlte week The team members ted by Steve Aiist and qtiarterhiieked by Shawn Stitiiidets won fottr games iii the five team round roliiii tournament Prince of Wales heat undles lleights l4 ti Maple Grove tTii Steele Street 380 and Allandale lletglits tr The tournament was organ tlttl by Jim tilaelionald sports eo ordinatot tor the itiite activi ty centres iiieltide track aitd tieltl meet liaseliall gott haskethall and floor hockey tournaments iindles Heights finished se court in tlag footliatl winning three of tour gatnes The team lost to Prince of Wales liiit lieat Altanitale Heights 100 to Steele Street 100 and Maple lltit iti Ii Iaul llarton and lint ltall led tliettittdlesteatii Maple riiie Intished tti tltird spot llli two wins over Steele Street IIII and Allandale lleiglits till it Steele Street heat Allandale lletgltts tor the teams onl ic tor iii the day long totitiia tnenttti then though the team did ttot win an games Allandale lleights had some outstanding players Iloliin trtell theott outstanding letiiale player who scored three touchdowns and lloliliie Vigle who ran kick ott hack tt0 yards tor touchdown Shawn illaiite tit hing Ifd ward aetntt tentte tries desperateli to pass the liaskettiatt to his lttitlttt Ill 01 Iil tltie til the oldest stiltliall tillttttttltttt in the etiunt swings iiztti plai Iotida it lltllstltttl Ihe Ittttt ttnnial llitlsdale nit lloltdai tournament has itttatted teams tttitn Itaitii lsssitiii llllltlll ltiil illltllltttt the tournament draw will ake place pitot to the noon start iliaitipionshmtnial ot the straight knock out tournament tsepected to star at ti iii INIIV Ill Iltlt tt lllllll liiiI ti He is the titti oi ineiodiatiia lie tng ttisttltl ktittiientest iii tetfein laik In the little llttis tiaxets the play to run continually tlitotigli the week end is patt ot the ltlue Sis lllhilll i01llSlllIIi lhe Stnieoe count Health Inn has concluded the ateta oi the county can he considered to he tx cepttonalt good tor swim tntng In its nionthh report the health tltltt says it took titlt bacteriological samples during June and only en eoiinteied sottie iiittior irolilems Iltese prohteiiis iaie been corrected the report states Ke tn tti tlte second round ac ttott at the cit liasketliatt totirtiatiient at ttindtes Heights School Knit lid championship game King Edward hung on III the tltlti LOCAL GENERAL tlItil ltls Iowys llalt ltiiiestrtan ten tre will ttold tntntttlunpie tneet ot their own iig TH at the tittith tineot tltii Twp Il tl The tittitding Blocks coop nursery school ill hold garage sale ug lioiii in to noon at attic ltd It It ltdhurst Ieople wishing to donate articles to the sale may do so tietore the sale date at the ltttt address Illtilt II IFFIII ttepresetttatiies fit the stmeoe totinh Health attend pronnctal lltlllttl ot health meeting itg it to discuss all tuial plans tor Swine ttttluenm lttlldlell programs Dr Nancy rnitintst director of the health tittit said the meeting also pro tde tip dated iiitorniattoti regarding encephalitis but she stressed there is little chance of ati outbreak ot St Louis En eeplialitts iti this erea llowei et she urged people to tilt iii aii depression tti inetr yard where rain could acr etinititate and attract titostiuttoes The mosquito which carries the disease breeds in lateJulv Ftll Itlll IIIIIIH llte liilltllt annual liale lartiia llltttptt lrout lhtl will tiring llt tishernten tront ttliiss tlii Itrn tltii tltitl tine ot the contestants is Ieter IT Stit klee teknowned outdoors writer and ttshermar up iiiixi is $100 gold tiit eight III is at tit Marina ttroStatioti Slltl llie llttroiita llllqlll Sikltl ill hold show ug it and at the ITlnnale ttitntnttnit Hall itlt proceeds tietnt donated to the tintarto Heart Foundation The show will tie open trout to trip in Frtdi and 10a in iot in Saturday Fourteen selec ted dealers will tie displaitng ttirnttttre and glass ilI ItSlti Ihe ltttttS wick Horticultural Society will hold garage sale Aug to iii the one room school at the cor ner ot llighwa It and Big lta Iotnt Road llllts may he dropped off between and noon and the sale begins at iii For more intorntation tele phone Iat Tracy 73s his Itid Shields 728 9733 or llille de Iottg In3430 IFTIIUII Harrie Red So til the South Snitcoe Baseball League are taking break this weekend it the TRIES DESPERATELY TO MAKE PASS ward was planning the host school tor position into the seconds ot the game to rteteat tundtes ll 10 tlthltttlntl Photo from regular schedule eonipett ttoti compete at the ttrteatn letrolta tournament thlltiSIIEIIMt The annual New Lowell Itasetiatl tournament has eight teanxs tonipeting tot the lol sons Trophy attd Stilt purse this weekend First game is slated to start Stitda Zita th thetour tttttttltl running throuin to the championship game Stinda at aliout top in FIRE LS Barrie tirefighters were called out wte Thursday The tire iteixtrttnent answered call at in in at tolletteSt to put out litirtiing garbage Inn The area is under construe tton ti Hudson Construction Ltd At 40 pm the fire fighters went to ST Maplehurst to wash down some some spilled gasoline oti lttfl SHIIlilESSUS The Stmcoe ounty Ree reation Department will sport ser swimming lessons Aug 9727 at the Goiernment Iioek on Big Ba Point The lessons for touryearolds and oiet run from 24 in and cost $830 child Registration is thl litane Bruner 230 Walnut tres laittswtek telephone 7263899 Kempenfest organizers going ahead despite rainy weather over Barrie lltltly this morning the rtiiit eattie poiiriitg down there was the occasional chip of thiutrlei aan plenty iif grim faces at tentennial Iark Despite the iuieiioperative weather organizers were determined to go ahead with this years Keiiipetifest ac tivitles lly lilltl iii the skies began to clear as did the faces ol organizers tlie llarrie Kennel ltilis an itiiitl opeit air dog show at Molsons Iitrk began on time this tiiortiittg irgitniers sin the event will continue lltll ever tlte weather There was large turnout at tlte show as hundreds at people dressed iii plastic raincoals ntitrehed their dogs through the nitldtotherings At the ttuionia Arts attd tialts eslnIiitois liegttn arriving early iii the morning While some sat iii cats waiting lot the rattt to let up other set up plastic tents Festival iii and began setting otit their wares lIte weatherman says today will remain cloudy with it few showers and ehiinees ot it than derstorin Sunday will he most stlliiiv Iitlt cool The lttglt today thI he liet ween 20 aitd Hit the low near lti Sundays high should be near Health club owner says jinx is broken Itealttt spas attrl Illness eltttis seem to haven history of elos iiig their doors early in Ilarrie litsl Figureniagic went ltlltltltllltlllltllIllltltllSlllltlllll Spa loeketl up tlttt now Ired liay thinks he has the winning eonthinaliott to make the lltirrie ItlllllSS litli work Mr titty is operating from the same location its the other thi ttti ollier Street lint said this is the only eoittiect toti The main olistacle he said for the elitli to ovrreotne is peo ples distrust of ltealtli and Illness ettiIis iii llarrit So for limited tiiite Missilin another week or so he is offering special deals to former members of Paradise ltealthSpa llte deals are based on the tiiiie lett iii the tnetitlierslnps aitd the type of iiienthership aperson had lot of people tliitik Mar shall ttlteg Marshall tortner Iaradise owner optrittoii sllll ownsthe place lie said lot of ieople iittoittaticallv think old aiadtsr Health Spa iiieitiliershtps ate good and so iiproIiIeineropsnp lot tit people are lltll vet suspicious ol us he and Its happened to them once and now itsa toiiglisell tiitring the link weeks ot op eration the chili hie sold ltl iiienitierslnps anrl is oil to flying start Iiisaid Weie doing extremely wellhe5aid Wereoiily sell tug one year iiiitnhetship now torlioth itten and Wtillltll lliechilioperatesalternating days toi male and teitiaIe iiiritiliets Women can that the Iiicllities Monday Wednesday 1500 new books added to library at Stroud Elli Itiarrir Exmnttur lhe Barrie Examiner Saturday July it I976 Not all the same says club official IIssa Township council shouldnt piit all ettireiis hand ttlli radio operators in the same had light says chili otticial Ilarry IIooIh piililic relations otticer lro Ilarrie Ilorden IItitetgeney Itadio Team is complaining aliotit the council painting everyone with the saniecolored lirush outieil is sending letter to lransport anada complain ttig at It operators warnittg dragsters iii Angus ahont ap proactiingpotteeertiisers We do itrit condone this kind at operation Mr Iltioth said Ive heard lot of idiots doing It aiid were doing otir hest to get these peopleotl the air Mr Booth said the radio team operates in the area with the lilessing ol the tIII and Is often called otit to help iti policeoperations tle said there are aliotit 150 nieniliers in Sittieoe onnty ot the Angus liased chili and none areare responsilile Ive got over $3000 tit equip tiient attd dont want to have the tar liriish painted over me Register now for Georgian Students planning to attend leorgiatt ollege iii Septetnlier ma tegtSltl for programs this stiiiiiiier The registrars office at the main Barrie campus will he open every working day Mon day to Friday from William to 430 iii In addition there will be evening liotirs Aug to 1t 17 Ill 24 25 aitd anti Sept from toll iii Students entering post secondar programs at the Bar rte campus and all health sci ence students entering diploma nursing dental assistant or nursing assistant programs at Harrie Urtllta Owen Sound and Ienetangutshene may register at these times Format registration for all post secondary students at all campuses will he held Sept audit Big Top rises at Bayfield tine hundred and fifty per tortners and animals will more itito Barrie Tuesday as tireus Vargas brings the worlds largest big top to tow ttrcus argas is traditional circus including Junglelired ltoits and tigers bears elephants clowns and well tratned horses The performers are all tied together with IIIUSIC from the tireus Vargas Ilptttt band The Circus will run from Tuesday to Thursday Tickets are available through the ticket office at the Hayfield Mall where the show ill be held or at the big top on performance days The circus will be ac conipanted midway in cluding Loo and oldfashioned sideshow liisaid There is one otltei cltili iii the area the lay International tIItli tlllti but many people own and operate tll tadire thlitittl iontiiigaclnh triiiii Itriii Ilhiiem said operator havi rlalioiatr codes and names such Sittokei IIIat to tlisciilir police at llllt seo linkfrzr PART IV PICTURE QUIZ llilt Dennittats nominated Yio ti POINTS mdidate for President the titted States ivi HOW DO YOU RATE 91 to 100 pointl TOP SCORE 81 to 90 pomu EICOHOHI 7t to 80 point Good 61 to 70 norm Fair 60 or Undor Hmm FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION Ital ititiWWJtititit gitilit it mad deatig vttll terrorists do ill think shttiid he adopted Save This I=actice ExaminatiOn Vaiuiibe Rterence Material for Exams STUDENTS WHATS HAPPENING THE WHERE AND WHEN Saturday KIIMIIINFIISI IINIIINNIAI IAIIK ttiii iti 5pm tipenkiteflyingcompetition Mondays Iriieciist tllllS for ltiiim alusk IturotiitiFestivrilofArtsartdtrafts showts with occasional sunny t2noon Ilttrrieliireflghters ski ti thoit iietlmls t2nooti It in Ys Menstleerttiirden lpiti this ItlueSkyIliratre 230 iii tifficiiil opening eerettiotty Moliioiis at Iliirrle ttia iii iii Iliirrie Kerirteltttilillog Show Keniprnfell lliiy It in Tross Hay Swnn from Mittels Point to Govern itieitt Iiork EICUIHEIAN HAY SIIIAM SHOW ookstown illl Grounds it ii at it tit litsptiiys and tletrtonstrattoret Iadirs liiiztiar meals and crafts 21M iii Atiiiiteiir fiddle contest IttltlitV and Sunday ttteitimitis 4p in Iitraile Wlllllllllt tiieii have it Tuesday SIIIIIIIIN LliAttItK ItlISllVAlJili lIlMtilt Ilititsdity Saturdav and Still irillialiperallotiie my mum IlIltI iii The Merryposa ltevue siittrtrat songs and skits starring lion llarroii and atherine Mithitirtott Included iii the tneiitlwrship gm Hm is Illness test special exer eete progtants and ipialilied in stiietors to help There is art ex tttld rooitt logging track on the root sauna swnntning Saudall pool whirlpool ittid sun root titliei cotitses which Will he KEMIIZNIIISI otteierl he said include yoga Ifll manurlmn wily dummy tttri iii dusk Ilurotiiii FestivalofArtsandtritfls llnhwwwlmMmmm Itia iii 1plll Kiteflyingchampionships mm lmhlhm my II ii iii llrirrte IoWerSquadronstiilpast mm hmhm HMS iii in Regatta events canoe riiees under mum Iuhn mm wattr chariot race great water walk unique and arm think it We operate good titlePurimdisplay Hm cm Ws in Voyageur iitioetrierfronttirtlha finishes chatgingaecoidtnglv tot ll ll WSky Ilwll in Art Festival awards presentation Molsoiis tit lIairte ttia in in dog SINJWttililllllllS ilIUIHiIAN IIAV SIIIAM SHth ookslriwn Fairgrounds it it in iii Displays and tlfllltiIISllillltillh continue tinaehinery starting at JIti rti in Parade iii Tlitirch service SIIIIIIIIN IJIHtNK lISIIVAli til lll IéylfiltlflS IA Mt AMIrlIlJJ tirlllla Opera House My mum 103Hluézlrttttux tt ttip in The Merryposa Itevue rStilJititIli Iiiiiiieli ot the ItttllSlll lllililly recently The Sititcoe tonnty hook tiioliilr delivered the welcome tllllltillft lnndau KIZMIIZNliIJSI tongtatulations to Donald Mnlmmmulmrm Hxm Hli ttia in in Dog showcontitnies Iantswuk who received $50 Krmlwnh park Vl Wlw lmwl Ilia iii 4pm Skislalorii competitions irriiiitith account at ltititslil Lumwrlngs Wmngrmv IVI TM l7 in Challengetipsitting ratt kw lVlVHl 4p in Regatta draw Winner tlilll tteasiirei iiiatiaget at St Vimw park IZrioori tti ItotarylltiltrhtekenIiarhecue GEORGIAN HAY SlIIAM SIIUW Mt Norman Siniirthwaitr ooksuiwn Fairgrounds was hostess lot bridal shower no in iti Iiisplaysand drtrioristrationscontinue tot Mix eoige White the lartide Wt Mmi MrKrnH as srrziitrzs Lizurth IlZSIIVAIJiF iitMriit lllltltl gathered to express rillia Opera food it ttlltH on her recent wed It 150 in The Merryposa IteViie ItII PART NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Give yourself It points or each correct answer On vote ot131 tr124theHouwrit ommons passed law whirh CHOOSE ONI abolishes rrinttnursi the death penalty in cases involving Ivtlldn times In to ruling the Supreme mm of artada Sdld thr tedrral governments Antitnllatton Art is if HOOSF Nf institutional unrrinstittitioriali the lymprr flame was brought to anarla from rrrr Vld aonrorde jet bihe royal yarht Britannia SalPllIlP More than 20 Airiran nations boyrotied the Montreal Olympus to protest tCHOOSF NI New 7raldnds ttalysi partirtpation in the Camiv Nadia omanerta 15yearold gymnastlrom was awarded the first perleri srore for pertrnmanrp on the uneven parallel bars in lvmpir historv aRumanta hthe SOvtet bnron rSweden PART II WORDS IN THE NEWS Take potnta for each word that you can match With its correct meaning boycott ahaving no lmWlllnS flawless bdttv all by force kidnap osmopohtan 49de to amount or degree abdntt drommon to the whole world edbstain truer dealing with as protest abate PART III NAMES IN THE NEWS Take poinu for name that you can correctly match wtth the clues adustice Supreme Court of Canada bEnerg Minister loan Wenzel WiItam Dans Alastair Gillespie totvmptc allmeter runner Wishart Spence dLeader Parti Quebecors Rene Levesque ePremier Ontario 72676 VEC Inc ANSWERS 0N 10

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