Fww Wvw vw WW v7fwv 777w VWW VFVVM Ev WWWWWW IIIIFIDIFIII TIRE Extracts up to 78 pts of moisture over 24hr period for comfortable living Helps end elamm air dripping pipes and janr mine doors Featurepacked unit is made Ior anadian The by niamilaeturer ot toprated household applianees Has automatic humidistat automatie shutoil warning light and lShp eompressor llquart water container Beige EACH Proctor TakeApart Electric Kettle enamel finished eabinet about l74x 32x222 Wm lmlls lilslcrl Slumlc lccl high With was base removeslorthorough cleaning of scale buildup Automatic Sltlllrt il kettle boils dry In de eoiatoi eolois $ll99 Remember the cottage Proctor Toaster L139 your Ierleet toast to start the day Slid ing shade control Sparkling canadlan Tire ItICkCIvCIIFOHICd housng and bake CARD lite haiulles iily $Tl99 Westinghouse Dehumidifier EFFECTIVE UP TO 23000 cu ft High capacity model reinoes up to lo Imp pts le li moisture pei da Ieatures adjustable huuudistat urge aii dmiig eoil oiiueetion loi eoiitinuous drain hose Chip resistant HULL griaiii steel eabiiiet Reeessed heels war llltltl on the sealed ssteiii OSTERIZER BLENDER ENER WEST BEND 8CUP DRIP Mn Hit the best ll speed apiiee goes roilil on the Reliable unit up through lids uult lilllt llIVLi sou the best unit Stainless table tor last iii seeoiids litNlth mllee you tltl had Ill steel blades meals Ietaeh Klagiuetliltsluls tei ILIIHHLs bittei iiouuds Seup elassiar probe ll2 ma iil Waiiiuiii platt IIAIILI iold SUNBEAM TABLE MIXER CGE 4SLICE TOASTER EMPIRE AUTOMATIC ulx Detach for portiibilit 5speed Make toast tor the whole la Heats tip eups ol uatei loi thumbtip eon inil soup eoltee or PROCTOR ICE CREAM FREEZER trol Chrome upeed has llLlC tea Requues no Ntllllllllt an beat home made ue plated heaters eoloi control tuning Alum LICdIIl hit its natural Ilaxor and goodness And II lun to iiiiIe EMPIRE SLOW COOKER WORLD TRAVELLER IRON EMPIRE COFFEE URN with thi Zquait tttitl Iimeitul IiasyMeal has iheat theriiio liaileseiatt eoinpmt llLlll Breus 12 eups ol delitioiu ele lltt iiiotoi aloe the work stat litteut eight iron has tottee Iherino Ullik VHIII BRAUN svucunou PLUS ELECTRIC SHAVER aluminum eon dual oltage I999 tantalum I477 imp booklet 2388 Smehioiious aetion toi liilml 3L1 limwl use ieiial light Hulx smoothest llte Super thin platinum coated toil Extra Cash Bonus COUPONS Sidebuin trimmer Case Be Good Sport Help anada Olympic SOLAR BLOWERSTYLE athletes with your ash Bonus oupons Look great all the time heat settings 501mg nor 11 IV Ile 450 watts Onl BROWN BARRIE lTO MYFIELD MALL IAVFIELD ST RWY 27 PNONE 71664 HOURS MON TUB 96 WED TIIURS FRI 99 SATURDAY 8306 OPEN HOLIDAYMONDAYIO00 AM 500 PM