6The Barrie Examiner Friday Jul 23 I929 zi tllflKlSu TIIF sky for rain Fourteen year olds Tina Kunert and arol lIlI are ov lions dont really mind since they are premred iunpnig in tItItlts setting located on the it acre Iioiiie ot MI and IIteh¢tte lIl IIH lliei cia two giilt lent loi tlIyaiiiitnt Iliotni lilath tlii Iiltn IltIII Local music students receive awards after completing conservatory exams Barrie music students who took their einiinilioiis set by the Royal tonsenatoiy ot Music in loionto recently ttl Ilitit IIIII ItI tt lloziois letihie Sniati Sttplitlonii lass Kosaiiiine llarpei Susab rich Shaw lollctt tar l5 eitcli equal Roi terminus Susan Rio en stinii II III Il IL is flasS IItttilS II K0537 iiotmrs neatly Rriihachcr Zias er equal lunrar equa tlle Km hitet 2igt on Let Elsi is Inc it v1 in II II rims It Vs Sv sit Iai ees vilt 13x tie VI1 ItI II 16 7w animate Lesa Strl Sa iIi rite iliihi IeKca ey lraniorter ti Itiil1tis in tizil tSltill cssttigtt It Hl Louise tiew tiiizal Itarlcnc it lxiiisax Salter it IW Pt Fa Mass Honors Iiienda lcloy IIHZ laik toiiltei Katta Kosar IXIIIZII Ilt at It Latin George Brat is athy lieadniavi Kat try luriici equal nne latï¬pltil Shoiia Snouden equal Iass aocy lean tliihine arolyi Buyers Sandra II tntltt IIIIIJI litl Bake lanet laek Sharon Sinclair equal Susan IIttLlits Stephen Allen Iaiiicza Ilaa lanice La Hose equal atherine Bishop Melanie Greaves Mrs Hamid Dunn Mrs ic tor OBrien and Mrs Muriel Hart members of St Aidans UmAL Ronnie ltisey atlierine illiains ittll GR DI IIANU First class tlonois amliue IHititttl ltonois ynthia Iroelle Iorothy Van liet eiinal Itayid Miles Linda Mika Maria Welter Gisele lesrtxhes Simone liesrtkhes Roslyn Fancy Allison John son tequal tass Mary aineroiL Janet liaxis ltehhie Giles lougias Riley equal itethany Hunt Muriel Malttiy Terry Thompson tequal Shari lheinas Kirhy It Constable Karen ti Dryden Kathy Iar diner nual Anin Fan dries Randolph Arthur Flame trnshy Stephen woods mini lit IHVU Honors Cynthia Andrews Kit Irstaya Kelly IIhler Read tequalt tt Vhite Trudet sei Patricia IIiistou liiistine ieqiiaI Iass SiisanJ liaiis liehliie ligos Iatterson traii ilkei initial ltetiorati ltigeloii tleidi Iteis etiiiali lite iieason aleric Arthui Gwyneth Melyeliey iequall Janet ltuttield lired lit terson Heather Parker Nance Mary iuilty iequali III Itli II ll lirst lass llenors Mack ltaeliel Keung Itonors tieryl liarnian lames it Moran tequali Grant oekhurir laiiya lid wards Itohhie ltrockwell Itlair oekhurn tetpiali Stey en Winder lIelen allianatos Itaniel Iass Itohert Itritnell Kelly Dingwall lieslie Barron Sherry Gill Amy Russell GR III PIANO First lass ltonor Roger Smith Honors tackie Rocchio sopfa VISIT Mr and Mrs Gary Iraliek and tamin of Saskatoon Sask lSlII with Mr Fralicks mother Mrs Gladys Fralick of llillcrest ltoad WEDDING Mrs Eileen Adamson of Bar rie recently attended the wed ding ot her niece Shirley Ann Ioole of Queensville SANTYS VILLAGE group of children from the Barrie Parks and Recreation day camp program visited San tas Village Braeehridge on Vttslnesday GlIIST Stroud Heidi Todd of 1s tiridge spent three weeks isiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs Allen Todd VISIT Mr and Mrs Allen orhetti and Noel and Peter recently visited Mrs orhettis parents Mr and Mrs John orhetti of ttttayi LllL rant PEOPLE AND PLACES IIIN IIOISH Kenipenfelt manor is hay mg an open house Saturday troni to 330 at the home Refresh ments will he served GIRLStlltiNIICIIIINtII Mrs lackic Iinder captain of first Barrie Rangers will at tend conference on women as part of the Bicentennial cel ehration for Girl Scouts ol America to he held in New York 251 IiltSHH 0R0 SlAllttN Mr and Mrs George Monknian ecl ehrated their 35th wedding iii niversary recently Mrs Moiikiiian is the former aiicy llowe daiigtiter of George and tlielate Mrs IIoue NEW HMS Mrs llarold Smith Harvey and lion at tended the wedding luly of her nephew Norris lioaii and ltohin Malick held at Georges on the Hill Anglii an thurch loronto BAKE SALE Anglican Church Women convened the bake sale recently at the home of Mrs OBrien at RR tro Station Proceeds went to St Aidan lisil Manning lass laniela Ieter It ltlnek GIIIII lll IIIN Iass Janet It Merrett GRAIN IHIIN ltonors Margaret ltiddell III IIIC VI IISSNN Iass IeanneM Walden GR ItII IIIINIII Iass Susan onroy GIIAIHC IiIlNIII Itirst lass llonors Wendy ltruhaelier Honors Kelly lrope Karen Ietty Simon Phillips ieipiali Anne liit Igerald Joanne Lanning Anne It Walden tequali Iass Elizabeth Doneette Glenn lleitiiiar teqiiali olette Forget GII IH VIII ICIIIIUNIIM llonors laniie Warrington GRAIN VIII Itlll Iass ynthia Murakami GRADE VI FLUTE llonors LynneS Goodhand GRADE IV ILlTIC First lass Ilonors David Iadue llonors Dehra Sonya li Astridge lass Kathy Ii Laurie Butler GRAIDIC VIII IIIIINtII URN Illst lass llonors lulia It llarris llonors Kathryn Addy GRADE VI IIIIINtII HORN Iass lam tritton lenniter Leitcli ltiichuscli lianning Dinsmore GIIAltIIlItILNIIIIItN Iist tlaus Ilonora ltolieit lluuloyi IItillttlH SeanJ Gilseiiaii Iauu Viiitiiuat Iiicc GRAINVIIIUIIHII lass Katherinelintgens IIIAIIIZIVUIIUII Iass IillM Itillli GIIAIII SAXtilIIUNII Itirst lass Ilonors Susan Ilshcr loliii lialniers Iass MichaclSkniner GIIIIIC IV SAKUIIIUNIC llonors atliy Itoswell Gregory Iry tequalt Inss Marc It Gautier GIIIII VI IIIIMIICI llonors onme Spiegl ltaileneM Meliean GIIAIHI IV IIBA lass Anthony It McQuade GIIAIIIZ III GIIIAR lass Anita liakraharti ltAlilC ll GtIlAIt Ilonors Leonard Goodhand Geoffrey Kent Michael Allen GRADE VIII IPIIItllSSItiN Itiist lass Honors arltoit liixon GII III SINGING Iass Monica McIherson SusanJ Ilill GRADE IX SINGING First lass Itonois Denise Daniels Pass IIlaiiie ardinal William Yiirick tequali GIIIIC SINGING Iass latricia Ilaiiinioiid GR IIII SINGING Ilonors liintny hare TODAYS RECIPE SPICY SIl IIII IlSlIIIIIS 18 medium sire mushrooms tahlespoons hutteror margarine shallots chopped package t3 ouncesi cream cheese package itt ported cream herhs and garlic cup dry liread crumhs cup coarsely chopped pecans tlilsps ItinoSherry Salt additional pecan liales Itenime stems from rooms Washroonis caps and dry thoroughly small skillet heat hutter and saute shallots until golden tool Mash cream cheese in howl until tlufty Stir in sauteed onions and llitlt tItlpr pings Stir in cream cheese illl herhs and garlic liread tltltlltls pecans and sherry Ise mushroom with pecan mushrooms can wv iin with ouneesi cheese mush Via sh In Season to taste with salt niiytine to ttIts liahes stutt Iiicorate Ihes lllxuli thurch IIIt Exam iner he eaten cold or then can he heated in Itiodegree oven for to to 13 minutes until golden hrown They also can he hroiled for minutes or any til cheese is inelty If hroiled garnish with pecan halves after hroiling Makes in suit tedniusliroonis IIIIIJIIS ItlIINGII IIitIIIHlllVTUII largeonioii chopped cup finely chopped celery ripe tomatoes cored chopped lcup dry liread crumlis 11 cup Vino Sherry ll cups orange iiiice cup flour mixed niainmgoil tiflounderfillets Salt and pepper In skillet heat lieup of the oil and saute onion and celery and with re untd soft aliout minutes Stir iii tomatoes and simmer iintil tomatoes are mushy Stir in hread crumbs and cup of the sherry ool In saucepan mix remaining sherry and orange juice Stir in flour mixed with remain ing oil Stir over low heat un til sauce bubbles and thicv kens Season sauce with salt and pepper if desired Sprinkle fillets with salt and pepper Spread liread hread crumh mixture evenly on fillets Roll up fillets like jtlly roll and place seam side down in greaSed shallow baking pan Spoon half of the sauce oyei fish rolls Bake in preheated ifyodegree oven for tti to 33 minutes or until tlsli flakes and becomes white Heinoye fish rolls to serving platter with slotted pancaketurner Heat re mainiig sauce and spoon over fish rolls Garnish with orange slices and sprigs of parsley Makes ti servings ll IIIII lIGII IIISBIII IIngland Pi Police had to drop drunk Iriiing charge against Dan tialyin after he stole his blood sample and threw it down drain when he had failed two breathanalysis tests But he then was charged with theft and fined Hot Sixth lRINGCHANGES FLAVOR Cheddar cheese that has mild flavor usually is cured for two or three months while Ched dar cheese with very sharp flavor is cured for eight to 12 months lty RosieNM Altl Iannitner WHIIHIIN Ildiloi When todays Iltltttfs and ltrowmes hang up their town theyll liaw lot III common WIIII Iftiy Itogein Illttlitll HI happytiails Hiking and camping These are only two tltIVttllli llint pin Ve todayu guidm iie iougtiiiig It more than they Vtl have And lltetlwn Ill IIIIII it glad IVe ilwnv twcn lltItHIltI ttI camping think II gitint way for the git it to he iwiimnsi tile tot looking ntltt IIHlti tIIvtii town the gold ItiltItl and tIIsIIIII camp iiilViioI toi Maiwegen dial iit Moit than anything they Itnlti to get along WIIII Iillui Living in tent envnoninent VHIII other can IN hot ilih lkitl win II olidtin get ilniig nhc and Min Iitclittle ind her Inn tiiiiul Intil have cholId It at II and it whole unninvi to gut mg tIVll ltitt HIRIIII tiownur and ItniigtI IIIIItt to have 12 TINA KlNICRI and 7arol lilihons members of the first Moonstone ltanger unit talk with instructor and tlwtitnvot wit The Iimtiettt home in Moon alone will will he olive oil mun thl with inow than if guiding unit2 who will lcnin Vll ything limn Hun Ditty killti aneh on making ititv lnant mutt HitT owi III to living off the land in tniloi nimtc homer nt ptnrztir tente And it it all tire The helixt not only pin Vidl the land they plliJIIIl then who III tit ininluIt It taking out in ninth utittt two WltI am any wt irni When tlu guilt Iiihl they IIIIJ Mi ltI twttc work NltII the tlItf Min Iimhette WIIII IIIIIIIIIIIFf hill girw tip in the Mom atone illl III land war in MI llt Iittte lamin to year he iinping Iplt toutith HIIII IIHH IIIIIHII knowledge til the men main2 theni viiliiahlr ltiidci Itt tin Alitltllitl to too Mia Iltl littic ml ht peiid ill mntei leading about heres during their camp out The ca mp advisor Irechttte wilderness Guiding Night me npmt going twei Infill plum toi in gimili him in to vfllhflfztllo twluy me dennmvling Hilill at tivtllr and they tlll getting them he whnlr guide mo lltlil ot ntm In iiitrvmzt today My Iimhettt uid thtlt yluirr an the notionat titad HHIIII iti ltitonto tiny tht new to but Inammonium1th nirlvt Itt lty nf pint If ftw pun nun tundra wortvml for timid IIII tit IMIVJI Iiluy 17 Ian Ht Iv nny of In in Minot In 21 old 714 cploi mg inipinit looking 5lIII honirniahng iIiViJtIl cttiltIHY Itttilltiui IIiII ilitlllil iiI Ii a1 hmim and It itapc IIr taiiada ford tht lop tittiilvlttittil titiitltii tltlitti for Hm III7I have tlitii all ioiind old hi nitair the Ill Ilntilill II in eve AIM get taiiada tout guide IV IZIKtlilI nni lint Hill1t ilui litI nint involved ith Ion norl two girls are IttiIitiL for themselves applying the Iill they learned in munii 21 It that Irogr hot that what they mmt Vti It gnttt tn time it tab IIittI ytnti of funding and another yr of Iliiilt Infnii thinp41 thi ii iiniillii Mt hlttl fIIi VINIv II niilltii It Hit ltI and In IIIIIIV 4111 gtIIi arc intIi Iltilil IiIill Iii lllttt It at HIH III till it Itlt IHIHI ti IIIIII Ill III Hili Vt the Aliit II IIIII itoat and tnlitIitiIl iiiIiri luntlnin ï¬lo ititi it pl illzliIl Iiiii Iii II AI it hit tliit in iii liit riui tIi luv you lat lit Iit iilu than at It tmi tithe ttll iin invittr iit an latiit t1 ittt to IiiIIt liIIIJlli liiiatt aill Klimt tiw vi in Itil iiill lIt ml tuilitf thr itil ti lt vitIII Ititli they tl ii lintprimal Gindaig tir tlilt ttfljttlit unit It anniwi Iholo IttlJIitil Economics needed in canning In other times home cann ing was the economy cry of women throughout the country But today women are realiing that home canning is not the money saver it once was limcs change customs change and economic patterns change states nutrition specialist Anita Iiean at Michigan State University In the Middle West where more canning is done than in any other part of the country have found that the cost of the food women put tip is often the biggest factor in the total cost of preserving food at home And the cost very often depends on the source of the food slic adds Gifts of produce from friends with overproducing gardens reduces the costs of VIIUSUII KIIV WASIIINGlUN tAIi An ornithologist here says the mocking liird whose favorite season is spring liorrows song just to have something to sing iashington niocker he said was know ii for his singing along Will the National Symphony tirchestra during outdoor con certs Also Dallas radio ama teur traced odd messages to mocking hird sending his own Morse code messages KIIIIIS FOR AGES Fresh ginger root may he kept for longtime if it is fror zen or put in jar covered with sherry and refrigerated preserving foods immensely she says Growing your own product vegetables and small fruits is probably the net most economical way to get food for processing ltuying troni pickyour own opera lion farmers market or roadside produce stand produce stand during the height of the season is another fairly low cost option Family food preferences should determine what you preserve Just hecausc green lt£tti carrots or potatoes itIt plentiful does not mean you should can them They are available all year around Itut foods such as peaches cherries rhuliarti and other foods of short availahility should he top priority As Illustrated 45 Sm of Johnson Bros Iailure to follow among in structions carefully can lead to spoilage and waste and even food poisoning cautioir In Iiian If you are unsure alioiit your skills you would he iwttm oft treeiiig food or buy mg coin niercially processed pttitltnts Storage of your canned tooth is important They need cool dark place that does not get cold enough for food to freeze Storage in an overly warin area lowers ithe quality of III food And storage in hard to get to spot may lead to waste litcauw you have forgotten the food is there Because of the initial cost of home fretur and the expense of operationg it home treemg is usually more tXtittisth than home canning liean says lloiwinaIIi ottIii prefer ltetIitiL to among however her an litca trt lt and it pierint innit ot thr ttli lion Iilvil£ilt to It tht ttwi it aim of IIIIIH fowl piouttwitii In it money howact lantaiigi the way to go In litan il stud tttiiit found Iniwrsi III1IIttttIIIthfltflIIIllf at home ttti tililitt lttitti It to ciit more per pound that coinparahle fouls tiriiizilit at the stiperinaike lli was true ever it thr tiewii Vim energy ttIlt tcnt if it Mr Iiswl to full capacity and it citctririty rah were low poorly operating ltttltt incitit tiit use of ItttIlt rpm lI tiiitli PIN tiI nl ratss Would piii the Hot tflt innnd tli IIthIlI 20 Pc Sets of JOHNSON BROS IRONSTONE Reg $550 1995 PC COMPLETER SETS 222 1005 Pattern to Chou From STONEWARE IPIWTOMFM IEG $134 4555 sat5 Special IWson Boyfield Mull Barrie 7262380 mm 59595555553399 995 ys Mc4