vr BRONIlu FOR iAllAlltlh Nuiiey luruptek ol llulllux Iiiieksitroke event at tilyinple Inain Won the rare Wendy eyes the eloek sadly alter pool in MontrealWednesdin Hone ot Vaneouvei plaeed plIieing third lowtn Ii broim lllrike ltiehler ot ItZIeIt tier toiirlh titlholoi III the Womens ltitinutre 1n quest usJac ers REDWOOD CITY futit uiiigtheirwuyout Asnoeiuted Irese on Wed AP heavily armed toree Ahnnedn tottnty stieritl tonI iiesiluy that one yellllt It of deputies swooped down on l00IIere estate near here early today nearehinl tor evidenee in the howehilla school bus hi Intking The estate Is owned by Fred eriek Woods who also owns the roek quarry In Liverniore where 26 seboolehildren and their bus driver were buried III II nIIIkeidillt underground prison for lti hours before do llouehins said tilltttllls also Wiiiited to talk to Wooils son lrederiek Woods in llouehins said he also was in terested Iii talkinp to two ot young Woods triends ltIeIIard Hehoenteld and lnnie Sehoenleld itt sons III III Selioenteld II lititlltllllitl III nearby Attierton soIIree In the Alameda toiinty sheritts ottiee told The Saudis set up buffer but fighting rages on llEllllll tilt Saudi ra bIIIii troops ill IIriIIored ears to day set up II small buller Lotti betWeen the warring Mosleni and ltlistitlli seetors ot Iteirul but lighting raged on other lronts ol the Lebanese eriI war About I50 Saudi soldIers troni the Arab League peaeekeepiui loiee eonsoliduled their posI tions during the night at the chief crossung point through the no mans land dividing ttie eapi tat There was frequent sniper lire but the Saudi soldiers dul not retaliate an Arab League representative said Hospitals and seeurity sour ees said more than toll persons were killed and It wounded during tiie night bringing the total death toll III the ltviiioiith war eltisie to an estimated 33000 Meanwhile the thristian Phalange party elaimed Iett wnig loites tried to eapture its headquarters III lleiruts business Ilistriel tuekers were savageeoinbat lIIe lIIIIiIIie has the largest of the thristian militias lial luil the at beaten bark III thin the leftist attianee ot Palestinians and Lelitttitsi Mostlenis Iyvo phosphate Iateluitlses III lleIIlits lire lilaekened port were set ablae lllltllil the lighting Heeurity sourees said lire engines eould not reaeli the area lietattse ol the battle There was no IIIdIeatIoII ot new lted lross attempt toevae Iiale tLtIltllllls troin the he sieized IIII aatar lalestiiuan refugee eanip alter the nature ot eeaselire attempt In that area ol southeast IIeIrIIl Wed iiesda Although the ilitlltlllillsts agreed to suspend their mouth limp Ittaek on the ramp tor seven hours to allow lted ross eonvo to lIIItII too easII allies out other tliIIstIaII toi ees tired on the eonvoy and drove it baek Great Lakes cleanup has been going slowly WINDSOR tint WI The International Joint ouiniissuiu reported Wednesday that pro gram started four years ago to clean up the treat Lakes has been slow uneven and some timesdisappointing Iaines ltrure tauadian chairman ol the waterquality advisory board said tar Iess liosphoius has been removed IonI the lakes than was es peeled under targets set by an International agreement The commission hoIduiI Its annual meeting this week was established III 190 to work ItII anada and the timed States III resoh nu problems along the International border The HI countries Signed the treat Lakes Water Quality Agreement III III Mr Bmee an lfiiyironinenl Canada ottIeial saId tllttjtll disappointment was the dis eover tlial eontanniialiou by toxn materials was more yide spread than anticipated par tieularI III Lake Ontario He also said the greater use of coal III the tuture may dra Visit the Prmco far good time Excellent tine food great ontortammant and usual lino taro Moo 7163 tor mm the PRIN of DONEG Al MMTM howmm SWMOTW Inalieally Inerease at iIIospherIe pollution III the lakes lllllllll this week the eoIiIIiIIssIon was told that an pollution lronI as tar ayyay as St Louis Mo might be eon lributnii to water pollution In Lake line The boards report said there has been some progress In eleaunuzupthelakes litittl tor eaeh step toryyard there new surprises In the term oi IIeva Ieeoginzed pollutants unexpected teehnnal IlIl tieullies and researeh denlop meals that Indieate ho mueli IIItluenee air pollution has on waterquahiy $1 grill in law Eumimun 190m Ii Alliston 435476l Fully Licensed The Rustic Hearth Dining Lounge Char Grilled Steak Lobster Open every evening Tuesday through Sunday Phone ahead for reservations Lounge DanClng Amateur Nile Every beIiIi sought In eonneelion Vlllll the kidna Ipiiir wan ronneeled lo the Ititi quarry lhe sotiree said the ollIeI two were sons ot proIiIiIIIIit San lruieisao area physieian Ntil NAMICI Iloiiehini eianIaeImIl at new ItIiiIeiIIiee late Wetltitr day night that the younitei Woods and the Sehoenteld brothers had not been named III any arrest warrants tittieinls alao ItinlIasIeit early today that no arrest waI IaIIl had been Isaued III the ease lloIIelIinr wand more than too Vlllttlt vere tounIi on the es tale Ineludinit lrueh Iraetor usually lthttl to piilt trailers llu lllltlltll and the tliIveI were Imprisoned III llItiVIlII van The earavan ot sIIerills deputies yas aeeoinpanied to the Woods estate by lliarler Ilalea IIIII aitent III ehailte ot tinHan lrnieilteoolIue About tilt law enloreeinent ot lueis seattereil about the prop erly on line eoinb itllltll ot If inIItIIiII on the estate loeated III the lortola Valley on the Han lltlillï¬tliltlttlltdllti ltll1li lIIIIIIsIIItl reports said Wed IIesIlay that the kidnappuu last IIIiIrsdaI whitII authorities said was earned out by three Itlltttl masked llltti may have been the work ot drug and no eull ttttillltl iIieInbersot etllli liltlllllt It Is ttlll situation thrill llllliI InyobniI druits said iillltt tilloletl III the Haldand lrilutiie soliree told The stiltttl lIess that the bundles ol all three men soiiiilit III the ease have residentes on the San lianeiseo leIuiiinIa ol lItlI San Mateotounty part Meanwhile the Satiaineiito llee reported ednesda lhe arrests III at least seven sons ot yealth ban IIIneiseo llIIllI HitlltlilillilttgtlltIllllllttlllll lIIe lIlllliilltilt slntted here alter riotlnni and other artieles taken IronI the bus driver by the kidnappers were tound alongside aralona area road about Lllt mile south ot lteduoodtlty Invesliitators also learned that the buried movnut aII used as prison was piiriliased trom the Ialo iIo Iranstei and Storage lb and that ton ans used III the abduetion ere registered Ill the state department lll Iiiotoi ehieles ottieeinLostialos Il three areas are oi the peninsula raiutnn troni la to an miles south San IraIIIIsIe min Second Wednesday NEWS ROUNDUE WWWH Prosecutor says he will sue Marchand for libel iiltAWA ttiI iiiiawi trowu proseeutor Andres ller line said Wednesday he will sine Jean Mureluuid for libel be eitiisie the toriner eubinet lllllllh ter relusies to Ietiiiet state Inent IIIeuiilng hinI ot cheating We are going to siettle lliII lllltIlJ in eouit Mr Herlie said in tin iIIlerVIew referring to allegations by Mr Mnrehiind about the eireiunatantes wIIIeII oeeIIIIed after he lord he drivers lieeIiei IIeil year Will definitely sine MI llertnssuid IS Ulllllltlll llllll lllllllltlllf alter Mr Marehunds lawyer releieted It letter about the alle gallons Mr Murehnnd backed up In ItIIteineIIt in nu IiiteiView lioin Quebeetity Lieu tIIII Mi Marihand was ehiirged and litter eonVIeted ol tearing the setnt ot no aeei dent He had been Involved in an Uttawn liattie neetttent ear lier III the year and Witneueteu teslIIIed he tell the Ittllt with out Hetliiigoul ol he Ilt lIAIMlIliAtiltlfllIIVIIiNl III June newripupei inlei th lie rand there had been an agreement littvaen lIiIIeaIt and the trown regarding lin euse and that he had been tlllillttl lle war lined $91m and bad he heeiiee siiupeniled toi one veai IIIril Annual llit betnee was re undated earliei the vein allei he stieeerailtilly appealed to the National lltltili Hoard llil ll IIel Rondstadt ltilttiNlt ttli The en IerlaIiIiIIeIIt lllililltlt toi the year grandutand uhown at the aiiadiuii National IIylnlution has been eoinpleled With the rumour ol Linda Itonduladt and The Hand ltil the errnine pei lorIIIIInee III Any III and the Mereey lillillltt an the openluy uet loi Mae liavr on Sept Shooter Ioroiilo based Itiliy band Wlll be the opeinni band llil Ilaelnniui IIIiner IverdrIVe onAuy rThey got Kate tIlAWI itlI HIIIHtt lynle Smith Wlll headline gran dritand tlltilliititlltl at the tenlral tanada IIxhibition Aur Rt llllltl petloltneis to IIppIai inetiule liale lIvanr Johnny taah Itoh Hope and lelly Snvalat Want raise Ntilttlt HAY Itlt ItIeh aid Woodward preraitenl ot Lo tal illtti lltilthltitlll Iiie liilhtein Assoeialion fillttl Wed iIestlay the Ioeal In lhklltll the eitv tor an Inerease ot about it per eenl llltli would IIIIM the salary tor total elara tire lighter to about $ltitItItI He said he thinks the tlShlitttilttill ean reaeh settlement With the II by theend ot tlIesIIIIInIeI Four killed NIIIWtAHlIJL tint ttII Iour loronto ItIIllltlIl were killed Wednesday when the em III wliieh they were ruIIIii went out ot eonlrol on Ililtliway Attii near ishawa crossed the me than and eolhded head on With traetoi lIaIleI loliee IdeIitI lied two ol the lead 2va lliiaii liayid Maelionatd Ill and Stephen lavul Met IiIII Ii IMPERIAL CINEMA ll1 MAIN IIAVII Supports belts HItWr itII The tan iida Sately totiiIeIl maid Wed Iieiday It IlIII lttilil IIIIIIIIIII lllllilllti neat lllll litVI IIIupdr it Ieportetliliop III dilllilll lise An Ontario iti1lltlllltil Mir vev Iound that only lIt to ill pei eeiIt ot Iilt oeeiipanlr were weaIIIIi seat belts III Iinie down Iioni II pei eent III leli IllItl IIII nuinbei ot people IlIIIiptetl lI proviniial polieeltit Iiot veai ttltll liell handiop IIIIliiipII Illll iiiee IttlltllJlI lanai bridge ltiiilttIIIIINSiINiInI IttI ledeIa lIanupoit Mtlltdil litto IIaIIi iiiaile llti tlitil IIIIliIIInt Wednesday iiytai dine II new Welland eanal erosani toI tlIr llliil about We indentant oI Welland lie vvat here to litllt Willi valh lotat politIeIaIr and iIIeinbeIa III II eilieir bride eoiiiiIIiltee At publie nieetiiip he want the ttltwlltiti ol new eiossini riliontd be ItWttl with IoIIIi knidot eoot IeaIIIII Water charges WlNllfltilt int tlIi lwelve tlitllLllt ot Violating wa cmssr soon WANT QUICK SERVICED lry no hot knl dolivmy itm III Iirlm 0V in Home ll Den mint Hi Iirh Up Itltii Ivm $7 Phone 728881 405 8le Ii Il BARR HELD OVER 2ND WEEK 7208 910 pm The F+B Ambulance Co is looking for few good men but they will take anybody they can get RAQUEL WELCH Tonne Barrie DriveIn ALLEN GARFIELD JONES BRUCE DAWSON JOSEPH BARBERA PETER VAYES TOM MANKIEWICZ STEPNEN MANES TOM MANKIEWCI HARVEY KEIfrEL Spleed Adult Enleromme they dont call them that for nothing ARRV HAGMAN TOM MANKIEWICI PETER VATES ter illllllllilti Were laid Iune LEI agaiiiit Algonia Steel torp Ltd ol Sattll Ste Marie tint the International Joint toiiI inlsston wan told Wetlnerzdav tittIIIali ot the tintaiio en Vllliltltlil lllllllall htiid the ehaiHeI laid uiIIlei the IiInviio mental Iroteetion Aei will be henrdineoint Ania Iti liillllll the wetII Alumna Steel wan IdeiItItIId by emu lltlhIltHI illlllV uroiip the only aptelite ttilitltit III the I=el yeai ot ltiitled Hlaten anada llltlt liltl against tiIIelioIIiidaI wattI pollution Moratorium tiltANtilIVllJJI ttiit ItlI iiioiatoinini should be plniiIl on the developiIIInl ot ttuiltlit on land in Noilheii tinIaIIo whoh lalI IIiIIleI treaty uiiï¬iievl Willi tiee and IIIlthiy llilllitlli the llitl eoinineeiioii iiitoeleelin poutI planning Ill lliitaiio we told Wedneuliiy llaiiy ilIIIeepineltiIiII ol tiIaIItl ltIltIIeil lItIlly Nine native pioin Iliililtll altei the lllilly nipped ItII the Iee oid tIllIW£iy tli lItII Illtillitl II liiIIl Izivniil that the llil Ia eonhiilered an net ol peaee Aliiili tlilllillllttl ItllIilIIfllIili itillit to roam the land IIIiiit llIllillItllIJli oo onr SAHhtltItIN It II tm IIItI piiinl IIIIIIIllI lohn llietenliakei Aedmmdai lllll the LoIIlIIId IIIIInII iiiï¬ieeiiient signed to the tnntiilian livtl IIIIIeIII lia takentooloiiii llie tedeial Htiytlllllillil ainted Wednesday to lill It AIlttIlIl lorineily huntIII Ir lllllillh loi it lIIlIIoii lioiii tlie lanhlltttl Allllilll Ha III an intei view the lroHre Ivetonseivative MI Ioi lIlIi ee Albert hlitll the elioiee ot the Loeklieed aireiatt Is not good one He Iiiitil he him heard from Ioureer III the anutlian illlllttl loiet that the aiieralt Will be tlll1l1lllll4lll Was proper ltlItiINA llll loiii Inoiiuealtli Mtitlil lieneral Hlnidalli Itaiiiphal t1l Wed tlttll taiiatlIIIiI poliev on lai In liltlltlltillitili at lhI lllyllllilt Izi eiIIIIIIIitl piopei Mi ltaiiiplnil litietoi neon teIIiIIe oII IiIIeIiIilioIIIl ttideiit tsiliiinite £illl III an inIerIte that liiine Minilei lIIItltau ollei to illov lIIIiII to paitnIpIite Inidei eeilaiii ltllltlilitl lineal titiIiItttIlibI Ilipiutieli Iltlll one that toiIIiIIIiinenlllI IIiIIIIINI voiihl piolmlilv III Itpl Montreal up tillWA tlll Montiea lltx lured the lillHtl III ttt4 between May and llllll the ol ot ll nip III that Ill itiinpwl llHlIl teiilli ol one pti teiil Tntnlelien tniiathi Iepoi ItIlyeilIIIiiI Iuvi ol liiiee iiI Inaioi itlit IIIeJIAIl lltltlllltl li tlIi eIIytIiiiiieiil aptIII ulnaled the ainallenl rol ol liyIIIp II were III IxIIIIIiIIIltIII IIlitl III tll¢ll lltlilllltl lit only illlll itlillt til our pet Illll Rollliaek ttill4l llt llAlVlllfltIN ltlt llitltll eial illll IiIlIIIIoII IIIaid lia llilllll liael to 11 pet tllil Ii tItI llll real wage IIIIIiaae III the lIIl vent ot Ilneeveai At times it looked lilti it iiiiglit tztist tliteiii tlItII iolis tIIeii reputations Iltltl maybe even then lives lIElIFlIllll HOFFMAN ALLTHE PRESIDENTS MEN 2nd SlllSAllOltAl Wlfttl SHOWN DAIlY AT 00 900 III III NW Vi fit 44 r1 llLllllIlllitlII llllt lllllltllllll it WARNING CERTAIN lANGUAGl IN THIS HlM MAY OHENSIVE T0 SOME OH Barrie Twin Drivetn Theatre 487211 STARTS TOMORROW What the song didnt tell you the movie will Add lutuflqnmnm Wit How IitI trom the people who gave you The Jazz Singer height nerd Sam Muder By Death AM Emmi the 8m to litamtner Thursday July 22 I976 eontiaet ltit IIuIIIngtoiI Steel Ltd Workers in llniled Steel Wtiikll ol Aiiieitttt npqurznnin itiltl Wedneulny lion lllllllltill president ol Loeal Illtiit said the boards Itil no that the lithl vein inertasi wan tilitHntVt IIa denlioved an llliltll ltill ltlillllillillll AIlli Wtillill at Steel to ol Iiiiada Ltd Mr iltll the union and Ioin puny have amenII to trait lot It Ievnw ot llIelIonidr uliiip tiam lhree Signed ilttAlltiltli ttlI Maggie Smith llriun lleillord and William llutt have been signed to Iippeiu Ills pertoiiners Iii the Hliiit ord lienllvuln 25th anniversary season next year artislie direetoi ltohln Ilitlllpei iiiInoIiiIIeil Wednemlny Minn siIIilh wttl npnai in ltieliIIId Ill Aw oii lt It The Hunt dsinaii and Hay Fever THE GRYPHON THEATRE COMPANY primeits Intoyin loinm ZOHHHIY of family lilo it IIGIAN Ltth II II ATRL BARRIE July 19 24 ll 30 in IIIIirs mm pm Ilox Illlllf thonlrn 728 4613 It litlait weei Bowditth vatnu CINEMA Ilie ttlll and only II With our It TI lItIW Wetlei SNOW TIMES DAILY DOUBLE FEATURE bPure lunagyn uprooriously lunnyl 599 it lll Me ll ml Ill ln 0er nil Itmie Twin DriveIii flint 4812212 TNT RRODUCIRS AT 630 945 TWllVl CHAIRS Al RM ONLY ONE OF THE FUNNIEST FILMS IN YEARS ADULT Show Magnum Not hooks film The Twelve Chain SCREEN AST DAYS be roach Is thllIIIIJ tor his next beer lie DIlClILI is waiting tor her first bra he team wailing tor miracle Consider the possibilities WALT ER MATT HAU ADULT TATU IIIDA nul ON EAL IKNIDVNJK KHAN ltlllll THE BAD NICE8 VN wmmm Hy day he is Woody M11 11 FLerqw WI IAV Nllll But Ta And The Mom Ns W15 Bogart HM mm a$ iwo xeseris luau SAM