$445 lt Barrie hobbies OMEDIAN DON Harron strikes Charlie Farquhar son pose in the Kempenfelt Kellv tee shirt presented to wt himWednesday by The Ex aminer He noted that the monster depicted on the shirt mawvnvm looks like his daughter Kelley when she sleeps too late Examiner Photo Existing pot law good judge tells city court By JOHN WROI Examiner Staff Reporter Provincial Judge Don lnch says that legalizing use of mari juaiia would mean having to double the number of courts in Ontario The court has seen enough of the side effects of drugs to feel that the existing law is ood law said Judge Inch in ining Stephen Dickinson $150 for possession of marijuana Dickinsons lawyer Wildmaii had said that al though marijuana was illegal its use is widespread Dickin son had pleaded guilty to the charge and Mr Wildmaii was requesting fine instead of jailterm lf marijuana was legalized we would have to double the courts said Judge Inch Niiietyufive per cent of the cases which come before me are related to the misuse of drugs Alcohol is the big one The next case on Wed nesdays provincial court docket was related to alcohol Michael McDonald was found guilty of assault causing bodily harm and pleaded guilty to charge of misuse of firearm The assault came during drinking party at 259 Dunlop St April 30 Gerald Letourneau testified that McDonald hit him without warning as he sat talk ing to woman When he fell he said McDonald began kick ing him in the face His face was badly cut and he required hospital treatment INSULTEDWOMAN McDonald told the court that Letoiirneau had been using foul language and insulting the woman he was with He said Lctourneau kicked him so he hit him back Both men said they had been drinking fair bit The firearm incident oc curred iii drinking party at 127 Mary St During the party the host brought otit 303 calibre rifle Somehow it was loaded and McDonald fired Knowing about Barrie people aim of assistant librarian Andre van ugt has oiily been in Barrie for two ccks but iii short time intends to know everything about the people of their clubs and their Mr van ugt is the city new associate chief librarian and is firm believer iii the iiiaxuii library must reflect the Colllllllllllt it serves He believes library must fulfill its traditional role of pro viding good books and keeping children occu iicd But he also belieyes the library should be centre for and recreation In this day and age he said things are changing so fast the library must keep pace and re vide the public with upltH atc information People may use the library to obtain recent material on ruiiu mg business or parents may want to keep up with what their children are learning in school With inflation he said people are trying to do more things themselves The library must stock books on everything from how to fix house to how to run small business If there is public concern about conservation or re development the library must be able to provide rccent iii formation on the subjects he said information shot out the window That shot went through house at 123 Mary St Police located the rifle by calculating where the bullet had come from They found McDonald asleep in the 127 Mary St apartment and the loaded gun leaning against the wall near the window When the rifle was presented to the court as an exhibit Judge lnch spent five minutes trying to remove the bolt so the rifle could not fire The officer who had seized it said he kncw little of the operation of such weapons Its been long time since was in the army said Judge liich For further reference it should be noted that the rear sight must be lowered to remove the bolt from this type of riflc Hut dont know if it will ever fire again Judge liich ordered pre sentence report on McDonald who is now in custody He will be sentenced Aug SIX MONTHS Richard Sanford lit was sentenced to total of six mon lbs in jail by Provincial Court Judge John Aiijo luesday He pleaded guilty to charges of break enter and theft failing to appear in court and viola tion of probation order Described by lawyer Gary Palmer as an ltLycarold alcoholic Sanford was already servuig year in jail for five charges of break and enter in Brockville Mr Palmer said all Sanfords problems related to alcohol and that when he wasnt drinking he could be very bright man Your presciitencc report hours that out said Judge Anr jo Youre like an artist iiiak mg up cross word puzzles Youve got the ability to do lot better Terry Simpson lti was sentenced to year in tramp ton rctoiiiiatorv He had Mr van ugi also believes there should be interaction bet ween clubs and the library It would be ot benefit to both he said NOT ARE Intortunately he said peo ple are not aware of what library can provide Many still think of it as place to borrow books and be quiet As assistant to clnct librarian Sara Malley he will try and ANDRE VAN XGI pleaded guilty to eight charges of break and enter last month Judge Anjo also put the man on two years probation He said he hoped the refor matory would be able to help the young man According to preAseiitence report Simpson was badly in need of strict con trol and guidance He had previously stayed at boys home and the director said he would be willing to take him back But Judge Ano felt the rcformatory would better He said with 12 month sentence Simpson would have better chance to readjust his life Gerald Ross of Base Borden was fined $250 for taking an automobile without the owners consent The Canadian Forces private admitted to breaking into roommates locker and taking the keys to the mans car while he was away for weekend David Birch and John La londe were each put on proba tion for two years They had pleaded guilty to chargesof break and enter and possessmn of stolen property last month Search is on for fair queen lhc Barrie Agricultural Society is beginning its search fora Miss Barrie Fair 1976 The contest is open to all girls between the ages of 17 and 23 There are cash prizes and gifts awarded to the winner The contest will be held Aug 24 at pm in the upper lounge of the Barrie urling Club Further information may be obtained by writing to the Bar ric Agricultural Society Box 217 Barrie promote public involvement in the library He would like to see it used as meetings place for public groups Having only been here two weeks Mr van ugt said he could not comment on any changes he would like to see made as he is still acquainting himself it itli the operation Howeier he does believe the existing library is too small and dividing the library into adult and children sections is inefficient Mr van ugt believes the library should be family of tau and having two sections results in inconvenience and duplication Mr van ugt began his library career 14 yeam ago He studied at the University of Toronto and has worked for the North York and Scarborough public libraries as well as the lruio Nova Scotia library stystem He came to Barrie from the MidWestern Ontario Library System in Kitchener ln Kitchener he was involved in technical services but has spent most of his career in public services He missed the public and the chance of meeting with people while involved iii technical ser vices and is happy to return to publ ic services here KEMPENFELT KELLY Charlie waxes elephant ASCUM on monstrous subjects By RICHARD DUNSTAN ExaminerStaff Re rter The fabled Kempen elt Kelly is just pigment of the im agination renowned author and television performer Charlie Farquharson said Wednesday Charlie told The Examiner he opposes planned attempt to capture the Lake Simcoc monster during next weeks Kempenfest in Barrie Theres enough monsters on Barrie town council without having one at the bottom of the bay he said He said Kelly was probably the scum of the town rising to the surface of the bay Charlie replaced his alter ego comedian Don Harron for brief stretches Wednesday dur ing media reception at Mr Harrons parttime home in In nisfil Township The reception was aimed at promoting the Merry losa Revue starring Mr Harron his wife Catherine McKinnon and her sister Patrician thats right Patrician Ann scheduled for next weeks lieaeock Festival of humor in Orillia It wasa Heavy Event Not only were Barrie and Orillia media present but so were such Names as Globe and Mail critic Blaik Kirby and team from CPTOTV channel MADE BIG Hll Mr Kirby made big hit by asking another reporter if she was illiterate because she didnt know who he was The CFTO crew after interviewing Mr Harron on camera moved their apparatus and shot him from another angle while exv plaining to him that they wanted it to appear that they had used two cameras knew John Basset would think of something Mr Har ron said Festival art director Don Cullen explained to reporters that the Leacock festival is $5000 in debt and could not af ford to pay much rehearsal time for the Merry Iosa Revue However Miss McKinnon and Patrician Ann did perform several song parodies from their routines including Drapeau takeoff on Suzanne with such lyrics as you know that you cant trust him and you know hell steal you blind The revue will also feature My Fair Canajun in which Cockney girl will be taught to speak proper Parry Sound by repeating such lines as mouses spouse ia louse around the house Canadians think they have no accent Mr Harron noted Charlie Farquharson made only intermittent appearances Mr Harron didnt have his Charlie costume on the premises but contributed numerous bits of wisdom in cluding description of Hee Haw the American television show in which he is currently starring as Sesame Street for farmers HISTORY AUTHOR Charlie author of Charlie Farquharsons Histry of Canada and Charlie Far quahrsons Jogfree said his third book Charlie Farquharr sons Almanac will be out in September It will be he said Charlie Farquharsons virgin of the armers Almanac featuring weather through the year 2000 real civil servants docu merit he said which doesnt commit itself on anything Also included will be horoscopes what was this reporter Scorpio Its not that Scorpios are so good at making love he said as that everybody else is so darn mediocre and Charlies Daily Diaree which follows the movements of farmer through the year Bill Groves superintendent of parks and forestry looks over the bed of plants at Memorial Square designed to celebrate the 50th anniver sary of the Royal Canadian Legion in Canada Mr Groves designed the floral Also in the works is Christmas album Doesnt Anybody Here Know Its Christmas which will feature music by Miss McKiniion and Patrician Ann and routines ranging from harlics version of Scrooge to takeoff on honest appropriate poi tion of the New Test ament Meanwhile the Merry losa Revue also featuring coine dians Bob Iowan and Rick Moranis singer Nancy White and music by ltingwort and thc Heartbreak of Psoriasis will be presented Ju ly 10 through Aug at rillias opera house The festival will also feature the musical comedyNeighbors July 23 through 25 Puns made popular by TV says Herron Puns are popular because of the short attention span iu diences haVe as result of lf ching television comedian Don Harron said Wednesday Mr Harroii who makes am ple use of the spoken and writ ten pun as harlic Farquhar son said people get bored easir ly these days and enjoy the deflection of the train of thought puns provide He says he attempts to change the train of thought as many as five times in line by means of puns and word plays But uns havent entirely escape their sleazy ltplllft tion he noted pun is the lowest form of humor if you didnt think of it yourself be said Mr Harron said he enjoys his identification with harlic Far quharson the aging yokcl from Parry Sotind who stars on llce Haw and has written two ir ieverant books with third on the way find it useful mask to say things wouldnt say as myself he said noting that at tempts to make the same sort of wisecracks as Don llarron once brought him reputation as young smartass Mr Harron is preparing for an appearance at next Week eiids Leacock Festival of Humor iii thillia an event he praises as liootenaiiny for jokes Its the only chance know to do the comedy olyiiipics he said He said nnada is flill if good comedians who are appre ciafcd by the piililic but not by officialdom He singled otit Dave Hroadfoot and Mike Magce as favorites Quantity he said is the main difference between humor in the llnitcd States and humor in timada Solitli of the border he said comedy is mountain here it is plateau but the sense of humor is the same CITY NE WS The Barrie Examiner Thursday July 22 I976 Four new acts added for Open Sky Theatre The Kempciitcst iptn Sky Theatre is shaping up Mike Lysabild chairman of the liar ric Lions lub sponsored ctcnt said today Four new acts have been nl ded in the last few tli and on ly the 730830 in timi slot remains to be filled for ciich it the twodays of entertainment The free theatre will be licld July 31 Saturdiiyi and Aug at Centennial Park as part of the annual Keiiipciilest ccl Olitulitill and will take up all afternoon and inciting until dusk New acts are thc liarric Pipe Band singer ltrncc van Barrie lawycri icrt Nliil bollaiid and his family with old time stomping fiddle music and the Kempcnfclt bural iroup senior citizens ensemble Previously announced were the lluroma Youth Symphony ltairies Little Hills Players in the niiicdy drama Wedded but no Wifc the Barrie cn trol ollegiatc Dance Hand another senior citizens choir leorgc Mulhollaiid Herts brother with lllS musical saw and rock group from Toronto Anyone interested in filling the empty tiiiic slots should call Mi lribild if 720 ltlfil itllltltsrfl or 7200034 lioiuci Nopaymcnt is involved Innisfil asks change in hearing location STRUT Harries Jtllltll chamber is too small for the public hearing on illlllfXitlltill to be held in October lnizisfil council says Meeting in committee of the whole on Wednesday iilllltll agreed to ask the Ontario Municipal Board OMln to con sider another location Reeve Hill libbms saiii iiiziity residents of liinisfil Vtsplét 0m and elswhcrc in Simcm County will want to attend the hearing set for Thursday Oct 28 He said the chamber has seating for only about 30 spci tutors The Angus arena hear ing earlier lLlS year attracted about 200 people Deputy tttVt Hlaki ton stable said the Sinicoc oimty councd chamber would be FLOWER RED MARKS ANNIVERSARY arrangement whnii was planted by Ronny lBUl and Albert Vandci burst The arrangement nnianes two types of plants saizmlii sage used for lie liiltfilm and alteriianthcra in ci used ill the tllllllllil Hot hettci location but Harrie would llZlVt to pay the cost of rental Harrie has applied to the UM for permission to annex 13500 lflfS from lnnisfil 4500 from csprn and 1500 from fllf The three township coun rilsaicoptxiscd PARKINGUMIIAINT laiil Russell president of Sigiiialn torp Ltd hasa coiir plain against the city On July 10 he was issued two parking ticket less than five hours apart This he said is unfair or rather an intolerable situa tion The public works com niiftee hde the matter over un til Septxiiiibir Sigmatic Ltd has been awarded ity Oll tract to supply Harrie with $03000coiiipiitci Duncan president of the Barrie Legion branch 14 said the legion was established lQJti and the turn branch was chartered iii new he Legion members asked tic lf for the bed to SINGERS IAIRHIAN Ann left and fafhcriue McKiiiiion Mrs Don llarroiii Will star with Mr llarioii in the Merry losa Revue next Weekend at the lieacock Festival of Humor in lrillia Here they rehearse one of their song paimlics which cover such subjects as the Olympics marijuana and the fli Ex aminei lhofoi Codrington centre players Win city floor hockey title Floor hockey players from todiington Street School activi ty cciitic won the city chain pionship Tuesday oiitscoring the competition 23 to in three games odriiigton beat Prince of Wales activity centre 71 in the final game which was rough hard fought match lcrry Lediard and John Yashci were the big scorers for odriiigton in the championship game while Steve Mctomb tended goal Mcfiimb let in only two goals in the teams three games with one shutout Paul Doiieette scored Prince of Wales lone goal in tlic consolation round undles Heights won the final game beating llillcicsl Til Nim tcanir competed in the floor hockey tournament at ciitial follcgiate luesday lo the first rotiiid of action the scores were Allandalc Heights it Hillcrcst Prince of Wales King Edward LOCAL llRtHASIiS MOIIII ltalph unuingham it 72th gary formerly of lfariic has purchased the Lazy lice Motel at lull Lake Saskatchewan He and his wife the former Ida Smyth plan to live on the motel property The couple took over operation of the business lunc l5 INCREASED IlNRUlJlIiVl Loristaiitly incrcasmg sc paratc school enrolment in Bradford has forced the Simcoc omniemoraie the 50 years of sen ice smaller replica of the bed is located on the Royal Canadian Legion pro perty at St incent Street and tundles Road Ilx ammcrlhoto Maple tlrovv Johnson Street and fodriiigtoii Street iiiidlcs Heights In the second round of the championship Prince of Wales bad bye while Steele Street beat Allandali 51 and odr ingtoii Won over Maple Grove 7l odiiiiLtoii Street had bye into the championship game and Prince of Wales walked over Steele Street 90 in the third round of action In the only consolation round Hillcrest beat King Edward 372 and Johnson Street lost to iindles Heights Too much required local firm claims How much landscappmg is iiicessar fora parking lot Accor ing to the citys zoning bylaw land zoned for general industrial needs 50 per cent of the parking lot landscaple Its too much say the owners of Harper lire sales and scr vice Ltd at ill Bradford St Theyve applied to the city committee of adjustment for minor variance to decrease the amount of laiidscapping The parking lot 50 feet by about lztifeet has less than five per cent landscapping According to the zoning bylaw any parking lot with more than 100 feet frontage has to have at least 50 per cent of the front yard devoted to land scappcd open space The roiniiiitlec meets tonight at 10 pin in the council chambers at city hall AND GENERAL totiiity Roman tatholic Separati School Hoard to con sider placing two portable classrooms at Marie of the ln carnation school The 12 room school was opened last year The board has asked the ministry of cdmation to ap prove the movmg of two poi tables from St Monicas School in Harrie to Bradford St Monicas school will not need the portablcs as large number of its students will attend the new Monsignor lair school St IItNtl RIIIAIRS lhc Smitoe oimty Roman atliolic Separate School Hoard will spend $051150 repairing its schools toi use lll September flfijttls llltltlllf painting minor and major construction projects The board allotted 373000 in its budget for repairs There will be $0910 left to flr iiicrginiy tKtKllStS such as broken glass ll HI HLIIIi The Vespi lowiiship recrea tion tlilllllillltt will hold public meetingl Tuesday at ft 40 at the lidhurst tiini llthilt entrc The township will present plans for its proposed floodlit ball diamond ul Midlniid il lllltltsflfl ftill41f5lliilfttldnflf ll iilltsr sales nurse for downtown merchants and then stuffs will begin Aug 11 on the thud floor it the MUMHtml Savings and loan building at Dunlnp and Men tuners and iiiaimgcrs arc to meet at an and employees at pm The free tiiiir session nurse is offered by nirgiant villfflv lli onjunc tion with the Downtown lm princnicnt Hoard ANNl AI Il The Canadian Family Camp mg Federation will hold its an nual national rally Sept 345 at Molsons Park in Barrie Organizers expect large number of campers from across the country and say there will be competitions and social activities Anyone wishing information should write the Federation at Box 397 Rexdale Ont or call 416 4590MB REVERSE lHlt ISIUN Harrie finance committee reversed an earlier decision and will redommend the city permit an industrial land developer build in his property The city had threatened to repossion the land Part in the rity owned Paddison Farm lfltfllSlllill Park because the developer ltossctto did not build on his land Within year of buying it When the threat wasmade Mr ltosseltosaidhe was prepared to build but the finance committee said no way Now second land deal for the property has fallen through and so the committee is prepared to let Mr ltossittoo continue with plans to build IU UlST llIDIRlSIIIll Donald DAoust native of Ptfklllslltld has been ap pointed to the Simcoe County Roman tatholic Separate School Board to fill the posuion left atant by the resignation of Rev Guy Hamel Iather Hamel was transferred to Toronto Mr DAoust teacher at Elmvale high school has been member of different community groups in lerkinsficld He is past member of the Tiny Township planning board