Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1976, p. 2

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xm OFFICER CADETS BRIEFED AT BASE BORDEN Captain Glen Savigory an instructor at the Canadian Forces Officer Cadet School briefs officer cadets prior to the start of field exercise in QOUNTY GLIMPSES New Lowell day camp to start Monday NEW LOWELL Staff Creemore District Lions club will sponsor day camp pro gram at New Lowell conserva tion area starting on Monday July 26 Morning and afternoon ac tivities will be carried on dur ing week days until Friday August with the Simcoc Coiinty recreation service as sisting Ted Longley of New Lowell is contact represen tative for registrat ioti Similar day camps will be held at Rond Head community park and at Itoss campgrounds on County road 12 in Adjala for the same period Rhonda Thra sher of Loretto is contact representative for the Adjala Parks and recreation commit tec while Mrs Penny Caster represents the Bond Read Recreation Association TWODAY FAIR WASAGA REACH Staff twoxlay village fair feattiring arts and crafts displays will be held at the Oakview community centre on Saturday and Sunday July 24 and 23 Handmade quilts knitted garments and shawls will be shown There will also be tables of Iioiiic bak iiig SWIM CLASS ORR LAKE The deadline for registration for swimming lessons at Orr Lake is July 26 The class will be offered Atig to by Red Cross instructors Applications are available in Whittields Drug Store in Illmvale RISIOIRS COLDVIAIIIR biis tour of historical sites in Simcoe Coun ty will start at Coldwater Cana dian log house at pm Wed nesday Aug 18 IOTATOE FESTIVAL ALLISTON The annual potatoe festival here is scheduled for Thursday Aug 12 to Sunday Aug 15 PIANO PLAYING iIlTHRIE The Oro Lions Club will hold its third annual oldtime piano playing contest oti Saturday Aug 21 from to pm in the Oro township arena at Guthrie MARIIOS IINIEST ORIILIA The Rotary Clubs Mariposa Funfest is to be held on the Orillia water front from Saturday July 31 to Monday Aug NEW DATE ORO STATION Because of the civic Holiday Oro township council will hold its first meeting in August on Tuesday Aug at 10 am instead of Monday GRAVEL PIT RO STATION Oro council has given conditional approval to enlargement of gravel pit on lots and 10 Con near Rugby Before final approval is given Ilren Construction will have to prepare spot zon mg by law and devekgmrs agreement Ilren hopes to don blc the size the pit to 51 acres IRIIMATIRIC ORO STAIION Disagreeing with the township planning hoard Oro council is with holding approval of 15 lot estate residential development Borden Over 500 cadets are taking training at the school at lot 37 Con near Craighurst Only Coun Joanna McEweii agreed that the plan was in keeping with the general development criteria of the municipality Don Wallace had sought approval from coun cil ORILII TAXES lI GRILLIA Staff Public 13 are going to conference ALLISTON Staff Thira teen members of 4H groups from South Simcoc will be par ticipating in the 1976 regional +11 conference at the Universi ty of Guelph on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Au gus134and5 There will be approximately 100 4H members from five counties at the conference South Simcoe delegates iii clude include Rick ochrane of RR Thornton Jim Currie of RR Nottawa Paul Borland of RR Egbert Jim Johnston of RR Bradford Alan Hewson of RR Thornton Tom Hamilton of RR Brad ford Elaine Pearson of RR Thornton Marcia Fennell of RR Bradford Sylvia Harvey of RR Cookstown Marianne Reynolds of RR Cookstown Patricia Walsh of RR Loret to Kelly McCague of RR Alliston and Mary McQueen of RR Nottawa Stevens is impressed with Olympic setting Ry SICI lR SIITVIIVS tl OItKSIMCOI llie tlames ot the XXI Olyiii paid the modern era have been most iiipressive It was dramatic to sit on Iarliaiiient Ilill last Wed nesday and watch the Olympic torch III in ancient Olympia in Ireece and transmitted iii less than second to Canada ia satellite re light itselt by laser beam in tron oi the Peace Iiiwit Few could tail to be stirred iii the stadium last Saturday when trumpets hailed the arriial of our Oueen gowned in brilliant pink toopen tliegaines It was ebilaiiting to watch cacti contingent ot ithletes eiitei the huge arena much til the way ancient iieece or Rome liidc in the Canadian peopieand oiii athletes It was cliiliiiting to watch each contingent ot athletes eiitet the huge Ititit much in the ot ancient iireece oi Rome Pride in the Canadian people and out athletes welled over as the llth spectators in the stadium cieetee out Canadtar participants with cheers and staiidirigoiatioi fsul 1m It was tiioiiicnt toi all aria diaiistebepioiid Ihat euntng bet met Mayoi Jean Iliapeaii of on real said ou must be pro tid yoiii dicain has niatcrialised He replied es but all Canada should be proud the eyes ot the world are upon us Since the golden days ot 1969 in Stevie Canada hopes tor anotbci first place Olympic pertoiinance haye rested with our equestrian team When Jim Elder Jim Day and Iorchy Miller captured the Pri des ations tor team show jumping in Ieico City their gold medal was one it the rare high points iii Canadas Olym pic history Jim Elder who lives in York Simcoe riding is on our equestrian team again this year and was particularly pleased to wiin him well when we met in Montreal Cynthia Neal 21 of Ring On tario is member of Canadas dressage team Cynthia was also member of the 1972 Cana ia Olympic team which placed sixth Now that the games are here lets all enjoy them Time and historians will figure out what really happened with respect to costs and other troubles at CENTRAl AT MUNTZ later date The Olympics herald message of fellowship good sportsmanship and harmony in the world Det oubert iii was right There is nothing quite like it 23 RADIOS Iw only $10 pen month you lt on own CB RADIO Hm low piwfi HUdk he antenna esolluttoo Moi we established in the way iodio field With out enpeiise knowledge we wl be glad to help selet the 19m Umi to cut WE PROVIDE SERVICE TO ALL MAKES loan the lost ROYCE See KTL Huge Selet No of during the summer months National Defence Photo school supporters in Orillia will be assessed taxes on rate of 12042 mills Iiike of 3092 over two years ago when they get their final tax bills shortly For separate school supporters the increase is 2961 mills to 12120 Commercial rates of 11830 and 13923 are tip 21380 and 12 40 in two years School taxes were up substantially PLOWING MATCH ALLISTON Staff The I976 international plowing match sponsored by the Ontario Plowmans Association will be held at the farm of Earl Johnston in Bruce County September 28 to October ac cording to notice at the South Simcoc agriculture office The 198l international is to be held in Simcoe County Warden to unveil plaque in Medonte WARMINSTER Staff Warden Orville Hughes of Sini coe County is among digni taries invited to take part in the unveiling of historic Iaquc commemorating the Col water road route this coming Sunday afternoon at oclock Now part of Highway 12 which runs through this Me doiite community the route was said to be largely the same as that which was first travelled by Samuel de Chain plain from the Narrows to aliiagiie in 1015 plaque by the highway directs attention to site which may have been that the Iliiroii liidiaii capital where Champlain spent the winter large bronze statute in honor o1 Champlain opposite Lake oiicliiching at Orillias lakcshore park is viewed with interest by thousands of visitors annually RIVICR CROSSING The new plaque to be iin veiled is near the North River crossing on Highway 12 It was erected by the Siiiicoe County Historical Association through grant from Siiiicoe County assisted by the Siincoe County Historical Association through grant from Sinicoe County assisted by the Medonte municipal council The is torical Association did the research for the wording former warden John Drinkwater of Northbrook Was asked to take part in the ceremony Chief of the Rama Indian reserve Norman Stinr son will head delegation from the reserve Jay Cody will represent the Oiillia Historical Society Inscription on the plaque under the heading The Cold water Road reads Ihis highway follows much the same route as the ancient Indian por tage from the Narrows Orillia to Coldwatcr the major east west trail between LakeSinicoe and Georgian Bay Prehistoric Indians fishing at the Narrows as long as 1000 years ago may have come this way Over this trail in 1615 Champlain travelled with the Huroiis to winter in ahiague near Wariiiiiister Huroiis and Ojiliways French and British used it as furtrading route Later it served pioneer traf fic to mills stores and steam boat landings The modern road was cleared in 1830 under the supervision of Anderson then liidiaii DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Thursday July I976 Cottage zoning change backed by Oro council ORO STAIION Oro cotincil wants to call halt to unch forceablc cottage zoning At the urging of oun Joanna McIIwen council is asking the ministry of housing to change zoning of subdivision four miles east of Oro Station to general residential from seasonal residential Coun Mc Ewen said munic ipalities are unable to prevent yearAround living in areas designed for cottages atid chalets It has completely destroyed the kitid of residential develop iiieiit we have planned in the township she said C3 WORLD BAYFIELD MALL EVERYTHING ELECTRONIC Iii BARRIE You know in your heart there is no such thing As seasonal resident ials she added Council is recommending draft approval for fourehousc subdivision proposed by Alex ander Raiidsalii with the ac companying request that the ministry approve rezoning Other Siincoe County inti nicipalities notably the townships of liiiiisfil and Tiny have noted difficulty in enforcr ing seasonal zoning Conversion to perinenent use can add unanticipated pressure on services including schools and school buses WARDEN IIUIEIIICS will take part In ceremony agent for the ttStlVtillOll exten ding from the Narrows where Lakes Simcoe and Couchichiiig join to Coldwatcr At the bottom the inscription said Erected by Siincoe County Historical Association 1975 Medonte township council cooperated with the Historical Association and the Simcoc County council in the erection of this plaque During the early Lake Sim coe steamship era passengers IIIIIZVII Mt IS disembarked at one time wharf not far from the Nar rows aiid lollowed the route to Coldwatcr Ilven earlier Ira velleis proceed the same way to reach Cownas trading post on nearby Matchedash Bay The site of the trading post which operated from 1770 until 1857 is marked by another pla que MILLSIIII Mr Anderson as Indian agent at Coldwatcr had the Sodturning ceremony held at Alliston site By MARGARET STOLTi ALLISTON Members of other demnominations in Alliston were represented when Knox Presbyterian Church con gregation gathered at the King Street site for the sodturning ceremony prior to commencing construction of the new building to replace the beautiful church on Victoria Street which was destroyed by firein January The area has already been levelled leaving mound of earth to be landscaped at the rear of the property Rev Clements in his opening remarks referred to the bitter cold night last winter when the congregation stood EXAMINER carriers NAME AGE voluoble merchandise prizes sometimes even trips Ill show you how to develop your route to make even more money as you go CLIP COUPON AND MAIL OR BRING IN NOW YES WANT TO EARN MY VERY OWN REGULAR WEEKLY INCOME ENTER MY NAME AS CARRIER NOW helpless to save their place of worship and by contrast now gathered on calm evening in this beautiful countryside for this solemn historic occasion He challcngtxl the audience to appreciate the significance of the hour and quoted passages from the Old Testament re lative to building house of the Lord the Ark of the Covenant and as they make ready for the building As he turned the earth he said May house of God be erected here in the name of Knox Presbyterian Church and devoted to the glory of God Prayer closed the brief ceremony Construction of the new Knox Church will begin next week GIRLS HAS INFLATION CAUGHT UP trail surve ed IItltl improved to provide ii wtter route through the reserve About the some time the government erected ii store school and grist mlll the Coldwnter river at Coldf water There is still ii mill on the original site which is now ieriited by Argyll Eplett piique by the mill states it ugiin operations in ltttii Ihe Ilplett family took over opera tioii of the mill in 19211 It was renovated and modernized but some of the original stones may still be seen After the railway Iiiic was ex tended to Orilliii in 11171 the road was used by horse drawn stage coaches taking passen gers from the Orillia station to Coldwater There were tavern sto vers at Prices Corners am Wtirrninster The route was straightened out with curves removed when it was made into provincial highway in 1931 It is now much travelled route Along with Reeve Amos members of Medonte council expected to attend include Deptin Reeve Horace Vasey and Councillors Dave Walker Ken Iottage and Dave Gordon Councillor Gordon lives at War minster Coldwater council whick is headed by Reeve Earl Hran don is expected to be rep resented Officials of neighbor ing municipalities also have been invited Pfft went the old cannon KINGSTON Ont CI The cannon on the ramparts of Old Port Henry has never been fired in anger which is prob ably just as well if the defence of Canada was at stake All they did Monday night was go pfft when they were fired as part of the climax of performance of Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture concluding pops concert by the Kingston Symphony Orchestra con ducted by Alexander Hrott of Montreal It was billed as feature of the Kingston cultural Olyni pics and when 1500 tickets were sold perhaps another 1000 swarmed into great out door drill square of the low vir tually impregnable 01d fortress The fort was built in the 18305 when the War of 1812 was still fresh in everyones mind But peace has reigned hereabouts ever since and the fort now is major tourist attraction The Fort Henry guard com posed principally of young men employed during the summer to dress and parade in the British garrison of the 18303 put on displays of precision drills duringtheconcert WORE GLOVE The gun crews were cued to fire the cannon in time with the orchestras bass drummer powerfully built woman who wore Ion white glove on her right han so thefirm could shoot on the downbeat as it were The first shot sounded more like an over sized rifle Sub sequent shots were more like half smothered coughs Long after the crowd left route of test shots were fired and they did sound more like what Tchaikovsky had in mind when lie wrote his salute scored for orchestra cannon and peals othlls Old Fort Ilenry does not have peat of bells but church bell was hauled in with the rest of the orchestras instruments and was given whirl The performance may not have been all that lehaikovsky intended but the audience en joyedit It is the fourth time the or chestra has given summer pOps concert in Old Port Henry and it now is suggested two such concerts may be given next year The rest of the program in eluded other popular classics John Phillip Sousas The Stars and Stripes Forever with the Fort Henry Guard marching Johann Strausss Roses from the South with four dance couples and the crowd generally invttid to 101 the waltz Gioacchino Rossinis William Tell Overture and Franz Schuberts Rosamunde Overture This was Rosamunde in rosy sunset early in the pro gram As the evenin darkened Josef and Vlasta Ri danced two of Anton Dvoraks Slavonic Dances with six young bale rinas and dances from Leo Deliess music for the ballet TO YOUR ALLOWANCE Hundreds of boys and girls iust like you are BARRIE they wm prizes and in addition cosh And ADDRESS and dad PHONE NUMBER PARENT SIGNATURE Elie ifiurrie Examiner 1266519 SUMMER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL PHONE 7266539 Tillie Barrie Examiner YOU CAN EARN YOUR OWN MONEY FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS AHEAD along All you have to do is talk it over with mom then mail or bring in the application form below But act now while there are routes available Ill be waiting to hear from you SUMMER COTTAGE AREAS

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