Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1976, p. 17

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seek am Ttharrie Examiner Thursday July 22 l976I7 mm mmm ANNOUNCEMENTS GARDEN sueeues PURINA AUCTtON star shim it MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNI mm SPEC mm or an 93 Mrndafipgguggi Bulk Service towestCosl Rmutr COOKsTowN Death Notices Engagements Births 5500 CAMPING EGUPMENT c°mf°° Dd Rum An aggressive person from the retail lumber business willing and SALES BARN mallmum 40 WW Oddlflllllill worth W0 PARTRGE CALL capable of assuming complete management responsibilities cookwwn Cord OfThOflkl 25 wordll gt 5500 333Jfggggmfgggggg FEED SEED 4874929 This opening in the BarrieOrillla area should be of interest to an In on Hwy 39 Addmmml wad Im word Aupr Cp The 33 the whaler can tow ships up to Will sell hail price mam after 536 dlvldual who hasa minimum of Syears experience in the lumber or you 31th In Memoriam no verse 3100 pabililies of Boston whaler 50 feet in Ien in and max specially outfitted for rescue Imum WCIEhIO 2510M work are beingdemonstrated to The rescue vesselv equipped pm WANTED Fa RENT with Rife533W it truck camper to ill 1973 Dodge halfton Must accommodate adults for building supply field WE SELL Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Please reply In confidence enclosing full resume to Box R72 The TUESDAYS Coming Events 8122 per column Inchi Barrie Examiner FEED SEED ANDGRAIN CUSTOM BALING and swathlng price local and municipal govern week trip in August Telephone variesonquantliyntoucentper bale UV tock an pr with speCIa towmg IBm gay so Tolephoneflefl JV oduc BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS menl Emmi concerned wlh work astern demonstrated its Sm CUSTOM CadEmit Till333 FRIDAYS PM Em cc1 marme fitlvmes ability to tow heavy vessels and DOGS AND PETS mamfiggt° new Household goods or what have chill idylliicl oi OrzcaerV°ledancSdafg Jill SénAtéuaiEaIfiktldsiiiiJri ill35333 is Thewzrgdelh maintain H0 lzkml NliAYs goodle Parlor Protesslonalcllp NEWSTRAWTEEIELVEESYQtsim you lstulFl tawoe Ttttigsgagslggil tiasltair to announce the 609590be oiG their wpgr out yd motors and is speed and complete 909 an roomln at ll OVMI deu hter Susan ar ene ary boa 2th 3260063 reasonable rates iéggégjggggflééaglfiééfiggj gelgigs FARM AND latuzdadyrs chrttttinorlllsgloard iohhltssii Exell son at Mfr anddltjnlrs Frank Excil ideally suited for nearstmre res said the open EDGEHILL EDUARle Advilvlulhii baledtoYourrequlrements Loadaralsd DISPERSALS ac a°°339 9W9 °°°°P cuework ilsh plants all accessories Lowest torhira Phenom3491 For fumintdfldh contact °°°° °° °$l=ller 7° CW deck dealgn of the Whaler is gay Children hearing this verse by Unnedchurch fiig Agg9g5gfllii1992cc eooa HAY for sale sms hate Openings exist for smart young Wm 5V ltmtlnfinofmg FRANK WEBBCMMW Counter Cullen always want to ltnow iemfggelygggfifigt rgmm suited to marine conditions in and clipping oilall itf$il W99££Zflrgw MindOd POOOM in the local comPany om 17054559t72 4539734 mfg 213fi17nimg the firm which tigtributeg NOV 590 becflusc 3le 4oACREs 0F standing hay for sale 3rd one write system Duties Will ln 09 but Squatts and heavwr gateS com 99 at North or Highway ll 090 °V°°° WTF °°°°Y°Cdmum the craft said the whalcr bc P°°°LE TRIMMNG 909350M TelephonenfUW firm in the income protection CIUd P°Y° Barrie Examiner Birth Announce If 38 I0 lo the pmvmces Shores gzmzlr39526187inbgltgsth dglckup and jgxcigggimmgrgfittfihmffi hed receivables and collections mgndlgmhfiefifefi ngh°ghg5rgt MacKENZlEVlaletnee Ballanlyne afigaecgmtfugnglnuzfgizwshnig have an adverse effect on boats NW on Tete womb301 other Agedoayearsmn Tuesday July 20 I976 PROFESSIONAL POODLE Grooming my FOREiElmhfifmghl To qualify you need positive pay°bl° dbunm° AUCTION SALE mm at the Sudbury General Hospital stable and complete unsm wmc all styles trimming bathing all breeds Aidmam Beelon Delapai Kennels regaoxers and Poodles Mi CADRADOR RETRE IVER pups FE gistered shots wormed Sire champion wlmberways Hugo 487 5083 FREE To good home dogs and cats all are fully trained and have had shots call Caryn 7283404 daily DOBERMAN PINSCHER Puppies registered months old distemper needles ears cropped Must sell Slso each Free kittens part Persian Telephone 424mm LHASA APSO Puppies small silky house dog while very intelligent ex cellent childrens dag Sim each Telephone 322 1037 Imvaie IRISH SETTER male years old $l75 Telephone 716 I728 DOBERMAN Pinscher Pups black and rust lino bred Sire Ch Schauiieieins Coronet Thor Troll home raised bred lor improved conlirmatlon and tempormcnt stability 72¢ 9I7o ONE VEAN OLD Red and White puppy part Peklnese Porn and Terrier Telephone 776ml alter pm iormatlon rlnted MOSIO administrativefunctions Saturday Juty 24 hoo pm become permgnem record fawn Beloved The ideal candidate must be mom to Harotd and Gtady Book or Family Albums The rate tor tt and abto to work Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only Mink plus Incluuons at 137 3500 Maximum 40 words Additional min mum su erv on words9cents per word Sanford St Barrie Ont PHQNE 728 The whalcr is equipped with folddown canvas canopy which can be erected in foul weather wile oi James Mackenzie at Coronation Blvd Lively Loving mother of Gordon of Whitelish Mrs Lou Mildred Adams of Barrie Mr Louise Guse oi Walden Mrs Gordon Davina Putney oi Fort Erie Dear grandmother me statin oi nine grandchildren three great sum so househOld for GOOD NEWS STORY When you an grandchildren Dear Sister oi Thomas at qualifications and salary antiques callectables ap aounceEthe birth at your child In The ac Miss Lucille Ballantync ol Sud lr moms The Mano er XGmIMYICNDDlnBS OHM ONCE bury Mrs Mary Lapierre at Naughton p°c cp°° °° are available lor Babysbook Farrilly Predeceased by three brothers and one BOX R76 Off XOMIHOT camera protector etc burl Tree Records and to mail your friends sister Fund service in the Louoheed and relatlves in lose 8W places Funeral Home 252 Regent Street and Jy2 Walnut bUfffli Pin cabl Place an announcement alter birth Call Hazel street Sudbury on Thursday Ju pine table oak chairs captains The Barrie ExaminEr Classified 778 ly 22 at 130 pm Cremation to toiiow chair wick mckors 20 RCA 75M with Interment In the lamin plot ASHAAPPY OCCASION The birthoi MATTHEWS John William At the COor TY mm mov° Camflo VONr Child 19 900d QWS Penetanoulshene Hospital on Thursday BUT NOT To and protector and screen pine lrlends and nelshbors The Same Ex July 22 mo John Matthews Beloved aminer Classilied Staii are as near as husband at Helen Matthews RR N° AVON Ma In blurke box lore cador Ch5l your telephone The day at birth iust Angus Loving tame 0t Joan Mrs MY an pros mull9 Chma cablnmt lo West of Angus William Henry and John Barrie and Simcoe Coun Set Edward both at Collingwood and Pi dmero platform UphOkorod Douglas Richard ot Angus Predoceascd YOUI 0W Y0r 0W rockers china crystal stem by Donald George Dear orandialher ol days were him och Gum tape la granchildren and one great INTERESTED No obligation ptoye and wok grandchild Dear brother oi May Mrs C0 7289652 WT AVON cellent china cabinet quantity standing Ivy district Telephone mental attitude be free to travel ambitious and aggressive Reliable car essen tial Previous experience un necessary You will attend week training course In Toronto ex penses paid You can earn $12000 to $16000 ayear Only those who sincerely wish to gilt ahead need apply Phone to arrange personal in terview kable The vessel has shallow draft and low freeboard making it particularly suitable for res uttttted with VIII radio cue work in and around shallow the whahr has yearlong WGNNIIOIIS capability which is of para Iil addition to its rescuing ca mount impolluntt in this prov pabiiities Mr Fitzgerald said ince humid New method developed aimed at saving lives VICTORIA CPI Univer the attempts to help make the sity of Victoria research team Situlililmworsc has developed method of at Dr Eckcrson says the re thescene treatment of hypo warming affects only tllc oulcr POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullets Also farm iresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 436118 BROWN EOEEyeEFUIIBis riyrnouti Barred Rock and some White Rock and atherbreedsrTelephone 322 1791 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English riding equipment and apparel Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 2431 HORSES BOARDED Modern new stable large box stalls trailerlng win dy Braos Farm 4th Oro Hwy 11 487 3331i attero NEW HORSE TRAILERS 565 and up Used horse trailers I975 horse trailer 1974 horse trailer Excellent condition Reasonably priced Phone 726155I GREY gelding antique cutter and set at new light horse harness new texlan BlLL DUDGEON 3765600 collect Call Today IO am to pm Frd0Y10°m 04Pm Blenkin at New Lowell Ontario Margaret Mrs Morby oi Glencairn 22 Ontario and George Henry oi at New thermla which members hope body Whili tthIctim win In POBox 4858ARRIEOntarlo mm wm or 55 mm °° 9° 773AYFiElDSl naycicada3233am WI which rlm News WW Hammered Tails docked new and Dhoheia7fl25229itnr5pm and many other treasures and honhom Thurde phSeU would have been lost The warming of the outer tattooing red and tan lsabellas BOAR FOR SALE York Landrace ii NR swusf over chem items too numerous tolist 1561 Chapel on Saturday July 24th at Physiologist lohn Eckerson body draws blliod ward the Telephone 435 7530 leave name and months old guaranteed Telephone Interment us Union Came numbervwmansweraticatts 349 Top salary paid to qualified persott Terms cash or cheque with Au6 Orange Serviciio No and yum says that too many ex surom Skin and ll passes through AFGHAN HOUND male Years hood REGISTERED Hereford Cow tor Sale flfiptggfiulme 3° satisfactory ID No reserve as Black Perceptory will be held on Friday immersion victims ic when mil0 illmllSl Old all lht home with Children and lots of room due by August 15 Please telephone Ml evening at 730 pm rind the True Blue wt or or air tom Irlturo to Good tamponTcIephonefla ms no mo EXPERIENCED MECHAMC awed home so Luth avanable Lodiie NO 5426180 Ky gel mm pldm 9r Wm ii lll len ix my POODLESI apriwcomur leeks HENDERSOWS ShfibLErRyfidwaM Th sotn office has position torFarm Ettulpment Dealet glovtufidqe Bill Barr Auction Service EXAMINER before they ever get to hOSpl it VK It old can be registered 5100 each harness repairs 222C yonge Street open for an experienced travel wn°$1$2bgfik wlih wt BILL BARR AUCliOneer lal lmsod Telephone 453 9573 Painswicit One mile south oi barrio on counsettor Ahphcams who supervision For appointment com tOMorton Cr WANT ADS AIDS THANKS The team is fighting what ls MOVING Free la good home male HIGWBYIT°990C737 793 Murray Richards at no 5530 Charles ti fLblNillhh onehnll year Collie Lab dog good 77 have Travel A997 Richardsand Sons 728074 pso now as pan oxlcl 90 mg disposition large dog house 4740528 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES college course will be con RtchENguPE figtSBR rédhtped Ex Watch for partial list July agrrnenNgrmflzd aprgszm°g Usually When Vlcllm L5 Tllt lltil then recirculatcs l0 id perlenced in stock control and supervis 16 22 menus no5 inth and am 10d hi IS lhtn Willan up by the internal organs alid brings are or In OIVIOW 99°30 HONEY NO whiter WINNING 726 397 Inc stall Excellent company benelltS fiflhwwmmflww munity ol Shanty Bay tor the blltulilul means of hot packs or in ii hos the mm mm it This ts com WANTED clover honey also health taods CO rs occ lo Apply In person Wayiare Restaurant iiaral tributes donations and cards at it hot whtrt 00t tnth but bt bags the BarrfgrEiamrnaeTNillblfagagl wvogqsUmgdaneggsigqoni cmksplfln sympathy shown us In our I055 at Kdlf ll Flip Ill 90d an aarrio Examiner comm bzgs in RASPBERRES Ck VOW own EXPERIENCED lull time meat wrap pus punk loving husbandlathcranrtgrandlathur pressure as ptahma tows mm 03 condition mm to the Ct Picked 5150 at Boxes SUDPIIEU First ptr wanted Good salary and working LIME030 andlamilv the warmth hut tith md farm on leil past intersection oi Blake Condttions Apply in person to Fudns ROBERTSON 90 D° °° 65 and Groveold itwy ii Food Highway Ii North 0V 94 wonoorlui intnut vftrfd oioatlbnras the hm Irvfldy 05 Foul QLD FURTTKUREadekZ pEchERRlegjfi It pail pittedwith JY23 ACCOUNHNE pepSONNEL 3rd or 4th thIf help In so many ways during our stopped the drop itll Willi tho msgFUesrnignl sugar stash 11lbpailSB75Mldhurst TT year CGA student or person with WOIMC M°°WWl difference between life and re oms Meachrkel7370232evenngs728 I909 IMMEDIATELY in Barrie lull time equivtlgn experience required for In our appreciation Spccmi thanks to the OLD FURNITURE lamps china odds REASY 5de ma Jaw own when and and part time positions open tor am chartered accountants omce Salary it lnnislil Firt oepartmonl tor thoir inst ditiilh 338 warned Amques yellow wax beans Excellent tor the Sggfuiogeylia57lfifagg £397 Your Own negotiabte Teriephoncna 6131 andoilectlvowork Ruby andiamily Under lhtI teams iw tech treezer Watch tor ads when ready to EXPERIENCED PART TIME meat is aEDRoaM SUITE Spanish DrMedIter 9th nortnoiciiokstown AIR CONDITIONER service mechanic cutie Med work some evenings LEIHBRHKE lpt nlquc the Victim breathes in ranean also wood and glass cotiee arid required with reirigeraior experience and weekends Goad san wt ex abut ml ttrcment for armors at the hot oxygen up it 45 degrees end tables porlablc bar and slabs Telephone737 09 Dwmm 0500773 47 ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED iar car gigrhfohvcgslhrlgrtfitgrsggiiisiggfs The 30 Flaming 303 has hedlled FUN M999 usualilgom hcdcslmhk htfillsllSUITISlfffllllltillffltfl dlruuy MASSEY Ferguson Combine No 72 in dealership in Alliston Knowledge at at RELIABLE PERSON or student to live discuss the Housing Policy Statement TRACY In loving memory ol brother says crryAIIsby rurll dove rim g2 PERSONAL AI condition Telephone Joe Schradi CtnJnls tccotvablo and payable Capable in summer comma mothers Raymond who passrd away July 27 opmcnl officer for the federal bill lllblhltbltl thr mty 424 6363 finding Sclolbookslolralba once helper youno lamiiy own room 1970 cn svs cm imnicrsm 1975 DAVID Brown ilas tractorwiiticase 50 WV and Emmott benelils Re Telephonc456 3210 Briefly the purpose of the Statement is to utilize the following He meantsa vcrv muchlo us depmmm lgur° ply to Box R82 the Barrie Examiner loader excellent condition low hours Many annursi fiercely ind dams or up to 45 mmmes in TELECARE why Halli your problem COOK short order cook tuiliralnino FederalProvincial subsidy programmes as vehicles to lower the T°°9Waay EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES wail Canteli the sadnessin our hearts dent individualislg acct very cold water and found that alone Let lrlent1 help Call Telecarc °59T£PQIIPI¢7 70 eWm POVdtdi 9W WWW Ward cost of ho sin in th it As in ihm non pe no my anytime MASSEY FERGUSONgoo combine Ii fggturggzirewiéigtlgs agdpgtlyrirtmérglnk Johnson355 Bayfleld St Barrie Memgmigdgwmgplmey tit15m tamed t0 the hurdmamm sang the oxygen by heating the MOV h°a°tioltealdiflieifigrllfiillfiliohiénmiio Mm HMS smdfnloT iris $3310 53éiilrie3cli The Ontario Housing Action Programme deep radio or lurking 5U thm Ciarby OmaniS frittn thel lurligs superiluaus hair Lydia Hrenchuk Or one W06 IOVPUDIICOU ND in min Iiit Ill certified ptectrotogtsh phone 76 Ford truck ton stock racks and hOISl PART TIME heusekeepcr reqUIred to Monday toFrtday 305 toi 30p The Asstsed Home Ownershi pro ramme sadly missId by brother Ronald bCthib may find retirement dls RELIEF tram pain soreness tension Nooomncins 530pnl ctearungtazdhcoosmg 55mm 699 c° sister In IawEthclandiamliy HISII all ll scrackcd uplobc El led parddlmu duc to muscle overStrain Stove Whit 525 COCK5UTT C°mbm°l or 90 em an gt Rgsaurannn 67 eAsssfed 0°° 99mm TRACY in memory at our loving Son Whats great for regular Cmlmg Cl Slor than any man Reo Masseur 4002 condition Telephone 36 55 iifhifwgfifiwe Egmlgmgx EX FERIENEEDr Tellcg required Start NonProfit Housmg Assistance Raymond who passed away July 22 emptoym ignt atwayg right to other method 0V8 la ear Ian ALCOHOtIESANONYIGOU 779 353 FARM MACHtNERy school aged weekends all live tn or out telephone 776 mg MunlCipol Land Assembly wwhewv walk farmer Mr Attstw said lortablt kllS which hold an V0 Your 955 V0I $60 weekl Wrte Box R79 Barr Ex gt want toquit thats ours Call any limo WANTED amine TEACHER REQUIRES babysitter Whatever do he trdnhttton from tdrmtng oxygen tank and carbon diox see many things In rememberance of you My heart is socmpty My eyeslllled with tears will love you dear son All through the years On the iudgement morning commencing September to come In and aretorunmyear oldshhandale Your attendance at the Public Meeting Will help CounCll for area Telephone no 9567 alterdpm mulate working policies in order to take maximum advantage of all programmes to retirement may be especially Ida and Itldalm mlxmfl PTO difficult if there is no hobby to 955 heal haw been dew90d pursue in leisure hours Urban 0nlh05POL lrllllmfilll men tend to devotop mms Other systems using electricity alongside their ninetofivc job hiWCIISObCCI sod REQUIRED HOUSEKEEPER In Horseshoe Valley area live in or out weekends oil tuli or part time Write to Box R80 Barrie Examiner FULL TIME Salesperson required tor commissmned stereo sales retail ex POTATO DIGGER WANTED Will pay good price for one row potato digger without power take all Keith Visser Stroud Telephone 7057436 3642 fix HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA We AUCTION SALES The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of City perienco necessary Apply In person to Joy shallbe replaced he vacancies Maw Fan on MMWHSO Audio L0 Hall Thursday July 22 I976 at7200 pm Allsorrowshallbevaedaway hill larimrs ollln torso lus Matt AUCTtON SALE When we see you lace tatacc um pursuus and Spring when prices are low gt for 155° msset Mm and Thc smoothest retirements gummy OF FUN SALE ELECTROLUX HUBERT and BESSIE LEMON Lot $362 i33h3°wmm¥c2£ad33 8r ihOSC Where the farmer NE WEEK for two persons pt 59 take notice that Full or part time Male or lemale or Concession Essa 7th line it BATES mmms VMVemen MW Phone the owners in BARRIE less ha outstandin lien un coup V0 own can ow You Today recalls sad memories raduatt be Ir Cm V° WS of Essa lot north of Highway Asst socreta Treas fer Olabrother gonclo rest llnmng 7262826 for information der the warehousgmans Liens tcresting challenging For coniidenliai B9 Andmeoneswhommko Youoday moving to town but keeping in Fl TUMKINS 24 Ac on 1969 Kenworm high mtervtewaskfor MrOraul728 3992 ween oo own an BarrtePannIng Board wheoneswhotoved vowhebes votved with the farm Mr Alliston SATURDAY JULY 24 at pm Auctioneer BRIAN BLOWES Simcoe County Lic No59 RIDE WANTED irom Barrie to llumber College on the Queensway Queen Elil abeth Blvd starting August 23 to will share expenses and driving Call Ever missed by sister Loraine brother in law Jim and children Terry Tina Tammyr TRACY In loving memory at dear brother Raymond who passed away Ju way tractor serial number 84236 and owed by Reginald Bender is paid to us by cash or certified funds said vehicle will Jy14l62022 Ailsby said Mr aiid Mrs Martin iittans working one day and hang of Whitby spent Sunday with quitting the next can be real Mr and Mrs Jlihll lxiimers and shock family OPPORTUNITlES MHEHNVAND WOMEN ly 221970 iiii°3m besoidbypuiic sale suchsoie HIGH scnooc Short or Long Look Leaner cinemasassent Mniiiiii ii3IIIiiii Player tor local country and ma proud to take place on July 29 I976 at Grades Finish at home in your And when old times we often recoil LE TOSHMR lpe spare time All books Supplied Low Mrs 805 Lockhart monthly payments Write for tree Twcrlephoncittosvenrm1m our promises namely Dougta llllliil attcrn pi Printed atttrn Thatswhenwemlsslilm mostolall During the pioneer pertmt AUCTION SALE Sadly missed by Sister Gloria Mark Stacey of Beamsville is BUSINESS LADV WUIVPS ml lr0 Ltd booklet Including phone number United mObl 13 l0 TU WES b0ll€d Palnswmk to Toronto Mancinito Friday meom 9ch so Institute 453A Eglinton Avenue West Mon Aug Civic Holiday mom IaWGord andJamw man pfoduc maple sugar holidaying Wilh Mr and Mrs 3573 filbwgllftaalbdl 5T ct Tocve Road aome omano T°°° M5 1A7onmrb Auction sale of David Brown 950 Roy Palm Wm Jy1522 CLERICAL AND Delivery positions i°i°1 availed on Apply Bayiield diesel lroclor lull line ol lorm COMING EVENTS Sizlziisrimiiurzii Mr own Swan pm Mall across from Cinema and Shirt 55 Barr 5P0 Tuebday Phonoovoninosm 723i imp 0m mo 9r all OlI Some tree species produce PROFESSIONAL annlluntannewtothe mm tique furniture appliances old seed every year while others Mr and Mrs COWS rat rii°$ BOX REPLIES EnsIll fig9h fit Wm grm Mr and Mrs Andy Vasvan ricExamtner whit viry davor wt swte organ an enc ri an childrtn Spent Sunday at hsgxhwogteefi grzge£fxgrc mode to forward replies to box rmss cdar press mu cows L3 Ki Midland and Spriiigwalcr Park Reterences exchanged Wrif to Box numbers to the advertiser as an 9°°1°° ODDFELLOWS Pei 85 mpmt Mrs Lucy Vanilchinno of R83 BarrioExaminer El3L5 WW For Leo Kambeitz Lot 22 Can of fine mat of interlocked soon as possible we accept no tanl supervision Other children to play EVERY FRtDAY NIGHT Brentwood and friends of RIDE WANTED tronl Barrio to with Must beaver one year Old Allan II Essa Township tustoff Hwy WXllbres il ll lh ih Georgian College in Ortilia starting In ubmY rPc lo or date area neartactor phone 723 7055 27 5pc urfif dy WI September callmono demo on to 05 on oun 00 ml es 800 MraniersJoe VanSevern ii DAY CARE available in my home Tall norm Thornton miles scum MAM BATS Hit LOST AND F0 through either failure or delay Treesafea Telephone 737 1813 HALL FERRls LA mxtmatotv 0m don Mr Mrdrl lldrmd Not tn tomordtng uch pun STUDENTS AVAILABLE todoalikinas of Burns This large auction ti and boys spent Sunday With Mr ALUMINUM row boat lost probably Io how othwwt 3399s CM SwagglVMingguwa sale will startat I030am JOCRPOI 51003 fafreshment booth dr and Mrs Jim Hunt in Stroud gleashialllfi afifoshffwgig 93 no 4240 toarranuo tor the help you need Terms cash No reserve Ill Ilarlfini amid Angus l5 Owner or Auctioneer not holidaying Wllh Mr and Mrs responsible for accidents day Of Harold llarrod NIL WANTED NELP WANTED NIL WANTED sale Mrs Eileen Bambrough of FRANK BENNETT Toronto is spending few days AND with Mr and Mrs Brian Bam JOHN was brough and family Anchor Mr and Mrs Sieve Busaof 22 23 29 30 Delhi spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs Frank Fekete Mrs Elsie Dowhaniuk and AUCTtON SALE daughter of Iaigary returned home after having to day vitilt with Mrs LizzieDeardtn Mr and Mrs MlI Gonntau of Chalk River spent lhi weekend with Mr and Mrs Allen Gon ncau Mr and Mrs Don Duff have returned home after If day ISll with Mr and Mrs Gary Duff and children In Talgary Mr and Mrs George BallenA tyne of Rgbcrl am Sunday with Mr and Mrs Kantqu Mr and Mrs John Gibb of Owen Sound spent Friday and Mr and Mrs Robinson of Florida spent Saturday Wllh For Joe Garag Lot Can Essa Twp approx miles east of Alliston on Hwy 89 then north on Can for approx miles to form on SATURDAY JULY 24 ATI PM CATTLE65 head of Reg Grade Hereford cattle incl 14 cows calves by side close springers cows due Aug Sept OCt bred heifers I7 open heifers ranging from 500 i000 lbs steers ranging from 500700 lbs NOTEGentlemen the above cattle are good big stzEs 3448 stong cows and good stockers Earn Extra Money and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER NOW HAS ROUTE OPENINGS IN BARRIE Demure Sllee laVShi Shoulder Buttoned skimmer Mr and Mrs Tom Herbert figs lm sows Wilma fumed ChOOSG Printed Pattern 4913 WWW Mr and Mrs irtd Scager of MACHtaNy Ms 327 the Shim item ens Sizes are 34 38inch bust Tonnes wife swapping wee bedeaougb but to demand Antaster and Mrs Stewart an M5 menu with 40inch hill 35 bust three DfninetobleONEl McDonald of Barrie spent Sun PTO spreader wife ph graceful shape 42 hip 38 42 bust 44 hipI day With Mrs Lamch Sr LAKE AREA °°di l°lt Inflow Pnlited Pattern 4912 Misses 40 44 bust 45 him 42 46 Mrs Bruce Duckworlh and grader blade new cond Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 bust 43 hip 44 48 bust 50 chttdrpn 0t Brtttsh otumbla post hale auger ph l300 Size IZIIbllst 34 tilles 24 hip 46 50 bust 52 hlpi 43 spent Sunday Willi Mr and cedar rails laII piledl used Ium its 60inch fabric 52 bust 54 not Mrs Len who by hunk mm 22 tong to lm for each pattern cash $100 for each pattern cash Mr and Mrs Harry Lamers on Cheque MOM Order Md cheque or money order Add of harm Mr and Mn Mam HOUSEHOLLtnct 2t 1v 15 for Each pattemfor llSl 15 TOT each pattern TOT lIfSl Lamas 0t hdtand Mr and Symphonic console radio and Lajiamlazd gmdw Chi and gmmqg Mrs John lamers and families irssenss esass Please fill out the application below and remm ii to stem Ivtno and bedroom lur mm plainly Size sol lllll Print plainly Site styi Nui celebrated file and birthday ntture antiques and misc bor your None Address Send tier your Ilae dress Scull Mrs Herman Lamers Sr at the TERMS Cosh 30y til solo ts Mitts uses Pattern out to no Auras Pattern oust Iciglnéeveotoritlgrunggtl Mrs hell Che ues wl enti ication mum Demi 16 31 Barrie Nottllng to be removed until Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Airline Scarborough MIP 4P7 TheCB Radloullh held nic at the home of Mr and Mrs Joe VanSevern on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry Mans bridge spent the weekend at settiedfor GET $100 ACCIDENTSNetherthe owner no em lee nor the ouctidneer will be choose it from NEW SPRING responsibl to ad SUMMER CATALOG Packed wtth or Phone 7266539 GET $100 pattern tree choose it from NEW SPRING SUMMER CATALOG Packed with rt McCrackens Landin Name proportylou sSuillldspyfic sgfyfiaet ssldndspfg Mr and Mrs BlengSnow and Elm SEVERN A°° for Catskill NOV torCataloiz New BECKY and new anne RR No IAliiston mt 3125 it not V3t 15 spent Monday and Tuesday at Tel70543$7467 mm on an $100 than mu cnns $130 Sturgwnlvalls SCI No I0 Instant Setting Bolill $100 Insult sum soak Mrs Annie McMoellin spenta JYIO lllShlll Fashion Book $100 Instant Fashion Blltill Hamm mu out my few dayslasi week in Toronto tmedoutsebeeplahdosheepotieewom

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