rï¬1gt¢IumWrfl lt witd¢¢un4o umimut vtt n1w4a¢uai4 Anhuaw mu wuc we Harrie examiner Thursday July 22 I976 TWO STROKES separate the three leaders at the Ontario Ladies Amateur golf cham pionship heading into todays final round at the Barrie Golf and country Club Pam Johns 19 of Weston ripped through the 18hole round Wednesday for three undeiupar 70 and new com petitive course record for the Country Club Marlene Streil Bradfords hitfest swamps Beatrice 135 Bradford Queens Hotel seniors unleashed hitting at tack against Beatrice Foods Wednesday which resulted in convincing 135 win In the opener of the nightcap of the Barrie and District Senior Softball League at Queens Park Aurora Juniors chucker Al Heintzman fired onehitter to stop cold the Slessor and Periard Insurance Juniors Aurora got two runs in the fifth inning for the win In Elmvale the hosting Merchants Nohitter spoiled by first batter The first man to meet Al Heintzman was the man who spoiled his nolthitter Bill Thurlow led off the first inning for the Slessor and Periard In surance Juniors with single It was to stand as the only hit of the game allowed by the Aurora luniors pitcher in the 20 win of the Barrie and District Senior Softball League game at Queens Park Wed nesday Heintzman worked the mound for seven nearly flaw less innings He fanned 11 of 2S hitters to face him in the seveninning game Aurora managed seven hits off Barrie itcher Henry Arts Doug Wood and Dale Roffey Starr beaten 82 Firefighters downed Starr Electric 82 Wednesday in Bar rie Mens Recreational Fast ball play at MacMorrison Park Firefighters were boosted with threerun first inning They had two runs in each of the second and third innings and one in the fourth The two Starr runs came in the tlitrd lll ning Firefighters managed 10 hits and Starr seven Firefighters made only one error but Starr niadc five Tie win in soccer Lipkies Saints and liolkan Realty tied 11 and Peter Reino Hustlers downed Uni group HI in Barrie Minor Soc cei squirt division play Tuesday Ginos won by default over Niiios Ninos didnt have enough players on the field for the game Frank thimicnti scored for the Saints and Frank Ilirracolo replied for tliolkan John Wolfe had the lone leter Reino oal lcter Reiiio now lead the league with lipkies in second Fla resumes next Iticsday Slow pitch scores high Latest results Ill Iayed in the Barrie Mens Slow ittli League are as follows NDWOGHNIN Mili New mu anon aerlcam art IC ottevmaie an do no Nous Auto Ame vt no Note Hamilton beats Petes in Halifax HALIFAX tkl Ont came on strong in er time Wednesday to capture the Nova Scotia midget lacrosse tournament hem with 163 win over Peterborough Ont The teams had battled to an 1111 he at the end of regulation time Dave Waud Dave Aquin and Scarfone scored three oals apiece to pace the Ham Phil tori attack games Hamilton supplied the two runscoring hitsinthe fifth for Aurora The win by Aurora creates another dedlock in the Senior League Church failed to open any more ground with the loss in Elmvale while the Slessor and Periard Juniors were unable to close the onegame gap between themselves and firstplace Church The two junior teams are now tied with identical 88 records while Beatrice and Bradford find themselves sharing third STANDINGS Ps Church IO SandPJrs I6 Aurora l6 Beatrice Bradford l4 Elmvale DRE blanked Church Homes 54 ddy enough it was Beatrice which uncorked the hitfest last night Gary Ilincs came to plate with the bases loaded and pro mptly drove pitch by Doug Cook out of the park for grandslam homer Beatrice had 12 hits of their own in the game with Jake Miller Corby Adams and Chuck McNicol smacking base hits to load the bases for Ilincs Adams tripled in the seventh to score Miller for the last Beatrice run of the game Bradford opened the game with its first of 15 hits and run in the first inning Queens built up 21 SH lead with another in the third before Hines bascsv clearing roundtripper Gary Baynes had delivered the blow responsible for scoring the first Bradford run In the fourth the first baseman met Butch Boyd delivery with enough zap to send it for homer Bradford had taken one run lead in the fifth and added another early in the sixth when Cook helped his own case with threerun homer Cook struck out four hitters while walking tour Boyd had two strikeouts in the nine inning game ARDINAL of Fonthill LEFT llltllt is one strike behind at 146 after two rounds with at by Slicrk also of Fonthill third at 147 Leads bowling tourney John Topliss currently leads the Summer Maypolc Bowling Tournament at Slicas with score of 711 He is tollowcd by two new entries Larry icliiias and litick Allen with scores of 631 and 644 Topliss was not so lucky Sun day bowling only ltl to Steve Ayres 192 in the Sheas Sunday Singles Entries for the Maypolc tournament are still open and cost $10 per bowler Two bowlers are needed to start squad Bowling is anytime at the convenience of the bowlers In the summer AdultJunior league there is only 47 point spread between the top and bot tom teams The luttergang currently leads with 229 Warren Brown has the mens high average with 174 In the womens division there is tie between Shirley Richardson and Arlene McGarvey with 150 each Joe Mattenley is top male junior with 160 and Monique Kleinas is top female with 103 In the Wednesday night Peterson tournament Iack Symes leads with 159 average only half point in front of Bus ty Drinkwater Bruce Newton is holding onto third place with 155 but Ron Lee is close fourth at 15412 Slicrk Iiil the trap on the ninth hole yesterday RIGHT IlltiTm but still managed to get out onto the green for birdie on the parfive hole The three leaders teedoff this morning at 1122 am Examiner Pliotol Indians down Red Sox 64 Midland Indians kept coming up with the hits when needed while the Barrie Itcd Sox flouti dcrcd in key runscoring situations The result was 64 win by the Indians in South Simcoc Baseball League play Wed nesday at the Eastvicw Athletic Park ltcd Sox have chance to get back on the winning track Saturday when they mch the Urillia Majors in rescheduled game at Eastvicw Itcd Sox have emerged vic torioiis in two previous en counters with rill in Red Sox scored three runs in the third inning but still left the bases loaded It happened again in the fifth with another three men left in scoring position in the sixth Bob Dyineiit was the winning pitcher The big rigbthandcr recorded eight strikeouts in the seveninning game while giving up fotir hits Lelthander Mike Timmons went the distance for Barrie lie was tagged with nine hits in cliiding runscoring drives in the first second third fourth and seventh innings Dyments control wavered in the third as he walked four bat ters while giving up just one hit for the first three runs by the Red Sox ENJOY THE OUTDOORS PATIO FURNITURE SINGLE RiPti Available Knockdown Unfinished Only SEA $2095 Cedar Patio Furniture ideal for home or cottage use CHEM CARDINAL CHHHU LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES Yotoohono 72 Iyment walked 11 batters in the game He gave Barries fir st bascman Ernie Fraser free pass in the fifth Fraser moved to second on sacrifice then ad vanced on Glen Iiaycocks single Dymcnt caught Fraser leading off third and in the run down Fraser scored the last Barrie run Fraser Bob Hepburn who had two of the four Barrie hits last night Doug Keans and Randy McDonald have been selected to represent the Red Sox at the annual allstar benefit game this Sunday in Midland The game is set for pm with the stars of the north meeting the stars of the south Proceeds from the game will go into the injured players fund 77 Final round on today Three leaders of the Ontario Ladies Amateur golf cham pionshi teedoff from the Bar rie G01 and Country Club this morning at 1122 amr for the final round of the 54hole cham pionship Iam Johns of Weston holds ERIC CARMEN Includes SUNRISEALL UV MVSElFA YMAIS ROCK AND ROM iiiii SEISARA STEPPIN OUT lOVE IN IHE SHADOWS AND I0 MORE AT SAMS ONLY SPACE ODDITY CHANGES AND MORE Ar SAMS own one stroke lead of 145 after two rounds with Marlene Streit of Fonthill one stroke back In third is Cathy Sherk of Fonthill with 147 Johns blazed through the se cond round with record setting threeunderpar 70 to NEVER GONNA FALL IN tOVF AGAIN MYSELF IHAIS ROCK AND ROLL AND MORE is an mans IAKIN IO THE SYREUS WHEELS OF FORIUNE AND 449 GOOD OTHERS MIDNIGHT FLIGHT All on LOST HOMEMADE WINE MORE AT SAMS MWW OnoPaAduh pionship Streit finished yester days round with 72 while Sherk recorded 76 Sherk and Jane Kirkpatrick had been tied for the lead after the opening round Itiesday MAY AlSE FIRES Extensive areas of insect killed trees represent major fire hazard gmwwm CANADAS LARGEST AND DISTKNOWN RECORD STORE SATURDAY JULY 24 930 om ONLY All BY PETER FRAMPTON tPS WAY SHOW MF IHf WAY AND IYMOPF sum ONLY BABY OVE YOU RHIANNON Wlll YOU EVER WIN CRYSTAI we AND MORE AT SAMS 319 449 onu 449 outv 449 Above items on 3qu at advertised price while supply km fri Sat Mon One each per Unconditionon quor iiuiuioun NEEDLES 99 Unid SAM THE RECORD MAN Hours Mon Tues Wed Sat WNW 5T 930 cm to 600 pm BARRIE Th ar93o19o AT THE FIVE room Firestone STORES lawn garden 20 Off Regular Price on Hoses Sprinklers Hedge Trimmers major appliances 15 cubic Ft Freezer 15 cubic ft Fridge 30 Range TV Only $29995 l9 Westinghouse Portable Television $39995 Firestone Stores use oua firestorm CREDIT PLAN OR IVIN TH 05 STOPS AT SAMS DOOR bicycles 20 Off Regular Price on Locks Pumps Reflectors stereo Cabinet Stereo Components barbecues 20 Off Regular Price Models to choose from 88 DUNlOP ST BARRIE 7266585 Open Doin 106 Mdoy Ho WW to IIKRil so