asHflar Miwa Another bid has been made for the Civic Square Tower Paul Jerabec president of Dunwoodco Ltd receivers for the building confirmed today that another bid has been received EXAMINER TELEPHONES ClrUlOOn ClOSSilied AdvPriming All Other Departments 112th YearNo 171 The city of Barrie is expected to make an offer of $21 million for the Collier Street building at its regular council meeting Monday night Mr Jerabec would not say how much the new bid is 726 6539 778 2414 77676537 But it is believed to be $24 million We are looking at the offer from the city favorably Mr Jerabec said But money is money There has been no indication The Barrie Examiner of who the new bidder is The city if successful in buy ing the building intends to make it City Hall It is half block west of the present city hall built in the to Barrie Ontario Canada late19th centurv Civic Square Tower nine storey office building was built in 1973 by Harvey Harbridge Developments Ltd The company went bankrupt earlier this year bylaw is being drawn up to Dunwoodco is acting on be authorizetheoffer half of the Bank of Nova Scotia Council agreed at special meeting July 15 to make an of fer of $21 million for Civic SquareTower Thursday July 22 l976 it had been hoped the bylaw would be ready for special But city solicitor Rowe didnt have time to have the bvlaw prepared and council session of council Monday MondaY night 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly In addition to the $21 million held the matter over until next New bidde fces for Civ wer prchase Municipal Board WEATHER FORECAST Sunny with increasing clou diness today Showers and few thunderstorms overnight and again Friday Low tonight the city is prepared to pay for Civic Square Tower $300000 will be used for renovations The purchase would have to be approved by the Ontario 20 high Friday 28 18 Pages AT THE CHAMBER BARBECUE The Lone Ranger ilteg Lachance was on hand tor Wednesdays Greater Barrie thamber of ommerce lll west barbecue but Tonto iTheresa lowettl wasnt in costume Mr lachiiiice was later Judged the best costumed man at the event which drew crowd of about 250 roughly one for each pound of beef barbecued Examiner photo Ed lschirhart Anne Hinlvliw minesday is personalities of the month to lllt illJltl let and our llillliilttl Harrie tllattiltt of out merce thaiiitwi presideii Ed Haipci made the pitsen tations li lscbiihaii As lionorcd lot his work is chief ot polite ltaiiic tion LlJ unil his this and lot his tillllllillll l11il iiiiludcs posi liriictor wtl hc lllillll John Homes and thc tctiicnicnt cai Nth iotis Host ltiwal titllJ Hospital Anne Hiiikley rcccned special award for putting her artistic and decorating talents to work tor the chamber and other community organiatioiis lTsaminer photo Developer wants to change his agreement with city Toronto dc elopcr is tr ing to change written agreement Withihtttl Success Building torp Ltd has applied to the city commit tee adjustment for minor variance to change the site plan agreement to avoid installing sidewalks and paved drive was The committee meets tonight at to in the council chainch Success Ltd agreed to terms with the city in tQTS which in cluded the installation of sidewalks in the subdivision and paved drivew ays Ald Jim Perri city develop ment committee chairman said his committee has reconr lllltltlttl 11 city oppose the minor iiiaiice application because it is not minor Rowe city solicitor ill attend tonight on behalf oi the it Aid Perri said this is another example ot what he has said tor four years developers are out to make quick buck They negotiate an agree ment and then turn around and ignore it he said He said because it is townhouse development the developer was permitted to put in substandard services prime example he said is iiar rower road idths than regular city streets Ald Perri said his coniiinttee believes the change is major variance and would affect the neighborhood devilopment in the subdivision Success Building torp built 50mm townhouse develop ment on the northwest corner of Duckw orth Avenue and Bennett Drive Appmval for the subdivision which was budt under site plan agreement was given by the Ontario Mutiicipal Board OMlti la 30 1975 and most of the houses are read for oc cupancy The development is under the Assisted Home Ownership Pro gram AilOlt which limits the maimum selling price at Kmï¬tli By SHEILA McGOVERN porter All the separate school board can do is sit and wait for the city to decide what will be done about dangerous intersections near Bar Examiner Staff Re rie schools Wednesday Ross Saunders chairman of the Barrie safety committee reported on his committees recent meeting with the citys public works committee The school board wants the city to take measures to improve the crossings at Codr ington and Mulcaster Grove and Cook and Cundles Road and St Vincent streets Mr Saunders said the city had been friend ly and agreeable but pointed out there had been no money allowed in its budget for adult crossing guards doubt youll see anything done this year Saunders concluded By JIM DALZIEI Examiner Staff Reporter STROUI Simcoc ounty council is continuing to flutter around Barries annexation dispute liinisfil council on Wednesday approved resolution from the county planning committee which repeats the county offer to help liinisfil Vespra and 0m in annexation discussions with Barrie The city has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for permission to annex 20000 acres from the townships The county committee resolu tion says it is hoped more amicable approach to annexaa tion can be achieved to the mutual benefit of all parties andthecounty Barrie has not met with the townships since the annexation application was made public hearing is to be held Oct 28 The county committee met separately with Barrie and in iiisfil offictals last Thursday btit participants have been closemouthcd about what was discusstd Barrie Mayor Dorian Parker said it is up to the committee ECTION John Brennan chairman of the board said the committee had stressed the urgency of the situations in an effort to have something done by September Mr Saunders said the two parties are still left with the problem of who has the right to hire adult crossing guards but added he believed the city does agree the guards should be hired by municipality The section of the Highway Traffic Act per guards taining to crossing guards has been amended he said It now allows school boards to hire still dont think we can hire someone to carry out the Highway Traffic Act he said Bill Bolger superintendent of schools said he discussed the amendment with officials of the ministry of education They agreed the in clusion of school boards in the amendment was unfortunate Mr Bolger said County continues to flutter around annexation dispute MAYOR DORIAN PARKER up to chairman chairman Bill Gowanlock to comment on the private meeting But both he and Warden Orville Hughes were not available this morning In discussing the committee resolution Wednesday deputy recve Blake onstablc said he expects there will be another meeting involving Innisfil and the county committee Coun Bill Tipplc said the committee presented docus ment at Thursdays meeting but liinisfil did not agree with it entirely He declined to say what it proposed Theres nothing secretive about it Coun Tipple said But we dont entirely agree with it and we dont think they the committee members do either County council is to hold its next regular meeting Aug 17 Cut in half TORONTO iCPi public health study concludes that tooth decay in some young chil dren has been cut in half by ad ding fluoride to Metropolitan Toronto water The study conducted by Dr Lewis chairman of the community dentistry depart ment at the University of To ronto shows that the younger child was when Metro Toronto began putting fluoride in its wa ter in 1963 the higher his chan ccs of not having cavities Board wants public input on citys housing policy By PETER DEPODIISTA EvaminerStaff Reporter Public input is the tilt of tonights meeting of the Barrie Planning board The board is holding public meeting at in the councd chambers at city hall to discuss the proposed housing policy statement The purpose of the statement is to provide bonsing produc tion target over three year period while using the various provincial grants The study was completed by city staff There are statements the number of com muters in Barrie has lumped from ll to 20 per cent of the labor force since ltlil about 30 per cent of the families In Harrie earn less programs and some startling CAPSUlE NE WS 13 nabbed in Irish manhunt DlBLlN iAP Police said today the have arrested tt suspected Irish Republican Army members in the biggest manhunt in the lrish re publics history mounted for the killers if British Ambassador Christopher lwart Riggs Tear gas used on blacks JOHANNESBlRG AP Police used tear gas today to disperse crowd of young blacks at shopping centre in black township at anderbiilpark Ancient temple to be moved ATHENS MAP The Silt vearold Erechtheion small temple whose roof is supported by pillars in the shape of female figures Will be moved from the Acropolis to museum next year to protect it from further ravages of pollution the govem ment announced today Brrrr Its cold on Mars PASADENA AP The first Martian weather report shows nipp morning temperatures of lt82 degrees telsms on the Red Planet under pink skies Canadian missing in Africa JOHANNESBLRG Ali anadian news photographer henneth Rowle is reported missing in lo1mbiqiie anar dian official confirmed here today than $6000 year the average house price in l975 was $40133 which re quires an income of 516000 in excess of the earning power of the majority of Barrie Citizens the vacancy rate of rental units is less than one per cent there are 74 family units in Barrie under the rent gearedtomcome program and 151 senior citizens units with 181 senior citizens on waitinghst The recommendations in the report to remedy the situation in Barrie are often Just as startling These include all housing construction for multi le family zones should under the Assisted Home Ownership Program AHUP specifications unless funds are not available or council conSiders the area map propriaie wdevelopers be uested by council to riff minimum of tO per cent of the units to the rent supple ment program for rent geared toincome the city develop policy on land banking and that senior citiuns ace commodation be prowded close to the downtown or major shopping faCilities bank drugstore health centre or clinic and Within 1000 feet of public bus stop The planning board has chan ed some of the recom men ations taking away the strength but may reconSider the action based on the public input tonight summary of the housmg policy Will be provided at the meeting by the city PAM JOHNS l9 TORE UP BARRlE OITRSE Johns shatters record grabs lead in Amateur By RANDY MCDONALD Sports Editor The one question noone dares answer at the Barrie Country luh is Who Wlll win the Ontario Ladies Amateur golf champion today lts that close Will golfs hall of tamer Marlene Streit of Fonthill con tinue her quest into the low 70s for the third consecutive day to win the 61st championship or Will hot round like the one Pam Johns blazed Wmlnesday don Two strokes is the difference between the three leaders after 36 holes of the 31 hole chain pionsliip heading into todays final round Streit is second with 74 71 for Ni Johns l0 established new competitive course record for the Barrie tountry lub Wednesday witii her three under par 70 good enough for the lead after two rounds Her lt hole total of Ho gives the former winner of the tanadian Quebec and Ontario lelltlr championships one stroke lead over ieit Sitting thud place it 117 is tathy Sheik of Foiithill who had 76 Vt ednesila to slip tron it lead Sherk and Jane Kirkpatrick of Toronto shared the opening round lead with identical Tl totals ltiisilat hirkpati it it ii THE LEADERS The top 21 scores and ties iii yolud in today championship flight to dei idc the llntarai Lathes Amateur champion ari pass or is has is Ma evw sw me we Such share nu1 4v Whon youve finished with the or ple bogeyed the 17th hole Wednesday to finish with 78 and two round total of Hit which ties her with defending champion Sue Wickware ol lhornhiil Stacey West of lhoriihill had 76 to bring her up to llrhlllt total of 150 The t7 year old member of the Bayview toll and ountry lub is twotime winner of the Ontario llllll girls championship liI ltuttan 10 of linonulle one of three of the same family competing in the tournament is seventh at 154 Last weeks winner of the Quebec women amateur championship li Hoffman of loronto recorded 78 Wednesday for 55 total It was Streit who illlliltlttl the largest gallery but it was Johns who had the real storv to tell ttllltlt Hll lltslitllit record setting round lilted lltl from tourth place tie into lltt lead of lhe lltltl ol lJI Johns managed only one hit die on Tuesday and double tmgcy on the db bole inst ttittltlll sciiii to get it into the holc she said of he otriiiiigiouiid lohiis had lllllt iuttlili tin iltttfl llt lliili isittlt lio chopped hiic lrttkt olt lltl opening tirst llllli itli toni hii illt iiicltidnig three straigh Illi the seventh eighth and lllllll holis 4a ss it it 4It V1 AintW Mt In VNIt with ii m4w so Vui ii Urn at no VUWHVW 94 at Viv war an in Lv It It VQGt 4t ctlt Dan is soc iam Viitta lot wt at AHw stu At tmi Ywit 99 04 Nnm tinsel too igwaodol 00 164 that Ymoriq Beaveiori may KM SueH qua nnmw IJI Essa council special meet BAXTER Essa township CounCil has scheduled special meeting tonight at 30 in in the miinitipal budding at Bax Regu ar meeting dates marathon making it have been changed because of kitchen to ï¬x the raps the summer vacation period had nisilt lltll psyched up for this tournament said the member of the Viislim ioll and oiiiitijt Iiib llt said she wanted to make it good showing for hitwlt against slilltt top conipeti 41 For loiins it lltl lllsl year out of lltl esslul Junior rating She was paired with the iiiillappiilili trcit tor the first l8 holes something which made lltl little nervous slie was aiming at respec table round and was pleased with her ilcspiii the double bogey inil lilllllltlllw with her putting She cliaigod through the course on Liihiisdav sonit thing she says she ll have to do again today Il shi hopes to Win llltllllt felt good today iflllttlil iloiii know what it was inst seemed to know lwas going to lll well have to lio iitl Hg glts1t and hope stay together Stieit liogevid the first hole yesterday then iiiissiil iii the thitd birdie putt on right left he tllH iiut Allii lllllt Itd on and lit placed the member of the lookout liiint hull and tountiv fliiti two unilii for the inn llllll lllll one under to the day Today triiitid will iiso d9 tltlt the pllll tilt the tutor proyiniialeaii UA wan ts parity kept erlltiill lhi tnit ed Auto Aoiker union has warned lanada Intl iiillafioi toavil tha it will not settle tit new ioiiti at is ith the auto industry this unit unless wagi parity between Il and tanadiaii members is preserved It inconi enable we it walk away with different agree ment tor and taiiadian workers ice ltisidtlit Douglas Fraser said Wed nesday as he Opttlttl talks on new contracts with thrysler totp Wage parity was born here at lirysler in lat and its not going to die ticre said Fraser who heads the unions hty sler de iartment he anti inflation board could veto settlement for anadian workers which exceeds govern ment guidelines