Itt SIAIItiN ttarries desire to grow is likened to that Of Nazi Germany in letter received by ro township coon cit Harries plan to annex 20000 acres from surrounding townships iiio resident lioroiliy Hoffman said It is not iliiilerstandalile how we can be taken tiVer without consent in anada Is there any difference bet ween this and Germany taking part of Poland and taking part of another country to give to Poland tdonl think so Mrs Hoitniau said ltlttiIISliltilll Slic urged the three town Grant passed for Pretty River diking AN ttS An additional grant of $355500 for dikiug along the Pretty liner in tollingwoiul 0R0 1511212 AEQUSED Barrie Annexation procedure is compared to Nazi Germany ships to get together to fight an nexalion All three plan to up pose Harrie lit hearing of the tlnlario Municipal hoard star ling lhursday let tl ittug the iieeil for land to allow future development liar rie wants to annex ii5oo acres from luiiisfil than from Vespra and L500 from tlro council also received one letter supporting ltarrie however Itcsident Mallory criticized council tor objecting to operation of his fillllII marina and added This letter will serve to ad vise you that we will he encompassed within the iily ol llairie limits in their proposed annexation ot these lands from the lownsliipot itro ICXtIIANtlf lIIIlIIItS Iownslilp clerk iteni Neuleld told council he has sent illiiicytlttoll details to tnnislit council and received liiloriiia tioli from that township ar well He said the proposed illllltUl tlon area to tire contains almost eight pei cent oi iiros properly assessment aH iiro residents anil lit pei ccut oi the township area The assessment total $ilooo hesaid liigures provuled on ItlllliIlI toit would delightedtohaveoulpmpwml clerk lticliard Jroh show by Len natural announced minister oi has heen lteruier resources COUNTY QLIMPsps Dairy meeting set for Atkinson farm lltiitN Hlll iStaili Sponsoredjointly lheSiniciw onnty Holstein iItiIl and com niitk committee twilight meeting for dairy farmers will he licid the farm oi iordon Atkinson on luesday Jilly it livestock evaluation demonstration and exercise will he held There also will he entertainment and social program IlNItllt FLASH itlllltlli iSlatli special class for juniors ii years and under has been ar ranged for the lliird annual old time piano contest which is to lie IitItI it the lio arena here on Saturday August ill under lllesponsorstnpoithctlrolaons Illti lilltilll IIil iStalii iiiother oi Mrs larencc Walker of lCady losepli lIdniund tilt of Not tawasaga street was lilirieil yesterday afternoon at St laines cemetciy tiiillia Mr till died Sunday in his 73rd year ItIIIilIlltthltIil li1lill2 The Shame ounty tatttelnens Associa lion will hold its annual heel liarhecue on Wednesday Aug at it in lll IChnvalc coin niunity hall IHSltlltlt IIiMillI Fortysix inemhers oi the North Snncoe Soil and rop Improvement Association will spend two days touring farms ill the lliiron ounly area at the end oi liily report will he made at the associations annual meeting IINlSIltl Sllttlttl Anticipating request from innislil township council the South Lake Siiiicoe lonscrvation Authority has en doised flood protection siliin at letroy and itell IIwart lhe lllllliSIl oi iialiiral resources would pay 75 per cent of the $ttioo cost and lnnislil per cent OlNtILttthIlTICIC Slittlltll lnnislil township council will meet tonight thdnesdal at Ito in as committee ol the whole III the municipal huilding ttth lane at iligliway It ANIIQI tll MARKIIl MIDLAND lhcllthannlial antique market sponsored It St Andrews Hospital ztt diary coiitiuiies today and lhursday to to pin in the tountry Mill Hahn Iteach ltoad at Highway SItlllltiltlt MIDHURSI Maple syrup prixlucers from all over niario are expected to participate in toltr oi tentre Sinieoe starting at Midhltrsls tree nursery on lhursday at it in They will also visit sugar hashes at tCIinvale Edenvale agriculture ongratulatious are sent to of our local hoys Hill MtNalili ot Harrie North ollegiate and Brian iritlcu ot IIlnivate High School who are both tintario Scholars Uur Best Wishes go with them as they start this fall it tniycisit tcn iidlen also received the highest mark in Mathematics in titddt at Harrie North irc ind tonnie tiiften en ioycii te days at iiuelptt tniwrsitj the were alten dini It At It Leadership con tititiii ioiigialiilatioiis to Elsie Iuit inc Ilttttiilt 1iulie who were married oi Saturdin lul in Slavic Mrs ol days lta ifrma Hanihlelon loitdoii spent le isilnii and Mrs nionil iii Iitillii IJII is on hot ltit tottn lailinies Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Aubrey iillen were Mr and Mrs Keith Smith and tan dy oi Queensville Mr and Mrs William linnigai ol loronlo and Mrs Helen Dockinan and Pain of Toronto The family of Mr aiid iIt Doug iiften treated their parents to dinner at Iiiiklt Restaurant On the occasion the their 25th wedding anniversary on Wed Iul I4 When the re turned home the were sur prised to see the house iiill of relations very pleasant even mg lollowed Then on IllIti evening the neighhours surprised them again by haying an old fashioned charivari it was inst fun night and was followed by lunch tr ttlti Mrs Edwin liougalt oi lort Dover SIII with Mr aiid Mrs Eric Hall Ill ednesday lhat liriiigr the amount at lilthttltIiII aid to total oi $tlotiiltttt no costs have dolilited sumoriginal estimates ltl litrt litieutually the proyiuce will pa alioul ltt per cent oi the$l million eieitm said Viki Itairon secretary lrcasurei oi the Not tawasagc atIe tonvcrvatioti Authority which supciriang cottstllictloti tollliigwoikl as lieuctltliug lllliltltlptlllt is lioriowmg money to pa ahoul io per cent at hicost Miss Itarrou said construe lion costs hallooned to $iiotooo lroni lhieslunale oi stoiixiii In addition laud tlttlttldtltttl eiist $10000 more than the Moi000 estimate Willi the fourth and liiial stage oi construction still to INKIH the protect has exceeded the litIt total costs estiiiiati id $Itl€ttttitl iiislil would lose 15 pet cent ot its total equalized property assessment oi $iritlhotlit it lliiiile annexed irraoo acres Illltlilit has otteicil to let the city anne twill acres in stages Meanwhile the towimhipi pro iosed new otllciat plan hie Nlll stalled Il the annexation controversy The three townships iue upeu illiig iiiolie on lawyers ttItlI daniung consultant to state heir clean at the lMIl hearing to council met tuly to prepare strategy with tlilliIlli itllltttttl David White and planning consultants from Marshall Mackliir Monaghan IItI When completed the dililug III tree large area ill the town for development toll iugwoikl hie suffered sever flooding in the pied Miss ltairou said the NVtA liopiu to receive word on Friday atiolit the inat construe lioucoutract lhcNteiiecutivecoiiniiit tee departed lroin procedure recently by reeiiinineiuding to the ministry oi natural resources that the second lowost IlltItItl he awarded the stageiouicontract The committee said it IillItl red the work oi Slieiwui ton tractors Windsor ltd althouin Sherwayi liid oi $1ltttl was $ooo higher than that ol llauidton Itittlttttoli tractors ol tilen lluiou llie NW Is mining ioi com pletioiiol the propct in liri DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Exominm Wednesday July l976 0ro approves permit ttllt STATION lhe III post office in Shani lia will have to he at least to feel from an residence Uro council has decided ouncil approved issuance of Iiiiilding permit fora Iitlllst aiter lion ltrimmer agreed to the iiiloot separation Harrie lawyer Alan Iuiser said the huillliug inspector hesitated issuing permit for multiple use on single lol Uios zoning IItt says post office is coiniiierical faciiiv Mr ltriininei has operated the Shaul Ba store and the post office in one building for five years He said he has sold the building and he wants to erect two new buildings on the opposite side ol the oncession intersection The new location oi the post office will provide more room for parking Mr Illiniiiiei told councili CHOOSE FROM THESE FAMOUS BRANDS GENERAL ELECTRIC WESTINGHOUSE ADMIRAL till pm BAD BOY HA8 AN Alli OONDITIONE EVERY SIZE BOOM AND COOLING BUDGET FROM BTU TO 33IXX BTU HERES ONE EXAMPLE GENERAL ELECTRIC aooo emu CARRY COOL AIR CONDITIONER several =2 an TIM INING BASE BURDEN iiilicei cadet lloh Wickhnn non ol Mi and Mrs iiiorgi Wickluin oi lhclpton iully equipped ioi chit scat mg during tield training at tanadian lioicer these or deli lie among itVtlitI hundred uiiiwisity students who spending three nioii tie it the training hiec the itlllillltl taking Ina Iitit phone ot the tanndlan Forces IteguIai Uillcci training plan tililccr cadet WllhIlllti is sociology lii dent at York ItlthllI tNatioiiat lieienci lliotoi Hawkestone youths study farm programs Two young men iron the liar llt area are taking part the week iii the ilfiili annual litiiioi lainiei soil and crop manage iiiciit tour tiltnu McLeod Ilawkcstonc and ItiltItill Iian oi Itlti llawkcstonc are inolig ith young larincis and po tcntial iarluerr participating lroinacrosstliiprovuicc ihc loin this yeai is centred Ill caster Untario around the research iacihtics at Kemp IlIIt ollegi oi Agricultural leclinology liuring the week IIlt group wdl hrancli iiiio the counties oi irciivillia lanark liiindas Leeds and the tittawa arlton region studying soil aiid crop management systems iwcnty iarins will lie VISIIltI as well as other agricultural points oi interest including community pasture lttMI horse iarni cheesc tattori and iotcsit and land iii III ANTOGW Tonite Steep cool at Bad Boys low low prim Mum 00 hot Ind mimidi Mi Don niiunni hall nu coml one you uni get In an CW you note Stop in ionighi unit and and tow pric mu my ED AN AIR HERES WHY arti Immi FROLICKING 510mm PM Beach with his owner Jane Fellows Nipper 12 tiiloId Labrador retriever ITOIltkS in the water oil Sunuysidr CONDITIONER HIGHWAY 28 27 BARRIE 726 7053 drainage oiuiatioic Some time VtlII also It ulMliI lliittitt examining land use lit the Jtlawa greenbelt area The toui iiiuiiisorcd hi III tintaiio Ministry oi Agriculture and liood ASSOINO VAN ms RoseBrand Relishes i7 ti PIIRI Tropicana Orange Juicer Hamliinrg or Wienerlluus SOtltRRH MONTH 09 CRUNCNV Peanut Butter 15 Ill JAI IGA Sweet Mixed Pickles 5va GI JAR Ililmn Quill Potato Chips nan lintui inni Trophy Peanuts lE 49c $1000 BABY BONUS WINNER Wt TONGRAYUIA MRS Diitmti AND NIB SON BliAN Bills MAY 3s STU JWNI JDNN VALNHIHA DRIMSP uA Tfléd Worm MULLASTtH 75¢ PRODUCE OF USA CANADA N01 GRADE Peaches Ity Slllltl ILY IIJNNILI tillWllilt Mlh lliichiiel Iiivine and Mimi Illcnnoi Sheppai have ieliii tlttI iioin tumt in Itlltltlt4 tilp to tanuduh iai titiilh Willi ito at Edmonton and Yellowkiiilc they tinyelled to tuuvlli where they lonnd hin Iniildlngi Were coiihtiuited on ponti INtIIIIfl oi the peiina front and where they Were aide to day cordi at midnight wdh no IHIIIHIII side ti ip ill two engine ot lei took them to lukloynktuie on the Iteiiiitoit Sea oiin mi tied Village tIIit lai not lh whko imputation consisted chielly oi l2nknnos and Indians They icpoltid the ice had only goin out week previously niidcontd iititl It seen in the distanci thouin the teinpeintuies iiiiigediioiiifltttidady Another sldc tilp found thi eouplc in Akliivik tiliow 7tiII Well IIII AttItt tliilc OKempenfest 76 ljtttJtJt NI it Will MR ltA Al HAIIRURTUN ttA MAIIBUPTON UNI lo 3169 85° 49° Patties aims Wieneis In Potato Salad If Hub Bieaktast Sausage is Corned Beet JULY IS SALAD MONTH IQO2 TAAISI in Lust Granny Smith Apples Fresht Limes tuiuing month they tossed inn the Yukon and violin linwmn where they Watched Inn an gnlr peiloiin in an old iiiiic thealie and also inioyiii in presentation ol the ticinntioo oi Hum Mcticc IIcii they niro visited Itolwit wi vii at aliin hot took them Whitehoise whoiv they toineil Mliee ttiiiytlii wlmh tiii pit hpiitoi lound to Very tliiiciieiouh and took link on the Yukon Itixei tIl an encuihlonhoat Iiimitlflht the tilp win iidlng the WItltlplIth YIIIJJII Hallway liotn WIillelioitt to Shagway when thc cenii no only In lilhll died in liieatlitnk log liiey ItlinIIttI tilt liltIl down the coin on leii Itllltlhi iain in tttttlu tAVtlitI Iiitttlt and hitting it hiiio li iiicc Itlipiit and liiialty Vaiiroiizei wheie they honided tIltll ptiiiiiioi hoiiic tiiicot the thing they weii lit to VPII iiititiy Kempenfest 76 CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEKEND July 3t Aug GET INVOLVED °Rotnry Chicken BurBOue lorgest Outdoor Dog Show in Canada OBarrie Lions Blue Sky Theatre °Barrie Ys Mens Club Beer Garden Regatta inc kite canoe race water walk water ski slalom races sailing etc For more information and pamphlet describing events etc please contact Chamber of Commerce Fred Grant Street as an on Inu ht InnInn It ma no mo urine an Inau Sandwich Mods 45 85c 99° to ll 39c 69c Art Crafts Festival flying i549¢ PRODUCE 0F SUNKIST VALENCIA Return to Coldwater after trip to Arctic lighted nzIIIl Wm the tinefwd Id inolti IIUAtt AIOIII glow hlII itit iiitida Matt In lhlnnil din iiig Mir stunt sthu tlitl iololid IIJtHUNth Ml Maig Iiicu has Illt II luvd week Hump IiitIi Iitl Ml lllttl IIHtlIit Mt Iiltth Vttnillmiltti ioiiipniind tr Mi liiiliiy Wlinttii oi IIIIIIIIN th and Mi lathii Villtnn oi Vim vat and inn and toloial IIIIIVII lit to ViiiivviiLti iiiriiit IIllt It Vitllut woith Allltt 41 Illllttl it IllltIltI ttil ttt Viniiiiai lilacion Iiionion on the weekend oi IIIIII ll It WoodIoitli lIltIl united IlltllI Iti tIIIIIIAiiI tiiiinc virrwiiit to 4illttill4lt IIllliI IiIittt tiI IlIiXIIqI Itll to Iliiir IIIIII it IlIt Iit lniii Iouplr oi tinu Itlltlllhtt Iitltlll1it toiiii swim Au BARRIE ONT Bay PHONE 7266573 Itautn an inn sumo HAWl5 Shasta Soft Drinks mi in it at on HI Hi JUI IGA Spaghetti ASSORTED VLAVORS Hi0 Fruit Luncheon Meat 79C unionism Pure 1e Junie Oiiikki Garbage Bags Serhettevs pi Suit Mdlgdtltli Chicken Noodle Soup Mu s1 S279 Pol Cleave iletttzy tea Brion 57 me Shop ZAHAD tMI MI 3115JA IAQ LI Sweet Green Peppers 39° II IA snif Cucumbers nnn uai 511 Local Grown Cabbage 399° JOJCt ECU SLVI UIIZA Packham Pears 299° at GA and SROUO SA STROUO MAWit uiiiï¬tii II CHRiSTitS Where Essa Rd eets stir