EXAMINER TELEPHONES Cur ulrition WEAIHFR FORECASI Ht riiii Sunny wttli cloudy periods this afternoon Mainly Sunny ltissiliiilAdiminim lltt 2414 VWAA is Me All Othei Dorinrtiiieiit t2th Year No I70 Mllhlt vtige soul aiitl see his to work quite well on young children its well Katrina Viuiliilen SINIIIIICS the so Roadblocks set up in Nice heist Nttrl ti tirench police were putting tip roadblocks today on iill highways leading from Nice in an effort to catch six thieves who tiiiinelled into an uiidergrmind batik vault and stole tiitire tliiiii $12 million Investigators said the bar gliirs hail such head start they roliribly had crossed into Italy lore the robbery Wits even discovered The thieves ttiiiiielled from sewer iiuiiii into the vault and spent the weekend there eiiipt ing StlIlcp06II boxes taking titne out to eat drink anti look at pornographic photos bank eiiiplovee tried to open the vault Monday lint the thieves had welded the hinges from the inside and it had to he etil open Police said that since the gangs method oi operation was so sophisticated each of the six must have beeii specialist in such things as UIIRIIIIIIIOIL civil engineering topography and economics as well as safe cracking Ioliee including three hand icked crime lighters froin atis toiii Marseille police in spectors and all uniformed men on the Riviera also were working on the iissiiiiiption that to have carried out the Xlttlttttl the gang must have ose connections with an inter national crime syndicate based in lIiirope Lockheed Orion deal signed It SIICIIIIK SttiIT OTTAWA itli llie gm eriimetit and Lockheed Aircraft torp signed today deal for lit tirion patrol planes that ll cost the country Sllgltllg more than st billion the largest peacetime military contract in anadian history The contract is the result of years of searching for long range patrol plane to replace the outdated Argus planes that have been pttllttlllllt tanadiaii and NATO skies since the 1960s The Lockheed torp Illtll will get Stet million of the St billion says it is the largest in ternational contract eyer signed by the corporation Robert Ilaack chairman of the board oi the compan that has been wracked by scandals and plagued by financial difti culties said after the signing ceremony that the contract will augment the company world prestige show that Lockheed is firm with technical com petetice be yote ot confidence from mayor world goyern merit and show that the com pan reputation is not com pletely tarnished Suppl Minister Jeatrlterre Goyer who stgned for Canada said the contract is better than one that died in Ma when Lockheed could not raise $375 million from Canadian banks to finance the first years of the contract MILITARY IIPI He said the titlltltll is Stilts fled that the Orion with an an tisuhiiiarine electronics package specith designed for Canada will do the ioti Mr Goyeri whom Mr Haack praised as ti tough negotiator said his job now is done The eontract provides for slight more than $300 million for such things as ground sup port for the aircraft which now has been dubbed the tI Ho 726 iifl two and ttlltlll years old takes short relaxer during the pcrioiiniiiice by the Hat ric Format and at the IIIII Itlltllii toiicert liantl brought some sweet music to the residents of tlroye Park Home ltiesrlay tttltlltl although orieinally intended MUSIC IS SO SOOTHINC Grove Park Home Tuesday evening Although the band was to appear III the ttlttl tyaid outdoors iiiintall as an otitdoor concert poor weather forced the per tormance indoors The band proyideil pleasant llSltllllli tor the cars and ltlltlthlltiL CAPSULE NEWS Four die in crash NIISIIII tint itlt lroyincial police have identified one of four persons killed today in two yehicle head on colli sion on Highway 401 near this community about to miles east of Oshawa Iolice identified the dead man as Brian hay id Mac lioiiald it ofloronto Shelling halts excavation ltlittytT il non oi wounded troiii the lal Heavy Slttllltttl today delayed the Macon Zaatar refugee camp and the establishment of buffer zone manned by tll League peaei Moslen beweei the Lebanese capital trumps One owner and only driven 215 million miles tliihftdti and sectors this 3£5$s$z he Barrie Examiner ltiirttl loiiiiiiiicc liii tiii iiiilooi pci ilIsaniinei lliii sights tor the eyes such as this musician rci lected in his instrument listiminei Illtilii Blasts rock Salisbury SALISRIIH Iitltlth Two grenade blasts in the centre of Salisbury have brought home to nietrotmlitan ltliodesians the guerrilla war itiitil now raging out on tie borders Iolicc would not so that the blasts which occurred two min utes apart at crowded resttiu rant and nightclub mile away were definitely the work of guerrillas hot senior po lice official said they could cer tainly be called errorisiii The fear in halisbiii toda was that this might mark the start of urban guerrilla war tare Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday July 2t I976 li Im ripy tiriitei liriiiiis IUlth9ly It Winslin NOT FOR WHILE SA YS CHAIRMAN ltilttiNlt llie Siiucoe tteorgiim Areti Task Force Will make riodiiiiniitic mover for while its lltitllilitlil said today ItIItc Fleming said hoWevci tliiit provincial government ot ficials are continuing to irieet Willi the shift of Simcoi oiiriiy municipalities to discuss the task force report which was up proved in principle by the pro viiice earlier this year private meeting with Utlllltt sititt members is scheduled for next Monday in It Will now be itll ongoing process ot consultation with the tltItllltlltltllltiti on what iin pleinciiiiition iiietciiires ilitiltltl ttiktplncr Mr IItlllltliiltltl Atttiltlltlil to tiiitiiiio lrcieiiirei liarcy Mclxeoiiicli who coiniiintsioiicd the task force report til it cost oi $25000tr its most iiiipoitiini ItttitllltlllltlitllttttiltltlIllIl Siiiicoc ioiirily titid the two Illtb should triple in population to 500000 lit the iieiit ifi yearn Wllli 145000 lli liorrie il The tour iIlUIIH growth centrcn area should have tltiiirie tirilliii Midland rtlltlitillllthtitKItV irowlh outside the lllttltl centres should irot conflict WIIIl ltrriiiiiiu and recrcti tioii Aiirt ltiilil liiiid Itil ltlitlttl int hlitittltl licmii lot it dustiiiil commercial and residential illicit Mr IItltitti said the task force has tllï¬tttihttl the report at Itlttlliigi with the Tiny lny Iiltllldlltt planning board in 534 lhuisdiiy Low tonight tit ti hiin lhiirsitiiy 15 it tgi the Midland area and with oi ticials in tho ie Vcriprti and tro Iiiiiislil He said Iiiirries attempt to annex 20000 acres from the three surrounding townships is the lug lociil tissue but the task force is not really in volved tiiiiig the task force growth iittltclltitih ltorrie has It iplted to llilIlttllillti Miiiiiei ttl ioard for annexation politic liciii ing is scheduled for lliursdiiy Oct iii Illtll ie 24 Pages The provincial irriveiriiiieiit supports some for in oi iiiiiieirii tioii by liiiiite liiit iiol necessarily to the extent sou lit by the city Mi Iltlitlttu siih At the recent meetings iniiiiieipiil tillltitilh liiiVe been asked to ioiiiineiii on the tiiiik lorre report and suggest iliilltth for its ltililillltllItIlI tioiei Mi Itlciiiiiic said lie declined to say what he has been told by the iiitiiii iipiililIis Only 2African nations remain in Olympics BULLETIN 11le li lunisiii has WIIIHIIlHHi from the Olympic iiiiiies in Montreal it was ill iioiiiiced here today MttNlitlIAl itli liin three Aliican countries Se iicwil lvoi thlhl iiiid lii iiisui rciiiiiined llt tliettlynipic taintn licrc liicriiliiy iittci Egypt and Morocco raised lIlt unofficial total of boycotting tiiiltiiilliiiltt llie liltlltillI hit it ol the sports in tlic tiiiirica oi the tt tilyiiipiiid The block African and Aral countries iiloiiu withtliiyoiiii in South America called the boy cotl iii an attempt to force willi drnwal of New eiilinil which allowed one oi its rugby ltitltl to tour South Airicii iiiidei tilyiiipic suspension liccattm ot llrtiiitllitltlitilttltf Ktttytivi litryiiill ltiltttl citI ccllotion ol iivc licld hockey matches and nine ol occei gonna were drop icd illci Ni Hlt iii Zaiiihiii ant tiliaiizi Willi drew tiliseiwrs say the ltiiyttill irioin impact Will not he tell ttlt til hack and field events lituni lttltt ltiil Lone tliiiiitiuiiy ilikfilltitll loi tlic ttlyin iic oi gainmy coiiiinitiie Han Wit 000 lii liccn loit so It lti tickct iee tily mpii ouiidop on Page ttlitti and lllllttittiltllli liiivc lost itllttllltl til iirillioii INIItIaSIjHItIIIIt II ll was impossible to predict lose toi tlic II din oi the lumen litil llicy would ittltl to Urges council annex some of his property ALLISIHN dcvclopci liasuigedAllistoncoiiiiciliotiy to annex at least part ot 104 acres Ilt owns in Adiala township Hut council is awaiting word on proposed iiieo plaiiiiiiiil before making stirh move Itobcrtson Yates Itltisteriii Ltd of ltiiiliiiittoii wants to llllllll Iltllilt till two separate parcels oi about in icicr each mostly outside llic southwest Iiiiltlll iil ioth loroiito iachi ltoitii lllliott said one oi the parcels scene destined loi residential dccelopiriciii Aiitl Mayor taho tray acknowledged that like liliood llic iiiavor said llt sure the area ill one day ltt part of llistoti but we want to have look at llit coiiiplcte town tirst At the urging of the ministry of housing Allistoii has asked loiii siiiroiiiiiliiic townships to participate iii planning the area Vtitli poor response hour the townships Allistoii is now iwaititii idyicc truth the Man killed in rioting ltillAVNlISltlltt lltttlttt IIltiltllL erupted luesday killinc at least one man and in lttllttlJ 20 in the second iiitrior outbreak oi racial Iilttt ttl South Africa within five weeks lroublc broke out at Indian and black townships outside Iitbank coal mine city 30 miles east of here when 3000 titttlfl blacks went on the ramp age burning and stoning cars titid property belonging to whites Indians and colored mixed race Police said an black man was killed Iolicc eyticuated Indians from the trouble one and sealed it oil to outsiders Rio squads were sent from lrc lllit the administratin capital of South Africa and or my units were put on standby At one stage police fired on the air when the were ihrcaf ened crowd trying to pre vent them from making an or rest But by early toda the were believed to h£l the situ ation at Witbatik under control ITROGEN IN ATM ministry about what step to Iilktltlxl llic Siiiiciwtlcorpiiin Atlii IJisk Forci said ioiliii the year that Alliston could grow to population of Ifi000 iii the nest iii The town has yfllih RUSS NIINIHllts New trustee to be named Separate school board trustees will litilt toniglits tiicctiiiu by illpttltilllli ticw trustee to fill lltl position lcit Vacant by key tii lloiiicl ltathcr Hamel pastor of st Iatrick lunch in Pet kirislicld has been transferred to Toronto llis replacement Will be selected by trustees of neighboringwards The board will also discuss sewer agreement and llllflfls ior scryices loi Monsignor last School The fltltftl now under construction it the cot tier of undlcs Road and St Vincent Street is expected to open in September ltoss Saunders itgiriic trustee will report on the status of donutruns rrossini neat separate st boots in Haro Tiie Sinnoe fountj Itonwii tattiolic Separati School Board has asked the rt look iiti itirtcirossings The meeting will begin in at the limitation etitic 91 ierris Lane about tittltipciiplc ii lilttlll ioiin lioiip lnyloi iitlil at ccplaiicc oi the lttilicitaiii Yates plan would lic piciiioltiii ltltitllit of the area plan being ttitisltlttttl Hill lic aid the pro pmaul iihoiild he kept in mind when ncv lititttitlllttt are con iltIilttl lot the town Allliltili acyiziiti ticatinciit plant ln iiciiiiiiu capacity and cxpaicioii may lic lltlltll it lit iIiIl away ioiiii IJIyltii maid he dioit llllill oi Ill ltiilitiluiii inle tlIHllIIlllt an toi trl lltill oi about 1000 ltililtltl llic tttif plant with lwci than vi 000 user Itil capm ity loi 000 Mi Illlioli said Allprla oi iicial pliii calli ioi population growth iioiiiid Alliaton liiil tilll Iiiiilii lhi towns tltltt coir lttil ltoad and sewer lift itillltl be extended cosin into one oi lllt Tittiuic prrcel ht said Mr Illliill said tintaiio ltciciiici liarcy liKioiiub has iwccd to lcl the ttntaiio Municipal ltzmrd ttiltdtlll aii iicxation Adpila not ilmlil itttitxalttiti ncitliii llltlt optxraitioii ciithiiuastir It said but liirli piolilc Immigration officers in protest litltiiNlit tfli lmniigra tiori officers at Toronto Inter national Airport so they will meet Friday to consider work mil to rule or banning oyertiinc to protest their increasing workload and overcrowded con ditions for passengers the hayitoititcryiew The officers say passengers are herded like animals at the airport litcause of lock of space and stuff It Boyd shif superiri tenders IL in letter writrii Iéljv to lie offitcr in charge said fflflflittlt for passengers are disarme adding that enforiwf wait or already has resulted passengers shouting protest and itilfflt may occur among ailing passengers lliitilyinpii ilciicil iiliiady tiinoted at iieiiily it billion lie ctiiist of ttitlfall Iltllttlt piolilciiii iiiiloiioiiaiidotlici littltili The committee iiiiiioiiiiiid liiiici lIIrII llficotintitenliad in tltiitlttl llicii itllllllt would anticipate lliiit iiiiiiilici was iitliciiilly reduced to lt before the opening tltliiitllliz Hatiii day but only 144 coiiiiti It iiiai clied lttllttttlttlllltHtitlittlt It hltll uncertain how many will liiially pro in ipiiie It little though you planned ptiity at yoiii Illiltl ioi Tittii peopli and ii lot ilidrit IIUW up our Iillltlrtl coin incrich Youre all tltltl Willi lot of icliIliiiitiil voiiycolieady paid toi llllt llltl lt tIIIsI llNAIXI lioweierrseiioiiitheiiiiioiciol liec and the srlicdiile littllttlth might he the plight iii young titlilctei ulio liayc tiriiiicd loi yttii itilll now tiillltll ittltljlll ï¬tilll woiw lelcviitoii tillttlllt any to on audience of one billion the impair on the lace of lttittfi ciiiiipctiiip In the Iiitltli iii Atll it llic piy of Hi Ill liltl iiol the agonizing lli IllVlttlilt Village liiiicnt ltiliiiiiiei Village on srilant duet toi told ttlMllItt II had been wriikiiiit oliiiod full time on depiiitiiie arrange lliiltl toi the lit tllltflitllliltb Wlitt It had iliycii Iilltl iil notice of withdrawal lAlt ltAtIlC itiit ltlIlti won it flll ict cticc was oiic oi the game played by lillllttli of tin YMiA tiny lainp lllllti one day act il1lflt to llillil tlic tilyinpirs limmf liiiik worth it ilioyc rarc bark to iIIIIIl itli iici potato iftei iemliiiip the buoy line that marked the turnaround ioiiit litiiboia it looliz it lielow llmll the splash Jlitlt II dioppcd lici lmtato lLiroiniiiii lhotom Scientists Optimistic there might be life on Mars RICHARD SH PASADENA Calif AP The Viking robot spacecraft oti Mars has detected nitrogen and argon gases tl the atmos here of the Red Planet in sufr ieient abundance to make sei entists more optimistic that life might flourish there the pro ects directors said today While not providing an en dence of life past or future the discover by iking as it de scititled toward Tuesday Mars landing suggest that Mars llifA in the had denser more nurturing environment past Together With ikings find tags from orbit that the planets surface showed what appeared to be the effects of water once having flowed in riyers the dis covery of nitrogen means that all the essential factors for life could have been present at some time protect scientist Dr Gerald stiffen said at news tiriefnigearl today til The presence of argon an lti art gas also found in the earths atmosphere is giyen off by the radioactive deca of elements in the planets crust The fact that Maxs has relatively lar abundance now said Dr It Chael McElro of Harvard Im verso indicates the atmos phere at one time was much denser From the abundance of ar gon it can be deduced that ni trogen must have been present early in the planets history he told news conference If you look at what we need for life said McEer refer ring to Mars we need merit that we haye rwe need water that we haye We need nitrogen that we have arboii phosphates see no reason to exclude from eyerjythirig know the possibility of the evolution of life The important question he said is whether water exrsted in liqmd torn on the planet long enough for the random combinations of prairie in gredients to come together and begin to Ul nto self repro ducing forms FIRST OH IS The measurements were made by instruments aboard the Viking lander as it soared through the atmosphere en route to its touchdown the first successful soft landing on Mars in hlSIOT The amounts re ported screntists were about 15 per cent argon and about three per cent nitrogen After arriving on the planet the lander began streaming spectacular pictures 213 million miles back to earth of rock stewn landscape looking much like desert with craters and dunes in the distance Readings of weather on the planet monitoring for mars squakes and the first color pic ture of Vikings new home sere to be received today in burst of transmissmm from the Vik ingrobot Viking the first of two are manned spacerrafts scheduled for Mars landings this summer blasted off on its mtssron 11 months ago The mutual last leg of its journey began early Tuesday morning when it parted com pany with the mother ship that had carried it into orbit around Mars month ago DEM EVT SLUWEID computer aboard the tan der graded it through the com plicaied descent sequence As it entered the Martian atmos nhere it was travelling about twirl miles an hour but parachute and braking rockets slowed it toa merea 5m as it dropped to the surface The startling photographic detail of the Red Planets light and dark rocks sand dunes and stark horizon left scientists filled with emotion