we Escorted Tour I977 Feb I3 l5 days Call for information Our trip last year sold out early HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 Jyl RELIEF from pain soreness tension due to muscle overstrain Stevewnit men Reg Messeur726 499 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 72065 it you drink thats your business It you want to qultwttrats ours call any time RIDE WANTED from Barrie to Number College on the Queensway Queen Eli abeth Blvd starting August 23 to Will share expenses and driving Call 726 7976 or 726 2TH GENERAL MEE ING Parents Without Partners Iuly ii at it pm Grace United Church Grove and Cook St Barrie Speaker Mr George Wood Canadian manpower Everyone welcome For tur ther lnlorrrralion 128 7245 CALIFORNIA Here came Flydrive days or longer air flight car and hotel Only $37900 PP HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 JylSI7 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let Iltttll help Call Taiwan 726 797 anytime PERMANENT REMOVAL ol superfluous hair Lydia It Hreni Iruk ttt IIIIIII iiii tloinuist plronr 717 76 LOST AND FOUND Loni Childs spertarles in Maple Grth shool yard or tlurbank Plate Telephonene MAS IIELP mum Career Opportunity Good Job Excellent Earnings If you need money and dont have rich uncle why not enroll members tar Dominion Automobile Association We have openings for In dlvlduals who like to be their own boss being in business for themselves with guaranteed repoot clientele year after year Earnings grow with renewal commissions guaranteed an nuolly No experience necessary as following our training and guidelines you will be successful in offering benefits of membership to motorists Reply by letter to Don Stuart Divisional Manager Box R67 Barrie Examiner Jyl7 WANT TO EARN MONEY BUT NOT TO Be an AVON Representative In Barrie and Simcoe County Set your own hours Pick your own days INTERESTED No obligation Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 MRRIE Ontario ThFSIu5 HAIR SIYLiil In lithe over tiltrtlilt lop salary paiit Iu qualified person Itleptnine House oi Mail 726 467i XTERIF NC I7 MECHANIC required Ior Farm Fanipnwnt Dealer knowledge at term equipment an asset Must have own tools and be able to work with little supervision For appointment contact Murray Richards at 72R 5530 Charles Rnharrisanrt Sons leLHEN SUIIRVISOR required verirlrrelt II slot control and supervrs ine stall Exullent mnpany Irenetits Apply in person Wavtaru Restaurant Cookstown XFITRlI Ni ll full time meal wrap per wanted Good salary and working onrtrtrons Apply in person to Futas Food Highway ll Nor ttr MANAGER tor tnhrii and drapery preleratrly experiemed and illsni to motivate sales Apply Fabrr larui Dis IIIllirii tittyliultl tr ibuters Baymart llara harrie COMMISSION sALr svrnsorv It quired lull or part IllTTl tor seltrnu asphalt sealers Telephone 726 1000 CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOR needs men and women for permanent career positions Na strikes or lay oils Per formant bonus quarterly paid vans tron planned atTValIsrllhllf No rrx perienie heresary tr airline provided it you have car and are homiable all 726 7107 Saturday July Will or Monday luly Nth PART TIMF property manager re quired East end of City Apartment available for manager Releremes re quired Ileawcail 28 dealter in PERSON To live In to are for dogs Wlitlt owner on holidays Telephone 726 Wt QUALIFIED CARPENTERS wanted telephoni 43¢ 2371 for further informs tron RABYSITILR RIQUIRED Monday to Friday ll to 30 Corrrmiltrina September th One child telephone 723 ll DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Ltntal rereottnnist requrr ed for mode it dentm practice Please semi resume to 80x Rt Barrie Examiner stating rcvrousixltrt rum and qualrtrt atiolts ACLOUNT ING PERSONNEL Trdot Jth year student or person with lqlllll lLIfI required for chartered accountants OTll salary negotiable irlephone 3311 ROI WORK Reliable anadan OI party requires semi retired person of grxxi hank tct with an or light tr our to Install and servne wasnremr anitatron equrmrtt on regular monthly hosts Steady enmioynwnt Penson and usual Lllptnyrr bertvlits Phone set manager Ilhi 2213 or We to an tum Gin ml ate Cerrieaey WI The Queensvsay Torontt Out to CUxtf RS AND L31 twitter helper tor rough Htrprntry alourrs bflck lasers arm glass men itemx ratr or who it1t ea csiect ns owe Exerxir IARI riw mea Iltrr wanted to work some Ctl° arm weekends Goon solar tn ex pereme only In person at Fuda Food hiorway II noth or cail at 2x JUNIOR iNOUST RIAI Engineer mp yum in plant Med 20 inmates from Barre Graduate et com Inmilty College or Nuiveiaar per sour Tehfltori Jtl MM one venson real red tor peerr al otticr duties some Knowledge or bookkeeping typing luaSSJJV Must have otttce execmeme Contact Mechanical Cable Ltd Patterson Read Barrie 70 BART NDE RS AND Lounge waitresses rmuiren tw lele the Holiday inn rt 0r Iiia per enu orgtel rut but not essential Please apply in person to Holiday lne s00 NtIHDTJl ve Orina LARGE iNtkiINAIIONAL organlu tron requrrcs Ierk tyeist able to com munuate Must have some basic ac CUMno ï¬neremu and have ability to work under pressure Call Mr Anderson at737 354i RELIABLE PERSON or student to live in at summer cottage as mothers helper Young lamrly arm room Telephoneth mo EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIABLE DAY care available Cons tent supervision Other children to may with Must be over one year old Allan dole area near tactor res Phone 728 was r9 IIELP WANTED IIILP WANTED KELSEYHAYES CANADA LTD requires MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN KELSEYHAYES requires Maintenance Electrician to work in Its Eureka Foundry Plant DUTIES Maintenance and Trouble Shooting of installed equipment In stallation and Debugging of new systems and equipment Assisting In mechanical maintenance program QUALIFICATIONS Must have either lourneymans ticket and years industrial ex perience or years experience as an Industrial Electrician Must have good working knowledge of overhead cranes and be able to work at heights over 50 feet and aft 80 foot ladders strong elec tricalmechanical interface Is also requirement complete fringe benefit package Is company paid Please submit resume with education and experience to Per sonnel Manager KELSEYHAYES CANADA LTD PO BOX 300 WOODSTOCK Ontario Iyl9 SALES PERSONS EXPERIENCED PREFERRED Improve your career in well established firm with knowledgable and experienced staff Highest commissions and Incentives OGuIdance and instruction In all phases of Real Estate °Mortgage and appraisal departments °Air conditioned offices Call JH Willson or Bob March for appointment All inquiries strictly confidential WILLsorr REAL ESTATE LIMITED near IlrltltNllllNl Mr IJlli lllkimtlt irt emit LOOKING FOR CHANGE We urgently require men and women to fill sales positions In our expanding company Your only requirements are to be of neat appearance hard worker and drive your own car We will train you for this permanent position For Interivew call THE KIRBY COMPANY OF BARRIE 7267205 Saturday July I7 IOaan tad pm Monday July I9 IOam to I2 noon only in7 CLASS MECHANIC Required for General Motors dealership lop pay on flat rate hour Above average insurance and benefit plans Contact PAT DONAHUE GEROGIAN PONTIAC I45 Bradford St 726I885 Jyl9 SUMMER MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER required in Stroud Sandy Cove Acres area Must supply own vehicle hours daily The Barrie Examiner 7266539 TF OUTSTANDING CAREER AND SALARY GROWTH OPPORTUNITY MaleFemale SALARIED sales person required for highly respected all lines co operative insurance company This is pfrmonent career position with unusual opportunities for earnings and advancement Starting salary $I2000 per year plus excellent fringe benefits Training provided Company or supplied Write or Call Mrs Gwiiliam 7282042 MSAU2 MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY We Require An aggressive person from the retail lumber business willing and capable of assuming complete management responsibilities This opening in the Barrieonilia area should be at interest to an in dividual who has minimum of years experience in the lumber or building supply field Please reply in confidence enclosing full resume to Box R72 The Barrie Examiner TENDERS OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN HIGH SCHOOL SALE av TENDER Grades 13 Finish at home at vouri spare time All books supplied Low SPORTING GOODS STORE lttvnthlv payments Write tor tree Contents of R00 AND GUN in xslrrr nciudmg phone number Unrea lnsttutt Lss Fglmtoi Avenue West Boylmld MCI B°° In taranto MSN Ontario spectron MONDAY JULY l9 I0 BOX REPLIES °° For details Toronto 3665658 While every endeavor will be in7 made to forward replies to box gt numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledgod to arise through either failure or delay in torwarding such replies however otherwise enumerating MR BUSINESS MAN Are you having problems coping with your ACCOUNTS sccsrvuu ACCOUNTS PAYABLE lt PAYROLL ETC deadline IUT CIBSSIIIed ANY mmpm yo LANCE word ads Available to assist you at your piece of business or will work In own home Telephone MW attero pm or write PO IOX 37I ALLISTON mo noon Saturday mm ANNOUNCEME11T SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Blrt hs $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events SIRIUS ST JOHN Tom and Barbara Hodge are pleased to announce the arrival at their son James Michael Edward July l3 two at Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Owen St John and Mr Bill Hodge ENPAQFMENV APPLEGATE WORMSLEY Mrsnd Mrs Appteglrte ol Phelpston wish to announce the engagement at their daughter Diana Lynn to Mr David Wormsley son at Mr and Mrs Wermsley ol Barrie Marriage to take place July Jt I970 at pm In Trinity Church Barrie PERTH3 BATTERS Ruben Suddenly at his home Barrie on Friday July to rm Ruben Batters In his 78th year Beloved husband at the trite Reva Howus Dear tether at George ol Coekstown Donald Oglo Pearl Mrs Copeland Ruby Mrs McArthur all at Barrie and Fred deceased Survived by nine grand children and great grandchildren Brother of Mrs Soddington of Town to Resting at the Hughes unernt Home Cookstown litter in Sunday tor ser vice on Monday July 19 at Inter merit Coukstuwn Unite Church Cemetery IN MEMoRrAMs GREEN in loving memory at tr dear husband Rey who passed away July Ill I974 lmnurntor him In silence No eyes an see me weep But many silent tear It shell While other are asleep Lovingly remembered by wile Bessie MCCAUIIY In loving memory of dear daughter Mary Agnes Livingston wiiopnssrd away July iI I973 Sadly mission and ever remembered by mother and lather HASI INIIS In loving memory of Annie Rachael llasttnus who passed away July I7 I965 God knew that she was sutlerlng hat the hills are hard to climb 50 He closed 10 weary eyelids And whispered Peace be thine Away In the beautiful hills of Cred By the valley at rest so lair Someday we know not when We will meet our loved one there Always remembered by The family FQMUE EVENTS VENDORS NEEDED for local ARTS AND CRAFTS ACTIVITIES For information call 3224634 Next Exhibit July 25th Contact us Immediately for this showing Jyl7 BINGO EVERY MONDAY pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch I47 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $400 CONSOLATION $100 STF Quickie Printed Pattern IC SIZES l0V220V2 ï¬ller Busy days ahead 5le into few treemoving ounces of fabric designed to flare out comfortany all day long Thrit ty to sew in cotton Printed Pattern 4927 Hall Sizes 102 12 14s 162 18 20 Size 1452 bust 37 takes 133 yds 60inch $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 15c for each pattern for first class mail and handling lint residents add 1c sales tax Print plainly Size Style Ilulr Irsr your time Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dcpt The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario MIP4P7 GET $100 pattern tree choose it from NEW SPRING SUMMER CATALOG Packed with hundreds of great sun sport City travel style Send 75c tor Catalog Now Scrr Knit Book Sl25 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Sewing Book $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 cents per line $322 per column Inch MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 Auli CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classttled advertisements and notices let these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display ad vertlsernents which must be In by pm two days prior to publication NRTHS ENOAOIMENTS MARRIAOIS DEATH NOTICES to words no Additional words ts per word CARD THANKS 23 words $500 Ad dltIorraI words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 8500 Wlth verse per count line cents per line COMING EVENTS 83 22 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cosh Discount Rates apply It paid within days One or two Insertions per word in sertion Three consecutive insertions cents per word insertion total to I2 Six consecutive Insertions Dc per word per In sertlon letel $lt52 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subtecl to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than words count as 24 words loch InIlIel ctr brevietlon set of numbers etc count as separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires od advertisers to Irin dly rechrsck their advertisement Im mediater after first Insertion in order that on error or omission may be reported are nan In order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Barrie Examiner ls responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any ad vertllement and then only to the extent of portlon of ad that Involves the mlsprlrrt Errors which do not lessen the value at the advertisement are not eligible for correcllons by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or relect any want ads PHONE 72821 Hoffman to at Opening MONTREAL CPI Maurice Allnn chef Il mission for the Clinitdlilll Olympic team announced Friday the names of two athletes and one official who will take part in the official opening ceremonies of the Games today Abby Hoffman making her third appearance in Olympic track for Canada will carry the N0 conditions WASHINGTON Router The United States will impose no political conditions on ath letes entering the Winter Iym pic Games in Lake Placid NY in 1980 White House spokesman Ron Nessen said Friday Is remanded IIMMINS nt Er nest lurcotl 27 of Timmins charged with attempted mur der was remanded in provin cial court Friday to Sept 14 Turcotl was charged NEWS ROUNDUP The 99 Examiner 9lHESl9YPIXEL919717 Court rules two AIM members CEDAR RAPIDS lowu AP federal court jury found two American Indian Movement AIM members not guilty Friday of murder In the shooting deaths of two FBI agents The decision came In the fifth day of deliberations after the jur twice told US District Judge Edward McManus that it was hopelesst deadlocked McMmrus had refused to do dare mistrial The case against Robert Rob ideau 29 Portland Ore and Durelle Butler 33 of Rogue River re hard gone to the jury of four women IIIId eight merrMondir afternoon The IWO IM members were charged in the shooting deaths of FBI agents Inck Color and Ronald Williams both of Los Angeles on the Pine Ridge In diirn reservation in South kotu Inst summer New deadline WINDSOR nl Cl Un ion ins Ltd has agreed to post Itlt until Sept the deadline for hailing mllurnl gas service to Iii families in nelrrliy fol Chester South Township The company agreed to the Hill monllr extension itIItt speaking with IIemo Mancini Lilrernl member of the IIIIIIIIO legisllr lure ItII Essex South mid lzrrio government officials The lift families tIIt customers of Farmers iris in which appar ently dissolved in MIIHII with out notifying its clients Create fleet SAULI SIE MARIE Mich AP The US Toast Gulrrd plans to create It fleet of pow erful rescue vessels for use in heavy storms following the sinking of the lake freighter Itld mund Fitzgerald lust Novem bar It coast guard official says Rear Admiral James Greery told congressional inquiry Friday the cotrst guard is replacing its fleet of Itofoul carry flag ceremonies Clrrizidiun flag while weight lifter Pierre St Jenn will read the athletes IILII and Maurice Forget will deliver theoffiiriirls illll Hoffman 29 placed eighth iii the womens 800 metres in the t972 Olympics ill Munich She has Won the Jururdiun clizun piunship in the event 10 times since 1962 Living in Toronto utter ser ving as political science professor at the University of Guelph until last year Hoffman is helping administer the 3mm dian Olympic Associations illll for athletes program St Jean 33yearold Mon trailer was one of Canadas top weightliftcrs during the last decade lie competed in both the 1964 and I968 Olympics skipped 1972 and is making comeback here Forget also of Montreal is 48 He has been swimming 0f ficizrl since 1970 Here he will act as starter for the womens swim events position he held during the world swrmrnrnp championships lust your rl fall Colombia NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO ME DIREC TED AND ISSUED OUT OF THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN WHEREIN SAWYERS FEED MILL LTD IS THE PLAINTIFF AND STEVEN FULTON AND TERRENCE FULTON ARE THE DEFEN DANTS HAVE SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION ALL THE RIGHT TITLE INTEREST AND EQUITY OF REDEMPTION OF THE SAID STEVEN FULTON AND TERRENCE FULTON IN AND TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTIES NAMELY ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Oro in the County oi Simcoe being the East Half of Lot 26 in the 2nd Concession of the said Township at Ora SAVE AND EXCEPT that parcel toliows more particularly described as COMMENCING AT the Southwest corner at the East Half of the said Lot 26 THENCE in an Easterly direction along the Northerly limit of the County Road No Ila distance of I5000 feet to point THENCE North and parallel to the Westerly limit of the East Hall of said Lot 26 distance of 30000 feet to point THENCE Westerly and parallel to the Northeriy limit of said County Road No distance of ISOIX feet to point in the said Westerly limit THENCE South along the said Westerly limit at the East Half of said Lot 26 distance of 30000 feel more or less to the Point of Com mencement ALL OF WHICH SAID RIGHT TITLE lNTEREST AND EQUITY OF REDEMPTION OF THE SAID STEVEN FULTON AND TERRENCE FULTON SHALL OFFER FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT MY OF FICE AT Ill WORSLEY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO ON WEDNESDAY THE 28TH DAY OF JULY AD I976 AT THE HOUR OF 101mOCLOCK IN THE FORENOON DATED AT THE City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe this I3th day at MAY AD I976 ROSS HUGHES SHERIFF COUNTY OF SIMCOE I4 Worsiey Street BARBIE Ontario LAMIMI 728l22l Ext 36 Removable leg rests aluminium casters cushioned upholstery Remcrvobie ormrests S134 Lakemotic powerchoirs 25 HARPERS PHARMACY 70 $199 harbor tugs with more powerful Hoot vessels which can be used for rescue work during severe weather Accept PLO IIIIIONII II Mayor Jane ltlgeltiw of London Inl who was It zrnirdinn lullmite In the United Nations IIIIIIIIIII nrr Terence in Vancouver Inst tnolr Ill stilll Friduy the Palestine Liberation rgunizulion lll does exist like it or nut and ignoring the issue will not milki it go away Speaking III Iun IIIUII during the unmitain Home Economics Association conference Muyor lituelow said some lily soon IIIt II issue must he dealt with by other countries in the thlIlI Oppose plan VANCOUVER Ii IIri CIIIIIIIIIIIII lwruhers IttIlIIIIOII IIIIH voted to oppose the federal lmliltrllirtion program With WIIilItVtI gratis roots IItIllIIl it CIIII gemrule But the 1fo IIIIHIIIIh lt0tll provincial ltiltlttlh federations across Tiltilrdu still were trying Frillin to decide how to rpm the federal program WIIII tell tlillltm secretary general Norm table of llirwu hlllll IIIII lrols wageri IIIII nut prims Sudden death lIlIliNI lII Iini lien hell it ItIIIlltI player WIIII IIlit Illltltli Satellites of IF Nor llrrrn IIIitIl otrfirerrie died suddenly ill IIIH home IItIt Itridrry lie was 29 Mt Bennett was am NIII all star iIIIII lriell ultl WIIII the Will nipep liltle Itotnlwis III IIIII Three years ago Mr IIIIllItll received in brain injury III it rilr accident III Wits In it tlllllil Iol lltItt Wtthh mill was Itll WIIII pirrtml IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lo Ins lill leg Royal assent IIAWA The Hill IItIVlIï¬lill lilll lu lrllullsli Illpllill punishment rerervml riiyul llh sent Friday ilIttIIly itlltl lllt SenirtIglrvr ll final it rpruval Illlllitllltltl then jtlllllltll in I2 Shark carcass HALIFAX Ill marine biologist said Friday ilitio strut like eurmss IIIiII Wiihltttl up in the IxmIr it IIlitlillitilivit NS appears I0 lie that if mule basking slurrk Iht lmrlly IlfOIIIptttsltI mr cuss about 25 feet long IIJIII residents of the tiny Ilhllllifl community 40 miles south of Sydney perplexed mid some frightened Asks for aid OTTAWA fll IIir III town office of Atrinesly In lernnlimlul appealed for IItlp Friday for Vlarilitnu IIIIkUVShy serving sivrnyiur IIsllll term in the Sovrel linron for IIIH part in dismrninirlrm atIIlI Soviet informal ion Collision IIIEIIII int ilIi Jordon IIlISktll 73 nt lIrirllnril wus klllttl Friday in mr lrurk IlllSliiIl on it rilllily roml lll west of this ttillllllllllll about 30 miles norllirusl 0i Slirnm Review gran ls IURUNIU Iil ltryeriur Minister Arthur Meln lilll Thursday he IS rtvrenme llii rustill it illl year old ltnnnptziril ordered to return $1000 lmtne grant to lIlt litilurin govern lTItlll Dong Kiln was ruled eligible for Iht grant Ifitllfr OPEN SUNDAY FREDS FLOWERS Highway at Stroud 000 to9 00p ltl FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS TRAVEL SERVICE Personally Conducted TOURS I977 PROGRAM Now Available 7284700 45 Dunlop St Barrie he admitted to govrrnnunt auditors lltitl he once owned IIIOIIIIIIIIII iirbin in KIIILII He will it for $2000 lwlote enrtgrilt rug Voted back MIINIIIIIAI II uilnl lelrn do Beaumont 72 your IIII French IIIIIIIIIIIiIII IIIIII company director wars voted back on In the executive Imlrril oi the In ternlrliotrirl II IIIplt orn tnittee Il lrir ltV Disappointed MONTREAL lAFIi tlilI Ilollry New Zelrliitril Iympii IIIIIII deliuntil chief ttIlllI Frl IIIy he wars flltiltppltltllttl that the Itrternlrlionill Olympic Committee lljttlll of the African plea for Iulilhltilt II III new Zerilarliltrs was not taken in Illt spirit it was llttillll Ile tililtl he was also Ilh appointed so tnlrriy Atrrrmr iIIII Itlth would he IIIIhsIlIR tin games Appamtees illlIlIlltIliI itli Kiti nrlii Murrin oi IIIiinl Int plvsrlletlt ol Selimtrier Ltd of hliilirnrr IIitii IIlfIl up painted IIIIIIIIIIIII of lltiilltl ol governors of tire lliiIviistly ot itltlIlll tlrr IlttinliiIly lliti IIIIIIlIlIIHtlI Allin Mitltllllltltl prrsrrlinl uI illiirlinly Itllsl oi luimllr hilti llttll IIIINIIIIIHI vne lIIJIIIIIIiIIl Mr Mllllily SiltTtttlSW Irstrlrylortriir Vlll president 0i lruiriili Inrk en harge man NAIANEIZ int III IlttVllIlliII ttltlt ILtI iIilrrwII MlllltitVtII lillhlrittl SmnuiI WII IIIUIIIII ILItIltIlII nI IIillIIIlIlIII Ill lllllllllltrll wtlli IIIt July it ilalilrlnlt ul Illtlllllf romrrt lIlIwauiI Fowler 1M llowlii III uixul ltlllillllttli in hospital war illtltltlll in IlIl lIttIt Wlllll wqu my along it IlIIIIlIltI III the III SIIIIIII Hilllthilltl ltIrIioul wan lilllgii ltlltlliy wrllr hliillltllll WIIII IiillIll lormlnripir Illl Find skeleton IUIIHNIU WIN IIlIlllilll skeleton lounrl in it tubalm IItItI lItitl Woodstock Int by two rlnirlIllt illtlltlllltLJhlti has IIII identified by oiIirilila il Ontarios IIIItIlhlt pathology Iilllltlttlitllth in llirrt til it III rllun woman who rliiil more IIIllll I00 years lip Bomb scare MIINIIIIZAI lil lolrrv hilltl lyrripir tliurity Iill res III vrstiutrtvil Illltt IIIIIIIII lilrlrxw ITIIIlty Allllliylltttlth pirorri iIll erri SIIIII twu ltomlis hull Ilttli Ililtttl III Mpltlillt Itltrllltillh rl lllt stadium and one at titt IiiilIIiIiiiiIiiiiiZZ notguilty of killing agents Ireildquurlerx the IlyIleIi organizing committee next door in city hull Searches by bomb squads turned up nothing III any of the three IIIIIIIIUIIN described by ilIltIh News hit MlINIIIIlAI li Ill FromIi and English language news IIItIIItIIIIhIh in Qllllltt were cancelled liilt Friday when IlrlI jittlltlitllhlh itlltl newa rnirin ptltitlllllll IIIII ilnri III Qllllrui tlly WIIIktII III Illt jttl III iontruil dispute Union of Illtilts itlltl the walkout WIIIlIt Iiigrin III the tIlIIIItI Iiulll would last lilllll rrililriiulil Frilliry night It ull time lillW Hli ltIHtIIII In Willtl itiltllilll tilt IIIII lltlll iII ltIIlllttI lllt Iusl Irrll lIIIIt IIII llllhhltllltl oi tltlIltIlI expenses IIItttIIltttII llltltiil IIliilorul IllIIiir nl irnmlar riIItI In it new release Friday Mr liur Hill who Itlllttl ltoin Illl lll MI lithl IItItIIIIItI will IIII rank of IIIiï¬lfilitlil corn IIlIiintlltI Will IIIViIiltglrIrrIvl lltlll txlitllhi Ililitllttlls IIII lilisri Itltttiil silltl lreup Sl ItIillSui lill Nu vruulron on IIII St Lawnrim srarwziy riMiinwl IlltlrIV iillir bump suspended lot hours WIIIlt pnlui rml ilitWity tlthIb stllltllttl tut ttttlillitlllti of it car which plunged llllll llri IIVti truth the St ItiIIIfi ltrlrigi Ari tilllllitl 0i llirhl IIIWIIIIIStit way Authorin in St Iutllllttll QIII tillill Illt IIIMIIth irl Illltt occupanti wrrr ltllIVII tll lrorn IIIt litl HI IrlIts in about Illi llIlltH west of Mutilrinl Man killed IAIIA iltii llll KtIIIItIll lmviii IIIIMI Ili of Port Ill urn ml was killed toduy winn lllh mi was III ltllllhlltli Willi it pirtkml Vtlllllv on county road near Ililii lIlIi rnllnrly itltlllil Iii rniler suutli Wllil of then snllnil 7t Settlement KINIISIUN llnt WIN Itltlmittl flIllIliHl htllltllltlll irlweeti 2000 llItIlllrlIh II III liriililrn linluii ol Irllilil ltltri ltlltyllh lti illlr luiil iII ttrliiir l0 liospillrl IJIfIVIIItia for it till IIIIIIIII monthly plry increase of tilllfi IVtI your an be used SALT LAKI lIY lltnlr All lturrlilll IllIrwin sulll Friday ltr Ir all otiuir ILIfIIIIIIIl ittl plthltltllllill itfllllllillt LIIIIII Iltgtltlllll lurrl Itttitllfi llrr II1 iIIlf ol Wallignit zrrltl IIIt Nixon ptrrrlotl itIIIItII Ire Uï¬ltl llilllil him moment Tues July 20 Wed 2T We ervr SUP nc es use Iv sti unsta run it we lTwTwrF rvnrd qu remember color portrait any 88 Create your own special portrait irom our new selection of scenic and color backgrounds Thurs 22 Daily I0 run until pm sh Vnu Mum owers rev styams Ieyï¬eld St Itvys Ne 26 27 III L4H 52 snotm MrUri rs um psishe trv st rstete ngvv