ADAY CHILDREN ENROLLED in the Barrie Recreation Department activity centres went on bus tri on Friday East side chil ren went to the Wasaga Beach Zoo while the West siders went to Midland to view the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre Ste Marie Among the Hurons and the Huron Indian Village CITY NE WS The Barrie Examiner Saturday July 17 12763 Board won be selling land for new building The Simcoe County Board of Education decided not to sell four of its properties in Barrie The board was investigating the possibility of selling its Grove Street Ferndale Road Patterson Road and Edgehill Drive roperties With the money erived from the sales the board would build new building at Highway 2627 on the old Cedarview school pro perty The new facility would house the audiovisual maintenance and special services depart ments and the film library These facilities are currently spread over the four locations However the tenders re ceived on the Ferndale Road and Grove Street properties were not considered high enough Tom Shultz superintendent of business said the whole pro ject was based on the sale of properties covering the cost of the new building The result was marginal he said The project may be con sidered again at later date During private session Wed nesday trustees voted not to proceed with the project CAR ABANDONED Innisfil Township Police found car abandoned in ditch at the intersection of 20th sideroad and Concession about am today The car which sustained about $1000 damage was registered to Im gard Boyce 44 Romficld St Toronto The driver is not known but police say the car was not stolen OMB dismisses appeal On farm lot severance The Ontario Municipal Board OMB has dismissed an peal by David and Helen Broclit for permission to sever lot from their farm Charron who delivered the decision of the board said that there had already been two revious severances from the arm on the Sixth Line of In nisfil These had been for the Brocks two sons The third severance applied for was for the Brooks soninliiw The Innisfil official plan allows severances for persons necessary for the operation of the farm or for member of the farmers family Mr Char ron said there was evidence that the two sons who were given parcels of the farm were employed fulltime otherwise and were unable to work the farm The OMB said the official plan was designed to minimize development and allowing another severance would be ribbon development The Townships committee of ad justment had already decided the lot could not be severed and the Brooks had appealed to the OMB Allen Kevin Rowland and Mike Green Lawrence left to right pause in their tour of the Wasaga Zoo for lunch break 1N SPITE of the fact that he didnt do much more than bask in the sun the Hip 29 reasons for hunger Higher taxes or lower level of services choice faced by city says Scots born finance chairman This is the second of 12 articles on the citys aldermen The aldermen are being interviewed alphabetically on number of major issues in the city By PETER DEPOSESTA Examiner Staff Reporter think people may have to accept lower level of service if they dont want to see taxes rise Alex Arthur is the citys finance committee chairman For the last four years he has served on the finance commit tee two years as the chairman If inflation continues to rise and if the city grows through annexation then the taxes must inevitably go up he says Ald Arthur says with the ad vent of annexation the city should get written guarantee from the province for help in paying for the capital costs of growth popotemus was one of the more popular animals viewed the Barrie chil These will include ncw scw ers roads pollution control plants and recreational facilities Ald Arthur has livcd iii liai rie since 1964 when lic lllthtl to the city with his not Margaret who he met and mai ried while working WorstIn with the Department of Na tional Defence as lczichct He is now on tho administra tion of the Canadian Iii1t Base Borden Board of Which tion The Arthurs who livc at ll Marion Crcs have lvo chil dren Randy 11 iii lradc it and Valerie in trade FIRST I61 Had Ald Arlhiir was first clcctctl to office in Dec 1972 for flu 197344 term In 1974 he led Ward candidates with 24titi the 8418 votes cast Growth he said is coming to Harrie whethcr thc city wants it or not The provincial govern lea0 dtcn Possibly this fcllou was indignant bcciiusc lic couldnt share in Ilic sand Inciit in tho lorooto tcntrc lhgioo plan dc iitnatcd tln ci toi tlilllltlll Ilttx ht snid has caiiscd tlic lltfiil piicc of land and lilt tlillttl housing problcnis 111 ilnrric Land is trcatcd at com ioodity ilic sonic way as any otlicr conniiiicial moducl and it llllllll not ho ho said Tim picaiii trisis ill the price of land could lizivcbocn iivcilcd Ald Arthur said it the pro lllIt had takcii slcps whcii It first announced the arms of iltowlh In tho ltll plan ltarric would not linvc bpfltlliltfltiiilt lci anally think it too tgot itoucity totttt iiitoland litti loinj he said adding llic taivii costs prohibit lillltllitllllt not llv will fit city should try to ontiol month and prevcnl In unbalance bitwcii iiidiiutriiil voioutcitial aciiicnt and lltlllléliftn iicut tmnuuummv It 3100 ltit iiiii wink ita llltllt by this Iloll lilittiii ftiniiit tzri it given by man in Barrie By JOHN WROE ExaminerStafch rter man being held in Barrie Jail awaiting trail is on hunger strike In letter to The Examiner Robert Rowbotham lists 29 specific reasons for his hunger strike Jail officials refuse to comment on the strike or allow reporter to talk to Row botham Anything to do with How botham will not be discussed with the press said jail superintendent Doug Westland It is strictly an internal mat ter Westland also said press in terviews with remanded in mates were not allowed But Peter Jackson of the ministry of correctional services said he flats IMPRO VEMEN TS OLD NEWS Weve been doing it say board officials By SHEILA McGOVERN Examiner Staff Reporter The ministry of tran sportations proposed im provements to school bus safety regulations are for the most part old news to the Simcoe County Board of Education Gordon Myleschreest tran sportation spervisor for the board and trustee John Mc Cullough of Midland head of the school bus safety com mittee said many of the recom mendations deal with measures already being taken here In recent speech to school bus operators transportation minister James Snow said demerit pomts are reliable predictor of ture accident in volvements and future driving behaviour and should be con sidered when issuing school bus drivers licence The ministry is considering program under which ap plicants would be refused school bus drivers licence if he or she had more than six demerit points The licence would be suspended if the driver accumulated nine demerit points Mr Mylechreest said he believed drivers record is kept up to date with the ministry in Toronto and any local rator would not hire driver did not know until the drivers record had been ob tained from Toronto Persons whose drivers licence had been suspended within the previous five years under the Criminal Code would also be denied an operators licence MORAL OFFENCE licence also would be denied or withdrawn should an applicant or driver have been convicted of moral of fence such as rape or indecent assauit within the last five ymrs Mr Snow said Mr Mylechreest said he did not believe any operator in Sim coe County would hire driver who had any major criminal record Mr McCullough defended this recommendation saying feel we cannot afford to have anything but the best when it comes to transporting 80 passengers on one bus The moral character has to be taken into close scrutiny he said and think the majority of parents in Simcoe County would agree with that You cant be too safe when dealing with children The minister also said St John Ambulance Brigade cour se in first aid would be prerequisite to the granting or renewal of licence Mr Mylechreest said he did not know whether Simcoc coun ty bus drivers do take first aid courses but said he believes any driver would have enough knowledge to handle any situation that arose Another proposal is an in crease in the minimum amoun JOHN McCLLLOLGH is of public liability insurance required to be carried by bus operator Mr Mylechrecst said this would have not effect on the local operators The minimum amount of insurance by law is $48000 but the local board in Sists on $1 million and has $2 million on its own buses ADILT SllIJIH ISIUN Mr Snow said the ministry recommended that adult super visors by present during field trips when buses are used Children on such field trips would be prohibited from stan ding Mr Mylechreest said the teacher is always on bus used in field trip and the only children permitted to stand on Simcoe County buses are those who get on near the end of heavily used run As for inspections the super visors said these are being carried out by local operators as well as the ministry of tran sportation Mr Mylechreest and Mr Mc Cullough both expressed doubts as to the feasibility of seat belts in school buses Mr McCullough said the driver should wear seat belt ensuring he will remain in con trol of the vehicle but the ben chtype seats do not lend them selves to seatbelts The trustee said seatbelts could actually be dan erous for the very small chil who could sli off the seat and be strangl by the belt He said he would prefer to see improvements to the interior design buses including more padding School buses are only as safe as the driver and passengers make them Mr McCullough said and arents should take the responsi ility of instructing their children to exercise orderly conduct while on the buses could see no reason why reporter would not be allowed to talk to Rowbotham He said that the policy of prohibiting press interviews was to prevent persons charged from discuss ing their case with media thus prejudicing their right to fair trial In the case of Rowbotham where the complaints involve treatment by the jail said Jackson there would be no reason to worry about the effect of an interview on his trial FOUR OTHERS Another ministry official Richard Flemming said that Rowbotham had started his hunger strike with four other people in the jail Fleming who didnt want to be quoted said the other strikers had been transferred to other parts of the jail and ended their strike He said that Rowbotham had in cited the others to join him on the hunger strike Fleming said he didnt want to be quoted because it was not the ministrys policy to give out confidential information about prisoners NOT ONVICT Rowbotham is not convict He has been held since Nov 20 1975 on three charges of traflt ticking in hashish Bail was denied and the transcripts of the bail hearing were lost The trafficking charges are still in the preliminary hearing stage and that hearing continues at 114 Worsley St Monday at 10 am It is open to the public He is also facing drug charges in Brampton but was allowed bail there Another set of drug charges in British Col umbia have been adjourned un til April 12 1977 Since he is in custody in Ontario there has been no detention order in BC Rowbotham has only one criminal conviction In 1968 he was found guilty of possession of hashish He was sentenced to 30 days in jail Similar convic tions this year in provincial court in Barrie have resulted in fine years probation or discharge The reasons for Rowbothams hunger strike range from prison food to his not being allowed leave to see his two children His wife Paula is ex pecting third child any day now and Rowbotham is not be ing allowed to be with her dur ing the delivery According to Fleming Rowbotham was told that he would be allowed to apply fora temporary absence to see his new child after it is born Rowbotham says he was told he would not be allowed to hold the new baby because he could threaten to kill it How ridiculous he writes love my family Rowbotham says there are no exercise facilities such as horseshoes or volleyball at the jail and that he is denied use of the exercise yard for days on end because the guards are lazy He says cells are locked at 650 pm instead of the 930 pm because the guards are againstthelatelockiiptimc GROSS He complains that lic forced to use pail fora toiIrt at night Its vcry gross and indecent he wrotc He wrote of jail officials They dont want people to human Its part of thcii tic humanization program low sentenced and rcniandcd in matesalikc Rowbotham says pcoplc go it thc hole solitary coiilniciiiciit for over lodnys With no cliai izcu and with Wcstliiiids acknow ledgcmcnt Rowbotham Vcizctarian says one cook ltlllltltltl pins meat in his food llc said that when hc refusi to cut lllt iood he was told he would 3w charged with rcfusiui to ohgx an ordcr That incident started thi hungcr strikc and liowlnrllittii says he Wlll stay on il until llt PAT SCARIO left courtesy patrol driver for the Ontario Motor League and Bill tin can manager of the Barrie office of the league discuss lllltil to all to icporlcr oi Quinns Park or icrdlund is rcinoicii ii=tliiiil and llcm on say thcrc arc no inlcrnal charm iiaiivd Rowbotham littalltlllilili wiin that vhcn lic was tattoo to Vainouch vtuxl ilZtdH for llttillllj lhcrc lit hoods and lcjtk wcrl illlliiltfl in Hunt of Will lllltl nuniciia coin to lfcnlsosiiys flii Iltoll icioiupanvmg luiii irlibcintcij miliicd incal for illlillllltltrtttttl IitlVlilllltilll Liys that lit coil lilltl books inn tintow oi llffolhilltlz iuilil lic iiotlnctt littuliiithotir lctiii tllti as balm fic ltiitlll out and so is it lit on my iitirl could doo liui litmoi of tlic tlu tint owv li lt1tti or ti tutti thin th nil it flitliiliillltt llili map directions one of the varicty of hathway stances vlllil Ho piovidctl for eight Uwk this summer by the linicuc for iiiiitorists on This Would ease the finan cial burden of expansion as much as possible he said Wc have to accept the fact that there will be growth in the city liAVORS PLAN Ald Arthur said he favors the provincial plan to distribute the population out of the Toronto area because of the problems facing large cities liut he said there are even pioblcms in distributing growth The growth uses up farm land the dwindling supply of natural resources and uts an increased demand on ecrcasr ini energy supplies licsaid llltiiiiatcly its bound to lciid to disastrous end he said Since they are in Itilllptll iblc with what should be our major goal the establish niciit of stable bionic court The establishment of the con ccpl of stable bionic country tllllKillti to be virtually im possible he said because of the introusing population pollution and cxccssivc drain on our natural resources This is not favorable to what should be the ultimate goal namely thc preservation and ltHiltl moral development of man hcsuid ld Arthur said pcoplc livc liv short term goals and are satisficd with temporary lccluin dfixcs ItIIIOlIIICMS Iwo spccil ic problems facing thc city hc said is dcvclop niciit of thc lakcshorc and downtown areas llc said lhc city should be on ioiiriiging all tvpcs of re dcvolopmint downtown while providing tlic iicccssary iiiicnilics which city pro viilcs llul not directly involved in spending taxpaycrs money on privnlc propcrly hc said few stops in thc right direo lion he said have been the rcslortllion work by Municipal Savings and Loan To and the Wellington llotcl and the con vcisiott of the old fireball iic problem area he said is parking deficiencies downtown Ald Arthur said the city should providc more parking using the money in the parking fund and not from property tax payers Somc filling in the lakcshore as imposed by thc city for the construction of additional dock in facilities will help Harrie licsaid lm iiol opposed to filling in part of 10 buy for purely rcircational purposes little grccnspacc he said But if its just for thc expansion of tlic lakcsliorc road then forgct it SCOISBORN Ald Arthur who was born and raised in Scotland is an honors graduate in languages coiirsc til University of lldin burgh He speaks flucnt lrench German and has studied Russian and Spanish After graduating lic livcd one year in France and six months in ttci many as part of preparing for teachinglanguages It was lhc turning point in my lifc he said explaining that he was able to scc pcoplc living in diffcriiciit way of lifc with diffcrcnl point of view It sparked my great intcrcst intrach He moved to anada in 1957 just passing through on my way to Australia but decided to stay in Allistoii at Banting Memorial High School After three years he travelled to western Europe where hc incl is wife in Ililnf she is from Manitoba got engaged in Spain married in Scotland and honcyiiimncd in Sicily Ald Arthur has vaiity of hobbits including photography travelling rock bounding and listening to music lint his biggcst lovc li reading llc reads great foul on topics such as liistoiy philosophy and ccoiiiiiiics He likes to kccp iictivc IIllltNthi IIAY The Harrie Fire Department answered one call Ihiirsday lhcy extinguished some burn ing hay in an old farm at thi corncr of fundlcs ltoad and Hayfield Strcct about into pm ALI ALEX ARTHUR physically anti enjoys tcniiis skiiiigansswimming ffc belongs to tho llai ic oii ccrt Hand Association thi lluronia Symphony Associn lion and lhc litirric tom and Mincriil iliib New group for horsemen group of local horsemcn liavc set up ailorii division in Simcoc Tounty to promotc good incnlal and physical health for horscs Ihc Canadian Drcssagc tiers and ltidcrs Association is non profit nation widc orgnnilation dcsigiiixl to por mote lhc usc of dressage as dircct framing aid for every typc of animal from the stock horsc to lIIt opcn jumper lo lit1p improvc both the physical and inciilal condition of lltf lioisc lhosc interested in finding out more about Tailora and its plans in Simcoc founty ari urgcd to attend an open inclting and film night at thi community cenlrc West St Nortlii in rillia Monday at it Ill Admission for mciiibirs Tittccnls For information contact Don nu liaxtci at 48 2am County safety patrollers go to camp to learn jobs lIightyscven boys and girl szilcty patrollcrs from Harrie lninstil Urillia Icnctang and othcr Sinicoc and Muskoka iountv communities will take Highway 400 The league will patrol stretch of 65 miles on the 4m to help motorists in distress Examiner photo part in course this illlllllltt learning thc responsibility of their job whilc moiting friends and having fun officials of ll Ontario Motor Lcaguc havi nountcd Thc wcck long outing will start July 26 at tamp Samar the Boy Scout tamp in Oshawa During the wcck at thc OML Officer Training imp thc patrollcrs will be insti uitcd by police snfcty officcis from various municipal forces and the Ontario PioViiicial loliic how to operatc cfficiint foot and bus patrols how to conduct patrol meetings as Well as on thejob training at simulatcd intersections and in school bus emcrgcniccs Thi patrollcrs will alos learn how to ad minister first aid in St John Ambulance coursc llic stii Vol of Powell Jonis and Company Barrie was named treasurer of the new ex ecutive for the Georgian Bay District hartercd Accountants Assocnitioii at recciit meeting in olhngwood Tom Husscy of Mutual lllt Assurance Illllu was naiiicd secretary ldIl McAllisttr of Cavillcr Partners tolliiigwood past president Murray rccn Owen Sound president George Buckton Owen Sound icc The Ontario Motor beague will have courtesy vehicle patrolling Highway 400 between Toronto and Barrie to help out motorists in trouble For the next eight weekends the vehicle will patrol Fridays Sundays or holiday Mondays from pm to 11 to help both members of the OML in trouble The courtesy vehicle will stop to check any vehicle that is off to the side of the road to offer assistance It will also be able to make minor mechanical rc pairs If the trouble cannot be dciits wdl swimming also lttkt sports and relaxation lhc students who will attend the officer training camp wcrc chosen by thcir shcool for their ltlitltlSillp qualities fhis train mg ensures that the youngster iic ready to pciform the patrol ilJllt III on ifficicnt lIlitIltltr during thc coining school ycar School Saltt fatrollt rs work in school arms and on school buses to protict llttll follow studcnts on way to and from school it om the dangers of traffic The Ontario Motor lxcaguc optrates with police foiccs and school boards in orgaiiiiiig school safety patrols by supplying materials such as badges riiciiibci ship cards in struclioii manuals and record books part in HM cation Barrie man treasurer of accountants group president Directors arc Harry Smith of ireer Flemming and Holland of Hllllrl Robert lloldcn of trangcvillc Robert kiddo of Kalkcrtoii and Harry Kiblei of Port Elgin lhc Georgian Bay District Chartered Accountants Assoc mlioii has war to intnilth and covers the area from Aurora to Huntsville and Uweri bound Hanovcr Walkcrton and Port Hgm OML to patrol 400 in courtesy vehicle fixed on the spot the OML sec viccinan can call tow truck ustng his two way radio In case of breakdowns the 11 suggests motorists pull off to the right Side of the road as far away from traffic as possible raise the hood or he white cloth or handkerchief to the antenna and activitate the fourrway flasher At night the parking lights and interior lights of the stop per car should be left on so that it can be easily spotted by the courtesy vehicle