Mm innsavg m4dnmir TwadwsumuW LsW anvmv ingman blasts 3Ist homer Bakers is only his second BOBGRMENE eAiiIoclatid From Dave Kingman is in the groove Dusty Bnker hopes he has found one My home runs come in bllnv chiii said Kingmiin who hit his Stat of tho seiisonAto ii iii the majors lhiiriidiiy nlg it In loading New York Mets to ii victory over Houston Astros in National League baseball game linker finnliy connected on only his second fourbugger ol the our in helping hos Aiigoles llo gors lofoiil llilcngo iilis ti its ilio longest time ciiii roiiienihor going without ii home run tinker siild liiid ii stroiik inst your of eight weeks and couldnt heliovo that linker who also hit it rim scoring single inst hit ii home run in the opening game of the season HlltS lllII llltAVlIH In other Niitioiiiil Longin nines ihiirsdiiy liiiliidoiphiii hllltes lclonted Sun lllltlitliltt limits tia Pittsburgh Pirates crushed Atlanta Braves illt Montreal Expos iiippod iiiclii iiiiti ltods lit tllltl St Louis iii liiinls edged Snii Diego Padres Maybe will lilt iiioro nt home iii the second hull of the season Ktiiginnii said noting that only iii of his homers hnvo coiiio iit Now Yorks Slitn Sin lllllli lhe tiiiis give me big round of ii itiiiiso here now and they liiiw ilgoxiuotiitions Kiiigiiinps fourth htilllti in his inst four games oiiiiio iiftoi DAVE KthMAN lends niiilorn John Mlliior wnlkod and wiped out Houstons to loud This is the big leagues suid losing pitcher it ltich iird When you make it couple of had pltolios you lose tho ginno lho homo Hill was it nothing pitch It was it slider right over tho plnio lie was looking slider He got his pitch and he hit it lAItI IIAIHA lho lodgers struck oiirly when loser ltiok ltousoliol opened the bottom oi the first by hitting tho first two liuttors Lori Angolos went on to score four runs ns winning iitohor lioiig ltiiiiscnttorod live ills liin Motarvoi who sees oiiiy iipot action drove in three runs to give the Pliiliion their Victory over Sun llllflltitti The thing that makes get ting hits and ltllls the most fun for me is that two organizations thought couldnt do it any more tho 35 yourold ontchor siiid Mctiirvor was sold by St Louis tnrdiniiis in 1074 and re leased by Boston lied Sox early lost your Moturvors single ltl tho six tli broke ili tio giving loft linndei Stove Carlton iii1i his fifth win in ii row With Hill Robinson provuling ti twoltruii hoinor littshiirgli scored 12 runs in the first two innings to crush Atliintu lltlllllll€ï¬illtllNllliill Sin ipy Atliiiitii fielding iiidod tlic lttsliiirgh oiisliiught as Darrell honey liolihlod ii two out husosloudod grounder iii the iieooiid and four runs fol lowed Larry lnrrislis twoout single in tho eighth ofi tiii oiiinnii roliot iiio ltnwly Ihist Wick siinp iod Moiitroiil Htvtllfltlllit osiiig streak and handed tho Nttlh their third loss in ii row Stove lliigcis it who needed rollei help It tho ninth sonttorod six hits to notch his first Victory since May it onooiit iloiililc liy loo lior giison in tho iiliiili broke up ii deadlock iiiitl led St Louis to Victory over Sun lliogo liorgii sons doiililo scored Don Kessi iigoi from second linso handing tho ludros their fifth sin ocssivo loss Unrepentant Oriole hurler shuts out Angels on hits lly ALEX SAtllAltlZ The Associated Press llltlitl Jiiii lltlllltl oi ltnlti more Orioles would llko to set the record stiiiiglit lltVtl culled liarioll John son an idiot sind liilnior one of iniiiihor of top Aiiioiiciiii lieiiguo pitchers not selected the liiistoii lleil Sox iiiuniigor to participate in liiosdny nights nll stiirgiuiio tloiiioono else said it agreed with him As if to underscore tho error of Johnsons wnys tho it your old llultitnoto iico lilniikod iili iniiiiii Angels 40 lliiirsdiiy night on three singles htttllll log the first l2gniiio winner in tho Atticriciiii Lengiio After slow start lnlmor Young Award winner twu of just tho lost three years has Won six of seven decisions since June in His record is up to it his earned run average down to itllii lii lhiiisdiiys American League gniiioii llotrolt ligors edged Oakland As it it in ii in lungs Minnesota Twins lioiit lovolniiil Iniliniis 52 Yliiciigo White Sox doloulod Milwniikoo llroweis in i0 innings Now York Yankees swept loxus itiiiigers 7n and oil and Kniisiis ity split with lloston Winning tho opener tilii hiti dropping tho iiiglitciipit IASSIlll lll STARS lulinoi was reported to hnvo criticized Johnson for not choosing such pitohors iis iiiyloid lorry lioiig lliiil Wiiyno iiiilnnd niid iiiunis BASEBALL RECORD lh llllï¬ tANAlIlAN IIIIISH National League lInsl lel tilll iliiiniioiptiin il iti ilini Pittsburgh no on to New York itlll l1l Si lillllis dti no aim ttiicngn iii in 4H 22 Montiviii Lti 52 iii Llit Went tinciiiiinii th iiiiii lins itgclis ftIiJ 5i Nuii lliogu liv till lgt Houston do Ll il Atlanta 40 Mi ltlli ll Siiii Francisco 15 oil ttltl iti Ihtirndiiis ullllln Moiitiiul vi inciiiiiali 1i lllllillllllllllll San Francisco New uik ii at Houston lllllllllll iii Atlanta St liill Sun llingo liits Angelou litcilgo Today Iruhiihle Ihl Montreal iStunhoiisc it Illlllllldll iNtIllllllll 12 iii llousion illiorkii lllt at New ork iMiitlnik IO it its pin Illillll ihlldfltlhlllllll it tll litixtiiirgli ilteiisu it iii it its iii St lill iMctilotlicn Pitt at Sun lliogo iJones itili to III tliiiagc iltcnko li iii Los Angoliw Sutton ii iii lo lliiliiiolpliii ituilloti at ti Fiaiiiiscii llalicki it iii Saturdays tainrs Atlanta at Pittsburgh St lilill at in liiego Houston at New ork lhiiaitilphiii at San Francisco liiiiiciil Ii tIiiiiiiiiati iliiiugo tl Lox ilflll lIl it ill Alnorlrilii League East II tlll NiVt Yolk 52 ill 62 Ilimlult 41 hilt Itla liiiltiiiioro 4i 41 Alit it lltttrntl Iltt 4i Hill ll tlovoliinil lei 4Iii i2 Mllwntilttt 1H 4ft dllll ltl Went Kiiiisiis tit ti tl titii Texas 44 to 124 ll tiuliluiid lil ti Mttititttulit til 44 476 tllliiluit llll 45 iii llllzv tiililnrniii ill till tttlt iii lhiirntlilin Ntitllllli hunsns tl ill Muslim New York ti Tonia it lliiltiuioro tiilitoinin ll ltotroit Oakland Miiiiiosotii Ti tlovclniid thiciigo Milwaukee Iniliiin Probable Pitchers Hostin Jenkins it it and wthl Iii iii Kunsns iti iSplittortt it it and Villlllflrllï¬ to iv in nlitoriiin iluniiiiii io tit iii llnltiiiiori itlorliinil in ii lo in Oakland ilorio iroit iriilrvih it tlcielniid hilt HI llc ii in iltnlisnii to at Minnesota illcilforii it ni Miluuiikcc Nllllilll ltl ti iit itiiriigu iJohiisoii Ni ii Now oik inlllllll to tii iii lcis HlVltVtli ii iii to on in Saturdays iimen tulitoriiiii iii ltnltiiuiiri liiklaiid at Detroit tisliill iii Kansas ity Milwaukee iit tliiragii tlcyeliind at Minnesota New orlt iit Toms SPORTS BRIEFS iOllKlIIIIEH SIGNED NH YORK iAli New York tosiiios oi the North iiieiicaii Soccer League have Signed goalkeeper Edward Ed gar 20 ycurrold player from No castle tiiited of the English LeagUe First DiVlSlOll lldgar is on loan to the usiiios through tiie end of the season at which time they have tho op tioii to purchase him lllZli FOR THE LEM SltKKHOlJtl iAli Late entry Liam Higgins of lreland shot tiveuiiderpar 67 Thurs day and tied With Philipe loussaint of Belgium and Eng lands leter Townsend for the firstround lead in the 370000 Scandinavian Open golf tourna ment One stroke back were Norman Wood of Scotland Brian Jones of Australia Ea moii llarcy of lltldlld and Hugh Banicchi of South Africa Tony Jackiiii of England former British and United States Open Winner took fouroverpai 76 IAISIrIStLthlT MONTREAL Ni Canada dropped 33 decision to Bel gium Thursday in preOlym pic field hockey match at Mol son Stadium MILLIONS WANHlID NEW YORK iAPi Tuesday nights baseball allstar game was watched by record 60 million persons commissioner BoWie Kuhns office said Thurs day The game televised for the first time by ABC received Sitpercent share of the au dience It was shown in Canada by CBC The National League defeated the American League TRADE BRITTS EDMONTON itli Ed montoii Eskimos of the Western Football Conference announced Thursday they had traded line backer Sam limits to Haiiiiitoii ligeitats for future considera tioiis Hritts 26 joined the his kimos in ism and took the mid die linebacking Job from Jerry Griffin it Sfnot iiinch 225 pound University of Missouri graduate who was selected to the WFt all star team LEAVES TEAM MONTREAL Robert Peiletier of tapdelaMade leine Que has left Canadas madracing cycling team to re turn home team inanager Rob ert Bukei of Burlington Ont said Thursday Buker cited the bastc inexperience of 19 yearold going through pres sure time of his first Olym pics as the reason for Pelie tiers dectsion to leave dont think severe disciplinary meas ures will be taken against him He was de by his per formance in the Grand Prix of Quebec last weekend DROP PLAYER REGINA Ti Saskatche wan Roughriders have dropped Tony Perea and confirmed Cleveland Vann in the position of middle linebacker on the Western Football Conference Club Perea an import who signed with Calgary last year but left with an ankle injury and later played with Hamilton is oing back to university in El aso Leonard ltil thi nll stiii Hillllt won by tho Niitioiiiil League He denied hnving siiiii that in sliotild have been picked liiil llioii noted it you use tiiiiisli lliiiitoi us ii ciitoiioii lllllll sliiiiild hich gone too lnliiioi wns overpowering iigiiiiist tiiliforniii giving up Just three singles and thl ol tliosc winners were ornitoil on double plnys Itoggio Jackson iliovc in three runs twu oi thoin Willi his iiitli lioiiic lllli oi tho season and Al litiiiiliiy scored three runs for llaltiiiioro which has won its last iivooiitings As ooiitio iioliioi liill North dropped his second lly hull of tho game with the 505 loaded and tWo out in thc lltli illlllllH uliowmg pinch ruiiiior Mickiy Stanley to score liotroiis Wlll iiiiigiiui Miiiiiosotii iiiliclilci lloy Stiiiilloy who went into lliiii sdny nights giiiiio With ii iii batting average and just ill runs batted in collected three hits nnd knocked In three runs lltlltlii IN lAlISIIN He hit ii twu ruii triple in the second inning and squeoud homo another run With it liiiiil til the filth us Miiiiiosoin iioali loveliiiid its ninth loss in tin inst itigiimos ltiiy Sadecki icliovod Mil wniikoo starter Jim Slatoii With two out lit the ltitli inning iiiid lal Kelly greeted liitii With tWorun homer in tiio upper dock in rightcentre givuig hi cngo its victory tiirlos Mays three lllli homer and Mickiy llivors thrco hits and tWo runs batted in powered the Yankees to vic tory ill the opener despite ii slinky seventh inning during which relief ncc Sparky lylc faced three batters and walked them till forcing iii two runs Hut With the bases loaded and New Yorks lead down to one run lhck lidrow came on and got Roy llowoll on an inning ending grounder lidrow also picked up save in the second game coming on in the ltlth inning to got the ti niil out after Sandy Alomars two run homer his first home run of the season put the Yam kees on top Bob Siinsoii drove lll lttlll runs and Jaime Quirk knocked in three in the openor as Kansas ity pounded tour Boston pit chers for to hits The Red Sox came back to take the second game scoring both their runs iii the Slxlll in iiiiig and then hanging on be hind the pitching of rookie Rick Jones and ini Willoughhy Briton Dane move ahead ST tATHARiNiIS Ont iCP Jonathan Smith oi Britain and Lars lIinstroiii of Denmark picked up pair oi Victories Thursday ill the On tario Open tennis chain pioiiships They defeated Andre antiii of Quebec ity and John Turner of Toronto 673 iii the first round of doubles play then re turned to the court to beat Dale Power and Bill MacDonnell both of Toronto 76 36 75 in twohour marathon Smith and Elvistrom now in the semifinals are seeking their second straight doubles championship on the Canadian tennis tour after beating Jim Boyce of Toronto and Harry Frnz of San Diego in the final of the Quebec Open in Granby week ago Fritz and Boyce stayed alive in the doubles by defeating Tom Dimoski and John Schacter of Toronto $3 45 62 in their first round and Francois Synaeghel of Victoriaville Que and Brian Miller of Toronto 75 64 in the second IlltiINNING FAVORS IllOItNlON llioilitiin Villiigiliiii tyki pitclioi Kovui lloliiiii Stlitl il pitcli towards lioiiio illltl ii wailing llolloii liilici iliiiiiitj oxliiliilnin liiisoliiill gunn tlillltl this Wttlt til Knock lnik Iloliiioi wnr lllt winii my pilcliot iiltoi 11 Hill mi lit lliiiintiiii lit the Tlhlll lll iiiiig lllllllllttl Motion in ilic Hilllll piltoil two iiiidclciilod tlllllf lll llicii ltilll liii tlll Hiiiii ill Ill iiih hiltiiiic lliiiilmll lililHlH lliilloiii photo shows linltoii tliiid ltitJlllilll liiili Mitiillotigli Mllllll waiting to ptil the ting oii Aiidiow Lnyiink night oil lliiid ciiily ill the giiiiio llnsislliciiirit ycui iii llll Inimicini llioiiilon ilIx iiiitiiii Illllltlil Defending twotime champ misses out in Ontario golf llllillNlt itli itiix owans lttiltlli to assign gull Secondary iolc lli lll lilt payiiig hig llltltlil ltil the up position iii this yours llllldliii aiiiaiciii gull championship The Kiltlltlltl lllll gollci oii llt tlil ago tillI ill the lltl iiiiiiciii Limit1 lli lli wiiilil luiiid lliiiiwila llrlltlul ii in iiiiliiy innit litiHIll li ilii iiiitiiiiuiiiiiiciii iiunii who tn ttldlii ii lliiid mick pioiiuml lillt piit tlttlllll liktl tin fiii lliiiilttiu Iillliil ingitiiii ml lt Substitute quarterback leads Lions WiNNllFti itll Backup quarterback llric iuthrio tlilllt oil the bench in the second halt Thursday to direct Hritish io luiiihia lllltl to 17 points and 34 iii ltltif mei iniiipeg Blue Bombers iii the final Vt est crii Football oniereiice pri season game for both clubs Guthrie took over iron highly touted rookie John Sciaiia at the beginning of the second half ith the Lions trail mg He did not generati much offence until late in the quarter but then he promptly marched the Lions 39 yards for touchdown as ikc Strickland capped the drive With sixyard sprint up the middle at 13 20 and liui Passagiia convert gave 148 lead Behind the passing and play selection of Guthrie the Lions ran the score to 2+ii before giving up late touchdown Sciarra scored the Lions first touchdown on two ard run and Len Plait caught 13 ard Guthrie in the fourth quart ter for the other majors Pas saglia kicked two converts and Ed Thomas added one convert and ield goal Richard rtimp caught 26 yard pass from Ralph Brock at 1117 of the fourth quarter and that was the only Bomber scor to victory ing that kit ltll icinw liiiotl did not icciiiiii lill lilttNK littlllflft lt Ruoi kicked iiiii soon How 34 tin itl tic toiiitiilimi gittriiii iiii llfl liltr ltit in ii aggressiin lli oivi liiiki iil iii tint dm iiaid lliti in ir iiid tliil liiilw itii it inkct Mild iiilklil lï¬liiili SltlllS Stiiistnaliy ti twig tl lltlili iilltHtt iiu iiltitwg had Jim The lltll tin iirk doom and itih yards rudiiiig coiiiparod with first downs and 103 yardgt rushing tor Vt nipei til Lll1l ililll 1irli air iii liul in ii IICIAI 000 MORTGAGE LOANS it and it lot iiii llic Iiiiil li litllltl wuio Lii total llil lvJ lItlJ llkt Moiiliii ll luioiiio who liiitliiltd Winoday hr in rounds were yet to lll had pm in tho til yard odai iini course in Niko ill lhiil lttlllltl1JlliAllliillilllll Illa Itlt ll iitcr ItllililliL lil mind Shich itlliitltlll Jio ii lif low dot diil in Mint ll niitiiiwi oi ioiirimiiiciit tic tl torid tn coiictiitmto or ll raci iiid lt faintly 04 411 He said lhiitsduj hi lioulll titiw pim iiwd tiititv lint ltll iio and pfrxtlliéil llirtl 1am ko re iiiiiliirig ii llllJ iiiri getting things arranged hr iiitl if it cruow minor littlf Ilt Hui Ii limit ltllV itivf JU EoE Am illilliliil tiimigt true didi lune Illi pin fliil DAN models in stock Compiete Service Complote Pans Dgpv Lefsing KITCHEN MOTORS In at It 72022 Hilvl iiioilici luoipiolino tinliiiii iiiliii Ily JUSIZIII MuchWIllLN MllNlltIItl itli llinii sands cheered and glamoil to ward the royal hos when it iiiodtilatod iciiiiilo Voice on tiniiiicood over the sound sysieiii iii tiio Olympic tillttlllliii dotlino open the Olympic lumen at Montreal celebrating the 21st tllyiiipiiid of the mod oiiioiii lint it was only ii iolioaisnl in the stadium lliiiisilny toi the opening iiioiiiiinios ltl which Queen lZlimliolli will pioilniiii the Ramos iiintoi way hliiiillV iiitci It in Illlltintuidny Hpoiis olticinls itlhllltil in lioi lit the day that Ijtoii itlli ltlllthlti itli Sixteen ytitl old Miil lone iidoiiii oi oiitnislicaitliiokciitiidny She was itiliitiiiod iii illl iiii signed lottoi Wednesday rilio liiid liooii soloclod on an lllyiii tili llitllit titl ioi estoil lliil she had In lie in Mnlllltltl by in li May and tho Iiiioi iiiuiit tilliioil no piano to stay iivci night no loud iii ii avol Wolind iiiiiliiic tnplaiioi to up iiioiioy says not limited and loiiiid ii iooiii lni iltiit loi one night Mitilciic lllu iliniininids ol iiiiadiiiiin applied in May to be ill Olympia Itilllt MilNlltlLAl itli liiiiii lliilllh may think they have ltlt rziiii liii lllllllllili ltllltlll llits ttillllll llilllt ill the ilyni ilt innitr lint Ilil ltfil ol lltt vmild diicnni sciin lo hnvr lttitltl illlVllllliH iluiiil ll lnloiiiiiiiniiiil news iiuoiiricn ind hilt li iiovirpipoigt no lltl New Yoi liinos liivi vii liiidly igiinioil tiiiiiidiiin itllltltf lll tliIii ptospiits nliiilis on llll innit2 Wllltlltilitll miiiidny IntJilin as gold Iltlllltlf Allt iuiiici nod lllitl soonn soiintlili tuiiiidii liiihiil Won gold lilllt thi ismn erimtilyinpii in when thi iiiinpiiig lciiin niiipi iid inst iilioiii cyoi yiino liy Winning the Ii ix dot Nations on the last day iii Ill iitllll Hold niodiils loi taiiiidn nio lkillill liowoyci Yin lilriiiiiii llllt iigli ll liitiiiilo iiitild Vi lli onr he iipnsli ini ltiilli iiltltl ituiii giuli lop pi it ill liiiiip nip young pill 1Wllliltlll ttillltl no ltll all and roiiio lmiiii iiiliiiiit int iiinihnin gcnoially 33 ply do not litll as litvullltl in any Hptlll And that ilttllltll= swimming iti Wltlt ii llll mini liv iankn llilftl iii the mold lioliiiid it ltiilcd sliilIt Willi its litiVHlllll iiicii ltillli nnd InaVi ioiinuny with ll itiiiiiiitlvtitiitli llii iiiM iii il lllllllllltill oi ihi oidii oi lilllli lli Willi iiiiiig pick2 tiiiindn lot liioiic iiiwlah in iliico Wtililtlii oven in the 400 iiiilic iiicdlo llily inid lfllllilllt flooriylo iolny iiid llic lllli llilllt lim kstioko lll which it him ilioiyl iiilnon oi ludnmiiiiiiitliiid SIII NKlzlt Hill Aiiiiiiip llio tanuilian iiioii wtltillitl onl liinliniii ninth oi lidnioiiion lit the Lion himi studio pinch modal thornc although Stcpluii llllJll oi ViiIi VaiicoIiHi plated iii the top JV in the im liooilc and ill hm kniioko illil liiiiro ltiilwitmn oi Van Hutui who won ilei modal in Miiiiii in i972 ranked iii iii it tho it liiitioiil llic tinrk illll licld llilllild itllllll wipwiiii for iiiiidii Ailli only liohhn lliili of Aidai mow lii eighth in iiiLi llLl nitd for the trip an ill iiilici inoii oi women owtil Vilnii ihcii iw tho ltitllillt piorptci for lanolin tilyiiipiv tiiiiii oiliv iil iir talking of dililllllfl from 12 in intduh iiid llly mo counting il lmat low iii the pool ll iiJiumnlill rniiinplion lml litiilli Aill liiid il llily lli finalist in over who til the 12 iiidiidiiil Minnii asiin iwiit That would in iiiciidom gain tiyri in when uni lilll girls got that tni ill rliidiiig lmniiii tiiiii of vnii minor Atin win hioiio tho Jill hm ksiioko And the intii who got uni two llllilllill ill the Mini liliiil at Minot li should do far llllll although hoj arc not at tho lIzri ll the aimrlini girls Who 1llllllt it irni and field viiupiv of high Jthiplf polo vittlli Filth Smipmn of Uttawu and Inï¬eld St it The Barrie Examiner Friday July l6 I976 lotos lltllli lltl ttiltllltlth Will takopait Mltltltlih iii white costumes httllit oi iollnwoil ll lliig lltilltlh innicliwl post the ioynl link and alumni llio hliitllllilt llittlt lliiiisdiiy to iliiiinhoiits and iiiiisii liiiicli lltlllttl pin1nd with tho iiniiioot roinitiy iiiio lllilltlltl Iitttltil the name at lnnmiiin though that East Allltiili ltlllllll has an iiotiiicod it liiiyiolt ol lliotiiiiiion liociiiisc of Now lciiliiiiils iiigliypliiyiiiu iotaiions with ioiitliAliiin llltlllyllipliltltltltlllltlitllllli lhinsduy nii myoiiil liontn lii tiltiiaii ilioiii Selected but can go iiiiiioi lint ioioiymi no wind tililil chiitndiis llii liiiiii lIl toi silo llttitll itioltttl was dated Monday and signed only within ntninpIioniiiiiitlioniiiin iii the IligiiiiIiiig ltiltllllllllt iiirii illyiiipii illllitti Olyinpii llainoliogiiiiii Min tiidoaiii said ludiiy that somehow shed sciapo tip tron llilllitlttlllllllp lint Mathno lioi tllitlllttil iililoliiiioliolniilioidwlliiod llio only thing Id ltllltlti lioi vtiitildhetliodoiidliiiiingot lllttl the headaches itltll the expense to iiioiii iiiid dud she said wliiii piitlii tilt lIiniool Win iiipog niiolo the finals in ill1 among the lillll wliilolttiti iiioti ltlllllll Aliliy llnlliiiini iii to ionlii illltl high iiiiipoi liiill made it among the women hinipsoii is hark looking to inipiiivoniiliisllitli tliltt finish in Mltllltli lint tho minpoliiioii loiigli liiiiio expells to do hotter than the Hill ill Mltlllilt lnit ho is not ittlllillltliH ho mi IKl lTï¬t iiiodid Ntycilliiloss with HIV depth lllitl lliti conic Hill in solid do Vclopinint piogiiiin sliiilod in itilit llllli should he low ionic tiinndiini iiioiind when the llillk iiiid litId finiii iiio iiiii oil And piilixips ltitlll illicitii liiivc suggested llltll Will ho tool IXllltlillltlll lll iiiodiils iii limo in Moscow pm vidmg oi mouse the pioginm ltlil yiilini oi the lcdiiui giiyciiiinoiit xiiiloiity pin giiiiii in lIitlli siiiii the VA iiiiivoi Imam mimic yol liyliiill llillll hm upset lllle about owiy liiiijlll team in the mold and is talking iilwlll got tingmilitiamodal llii won lmrzkoilmll louin tlnit liml liy llic tlilhlll ol innit yiiiniii lnik lniiiolilio ha horn pioginiiiniid to think modalz itlllllllHli ill low in iiiiiii ol lug niiiii Ken Miltoniv oi loil toqiiitlinn it will liiiit lltn it ltlfl It ymliliincn railing in Ill liiiiiiliui hillllii of Kingston tint me not mm odiiig ylt lot to anyone tlw although thi litklo viiid ttthl flllll pic diction tllllitilll llio iowoi nv nino liIiiigi ind hopollil EAR 795 Friday to Monday lliif Mileage 501 Dwyuflï¬tl TILDEN CAR 34 hill ka Bile ll by my 7370800 LAST OF THE BIG BIRDS Olympic Games ready for Saturdays opening sliiiiiltuiioniis ttl counties in tho tiiook iiiiil tniiiiiliiiii ttllllllllh the Olympic tlnino was lltlllh initlod ltl seconds lltilll Athens to Ottawa ll ii highly isopliis tliiitod ttillllllllllltfllltlllt system lilltnllttiNNliJl ttilllht tllltiith llritihli tii hiniliin iiileiosis limited the iliiiiio piniort it lioiiiioi llill Iltlllltll was selected tin the lust iiiiiiioi Iltl ying the lliiiiio III you inilo ioluy lo Moiilionl wlioir it will liuin on Mount llnyiil tonight lioloio lioiiig titl tied to tho Hlndiiiiii on intni tliit lsiithy Kltllltl ol liiiiiniiis tint ill yiin old polil medallist in ltllltliii lllhhlililtl Witt toi lllyiiilillh will itilty tho lllylilpli litttli it hit lllllt lo hilllllllll Ill Mittiill llnyiil iiiiil llioio llitlltl it to ioi old oto on who iopiisoiitvd liiiindii in the London Illlit humans and won lllt lliiriliiti Miiiiitliiiti ii ioiiiid llittt llllltfi llIiticl livens siti rnginooi hit the iilyiii ll tiintiilliitiiiiit lxintd itflmlltl ilo loi llllill cnn stint lion oi the bliillltllll told it iopoi loi itititi lioaiil oniployios woii winking on iiiiiintoiiiinio inidnllioi iiislral liiiisdiiy llic similiiiii has an on ttlitllll od seating npioity ol lion liiit Mi ltooxvon said new pin on still woio living ioiind to install hiillf and the stadium would hold iiiooo til ltltlll loi lltttllltlllliltltliilllllli Canadians hope for medals Woinoii divcir led by How Hoyt loiniiily oi lirkoiing tint and now living and llitltt iiiu lli lIiiiiii lniio iic in dy Hliiiilo liiioiiloiiiiiii also living in luittlc iiiiio niidloi Yiith oi Viiiniiiivii iiio plan mug to make it splash Yoili it in both lltl lllltl and iii inotic cyiiils and Pt roach totiiici Hiynipii medallist lltllt Mm lioiinld picdiiliiig it inoan toi hot hot lliiys who was fifth lit the ihioo llilllf lll lltll this it likely to be lit lust Hlyllllllth and she would donily like to go out in style at tho ago of 15 illtltlllllp iiiilld llllt sumo tiilllitlf coinI il wviilil Iliaiiiptiin llilllhlltltllll lnliii liiiiiinso Hi In innntnn him tl ovoiod lllilll ln oyo tioiihlos liooetylo Wlthlltl ligiin lioi Ici Iii Kiiilionoi tiiit isiiill of tiildidttil itlltl Winning the Wot Id iip lit tho kilo close in loimlo tiliio milioi this your llftntii lloaiioy the women lmnkollnill tltnltlt iiitiy linyo the key in othci anadiaii module llo thinks niiiidiinis iiio pouoi oily too polite llliil they doiil ihooi enough liii lltlll own iitli Ion5i Ilarim Bï¬iltlttï¬ IAIIII All illli Am MANN mu HUIIlH MMWAH iiiii Vulniim ttUNIOH iru xlfy Omv no litAillNGffl the last ot the big birds has arrived at Grandview Ford TThe l977 Ford Thun derbirds Will be much smaller This is y0ur last chance to experience the luxury and prestige of the W76 Thunderbird We have several to choose tram at this timeAsk one of our sales representatives about buying or loosing One of these fine automobiles GRANDVIEW FORD 71871