Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1976, p. 8

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onww the barridtxamincr rriddy July I9 IUO Olympic Games more than sport Hy Ill IIARIIIJII IIIIIv Ihe Iilyinpics are about to begin and Woo though our country has done Ii lot at stupid things In promrlu tor the games teel that when the Olympic orcli In It III the had things will he torgotlen tor the duration at the games IIii Illllltlth will then take own and the million ot sport fans all over the Wiltltl vvill leel the spirit ot tIIeIIIyiupicn In the athletes participate lit the various event llIItlI lllt days ol Ioroehiie ol Illih ii cook who won the rat recorded Illtl Iic cveul until the last lilyuipics III IIIILI when Mark Spil til nlitorIIIII won seven gold moi ids loI his swim tlllllt tent thetilyiupii HIIItIl liar lived IIIiltllt it the thunder our Itovciiiinent has had with the IIII vvill reflect on the inn IIIIIIIIIIIII ItIltltlir lhe Ilvniptc Iliumr no tievond sports with the lreeing It the pigeons the llglllltl¥tlt the Illvuipic Ioreh tlieoiuet dututtv oi the Illviupu oath lt ollei counlwtilton With the great ex eiteineiit oi physical coInliiit iiuitches ot strength iiintcher ot sltuuiiiu Iiiutcher ol courugin and ntiove all they oltci II singular npirit ol coiurndcship horn ol shared victories and an IlllllIlhliIlIIllllH Iiorn ol shared delentr lItlltI that the nicotine Iliuncs are test ol Individuals and not ol nation Each participant has trained lIIl II verv long time IIIint and breathing the sport lliat the represent It II ver ltiIIIl litc toI IIuntlilclc Ihei hiivcto girc tip most ol the social ltlc sec verv little ot their friends and relatives and lot months on end live loa rigid routine It no wonder that an athlete can he seen crying IiltII lilhtlii univein or even crying when the lilltill All throughout the history ot the IIInplcs there have IIIen great demonstrations ul goodwill Ivy the competing athletes In till IiieelI participant lent discus to Robert itllttll ot the USA Iiiurctt who hiid never had an authentic discus IIetoIe heat theIlrick tctuu at their speciality III iIiIII the inericino shared their food and living quarters With It chceilul little Iuhnu Irv the niIIneol Felix IIuvatnl Iail Lona Ii Iicriniui IiIoIid juniper gave Jesse Ilwens ot the USA advice that helped the American Negro to Win the gold medal And in IIIIIII young lioer from the cotton fields of Ken luckv spent so much time chatting and laughing with athlete train all over the world that he was named as uiiollIcIal mayor ot the llvinpic illiige Ill Iloinc Ills naiiiiwasIIissiustlnv In the littvivtitvnipic Ilauies In Metlmurne lliirold Illtlltilly It husk lininnicr throvving cluunpion trom the United States met and tell Ill love Illt Itlgn Iikotovu Ii striking discus tltlIIthIp champion troin Iuchoslovakin Despite the language barrier and the politics they Were able to marry in 1953 after the United States State Department had helped sort out Izeehoslovakias red tape The spirit lltlWltIl athletes at the IIlyiancs have been shown In nianv loruis In ltifiii attei Illl American IietivyWIIglit wrestler llill Kerstake gave II pair of spiinge knee pads to Hungarian wrestler the Hungarian III turn gnvr ttie American II salami lIarlene llrovvn young Negro shotputter who coin peted Iii Melliouriie ltome and lokyo won hundreds of friends ol ollniitioiis llltfitlllllltflliilfill Earlene giivejitterhug lessons III the livinpic Village and entertained her competitors It course there have been times when the harmony ol the Iilyinpics has been broken The names in London England in ItIIIII which became acrusut Ions lialtle pIIIlIIIlIl strained more than any other single event ot accusations and counter lIritisIIAinericiui relations And In 1936 the Iilyinpic tomes In lterlin were stained when llitler refused to shake him its with the great Negro athlete Jesse Iwens Ilreiit bitterness has developed between nations hut the high ideals of tlie Worlds athletes and the spirit which they create IIIIVe always been able to overcome the troubles caused by world polil IIS Ior nations to want to show their suiwriority through sports degrades what the Olympics stand for There is no room for politics III sport Japanese swimmer by the name ol Isnyosln Yaniauaka summed it all up when he said There shouldnt lie any room tor quarrels in the Illyinpics it prolnnes the gods of IIIyinpui Barrie Raceway entries SATURDAY IOfil TIMI 45 IIRSI IaceMIIIHflo oHAIIIAIAHI WII IR HARRY Ml lIIIW uNIH Villlty Iosi Nomi lipsi IIII kxoii ll law Hi IlavniIoii MaI IIlllll NIIIIIivaIIItIIIIpn Ilrowu II IIIleIIIl Nan IIHII SFCOND Iare Mile HSI ittMM MIIIAIIIIIII NlI IN IIIIIIiII HI Al Il NI tieiueiit II Ma Mani Iutmn am Im now ltavntxon Ma iIIIiII lake ItIIv IIIII III vpaikiom am an it lltllll YhiIII tot Mile 00 iIIIINI IAIN WIIIIu Sill All WIIIII Nitl NORTH Atom IIiI AIIIitv No lhlll IIIII lIVlI lil III kson tlllt II llt Hutton Ioiic tlotI IIowe IIIIIIIIIiIIIIII III Mimi FOUR IN Pace hlll $480 INI GUI BRAND ItItliuI IWI Itlk II IIIIIIKIII NURDII Itt NIIIIIII IIMIII IIIowr Iiiimiei IIaIIIIiii Iuttei FIFIN TIIII Mili 550 RUFIR MRI III IIowI INOIIII IRIII IIIIktIaI IMUN II RRANI Udttoi IAIIIIIIIII IIII NiaII Iliikc IUIH IA lull llc sIov IIIIKIIIIJII intuit an IimIIeII it lItItIi Univ HIIIII SIXI Pace Ahle $400 Cavemen IWII IONHAIU ti iIIIi IMI III lIItII IAlIAl III IIiwetl Unity IIaIiiIIt Mon Moouc IIIII MIII AI Him Rotitiie tint taxntolc Muddy WIIVI Itiowu it IIIVIi lclIIIIIn Item liaiii SFVLNTN PaceMiIcMOO IIIIE IIIMMAND IHI IWIL ltlk All IIIiipIIIIv AIIIIIYNIHII II Mr liiipoi IIIIIII Ic III IioteI tin Iowi II Haiolil II III luv kNIIII Mens FIuii lloiiii II In out wit EIGNTN fdce Mile $900 RMRNEgtWFII Manna Iowc II IIRIIIIIIMI RIIIII INIIII MAI lilIII ltlutvt tl lllt GiiitliiIIII Io tale aim Ielti on toIIIIIIeI Ma AI tlIuI Hate Ieed HUIIIIIMIII Maplewav film FowiIII NINYN Pace Mile $450 ILHIEI SYMMth AAII llII SAIII ME NIO Revuotds eIUkIDAAIMVIURM RUWI IIIIItIIII Iav IIiowu Ilh km How tlll NoI mm Haaxe II no Supreme Ultttitttiv YENTN PaceMIIINDO RMISS Hint GOLI iI IARPORI IIOI ARMBRO It GENI Nlmiili luv Brown Robinson IIIIiiIit onto Dane Qco Ma hemo gt III IIII ottdvi MIII Arthu IIiIIIIIII Ilt IA tones ID Homva IA tomu grease slide by Red Sox Ilarrie Red Sm slipped tur lher down the standings oi the South Simcoe IIasehall League Helping grease the Marne slide was loss to the toll ingood Iavenien at the Ilarric Iair rounds Iliursdav Red So liiid themselves in two wa tie tor third place at the Leagues North Section with the Iirilha Majors vvith Iollingwixxl one game ott the pace according to the latest statistics made available the Ontario Baseball ssociation Midland llttlIIIIlS have 11 points three more than Barrie and vhillia with the Ireeniore Braves well out III lront with 25 points on record Iv Leafs and the Iliston Ianucks are making the South Section Interesting Itli closer race Leafs are the cur rent Ieaden with 24 pIIIIlIS three more than the Ianucks WEAK Iollinwood had scored two runs be ore the Red Sox had time to get III the game Red $03 recovered from the first III mus blow to pull within one run ot catching the Iaveinen In the fifth inning Red Sox were unable to get the hits when needed The managed onlv three oil pair of Cavemen right handers In the Sixth high throw opend the doors on two more tollingwood runs Gar Sproute slid drive throu the legs of Barrie se cond senian Rob Sutherland to open the game He advanced on sacritice and scored east on llill lhIllips two hase hit Iollingvvood racked three more hits ott Barrie right hander Glen lavcock for an ad ditional run Inivcock went the distance giving up seven runs while retiring seven Iavenien on strikeouts Jim llIll started tor Iollingvvood lie blanked the Red Sov on three hits two to Sutherland until the filth wheii tilen La cock vv as vv alleed and scored on fielders choice llarold lloriiei reached hasc with his second hit ot the game In the sixth Inning tor Ioll ingwood lle advanced on an III ield out and scored when short stop Rand Mellonald threvv high to first single II Sproule scored the final Ioll Ingwood run Don Westbrooke came In to relieve Hill Iii the fifth and held Barrie suireless In game called after six complete inn mgs due to darkness Red Sox are in Tottenhain Sunda for an afternoon game against the Bears STANDINGS Ilsol July IJ NORTH SECTION Ps CieeIIIOI 20 Miniaoe Ban II Ill CoIIIIIuwooc SOUTN SECYION Iyy VI 44 Allstun Sector maIIIit Yuttiflhar LI IIii plav war at third III the nth lIIItlllF III recent gaini IIItvIccu tlitIIIlI Mobile llillllt Iniil Iliailloid Quccnn Les lterlrain and Soin lion tilllth squenked li the llarric Kiinancn IIII III Iluroiua Minoi Lacrosse Association plav lhutsdav The name war seesaw hat SUMICIIMICS YIIII MAKE IT SOMEIIMICS YOU DONT lliiltl III llIIlllIl lIlIlt ll Ilniich III lllt Maine and Nciiiul Sivttlnill tlttlt IIII iIIIvI II Illlt IilIi tie with the lviIrIIncn iiittiup three lust goalI with In the lust peiiod ll IIIitiani IIIIIttlit hack to tn the uttlll ll lllttllllIll that IiiI IoIl III the tlItllIl pci Ioil lI lth Playoffs close for HMLA teams lluroiiia Minor Lacrosse Ar SIIIIIIIIIHI IIIMIAI Iiuds up its regular schedule this week with an eye towards plavoll action on Mondav Ilntrier lIIIlIl th Harrie MI nor Lacrosse SIIIIIIIIIII coin Iuatiil all hut tvvo Ill isionr Midland and ltarric Livinp laflllllllt lIIIttIlI are III iin and tuck hattle toi tirat place ol the Iuvcinlc divisnin accordinp to latest statistics made avail ahleh IlaAssociation Harrie tnIilIIIts area IllSlllltl tlnrd III the inidnct IltlIIIlI which headed hv lltlIIIHIllI ltariii lIlItI lead llit Ivlvi IlllSIIItI IIIIIIIIIevillc and Iro Iolor are locked III Ilisnlt lot the Novice South lead vatII Al luuilale Ionstructiou In lronl ot AllCamers track meet llnronia SIIIIlIIS lracII IIiIlu participated at the II IoinIrr track iuIct Ill llllsIIIIt teducsdav llic meet one ol the weeklv events throughout the Slllllllttl to lie sponsored III pilltltlplltllltIllIlIS lIeIIlnc Iliappel ot Ilzistvievv Secotidar School placed lirrI In the Iooinetri lltll and so cond overall vvilli time ot It IlIrIstinc liivon also placed tIist in her heat III the 4le metres vv itli personal lIISI Illtit III Leslie lllack vvas thc onlv girl entered III the mens 1IIIIIII metres Iler llllII vvas III 57 lavid Ioser Il tlnrd III the 400 metre heat With time ol 5in IL seconds Scott Johnson was second In lllS heat ol the 400 metre event with time at 5701 and lirst In his heat oi the IIIImetres Kori Skinner placed third III the senior shot put with tossoi It 61 metres and tourtli In triple lump III liicttcs Bats speak in Optimists 144 victory Ilarric IIpinnists continui iII roll along then tinIr vinnint vvtivs vvith 14 lashing ot llei torsvvell IIIiIstiiictioi ll Mei littltltlliltld Ilistiai Leagiic plin lliursdav at Shea larlx tin SnIIlIi vvas tin lllIIll pitcher vvith liai Enniv Ianumz 1th the to Ilptimists tmih ov ei conic the game with tour runs it lllt first and sever runs of straight hits in the second licr torsvvel rallied to par runs In cart at The tll and seventh innings Ilptiniists IiutliI littttiilMHi SPORTS CALENDAR SOFT Innistil League 7p in Ininsti llcacti lloiiv Alcoiia It 30 lloodv vs lvailio Shack IASIH at Machlorrisoi lnrlv Manst IIIlIl Ililtott 0ch ll 30 In IIretighters Allistoii Sport HAISIIB South Simcoe Beeton at lva ti IIII in Itavlnld Mall lll Niiltli limp Harrie Ilotaiv locked up llll place llllS vviilv vvilh Ilr Illli Wlli ol the lechII South ilivi hlIIII lhc cluh tuiihed Alllt record ol VIIII and no Iowan wuh ltarrn lllllllldltlltl III II ond placi llll NIIHII Sadlon Motora upset North Ilivnaoii leader Itaiin tlt head lIooi earliIi thi vIIil IIverhead lIooi tiiiislicil tumt Ill lllIlllItIlIISIIIII lhi liaiitain race In light ltltrt Iilltlllllt Iliov Loin lvnraiicn onI pond leaders IItt liiItlI lllfilttll iiiIl VialIIlIiI IIIII IIIII winn lltlllllll la lhtttIiIiIItIIlaiIi llll IaIl Him IIIIII II Itll toi lliiiIl IIII Iii iiilii Ill liil lliI llllIiU Ivtr III lllltl Illlll Illlicii llIIIllllJIllIlllllllll Les Bertram bantams nip Kinsmen 98 in lacrosse IIIIIu Icnl IhiIII III llll Illllt llllll IIII lll il lIIlIl ll tlu lltllll llttliill lllt lII lIIIItl Inml IllIl IllIIlllll tIIIIIlII Illl llltlttlli IIll iii llllll Lil tfiiIilfi lIIII ll llli llIIIIl IIIiiiillvul Inml IIllllIIf lIII lllt lIIIiIII lli lIIll lIiIIII lIIIpII llltiilll IIlIlIIl lllllttllIiII la lIcIIIaIII IIIl IIII dtlllIl lIIIli ltllit lite IIII lliIItIIiIi III ltzr lIm ll llIllIIlli1IIltll III llll UIIIIIIIII HIIII III liiiil llIIIiIIoIl lvIIl llllltllll iii ifiiltl scorinlliviyoof llltllIld mil lIIl ltl lIiiI II II It llll IIIIIII litiin Il III Il IllliiI lliIII Ion III lIIi rIliliiioil liulv II II llllltiltllllit ll INIII lti Illllll ltltII It Itlilil litiII Iivmx lill lIIIItlI lIIIIIIHEI HI illl lIIl lliv II LIIIIIaIllII Itti Tun IIml iI III ll liIc II lull in II with vI l1IIl II Iiltl Mi luvII INo II put the tap on Itioviuinp Ilic IliIuh ItIIIlttl cast IpicIIIIIIiuii lIltIl at coach Jim lltlllfl IIIIII Ill Iitll IlIlIiIIII III IIIflit who TIIHIl little It Avll iiomouip whuh llill Hop pIiIil the two ion until IIIIIV IIINI II II III NI lll iIIIItIIIlll lltlill to pull lltl ltltI league lIIIIlIt within IitlIlIlltH dittaiiir ot the Itiadtnid fill the llIIIIl It lump on to Itll pan Ill IIIII In the toil iiionnI loI CaOp widens league lead It It II III iin ltt Ill Il lead III the IJIIIII and lirli II Mann lctlIIl IltiIuI with III vviu mm and IA IIiIvI III III llll opciIII Ill ItoiililclnuiIlIi tl tjlllllldltt ll lhui Tlll NIIIIIHAM lllIlllI IiIl lIIII lv thiiiupinti Illlltlttl III the MinImp liivcuIII ciIIii Iln viccl vI IllI IllttllI lliI ha III the qud cap ldll tIi III II UI ilit IIIIIIII Thevys enter IlMlIA tourney IIIIII Milan lIJttlIII III ItllIli lll IINIII III iiII IlilIIIllIIII lIuiIIIii llllllllIl iiIIIiI fIliiIItIv II lllII irim Itlil lIIIIII Ill Ioiiitiill Ill llII Iti IIIIII lIIlllliIIIllil llll llII IIIIIl iIlIIIII lIIIIII lllIW tIiIII Ititllilllil llx tIIlIIl lltllll lII llIIIII IathIIIIII lllltilll liIllIIiIl llIIll IIIIIi oiiiivl lItitiiilIiI gtlll itlliti lt lIllllI IIII III lIlIlll lot IIIJII II lIIi Mrtwt ot llIt lIlllil III IV lll llitvl Iiopl llIIi Iolot Illlllllltll Iltl ltllllll IIIII III IIIII lIlJliltlI ill SOgoal plateau has been reached in final week of HM llic lluronia Minot Lattowa Ausocintioii llMlhII altunlv hie one iogoal wIIilll it wnids up It Iiiial IIIlv ot it schedule Will tlllllIliII ot players vv Itlun xlllleItL ranIN Ill Ilaplateau IIvIilicad llooi Iill oiri hasatiouthcuoscInIhIpIchIc IlIISIIIlI lcatn niati Stevi Mills has III accordnip to lllt latest scoiiiic SlilllliI released Irv the llMlIv lln wetII Nov ice pliivei Sliav nc IIImi has III inth the result oi liIitIiliI lntcvt II IIIIII twin intro III VI lII llII IIlltt IllI IIIIIII IIII Ir lcIIx Itl ltIii with ll ll IIIII lIII IlaIV Bu are IN BOND schedule lltl 14 two In IIIII point I1leI II bowl imp anoint lIIIl Inlet ltmi Iv1ft IIIII IitIIl Iiiti EIII It liII IIIII III iIIIIi IiIl ll in it ill II II ltvt llIII III lltll III lllt III IlII HII lIH vlIlI It lIII III VIIII III II iiiunv IIIIlIl Iollovkint In II wni ilfliltttfnt IlIr aiizidian loIII Iiitzr Itoidcii lIIvc VtlllltIlit IIiiy ltoihfaoii illowmt onl lltIII hit IIt IIII lung IoIIp Io ll litth win oi the TIISIIIIII Ihc II lIIt opcic Icven point cilifioIII III me In llodituou viva Itlltlttll Ioi two hit III the wixlh vviIh Iilcii ltichaidson IlIiIIlIlIth and Hon Mi Iver lollowinu with Iiiiplc loaIoicIlicIIIIIIAainlWiIlII IIlc lIItIlt Itiilkltl two riiiiiloiihlc III IliIIIIxl Inniin loi what wah to IIIIIVI Iatci to he IhI AIIIIIIIII inaitiui IoItp had IIIIII lIll in the panic IlodIron via IIpoirIII tot the third III III the mood with lil IIIIIlI lliicI hack to lIaIlI xlIIIlW Ill Ihc Iliiid hv Nut Iivwn IIIc IIIItiain and lulliilil would IItIillIII Iottp IIIII At AlitiIIp Ilillttlltl hr II Iuinllttt oi Ihcuauic III IlIIfleIll liltillIH to raoic the tvvo Iinal innstoi IoIIp SWIJIT It ll IIII Nultiivvn It IIUIIHI The lock oi the schedule pit tell Noiiavva and Mltltlllt to gethci iii hatII to hack game Illlhl1l Nottawa lIII IIIIIIII IailI IIIIIIJIIIM Iioiii II II wlntcwmh by the Juveniles tiezilziy LIIII night the tahte IIIIIIIIl and it wan MIIIItIt7I lllltl to iecl IlIt vvi alhot top fIltltIl conical Nottawa Aiir oIItlnI eight to seven lly Ilic lltwlllli hut pot tlicli malt and when needed All the Maines IIIoi mil had hccn IllllVIIIIl lit the loin lh nanny The hit IIIIIIIIH was the thud when nix IuIia cached hoinr Ioi otIavva lIavI Wilt iVIIII IIIiuunon supplied Gyepko in front of Senior hitters IliuiI ll Iiti II Moliilc Iiltli and lood ioiiituaiid the top In lIiltIiiII powilion ol the Iaiiic and Mali IIl SIuioi Soil IIIIll lIIJIIJIII IliIIiIh hm llIIIl lIaItIt cut Itllll holdint down thI llIl Ilnci IIIIJIIIIII llt Iteatiiu tuttiIa III the iouIIlI to leh IlinlvIIlpot IInticlicldIi llicttiik Incplzo lIatlInI with twin inati ioh lIioiInI the Hl IilliII lIIIIIt lit 40 litl Wannanmlvei had IliiIe llll VII IhIIIli iIJiIIIl llimlloivl to In IIIII Itii auciajlc IOI III LII irii UNEMIIIII IIIN vim4 IIvIIIIIIHII1l IIHII MINIll NIJN tut IIIII4l wow rimgig Iliv III II1I Juniors nearly blow 70 lead lliltl III lN llIItI II lIIlltH II SIMon and lII Izod inanldfli mi Ialvcit mid Iln InoinInII llc we Ialkinu about the aide open 12 ll v1n lr the llltIIlIl IIIIIIIIIII It tool IliIlllIlI tr leii IIII ten in llii IZIh Inning lot the lilIIlIII to Iin the lame and III lllIl Senior Softball licavur IIIIIIIIIII Iaiiic lwl iltII to Inning II II altei lt ont haw Mania Ionic tun to III lIIUlilli III1IIAIIIIvIcI Ihuii ll Ila iiiIInII llIotoI twoiuu doiihlc III the iniiinI with tum Minimum IIIIIIi IIII lingo illlilll Inlet IIII IIIIII Nit lIIuwlaII lowed loin IIIII NoIIawa IIIIllIItId iii the II tllltl Willi llli IIItn loaded Iiinili MIIIIIIIIH III IIIIIl II to oi IIlIi III Iln second oil hark to hint douhli llV KIVIII MaI knit and Hal McLean IIIilv IIIllIl Mineranu IIHI ww the want oi NollieIa iIlIIl III IhItlIiid lton Iiiltcn was the WIIIIIIIII pitclici ANNOUNCEMENT BOB BRENNICK lm VuglIi tl Hmongi ul Itllldlllll mid Midland II III ltllllyll tlu optmutiny III at ltiIIIIII II 1n I1 Altman But INII II Maui Itnplitirmiit tiri IrIuII IIIIII IllP IIIIIIlt II nuttIl quid IvIi qt tiII lllltnl4 II It IIIIIII gIHI In II and lull III GRANDVIEW FORD Snth Domnun Icyfleld fit 72 736i nei hbours drin Canadian Club WklIfillld WQreéjvr 4a The United States Into its third century of democratic life country at achievement and spirit land created by people who enjoy lifes finer things In each of the 50 states Americans enjoy the fine taste of Canadian Club its nice to know the world can get together about something Miht whisky they think of Canadian Club JaAs r1 Minx TheflmstotflmCMlanwhlckloslsThoMln TintConsoind7 Around the world when people think of the finest lightest smoothest lands LsI Ls iai 21 lat Canadian Club is distilled and bottled In Walkorvmo by Hiram Walker Son Lknltod

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