Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1976, p. 7

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MW Nastyé its ombine fit and flair in this chic new jumpsuit from lovi Irs In 100 per cent cotton this sporty onepiecer offers the tiltiinate in comfort and coolness Shirred bodice is tricolor stripe combination of redorangegreen on cream background lop is SUMMER WEAR ANI FLAIR neatly secured with self fabric ties at the shoulder reamcolorcd jumpsuit pants feature self fabric ankle ties to wrap and tie as your please standout creation by designer olin Watson Sophisticated simplicity in 1th per cent cotton This classic Iltflltitl is must for everyday summer dressing In bright red ot ton Iwistcr with mere strip of black at the waist the look is one of clean and n4 unclutteredproportion IIigh collar and just hint of sleeve are hinese inspired teatures ontrast top stitching and buttons in ebony black complete the picture Designed by olin Watson for lovi lrs Women threaten his business By If KAIN orresimiident BOMBAY itlt lhcsc Women are terrible moaned the boss of ltanipets illicit lis tillers They have almost dc stroyeil our business He was referring to the act iv ities of new womens organ ilillltlll which has sprung up in the south Indian town of Rani pct Known as Magalir Manram or llaugliters League the or gaination has been terroriling itistitiers ol illicit liquor in the state of Tamil Nadu Beginning with membership of just 15 it now consists of more than 200 activists in the cause of total prohibition Tamil Nadu became dry last year Of Indias 22 states oiin two Tamil Nadu and Gujarat still follow policy of total prohibition But total prohibition has given rise to large scale illicit distillation There is perhaps no Iiaiiilet Without couple of illicit stills savs senior Ia mil Nadu policcofficial Ilic llaiight League now has come to the aid of the police in locating illicit stills So far more than 40 big stills lll tlic Ranipet region alone have been unearthed with its help Members of the pro proliihi tion organization say that the men who operate the stills irc working against the interests of women including then ouii wives daiiglitci and mothers Ihangam Kitinaran itc oi tiiecliaiiic says that many men spend more than halt their ear mags on drinks This means less iood for their families iewer clothes for their wives and children and often no educationforthckids Dolcns of women shouting pro prohibition slogans sure rounded forest litit in which illicit liquor was being brewed and threatened to set fire to it unless the bootleggers came out and promised to obey the law The threat oiktd Later po lice arrived on the scene and contiscatedthistill Salmons tantalizing potential Slltl llt2 tlttlllI ItIIt tful tool Ill ozs ll Salmon fillet cut into si pieces Flour lliymc salt and oicestershiic sauce to taste tsps lenioniuice medium onion diced cup Ilill Sauce iltllllt follow it os putt pastri eggyolks beaten Season salmon lllt thyme salt Worcestersliiie sauce and lemon juice Roll in flour to coat lightly In small amount oi butter in frying pan iiiiickl brown salmon on both sides Itciiiovc troni pan and place in refrigerator to chill Meanwhile prcpaic Ilill Sauce see below Saute diced onion and add to Dill Sauce Roll otit puft pastry into two in inch rounds Ilacc Li pieces ot chilled salmon on one lialt ot one round tocr with cup Dill Sauce tilac the ililltt Emit ot the round with egg yolk md fold over salmon Illllltll style tilac with egi olk llil firmly scal edges togci tl ltcpcat pi ocetiui ll ti remaining salmon and uni llill hauccon second ourzi On cookie sheet bake degrees Mr 11 to to iultltliW tiiitil golden brown iccoiiipanicd tilt icnmati it cup llill Rance er tgt Lt lllllltli makes cup talin butter iltlspflttlll cupinilk tspsalt tspcmshed dill or chopped fresh dill Melt butter over low heat Ii in flour and cook stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and bubbly Add milk gradually stirring constantly until thickened Add seasonings and cook little longer SALMON EN iIttllTE llEtiENtY Work force now 45 per cent women NEW YORK AP The members of the uniform in dustry who for many years have been concerned primarily with providing clothing for tie cupations dominated by men now are meeting the needs of female uniformed personnel Howard Wolfe executive secretary of the National Asso ciation of Uniform Manufac turers says the rapid infusion of women into the uniformed work force in areas where they never participated before has caused stir in the industry More and more uniform manufacturers are offering womens lines of clothing and accessories even blIIlQlICSISh ant vests with builtin bus tlines Women make up 45 per cent of todays work force The num ber of female police officers is increasing tremendously and the United States army navy and air force academies are all recruiting women It used to be that when an occasional woman got tradi tionally maletype job and needed uniform she had to settle for mantype clothing fit ted to her proportions said Wolfe This meant in many cases getting trousers that fit ted at the hips and hail to be taken in at the waist SHOWN IN AIAIJNIIIIIS The new requirements have resulted in striking differences in the catalogues being issued by uniform manufacturers It liistrations show women wear ing numerous variet ies of cloth ing and outer wear Accessories are offered in styles specifically geared to meet the taste of women for fashion while still maintaining the traditional uniform look Uniforms are being offered for all types of work in mixand match ensembles Wolfe said These iiicliiilc pants jackets coats bodysuits dresses and smocks ne uniform manufacturer Iias incortmrated the leisure look The uniforms which in clude jeanstyle pants for both men and Women have western style fasteners and are in blue and brown for men and addi tionally red and green for women Womens police uniforms with western styling are also being introduced The appearance of tini form is important and this is especially true with the uni forms designed for women said Wolfe In many cases the uniform is symbol of author ity and the authority of the per son wearing the uniform must not be questioned IIARAFTER llNIIANEI Consequently the design of the womens uniform must not be changed too drastically Fashion has its place and is more of consideration with women wearing uniforms he explained But the fashion consideration must not in terfere with either durability of the uniform or the authority behind it The uniform industry is do signing greater number of uniforms with more feminini styles It is expected that there will be no radical changes in color Basic differences will come in design One of the most obvious changes will be the develop ment of heavy duty industrial uniforms for women wolfe said uniform manufacturers are de signing special industrial uni forms for several large com patties Because of the increase in the number of uniforms being worn name designers such as Edith llead now are being em ploycd to create fashion designs for female personnel The uniformed work force in cludes letter carriers police of ficers firefighters restaurant workers bus drivers security guards nurses airline person nel and countless people doing various typesof Work AN LANDfltS Hes sick of organ recitals Dear Ann Landers few months ago moved to Kalamazoo Mich from Grand Rapids Although the cities are not far apart its like different world have always been involved with church and club work In Grand Rapids was active in many groups and the women were lovely Ive met some fine women here in Kalamazoo but they are older and seem to be preoccupied with their illnesses and operations attended lunch meeting this afternoon and the conversation was rehash of everyones surgery One woman told about her ovarian cyst the size of lemon An other woman described her uterine tumor as big as grape fruit third lady not to be outdone said her fibroid was the largest the doctor had ever seen big as watermelon Such topics are boring and unappetizing Ive tried without success to turn the conversations to more uplifting subjects What do you SUggSINw In Town Dear New Ive been to Kalamazoo and can tell you there are many women there who can talk about something besides their operations If you are fed up with organ recitals land who can blame you find new friends There are all kinds of women every where People like water seek their own level near Ann Landers ljust read the letter from the lady who asked if her unemployed husband has the right to ask for sex af ter 11 at night when she must be at work at eight in the mor ning It seems to me the ladys problem isnt that her husband wan ts sex after it pm but that he is unemployed How would she feel about his sex drive if he had job Would she still be too ired If so she has third problem she doesnt want sex ANY time under ANY conditions When does she think other working couples make love If Mrs Too Tired really objects to the time of night she could solve the problem very easily by suggesting that they get cozy the minute she walks in the door after work or the first thing in the morning Ill bet hed be delighted no matter what the hour No Timekeeper hear NT Getting cozy the minute Mrs Working Wife walks in the door is fine provided It they have no kids t2i someone has at least started the supper Morning makes better sense assuming of course that she is canary and he is rooster Dear nn Landers am divorced woman With sevenyear old daughter When she visits her father they sleep in the same bed dont like to make waves unless am sure of my ground because my ex has very short temper When he blows his top hes like crazy man Do you think this arrangement might be harmful to the child wont say anything till hear from you What do you say Iidw estern Mama Dear Mama Ive said it dorens of times but Ill say it ga parents hildren should not be permitted to sleep with their If your ex has an explosive temper ask yotir pediatrician to write him note stating the facts It the sleeping together con tinues see your lawyer about revising your husbands visiting privileges Dear Ann Landers Something has been bugging me for long time and dont know who to complain to so youre it Ive seen and heard the wond ny mptnrruiniac hundreds of times Its wellknown fact that being Missal with is luman problem not an illness peculiar to women In fact Ill bet more males are crazy than females Yet there is no word for them Do you think perhaps Daniel Webster was womanhater lnq uir From Little Rock Dear Rock So far as know Dan had nothing against girls and your attack is unjustified There is word for males who lave an insatiable appetite for sex They are called satws T01 AYS lItIITAHIJI LOAF 11 lbs ground beef med onion finely chopped cup chopped green pepper cup chopped celery cups grated carrots cup fine bread crumbs egg lightly beaten tsp salt tsp pepper igtsp dry mustard tsp cayenne tsp Worcestershire sauce can 1002 tomato soup undiluted Combine all up ingredients RECIPE blending thoroughly Press into greased pt casserole dish or loaf pan Bake at 350 degrees until done 11 to hours Makes to servin vice Proprietor Ron McCouley Pd 1254424 McCauley TFBCIOF Eqmpment Sales Farm Industrial Sales Parts and Ser vylmllSodthrflthh 00 IIS30 pli In to Fri Set The Borrie Egominei FridayflJuly Si AIWICS lt lxtlli II llil Iiynn Hill of Seais at The leorgian Mall gave feature demonstration Wednesday on tying scarves to enhance clothes at the monthly meeting ot tlii ltlllti Wotiitti fliili il ll toil tinenlal liil li litll liiiiiiiiei ilittiil iiiiiliatioii paioli ollici till the llllllill iii itiiiiiliniial lltl 37 guest Illitktl Iytllllitt iliiitoi Pollutants take toll on human skin hair My ELLIII IIHDSSMAN NEW YORK If the mer chandise isnt moving puff it up The cosmetic industry follows that dictum eagerly as THE Helena Rubinstein com pany proved recently Just listen to the alariims in this letter from the Softness Group Inc public relations firm representing the com pany We should interview Shirley Lord vice president of cor porate relations at Helena Rubinstein the letter says because she is prepared to discuss some startling in formation concerning the ef fects of environmental ERMA BOMfiEQK Where are the rest stops Hy HR MA HUMIHX Last summer when our tam ily took to the highways we noted that every if miles or so there was an Xll on the tree way marked REST AREA As we wliiued by we saw bap py families at play Iladdy was making yummies oyer grill the kids were tossing tiisbee Mother was moving picnic table that was chained to the ground to the shade and the dog was holding hs stomach with laughter We could do that said cn viously It wouldnt take much to toss cooler lung of char coal and few folding hairs in the back seat We could strcii ti otir legs use the facilities get cold drink of water and Iiadity could read oni of those lll maps they frame in giav find out here xii ii This year everyone tuigo but me When we priikcvt thi car announcwt more driving for days to find ios taurant where grease is hc beverage This year thi rest artas for the itonitni Aiii till tin rtmi ii lizililllt hci ms test area Want in my husband ti lltttl Il tidentlx Iton one tl lit rs lvias rgl as iiiotliri ll in miles we saw Then lunchtime catta iv it er saw inolicr mite lAii ii iiiik lri v7 became restless tfI il1i kttk the back We oni iHa tes Mt liaik iriat pu our seat belt or lttiliillitilillif Iateit caiiathrvpl it one ili iit wit nose pressed against Th vi ollutioii on health and licaiity I1Illll knotc it Hui tinues hov twliiiotogy is rapidly destroying oui nativi natural Iftgtlill Ilowevci the constant asuault ot polliilan is has taken ll toll on human life as well llll example skin and him have no liitIiII of repelling thi Illltltlttt liaai its iliii ltiltl let to lltllt Wlial it will illilli ttii laut sentence The lilltl how If company IIt vistigatiiig Ill iliililllll to develop um piruiiitt ltlll Will Hiilitf iI fiiilti VIItIIIIllflIlvll liaiiifiu Hui Itlllt Ilttlil lliisi eh dim llillitti liw wini itii Ittliil iiirloil iu vlirv= tiioiiiitl tlll wtitf iiiili iiit area in km nthz hi iatai iiii Ilitlit Iitui lltlt in wit nin ililll MUA Wt tll illllalrt on ol the lad liiiallilmlt inert it Ill lillfnii it it in iii tiiiiiii we tlifi lltllt Ext llvtliii lii3 iv illlf tiiii Illnl mi 9c ivvr anon tangiaPllllll STAR BUSINESS MACHINES LTD fundIo Barrie 71616595 It icitaiiily sounds avioir lly all iiieaii let talk to Shit Icy land foiinei IJiiiilili new paiwi woman Lord one of Ilic lwaiitilil iiupli gluta tioltinit ivpeit in lltttlll Itlifl litallli iaie liei lno iiallz torinei beauty editorat Vogue Shi ir average height Ihul by liigliimwciiII emiiitiw viithtcaadtiloiilleliau All llttlil Vls linil let have that stailliiii iidoi liivllltili the Anna ii iii wuiiiaii lii ayu lt4 in punishing en viiuniiient Ilecausi of air con Ilitionini and oviilil iIlIHL their in It Hillvlillii stealing of moistuie away from your skin And all light not iiist ultra Violet Iiiv apt lhi kiii Iulliiliiitts have deleterious cf forth on klli litlIllIJ lll lii iiiilitiiiiiiattai ll ll Ilowewi ltf tiliiliiJlV lleliisa Ituhiustcin in dim and liaii linear The Iltiftt toi the lltfirl womai ilflllll4lllilttl Ititlliilii lot the material wins teen on hi markth though Jt Jilt worried about iIIllillllil it that Iitf turnmine lliflll It llitMMli ilioiiilii lid Iiotir tor Lilli vulva It It mi Ill tot fluff Iir mowg liitci llii ii wk iioEw trti and that whet lli till tomes lti We iuiin propit like you Atli lulti gamut iiir woid ilmei fliiflvi4ili1llfIlff hei kili lit to ilii Jun ltllltij niiii oiyv in fnliuiiliiii tlil nittat that View Itt inalmig 111 tili igr poihiMm not what Manon mat 21 1iiitiailiii imd sigei vi an Homo ii Ir ii ln v1i With lntere st Taken ANNUAL MM BENENuY Moeage LEO MlRitlStH vulflf 35 Dunlop St 73714

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