we IAl liA ABBEY 25 Wt lliKS AS lItlllt Al lAlliS SI BRAIIINIRISIRlilil Female mechanic enjoys being different says she could never take an office job My IHISICANNIC Mcf Iflltj Worrieris lCditoi Iaula Abbey decided at If to become mechanic llci guidance teacher at the Richmond Hill Iiiin school was surprised But Iaula she said Iirls dont go into mechanics They do it they want to be lit fereiit At 25 Paula is an ap prentice mechanic at Iaiils Sunoco on Bradford Street She has 15 irioiitlis to complete before she writes her final exam Two years ago went back to visit the same teacher to tell Iier what was doing She was really happy for me says Miss Abbey Ioanne Magma centre was honored idiiesda night by members at touriterweiglit for losing iso pounds iii Is lot of the ctistomers are happy for her too little sur prised maybe but mostly they areencouraging The older women for exam ple express an envy for her position They just didnt do this kind of thing when they were growing up she said The men Ive been offered lot of jobs since Ive been here Its really encouraging Iatila grew tip familiarizing herself with cars Iler brother and her boy friend is mechanic As youngster hanging around with her brother was enough education to whet her interest By the time reached high school knew didnt want to he secretary or teacher or nurse All my friends just wan ted to settle dow and get married wantlt to do soriietliingdifferent But she didnt get around to that right away She went to secretarial school After that she was secretary for her step father in printers manufacturing company in Richmond Hill hated it It was then knew had to have job where didnt have tosit still Ibat summer she was offered Juli ptiriiping gas in service station ller boss there as imA pressed hen he saw her install ltl llllfllN SLIM Atll months lett is llectoi Mat niillaii general niariagei til counterweight loronlo iiid lttt Lloyd for Barrie IQKIl tfl to ttirci tiiiinter weigli iii tis illittltil power steering unit in her own ar Immediater he offered her job in the garage She enrolled in the fiveyear mechanics course at Centennial College Toronto and she stayed with the garage for nine months She worked at another garage for six months and at dealers for years before she came to Pauls in Barrie There are lot of girls taking mechanics now She said There are lot who come into the station who are really en thused about it The job demands physical strength for engine overhauls differential rear end and trari smission work Brit two many gifts and flowers from family and friends IIx amiiier Ihotii St Andrews Church scene for WatsonWalther wedding quis rleiie aison and let trey altliei were married June 36 at St Andrew Presbyterianthuicli Rm Stewart otticiated Robert at son the bride lather sang the Lords ltier during the signing at the register ac UIIIIKIIIILXI by ari llemeit on the or gar The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bolicr dist th iirme and the groon the sin or Mi and Mrs liaitiizi Walther at its ttsiriirgtonSt lltc birth wore go while silk oigaiira met while ttttttttt kitty ttHt slecyis en ding flared cult stand up collar will key hole Illt neck lhe gowi had fitted bodice with flared skirt ending II catficrdra train lace ap plaiiies decorating the sleeyes ciilia liodii and skirt lhc hiitti wore gold and pearl peiuiait arid earrings gift of the groom She wore white ap iiitimed tiara decorated wff pearls and lace ttl Bath method best for canning There is no titicstioi about it all fruits including tomatoes must be home can ned by the not water bath method to guarantee well sealed product that wont turn dark or spotI iii the tnonths of storage tsiiig the oper kettle method of home canning is very un sure and soirietinies unsafe way to go about presernng foods insist food specialists at the In tario Food touricil Ministry of Agriculture and Food It does not guaraniw seal nor does it ensure that the contents of the jifISJIlltlllIl tanning III the oven is also not recommended Since ther iriostats in electric stoyes are not always reliable the food may not reach ltltttkttlttlft hiin enouin to ensure sierrasa tron tit eyeri greater corch is the possibility physita danger since the Mrs conic plode in the en lhtlt tltt only two piryts til equtptiieril necessary tor hot water bath processing line is pot large enough to hold azn trig tars which once cmered coriipletely with water is high enough to allow the water boil without spilling mm the top It should also hate tight tittitiglid The other item is rack which fits inside the pot The rack is used to preeni Jars frorri sitting directly on the bot tom of the pot and breaking Many hot water bath proces sors can be purchased with the racl included If you do not have rack use small cake tdth which tits into the pot For complete instructions on proper home canning methods write to the tttdltti Ministry of gruulturc and Food Iarlia ineit Buildings Queens Park TUIUIIIH IT or in to your nearest county office and ask for Publication his Home fainting Ontario Fruits and egetables Published in June 1917i this booklet contains the most up to date iritoriiialion available as well as solutions to many of the common prob lems encountered in home car ning ll IiI KN RELIGION Mecca is the holy city of Is lam which is the religion of the Mosleni people rhinestones and true ttille ed with double shoulder length framing face trimmed at the floor edge She carried it bouquet of hite roses stephanotis baby breath and ivy iii ascade sty le Maid of honor was Beerley Siliurr of tedar Harbor Bridesmaids were llga Berry and Beerly Watson sister of the bride of Barrie Flower girl was Shannon McNally niece oi the groom ot oith Bay Bing bearer was lodd Mason nephew of the groom of Barr It Best man was Briar Black ot Ushawa shers were Bob at son brother of the bride and tilen Iuplin ot Barrie The reception was held at Suriiiidale Centre where guests were greeted by the brides mother and the grooms mother The bride wore brown and white striped dress with white 36083501185 and ii cor sage of yellow roses for the couple honeymoon to Penrisylvannia Mr and Mrs Walther Hll by iii Barrie tiufoftown guests attended from Vancouver per Cliff North Bay Brunt ord Kitchener Gait Ir slori Islington Georgetown own to Meaford and Owen Sound gt iriecliaiiics work together at Iauls And its mutual respect for one anotliers work We both know you can keep learning at the job she said Its an education in more ways than one used to think garages were ripoff But its like everything Costs are up lot of people dont realize that mechanics have to buy their own tools People think garages take advantage of women who dont know anything about their cars she shrugged Ive never worked for one thatdid guess it happens Ive never seen it though Shes strong advocate of basic mechanics course for women These could solve some of the problems In 15 months shell be fully licenced mechanic But she has another goal beyond that want to go to the Carribean and work as mechanic on boats she said She decided this when she visited Aruba and heard about the job want to meet 999999 people love cars but love exploring peoples minds too think it would be fascinating on about She likes seeing people in their everyday moods And she learns more each day about human behavior when she linkers with persons prized possession their car Its good experience when you have to size person up when they come in You have to know how to handle them While all her friends in Rich iiiond Ilill have settled down by now she sees age 30 as the set tling down age for her In the meantime she has outside in terests such as playing left wing for the Iro Iets ladies hockey team motorcycling camping tar races tennis swimming and watersknng mmwii DeWitt Hazell first in bridge In action at the Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club July Bill DeWitt and John Hazell came first in north south play Mary Woodstock and Olive Hersey were second Jean and Frank Bowes third In east west play Ella Soanes and Vivian Hamilton came first John Postnikoff and Rick Saxby second and Vivien Meriezes and Win Smith third In play Iuly I2 John Iostnikoff and Rick Saxhy came first in northvsouth play live Ilersey and Wayne llart were second Peg More and Russ Church third In eastwest play Lucie Taylor and Norma lobson ame first Sven Hansen and Sherman Boulter second Scot tie Iliurcli and Vivien Meneles third In play at Ieans Duplicate Bridge luh July in Swiss teainoIfour first place was taken by Ileleii Medveckis Mae Iettmers Frank Harrison and John Kuipers second Barb Meriexes Win oiidor and Hazel and Boy Fraser third Ieggy Jones Arri Neilseii Helen and Keith liangell Midland Market July 20 21 22 The Iltli annual Summer An tique Market sponsored by St Andrews Ilospital Auxiliary Midland has special and nostalgic appeal this year The auxiliary celeliratiiig Its 70th year since it was formed by 22 women in I906 is also marking its filial yein under the name of St Andrews Wlieii Midlands new area hospital opens this fall the group will be known as the Auxiliary to the Huronia District Ilospilal ne of Midlaiids most in terestirig tourist attractions the market will be held at the ountry Mill Iuesday July 20 at pm through July 2122 am to It pm The mill can be reached by following Ilwy 27 north to Midland then turning left at Balm Beach road at the Ellen Trimmer centre author and senior probation and parole officer of the Ministry of orrectioiial Ser vices was guest speaker The Miss Barrie Fair ontesi will be held this year Aug 24 at 730 pm at the Barrie urling lub on Essa Road tontestants must be from Simcoe ounty and between the ages of It and 23 Each corites tant must prepare short speech on fall fairs or on In first traffic light The mill is located Iiall mile along this road As in former years the show will feature Ill well known and reputable dealers from sou tliern thitario Quilt making weavmg and other local crafts will be demonstrated on the stage All proceeds are used to assist the hospital IIURIII BY NIIHIS SIIIIGIIIIY England tfli Members of the Sedgley ani era Tilili have been advised by club officials to stop taking pic tures of local ntide models They all look the satire said the officials and members would do better to stick to land scapes and animals AUTHOR SIICA KS Wednesday at the regular meeting of the fliristian Womens ltib held at the oiitinenlal Inn litlIIle Mar jerrisoii left and club presr tarios Agriculture llirei judges will pick the winner based on appeiiiiici poise and personality lric categories Ilttlllflt Slim liir flll prie $34 for sitlititl Sinfortliirdplati The winner of the contest will PEOPLE AND PLACES lSlT Mr and Mrs rville Riseborough and family of Brantford spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norman Bannerinan of Barrie IlESTS Mr and Mrs Allan Marshall of London Mr and Mrs Iiariy Maves and Mr and Mrs Jack Baffler of Kitchener and Mr and Mrs Stan Withers of It tawa were gucsts Sunday With Mr and Mrs Norman Banr nerinaiiofBarrie IIOOKINU ISIIIZ Members of the aroma Branch of the tlritario Hooking raft Iuild are making signs to prepare for the Bug Hooking Bee Iuly I7 from Ilium to 330 pm at St Vincent Iark Mem bers participating should bring their own lunch and chair For information contact Shirley Poole 7126 Ilï¬lfi LUSICS Wlulfnlfl Joanne Ilagan of lift un dles Rd achieved her goal weight recently by losing trio pounds in 15 months She was given flowers and gifts by members of tounterweight at reception held at the In dependant Order of tidd liellows Ilall Ferris lane SUM Iulia Mills sang solo recen dent Iane Black look at the recentlypublished book by Mrs Trimmer Budding In lerpersonal Relationships trlxaminer IIiotoi be eligible for the Miss tana dian National Exhibition con test and will attend tlieconven tion field in February at the ltoyal York Hotel loroiilo Miss Barrie Fair Iltiii Susan lllliott of Allistori is now preparing to enter the Miss tVFcomplilion BrentHarvey vows exchanged at Collier Street Church The marriage of Mary Elizabeth Brent and Donald Kenneth Ilarvey took place May it in other Street Irilted thurch Rei williain Fritz of ficiattd Soloist was lan Hare daway accompanied on guitar by Jean linton The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs IIdwin Brent of 117 apier st and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs Ken neth Haney of 237 lhickworth St The bride wore gown of street crystal polyester trim tried with daisy white lace fashioned with princess lines and key hole neckline She wore headdress of pearls and lace She had fingertip eil trimmed with matching daisy white lace and carried lion quet tit pink roses septiariotis and baby breath Maid of tumor was Anni Baxter Church has reunion in school tapt Rey Issac chaplain at Base Borden and past moderator of Barrie Presbytery was guest speaker recently at the annual reunion of Bauer Presbyterian thurch held in Baxter tentral School The processiorial was led by piper Nancy tlark Also taking part in the ser ice was Rey Stewart of St Andrews Church Barrie who read the scripture Bey Basil Das Totlenham clerk of Barrie Presbytery led in the prayers The Baxter choir sang medley of old favorites buffet supper was held in the hall basement Brent sister of the bride of Toronto Bridesmaids were Kariii Murray of Hamilton laite Brent sister of the bi idcol Bar He and Pam hristilaw of Hamilton Best man was Iaul llewitt of Johns lld lsbers were Fenton of Bathtirst St James limit lliiriiy and lit Haney lIItilllfl til the groom of Barrie llii tenplan held it Sunnidale toiiiiiiiiiiity tiiitrc wliett tlie tiriili iriitler iIllfl the RIUUII inittlici ltiilill guests For the honeytiiioi ti the Iiitiitiiititirtleris tlwit lfltf MB ANI MRS Ii HARVEY an apricot ï¬llytsttl gabardine two piece llll with apricot fell hat and tuitictiilorcd atces sot Ies llie newlyweds will ltt int hatham Hit of town guests lion itiltltvlldllll Ila ew iwa iietitleil Niiyii Siii Bi iiii it ls Quebec llairiiltor aiitllotontv GROUP LTD tf is rttk Ntlrt tint Fusiiitutqoqesiwvt Sui Hg iges it R95tdehla tiritrrettO dosinol Cotoges Forms Apoitineiits Hotels Cori dOITIliiiUfnS Builder Loans loud Mortgage Consioltzain Busuiess Loans busting Mortgages PuKttOSQd Unlimited NHA and on veniionol loans for moor development Planning and lanaitot analysis assistant prouded OPEN DAILY 90 to 30p Ihurscmy QVQHIHgS till Smurde by oppomtmem Call WM SUMMERS Barrie offim I705 737 345I 9i Hayfield St 505 cuuf vent Barrie Examiner Friday JvulyflIb I976 tly at their monthly meeting of the thristian Womens lub held at thefonlinenfal Inn IIIISIIHIII Members of trove Park Home will take bus tour Aug I7 to the African Lion Safari the Royal Botanical Gardens and Itosetiardens VISIT olleen Brubacber of Barrie has returned from weeks Visit at her uncles farm in Walkerton AIIIIARS Al HRY NASHVILLE lenn tIi Kevin Hickey anadian old time steprdaricing champion from Deep ltiver Ont was guest performer at the Bicerr tennial grand masters fiddling contest at pryland in Nash ville The Iii year old dancer as iccompanied by Rudy Meeks oftlrillia ont the North American fiddling champion IISIIASSINIITIIROIGII WAKIJFIIIH England itli The West Yorkshire Iov hm Academy here was sur prised to see lost homing pir gem walking through its main door The bird has been re turned fo its owner We Ios ltmfiu lat2 in flood land illicit Its liIIIt ll irili tllr VfllHIII41ILgtIlï¬Â¢5 7261454 7286331 DtVlLBlSS CANADA LIMITED It 51 iii fit it Hi Ii if often it Il