NEWSROUNDUP Carter Democrats ready for campaign drug busts down NEW YORK li Jimmy arter returns home to Plains 1a today to map his official campaign for the White House as the presidential nominee of the Detriocralic party united as never before and spoiling for battle arter accepted the partys nomination Thursday night at the close of the Democratic convention telling cheering delegates We have been nation adrift too long The convention also ac claimed the fleorgtans choice of vieepresidentiztl tioniiiiec Senator Walter Ilriizi Mondale ot lVlinncsota who among other things is one of the best intotincd politicians on anadian affairs latter wealthy peanut tar titer and former governor of his state entered Madison Square iardeit after ringing speech by the Miiinesotan and the packed crowd erupted iii Six minutestandingoyatioii For artcr it was the climax of tour years ol tireless plan mug and campaigning that brought him from the obscurity of south Georgia to the nonii iiatioti and the centre of tin tioiial attention He opened his relatively low key speech by saying My name is ltnimy tartcr and Im running for president lt was the same litic he used countless times when he was still an un known figure We feel the moral decay has weakened our country that it is crippled by lack of goals and values and that our public otti eials have lost faith in us he said say to you that our na tions best years are still ahead iarter said that it he was elected the American people would have president who feels your pain and shares your dreams and takes his strength and wisdom and courage from you Mondale referring to Water gate and President Fords par don of former president ltich ard Nixon for any crimes he might have committed lll ot lice said We have tust lived through the worst political scandal in tiierican history aitd are now governed by president who pardoned the person who did ll Walks alone lti ltltll talit tli lat isoii walked on bet own Thursday while nurses stood by and watched one week ittcr she entered hospital with par tially paralying stroke otti ends at long lteacli leinorial Hospital said Dr Bernard Michela lhelios pitals rehabilitation director said the first steps by the llt o1 Inritiei president Richard Nioti were tiiiisl significant siiztt oi iitiproyeiiietit hospital spokcstiiiiii ltil Mrs ioiis doctors remain optimistic that she has good chance ol itiakiiii total oi neat total recover iii three to loin inoiitlis Lottery ltllthit il ttiillioii dollai iotiei itttititttteetlllittis da to tile Ontario lolltl torp iiii soon liccoitie lli illv ttpltn tllt tl ciiiiii littltll elili niiiiisiet it ciiltiiiv iint recication loi On lllli li telcli said in an lllltl lt llltllt lottei called the Iimnu indiniLiiid Ioalloxi participaioix tioit othet pioi Illtt ttiimiti is winilitti it lltlllllitlllttl awn int titii lllllilltl iilliiltiitl KIltlilt liei Illlliti not lilituiisiiaiii itit1iv iii tiius oriwetuw ilii initl ilii an eiit PM pi lt SI lilillill on Sheath wcl Ittlnllil chain tli pizi mam tt liueil tw uxoi gt itkiW vit iuv tl tt Mitt it Am ll stitttktl lli llliillto 1ii lil iitn lt litit11iis Mass kidnap tlll11iill all litt siti 112 iit Ytie iic it lon ie yti itsnptnunit Itom ior so Illlllsilt ittl ie it at s1 liIr lntt ll CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Yy our hot tos doltmty an 0110 0v X3 in Bani lO Discount On Pitt Up Otdois oer Phone 728881 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE WALTER MONDAH ariers running mate li appears to be an abduc tion Bates told reporters We are waiting to be con tacted The bus as found abandoned in dry canal late Thursday during search from the air 11 was hidden by heavy under growth LCBO hike TORONTO itli The Li quor ontrol Board of Ontario announced Thursday that the prices of til of its imported listr ings will be changed July 19 The hoard said in statement that prices of 274 imports will he reduced while 543 products will increase Domestic spirits beer and wines will not be at tected Bill passes lOltONlO It lt Legisla tion placing Ontarios public sector employees under the fed cial anti inflation program re ceived final approval and royal assent lhiirsday The bill passed easily with the Liberals combining with the governing Progressive ton servatives on the thirdreading vote against the NDI The final approval came on vote of 75 to 221 There was no debate on third reading The house recalled troni icat ion to pass the ttieas are completed its third day ot considering the bill lhtirsdm Committee ltiltiiVlti itli The On tario legislature approved lhiirsday establishment of se lect committee to deal with the onibudsmans report Oll lainl acquisition in North Pickering The committee tnider the chairmanship ot James Hen Ith lll Toronto Itivei dale ill deal with the report if ombudsman Arthur Maloney and lreinicr Villiain llavis are unable to reach satistactory agreement on the reports tee oiiiitiendatiotis Last week Housing Minister lolin Itliolles released the re port iiid called ll one sided and iitcotiiplete The report was critical oi housing ministry lac tics used iii isseiiibliiiu land lot the ptoposed town of orth lickei int during 197 711 taliiiii llltlll uniiist iiiiicioiiible rind oppressn More jobs Itll The man be ot 1IllIllt ioli openings lin hill and part llltlt work lll REDFORD HOFFMAN ALLTHE PRESIDENTgMEN ulous run mm 1Dinifr$ tV 20 creased by 11 per cent during the second quarter this year from the first quarter Statistics anada reported Thursday There were 53500 openings on average in the AprilJune pe riod up from 48100 in the JanuaryMarch first quarter The number of fulltime job openings was up by nine per cent to 48100 in the second quarter For every 1000 existingjobs six were vacant in the second quarter the same as in the first quarter New president OTTAWA ttlt The gov crnment has approved the ap pointment of Wilbert Hopper as president of letroaiiada Prime Minister Trudeau said Thursday Milk quotas OTTAWA Pt Financial relief is in store for dairy farm ers following release of figures showing milk production has dropped in line with govern menl ordered decreases Ellard Powers chairman of the Canadian Dairy ointnis sion said Thursday quotas in most provinces have been in creased because milk produc tion has dropped during April May and June Refugees OlTAWA ilt anad will take another 1000 politicai refugees frotn South America immigration Minister Robert Andras announced Thursday The minister said in state ment most of the refugees will be hileans now living in Ar gentina Some may come from hileaniails Name change TORONTO ilt TIilOIl and Mail says that Edwari Ziemba NDT member of II Ontario legislature has ac knowledged that he once lived iii Toronto under another name and worked as an amateur bo xer television repairman and private investigator El ZIICII lit copyright story the newspaper quotes li iemba as saying he has been qucs tinned by Ontario Provincial Police on his other life as liddic lohii Harris Mr Ziemba is the lll tor the Toronto riding ol High Iarkhwansea and operator of wotneiis clothing store The newspaper quotes hat is saying he has nothing to little about his past lite and hopes to make pitblic transcript ot his police interiieu lt quotes him as saying he thinks pri ate in Try Ourqumous MIIIAMAII Anvriiiiiiit Variety cl Chinese TAKE OUT SERVICE 7266101 Banquet Facith NIIIAIMII GARDENS Licenced Tavern 41 Dunlop StWBanin nmuuuumwuu 29 DUNLOP ST FULLY LICENCED UNDER lLl0 Fttflmttttflw¥¢W¥ The Most Devastating Detective Story Of This Century NW PLAYINE ADULT 4c ln BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND RAY BELMONTE DINING DANCING NIGHTLY Tacky Saturday Midnight MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARlY COMFORTABLY AIR CONDITIONED SHOWN DAILY AT 630 900 PM MATINEES SAT SUN AT 100 swam 5m 79d BARRIE 716 3831 it occoccocmccccccccccci vestigator looked into his back ground as result of his allega tions in the legislature that led to police investigation of med ical latmratories The newspaper quotes the MP1 as saying he adopted the name Harris in the 19505 be cause he thought it would help him in business to have an Ang licized name He was married as Harris in 1958 but reverted to the name Ziemba when his first child was born in 1962 The names were changed legally but without publicity the newspaper quotes him as saying Wont attend oriawa 77 Gloria George Native touncil of an ada president has refused an invitation to meet Queen Eliza beth because of what the coun cil calls discrimination against natives Royal tour organizers have refused to allow Ms George permission to bring an escort to reception to be given by the Queen on Saturday in Montreal Duke Redbird council vice president said in an interview lhursday IMPERIAL CINEMA OTTAWA CP Criminal Code offences in Canada rose by 75 per cent in 1975 over 1974 with crimes of violence and property crime increasing and drug offences down Statistics Canada reported Thursday The government agency said crimes of violence increased by six per cent Property crime and fraud rose by 86 per cent The figures show that in 1975 there were four murders of po lice and prison guards com pared with seven iii 1974 The Commons passed bill Wednes day that would ban the death penalty for all civilian crime But although capital murder was down the number of non capital murders rose to 616 frotn 538 to raise the rate of this crime to 27 for every 1005000 population from 24 in 1974 The number of sexual of fences including rape indecent assault on males or females and other sexual crimes de clined to 10918 in 1975 from 11 111 in 1974 But rapeoffences in creased to 1852 from 1823 Because of increased popli lation the rate of rape re mained steady at 812 for every 100000 persons Violent crime up One of the largest percentage increases in Criminal Code of fences was in robbery involving use of firearms which rose by 507 per cent There were 8965 robberies involving firearms iii 1975 compared with 5859 the previous year The number of robberies was 21310 compared with 16953 in 1974 Assaults totalled 102104 up from 96864 the previous year There were 201287 breaking and entering offences com pared with 233360 in 1974 lhef ts over $200 totalled 95 ltlZVrAthere ware 79743 in 1974 and thefts under $200 totalled 494777 compared with 459192 redit card frauds increased to 10855 in 197577 an increase of 359 per cent compared with 7864 in 1974 The largest percentage in crease was in kidnappings which increased to 488 in 1975 Tron 313 the previous year rmmummm PAGE CONTINUED ON PAGE NOW PLAYING 720 910 PM iticTiiiitiim ITS Liiiiuii tjiiniiiuiiiui they dont call them that for nothing Rowe Twin DHVI InThcatre 487 270 SCREEN STARTS TOMORROW The shortstOp can only throw tantrum The catcher can only catch cold The coach cant wait to pass out The pitcher cant wait to fill out What this team needs is miracle Tonight Screen WALTER MATTHAU lIIVR JIII HUI TATUM ON EAL ADULT lInil Isms RIHIIII THE BAD NEWS 35 Adult Entertainment PLAY IT AGAIN SAM The qurie Examiner Friday July 16 l9765 Drug offences under the Nar cotic Control Act and the Food atid Drug Act declined froma total of 58585 iii 1974 to 55616 in 1975 JAMMEl METER LONDON fur com pany director who had £800 $1440 in his wallet jammed parking meter with metal ring so he could park his Jaguar free He has been fined £20 DIG THAT MUSIC FRTNSBURY England CthMany people talk to their plants to encourage their growth but Johnny Ma 00 plays the sousaphone kin of tuba to help them along John ny says he practised in the gar den one evening instead of in doors The next morning his tomato plants had shot up about twoinches snows FOR THE PRICE or us FEW DAYS TO sucscm SAVEI THE GRYPHON THEATRE COMPANY JULY SEPT at GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE Hwy 400 It Duchvtorth St Inert 830 pan HARVEY AH WILDERNESS THOUSAND CLOWNS THE MOON IS BLUE by Mary base by Eugene ONeill by Herb Gardner by Hugh Herbert Thou not July IO July 1924 Aug 27 Aug l62l THE PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE by Neil Simon Aug 30 Sept Subscription Prices plays evenings $1000 upper level $1600 lower level $2000 lower level Thurs mot $800 all seats Box Office at Theatre 705 7284613 HELD OVER 4th WEEK 115 PM III the the worlds greatest detectives than out violant yol could die laughing 97 Adult Entertainment ii IIII iiiii iiii tu ll It IIIIINIINI Ill tllll it sloth Itllllnlmii iisillli Hiwnn iirderhylleé NU IWI Ml It III III Il IIl III IIN IlllIII IIIINIIIIN IHllIIlIl IIWIhIN I5le INWTINI Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 4812212 card up his sleeve noose around his neck Its GEORGE SEGAL as The irtwter Fox SCREEN NOW PLAYING wiggle in her hips Larceny in her heart gold Its GOLDIE HAWN as The Duchess ADULT ENTIITMNIINT Mllle IHAM mt DUGHESS AND mt DEBEWATEB Blackbeard Ghost and Island at Tp the Wold Oh Firm 0dr