Downey family reunion is held near Alliston MARGARET STOLTZ ALLISTON happy time was spent at the acious home of Mr and Mrs oy Downey Camp Borden Rd when 125 descendents of the late William and Catharine Downey athered for their annual amily reunion Renewed interest in getting together is attributed to the ef forts of Miss Anne Downey in her work during the past two years in bringing the Family Tree up to date having lapsed about 1933 With one exception the family of six girls and seven boys were represented with Kate Magwood now 89 years of and confined to Nursing ome in Stettler Alberta unable to attend The afternoon was spent visiting and recalling old times and the children and young people enjoyed swimming in the family pool and lawn games with everyone ready for the 430 supper seated at tables in side Officers chosen were Victor Graham president and Doreen Brown secretarytreasurer Relatives attending included those from Toronto Woodstock Belleville Oshawa Ottawa Barie Wasaga Beach Elmvale and Minesing It was decided to hold next years reunion again at the Downey home Alliston Local residents are en couraged to visit the Alliston Pioneer Museum which is now open daily from 11 am until pm Located in Riverdale Park Alliston this Museum is well worth the admission charge and will be open until Labor Day The guest register would indicate the larger num ber of visitors are fmm out of town MOURNED It was with regret that frien ds learned at the weekend of the death of Miss Edna Camp bell of Collingwood who passed away at the home of her niece Miss Geuyrene Hammond on Thursday July The late Miss Campbell will be remembered as much loved superintendent of Steven son Memorial Hospital for some 20 years during the 1930s to 19503 and we understand she suffered stroke Besides Miss Hammond she is survived by one sister Marie Campbell another niece MrsKen Johnston of Toronto and two greatnephews Dr Wayne Johnston and Dr Douglas Johnston both of Toronto Funeral services were held from the Fawcett Funeral Home in Collingwood on Saturday morning with In terment in Greenwood Cemetery Owen Sound At recent meeting of the con regation of Knox Pres yterian Church it was decided to accept the tender of Les Bertram and Sons Ltd Barrie of $283486 for the con struction of the new church at the King Street South site with building to start July 19th sodturning ceremony was held at the site on Thursday even mg great deal of work has been going on along the Bo ne River as it flows through Iiston op posite Stevenson Memorial Hospital All the brush has been taken off the banks levelled and lined with gravel for sup port to avoid erosion completing Phase of the Boyne River project which had been planned for this summer Hunter Motor Sales Ltd have urchased the Neys Ser vice tation which is located next property to their present garage at the corner of Victoria St and King Street Mr Ney will continue to manage the station as gasoline outlet wellknown resident of Alliston passed away suddenly at Stevenson Memorial Hospital on Tuesday July in the person of Lloyd Mushy in his 73rd year Mr and rs Murpny farmed for number of years on the 4th line of Essa now operated by his son Alvin and Mrs Murphy moving to Victoria St Alliston on retirement Surviving are his wife the former Rhona Long two daughters Audrey Mrs McCracken of Brampton and Brenda Mrs Wm Vernon of Bradford one son Alvin of Alliston and nine grand children Funeral services were conducted from the John Thomas Funeral Home on Friday with Interment in Allistion Union Cemetery HIGHEST AWARDS Congratulations to two Burns community young people who received highest academic awards amon the 50 students who graduat from Grade at the Baxter Central School David Riddell son of Mr and Mrs Donald Riddell who was also valedictorian at the aduation exercises was high oy and Carolyn Buyers daughter of Mr and Mrs John Buyershigh irl The Burns ommunity group present awards each ear to Student with highest evel of general proficiency and two grade students at Baxter Elizabeth Marshall and Betty Cumming were tied for this award this year and both received recognitionEveryone is remarking about the drastic change in weather from Sunday to early part of the following week How would you like to be the young people partici ting in the swimmin asses program at the poo in River dale Park Mr and Mrs Adam Armour ofCalgary Alberta are holidaying in Alliston to sRlend some time with her sister rs Eva Park who is confined to Stevenson Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs Edwin Slater and family of Don Mills spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Jack Slater Mr and Mrs Arthur Neff of Durham spent few days this week with Mr and MrsWilbert Haddock Mrs Edna Hatcher is visiting her daughter in London Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis and daughter Lori Anne of Van couver BC are holidaying at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Ellis Saturday ests of Mr and Mrs Elmer toltz were Mr and Mrs Raymond Simpson and daughter Susan of Fort Fran ces Mrs Shelby of Roseville and Mrs Jose Haddock and daughters Bar ara and Wendy of Bell Ewart Music speeches feature Cookstown WI celebration By MARJORIE ELDRIDGE COOKSTOWN The 75th an niversary celebration of Cookstown Womens Institute was an outstanding event for the members which will long be remembered Visitors from other branches extended congratulations to the Cookstown Institute which is the oldest branch in Simcoe County The gathering was held at Central school auditorium with the president Mrs Don Monkman welcoming the many guests Lively music selections by the Dol Brothers solos by Cathy Monkman and Heather McDowell and numbers by Mr Henderson and Mr Sparry highlighted splendid program interspersed with speeches Mrs Herbert Maluske president of the Womens In stitute of Ontario stressed life of service with the motto For Home and Country in her address Never under estimate an individuals wor th she commented brief history of Cookstowns Womens institute was read by Mrs Bruce McLean The name Mrs Kingt ston of Baxter was drawn in the contest for the quilt Mrs Rooney led in prayer followed by singing The Queen and saying institute grace sumptuous buffet lunch which included 75th an niversary cakes was served by theladies 25 YEARS MARRIED Mr and Mrs Murray Mc Dowell were honored on several occasions in recognition of their 25th wedding anniversary An at home party was held at their home on Evelyn street on Sunday June 27 during the afternoon and evening Their daughter Heather assisted in receiving guests The exact anniversary date June 30 was marked with SUI prise party tendered to Elaine and Murray with games and refreshments Con ratulations were ex by friends to Marilyn Moir da ter of Mr and Mrs William on who exchanged wedding vows oti Saturday Ju It with Terry Robinson The amamm Warm marblesu ran711 couple will reside in Cooks town Honors go to Laurie Hadwen who graduated from the University of Guelph this year with diploma in farm opera tion and management Mr and Mrs Wib Hadwen and Janine are making motor trip through Western Canada with Victoria BC their destination Best wishes to Cecil Nevills who had surgery in Stevenson Memorial Hos ital Alliston on Friday Mrs ooney and Mrs McKillican senior are also patients at the Alliston hospital Friends will be happy to hear of the forthcoming marria of Sherry Green of Fer an Dr William Freeman Markdale on July 24 Sherry is the grand daughter of Mr and Mrs Nor man Baker of Cookstown and Mrs Alice Green of Bond Head She is graduate of the University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto with Ed degree Bill is graduate of the University of Waterloo School of Optometry Following their marriage they will live in Parry Sound HlRtR CALENDAR The United Church Women were in charge of the morning service on Sunday July 10 at Cookstown United Church Mrs Ivy resident is mourned 83 MRS GEORGE HOLT THORNTON resident of lvy who was also wellknown in the Thornton area Earl Reid passed away at the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie and IS deeply mourned For years Mr Reid was the manager and lineman of the old Ivy Thornton Teleplhone Com pany He retired en the Bell took over in 1967 Sympathy is extended to his widow Dorothy who operated the telephone exchange for years and their two sons and daughter Scryice was held at Steckleys Funeral Home Barrie with interment at the Ivy Presbyterian cemetery SILK SCREEN VMML mar SIGNS Wes Hindle spoke on the topic Sowing and Reaping and Miss Heather McDowell was soloist This coming Sunday July 18 Rev Norman Thomas will be the minister in charge Rev Rooney will conduct joint service with the Presbyterian con re ation in Cookstown Unit urch on Sunday July 25 Some 190 lodges were represented at this years 12th of July parade at Collingwood Among those attending were the Davis brothers Harry George and Ham Charles Baldwin Mr and Mrs Ray Ta art and Miss Myra Tiffin heartfelt thoughts of the community are with Mrs Irene Gilroy whose grandson Douglas Kell of Churchill met such an untimely death last week Doug was 26 years of age GLIMPSES SPECIAL SERVICE NORTH RIVER Staff The 100th anniversary of St John Anglican church Mat chedash will be observed on Sunday July 25 when Rev Allan Wigby former rector will be guest speaker BETTER VIEW AT AUCTION Michael Young sits com fortably on shoulders of auc tioneer Earl Gilmore to get better view of proceedings at recent auction at Lefroy United church to raise funds for church purposes The youngster seemed intrigued by displays of imitation flowers and plants which sold readily Photo by Mary lolle Oro objects to levy ORO STATION Staff ro council has pliiccd it formal objection with the Nottawusagn Valley onscrvution Authority to being dcsignntcd as bcncfitting municipality fora major Tottcnliam darn rojcct The motion moved by ouiicillor Iiiul Hansen and seconded by Dcpilty Reeve liarlcs Simpson said that thc Oro council objects to paying in apportioned pcrccntiigc levy for the construction Tottcnliiim is locaitcd some 35 to 10 miles from pros boundary The Oro protest was scnt board which meets regularly Angus ro has rcprcscntatiin to tlic conscrvntion authority in tlic udliiinistratiim office at ion tlic board Recvc Walliicc Kcy prcsidcd at the meeting zit which thc motion was passed and ill mc Stroud seni IllhllS VH It IIIISPIII or group to hold picnic July 27 yMRSWWAMPRElI STROUI program is being planned for senior citizens picnic and pot luck supper which is to be held at Centennial Park 7th Line In nisfil on Tuesday July 27 Librarian Mrs Watson has announced that book exchange date is Wednesday July 28 and would like to have books reture ned two days earlier Some books are overdue and cause extra work both locally and at Simcoe County regional library More than 100 children at tended the showing of films on Thursday morning and Mrs Watson said 50 more could be accommodated comfortably Films will be shown each Thur sday morning at 10 am Mrs Shirley Steed of TOWN STATUS ALLISTON Staff This community became an iri corporated town in 1891 with John Stewart the first mayor it was shown by old municipal records Creemorc has been holidaying with grandparents Mr and Mrs Allen Todd of Victoria street Stroud Mrs Hannah Irichard has returned after prolonged holiday in the British Isles We are glad to report her health is much improved Thirteen members of Stroud Womens Institute attended the 75th anniversary gathering of Cookstown WI recently and en joyed the program CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY PORT McNEILL BC CP This northeastern Vancouver Island municipality is celebrating its 10th birthday by spending $167000 in surpluses from previous years and govern ment grants Alderman John Ferrari says the items which created the surplus were too small to do something with but now will be used to buy new trucks pave roads and construct gymnasium OPEN FOR EXCITEMENT SPACE DECK INDOOR OBSERVATION DECK gt ipii jitir tuiltK or rrii m1 vt iii wtï¬ in iffelr um OUTDOOR OBSERVATION DECK COMMUNICATIONS DISPLAV thing im vk 33 wt Semo vtizew CnJoei JP Rte TOP OF TORONTO THE ELEVATORS FAMILY RESTAURANT 0m pinudmms 55 neexdam GROUND LEVEL MW Syrup producers to make tour of area MIDIIURST Maple syrup producers from all over ntnrio are expected to participate in the summer tour starting from the provincial forest tree iiur sery here on Thursday July 22 at9am After an inspect ion of the our sery the visitors will be takcn to potato arm at llillsdalc then visit the Jungle Zoo World opposite Highway 27 near Elm vale and wind up with tour of sugar bushes anti shantics of Wally Irecnlaw Kcn Ititchic and Herman Lalondc Visitors will bc shown Wood oil aritl natural gas fircd cvaporators Ilic thrcc mcn tinned producch tlll cmploy vacuum gathering cuttipmcnt as Well as prc heaters and other innovations Erncst lcary is chairman of the tour committee of the Sime coc and District Maple Syrup Irodiiccrs association with lolin aston secretary ll SEVEN MILLS lthllttN Staff Farm and residential ratepayers in Nottawasaga township will pay property tzixcs on ii ratc of 152 mills an incrcasc of sevcn mills over lost your undcr bills going out soon For scparatc school supporters thc rzitc will bc 154 tip from MS last yciir The commercial riitc was I72 tip for public school sup portch iind 174 it up for Stlltllillt school lJlltptlYtrS DISTRICT NE WS 277The Barrie Examiner Friday July l6 I976 iii mm 3i iii lhl AVEO IIAHV Hi 309W DOUBLE FEATURE retreat AWARD WINNER BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY iMe Broouv BEST CINEMA COMEDY IN YEARS 0mm 7269944 REEF ALF FORMS ALLISTON Staff on tract and enrolment forms for the 1976 bch calf income stabilization program are now availablc at the South Simcoc farm officc to thosc who wcrc not in the program last year Thosc who participtitcd last year will be receiving forms in thcmiiil AIPOINIMIINIS ELMVAIJ Stuff Ed ltin can milk marketing board fictdman will be available for appointments for dairy farmch at the North Simcoe farm officc of thc Ontario ministry of agriculture and food on Friday liily2l GRANTAPPROVED MUUNSIUNII Stiiff grant of $54 for thc East Simcoc llowmcns Association has bccn iipprovcd by Mcdontc IOWllShlptOUIltll MAIIJlIOlIt ELMVALI filoff sup pcr at Bishops lmk hcrc wrll inzirk llll conclusion of it toiir plainch in thc arm on Thin sday liily 22 by tlic ntiirio Miiplc Syrup lrodiiccrs Association lln tour Wlll Slitll The one and only The Original Scrnnplay by FRANK and IER£SA CHRISTINA INIIIIHINMIKI ADtlll swunglOM LAUGHLIN DELORES TAYLOR Munmgcuax HOWAI Produced by ROSE SON Directed ON FRANK National Student Film CorporatiOn Production tECHNICOtOR From Warner Bros Warner Communications Company an mm 7269944 funniest films in years Show Maggy mid and Marrow elm tax ortune in mints ASIDNEY aura Production MATINEE 130 The Producers 645 945 The Twelve Chairs MIL only The Twelve Chairs is one of the strum AMeI Brooks Film RUN MUDDY Color UIC PtClURfS mum mm covuumi from Midhtirst at am and will llllIIl visits to Hillsdale potato farms and sugar bushes in this area MEMORIALSERVICE FAlliVAllEY Staff ltcv Thomas Martin for nor rector will be guest speaker at St Georges Anglican church here on Sun day at 230 pm for annual memorial service Graves in thc adjoining ccmctcry will be tlffftlliixii DIFFERENT NOW BRADFORD StriffAn old map of Simcoe County pub lishcd Ill IKSII by William Gih hard of ollingwoml Showed lirittlford with population of 700 compnrcd to Barrics 1200 and trillius oldwater was llSlttl IS having ISO residents and ltond llciid had 200 NEW PASTOR illWAIElt Staff Rev John Allsop is the new minister of toldwater united church charge which includes Eady and Waubiiushene churches He succeeds Rev Ralph Pickering who resigncd llc is expected to conduct his first service here in Septcmtwr SAT SUN EVENINGS AT STARTS TODAY lllllll unforgettable Twin worm