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nChwch Today OAbum TV eVauï¬vllla eOoll latRea HUM scanadlan Crimea ii It 5A WayOut llNot On Your use Nettle OOuasllon Period ZMael The Press 1lssuesand Answers llTllly Tatum Time lllaratd ol Truth sllad lsher nW aPanrldaa llamlly nOral Roberts Honemm Women 113 sumamed world llllaws svtrolnlan nvaan Mlller mes eMovlatrraasunol nwtldtrlnodem llauslnoealaoen momcm has 1Todavs Woman MI Show lime zlornwys Antleue uNew Scotland Yard sIraey lunch Furniture Wartishoo Ws Touch llLamnce Walk us axu aSonnv Cher For Lisa 14704 OXXI Olympic Games llMaolshalas Court FFraserlallv was JoliOW TMcLaod suews flWalt Tlll Your llWhat is Truth mas Father oats Home Illsomething Saeclal IslMovie ax AOKolali Kansas Raiders awuo Klnodom TMdvla in Harms In kWorld At War lel Jsflltxl Olympic 7H Now Games mum llLarry Sotway llOoeoln Llne Film lei l2 l5 llSlarloat AllOronli Wis Death ol Trsaarch For The Adult Hitler 9Nallonal Geographic Nlle 1125 7moth OI Dismy FRusslan German 7Nm ss7nxxr Olympic War 35 Games 7Slmdav Surprlae lCampalgn 16 lJaSJOl lWNaws 22Wldllle Cinema 22th The llMovie Black Moon JslrIrlsh Rovers Walloon Principle ll IS FL Edition JMovle lraball sAvenoers 22 Private Lite 5Waekend Edition 2Wllh This Ring Oz l2Nloll Flndl l2 nFrank Sinatra Jr nae 7News In Concert 2Movle 245 15 illThe Waltons The Nanny DMovie Kiss Ellery Queen bMovie Block Tomorrow Goodbye BECOMES FARM TOOL SUDBURY Ont CP Far mers are using microwave ovens to determine the moisture content of their grain and forage cm for combining or storing sa ely says Prof WK Bilanski of the Ontario Agricultural College Research is under way to learn whether microwave technology might be used for farm drying operations Carefree Hairstyles Try new permanent texture of your hair of new permanents EARN HIGH HONOR MATTAWA Ont CP June Brayshaw nurse at the Mattawa and District General Hospital has beai named nurse of the year by the Nipissing Chapter of the Registered Nur ses Association of Ontario She graduated from St Josephs Hospital in Brantlord 0nt in 1959 and has been nursing for about 17 years ummer designed just for the We have many types rooted to add ight wave and body to your hair or tight curls No more worry about overwaving or un derwaving Our custom permanent give you the look you want CONTINENTAL HAIRSTYLING 548 Maple Ave AND BOUTIQUE The Barrie Examiner Friday July 16 two3A GESTURES T0 CHILDREN GilsenanaadBriaulm tlieearlylmsandahould willhe who Idied Tom my Tiler two of Nats laudstaking for the Barrie ddldrenJheplayissetin theatreoornpenylheplay Sean Sullivan who plays Nat Mills in the Theatre production Ah Wildernon starting Mori day gestures to Fiona Visit to NiagaraO The Lake urged MURIELLEEPER mosunlawmgainod The eharmln fantasy Loam The haughty art vit to the Shaw Festival the complete thy of her deliuitful com The Ad toastic Lady Mary at Niagaramilieer is audience summi sym mirable Chrichton is triumphant huntress an visit to miracle of artistic vpathy carefully iving Downstairs tairs lay soloctsthebutlerlaahuwolz aehievemmtinCanada credence toShaws asa Directed superfly by any mm ll ll mind The Shaw Festival is socialist um docent society Musewiththemostapploalln musml lulngwfly years as dream the anditsmoralityresteduponan setsandeostmnesdesignodby WWIIva mm mind BrianDohertyand ImdaworIdofmiseryandexMamteesuikeitismontlian napalm ca beganintsstwithaseriesotploitatloo wonhatriptoNiagaraonuie pacitycmwdstoAnflweuily eight performances of two Roberta Maxwell her Lake through thehalls seats ylby BernardShaw daughter the carefully Then is no doubt that it will the theatre are seats Juanin all and Candida taughtup innocent was dnw goldmt hum an sum fine vision the stage use were held in mom Vivie whoyewupin trait of met The play is based on an Acestinny the in theatre of the 115yearold oneseyes anecdote told to Barrie of an illnod with dung historic Court House The The play tstorms of meonvamonal Countess who so that actors um amn theatregoers endured ex applaue well But insisted that she and her hus have easy comm ca cessive heat sndcrampedcon part of the credit should most baidimIderitertaintheiraa oompletesnintcesllngouting ditions to watch and enjoy outairfly In to set designer vants lnthemanorandwait on thereis Niagara nullalways compn3 of 10 unpaid actors Robert Winkler They wore them as if they were howled ashowpieoeolthecountry Morm Theprojoct wassuch most effective contributing goats This was done on anezmnoussuceessthatnrian muchtothegmeralfoelofthe basis Dohert and Calvin Rand play Barrie developed this deci to make Shaw and Leslie Yeo directoractor ulcmelnchfll ashipwreckon Groundwood pulp used for Niagaraonthe Lakea perma will be minted for his desert and natural newsprint paper is made in nent twosome directhngrsWanmst reversal of roles between New Brunswick from mum inlmthenewhuildma felon Criditonthebutlerandladwood DONT BE SLAVE To Herd Water Do You See Your Problems Here nuninglromJulyls prove to he an elaborate toJulyIlatthe College Theatre at MAKES NEWSPRINI Today the Shaw Festival in cludes 22week season of Shaws Mn Warrats PMesz sion Arms and the Man and the Apple Cart as well as Barries The Admirable Crichton Music is included in the Festival with Camelate in Summer Concerts and Cleo Laine John Dankworth Last week was able to motor to Niagaraonthelake to see two of the plays Barries The Admirable Crichton and Shaws Mrs Warrens Profee sion Both these plays were written at the turn of the century and both caused great deal of con troversy when written Shaws Mrs Warrens Profession is his hIhhu Hntsaaï¬d lashï¬ns Ifl Miï¬hï¬‚ï¬ hutMd statement of the social climate of the times He exposes the Victorian belief that any traffic wanuenm across the frontier between de mannahand cent society and the 19th cen ï¬t tury underworld where women sold themselves to live could only bring disaster Kate Reid an unqualified No installation charge Low monthly rental plan Call Now For Further Information 7370300 Free Demonstration Free Water Test Finally water the Way il ShOUld be AflUAlFDRfllE WATER REFINEIS