in Isefvasa GROVE PARK PICNIC good crowd came out Sun day afternoon for the picnic bed at Grove park Home Summer is thirsty season so its fortunate that so many seasonal fresh fruits are thirst quenching and refreshing Can taloupes have summery mellow flavor that is so llwelcome in todays meals Theyre delectable cut Shelves or wed es and eaten in with squeeze fresh lemon or Jime but now when theyre in 14 Italou my up style The melon is pared and season is the time to try can in other ways too Me on and Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese Dressing is ï¬ne summer fare that serves cantaloupe in different cut into rings with the seeds removed The chicken salad is served in the ring of melon when picked and will not be as 1th be an developed temperature allowing three or Very pretty way to feature summer faucrite Do you know how to pick good cantabupe The United Fresh Fruit and Ve etable Association tells you ow cantaloupe that has been picked at maturity so that it will ripen well at home is in what is called full slip condi tion This means that it has smoothly rounded depressed scar at the stem end which shows that the stem has come off fully If the stem end is rough with rtions of the stem adhering cantaloupe pro bably was not fully mature satisfactory However do not aexgect to find readyltoeat can ta upesat thestore If they have been shipped long way as most are they picked while firm yet with their full sugar content so that they need on ly to soften Do this at room MELON AND Chicken Salad is pretty now way to serve Residents and guests enjoyed an afternoon of games and other social activities and four days for the melon to soften to peak ripeness When ripe refrigerate Now that it is picnic time its good idea to take fresh fruits along in the picnic basket very delightful idea is to pack wellchilled cantaloupe herry Compote and enjoy it at the picnic site Its beautiful to look at and so refreshing for dessert MELON AND CHICKEN SALAD Cantaloupe cups cutup cooked chicken cup diagonally sliced celery cup sliced radishes Celery leaves Pare cantaloupe and cut into crosswise rings Remove seeds and cut out inside of cantaloupe rings to leave lzinch ring buffet picnic supper after wards Examiner Photo zééCantaloupes mellow taste gquench thirsty season reserve cutout melon In large bowl combine reserved melon cut into cubes chicken celery and radishes Mix with Blue Cheese Dressing cover and chill several hours To serve place melon rings on salad plates and spoon chicken salad in middle of each ring Garnish with celery leaves Makes servings BLUE CHEESE DRESSING v2 cup sour cream V2 cup mayonnaise tblsp fresh lemon juice tblsp chopped blue cheese tsp Worchestershire sauce 12 tspsalt V4 tsp dry mustard In medium bowl mix all in gredients Kinsmen give to Cystic Fibrosis Approximately one in every 1800 children born in Canada have the disease Cystic Fibrosis is genetic disorder affecting the lungs the digestive system and the sweat glands as well as other fluid producing glands in the body Local Kinsmen Clubtsi con tribution to research Kinsmen Club of Barrie $80000 Kinette Club of Barrie $68800 cantaloupe hy too fresh cantaloupe and cherry com The 72 Kinsmen District Clubs presented six foot cheque for $9848325 to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foun dation at the Kinsmens Annual Cystic Fibrosis Luncheon The ue was presented to cystic fibrosis child John ODonnell by Glen Alton Kin smen Cystic Fibrosis Chair man District Kinsmen and Kinet teshavebeensu portingCystic Fibrosisresear since 1964 pote nice to take to picnics Mulem5 Richard Robinson reaps after rigorous training OTTAWA CP About 10 years ago Richard Robinson spent six months working with out pay in Christian Diors Paris fashion house even though he was on the verge of being broke The young Ottawa designer says he was so eager to learn the hautecouture trade from one of its acknowledged mas ters that he lied to improve his chances of getting the job He fitted his schooling in between shifts at Diors To get the right training is everything Mr Robinson said in an interview So for me it was better than money Despite his name his first language and his training are French Now at 28 his long rigorous apprenticeshipincluding six years of fashion school in Mon treal and Paris on shoestring budget plus stint in Yves St Laurents fashion housearr pears to be paying handsome dividends He has had his own fashion house in Ottawa for seven years feat he says is not usu ally accomplished until coutu rier is well into his 305 He has been nominated for top United States fashion award is uickly gaining an in temationa reputation has es tablished successful fashion school and is making clothes that sell for up to $10000 an item to women who spend as much as $100000 year with him NEARLY GAVE UP But the stru gle to become one of the hand ul of couturiers in Canada was not easy Four years ago Mr Robin sons business was floundering and he was seriously consid ering lucrative offer to sell the rights to his name turn his fashion house over to lar company and earn stea salary by churning out designs for mass production What made him ride out the rough times and put up with ar duous quasiapprenticeship in the world of high fashion The privilege of making ex clusive clothes suited to in dividual personalities and run ning business where he has no one to answer to but himself and occasionally customer Mr Robinson replied have customers who hone up and say Richard me dress That is like working on my collection And the collection is the ni cest thing For me it is every ANN LANDERS Welfare living no picnic Dear Ann Are you courageous enough days everyone is yelling that welfare cheats are thing can really explain myself and can do exactly what want to do Its more ar tistic His latest collectionpre sented recently to an audience of about 400 each of whom aid $30 for dinner ball and ash ion show featured 15 outfits priced from $225 to 36000 What could possibly go into any sinye outfit to make it wor th $6000 for an evening dress and jacket Pure silk chiffon handem broidered lace that cost $165 for each winchwide yard and was reembroidered by hand Mr Robinson said That process alone took about month of soiid work by one of his seven employees Also he said you ay for the exclusiveness of the esign As for who can afford such pricey clothes youd be sur rised at how many peeple have money in Ottawa Doc tors wives lawyers wives few politicians wives ex tremely few ambassadors wives and lots of outoftown customers some of whom make ial trips to Ottawa just top ace an order That he said was one of the main reasons he chose Ottawa city without great deal of fashion sense The women here dont seem to really care or they are afraid that if they put something on it will look too nice and cause ev erybody to look at them Mr Robinson said good example is the prime ministers wife She re resents all the women in Cana but she doesnt seem to care She looked terrible Cosmetic surgery for Australians SYDNEY Australia Reuter Cosmetic surgery once exclusively for the wealthy has become part of everyday life for Australians who can choose between new car or new nose Twenty years ago most Aus tralians couldnt even consider plastic surgery spokesman for the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons said But now that the community has become more prosperous and Australians enjoy one of the highest living standards in the world people can afford to choose between holiday in Bali second car color TV or new nose or breasts Last year an estimated 1500 Australians acquired new noses Nose jobs are generally the most popular and least expensive cosmetic treat ment ahead of breast surgery the removal of face or eyelid wrinkles and trimming of stomachs and bottoms Doctors are unwilling to state the cost of cosmetic surgery but breast operations are regarded as the most expensive usually priced between $800 and $1000 This includes the cost of the operation consulting fee anes thetists fee hospital charges and the price of silicone Facelifts are generally laced in the $400 to $500 racket and nasal recon print this These parasites to and responsible for high taxes Well Id like to tell you what its like for someone who has been on welfare for several years My husband was badly wounded during the Korean war lost his le and shattered his nervous stem He became an alcoho ic We have 2yearold dau ter braindamaged must care for her as if she were an infant also have an eight yearold granddaughter living with me She has cerebral palsy and host of other roblemsspeech defect bad eyes poor hearingbeen ill all er life This childs mother was deserted shortly after she gave birth am in poor health yet drive my granddaughter to special schoola total of 52 miles day also manage to raise my own vegetables can and freeze them to supplement our diet How do like being on welfare hate it Id give anything if could earn my way but cant The medical bills are staggering When take out my food stamps in the market get accusatory looks as if am stealing bread from the mouths of taxpayers Of course there are lazy bums who wont work and mothers who are milking the government but there are also thousands of people like myself who desperately need help No one speaks for us Will youlThank God Im In America Dear Friend Yes will speak for youby letting you speak for yourself Heres your letter and bless you for writing it Dear Ann Landers The wedding is over but Im wreck Had we foreseen the trouble we would have given our daughter ladder This letter is therapy If put my gripes in writingl might feel better The limit was agreed on300 people150 from each side We ended up with 225 from our side alone As soon as the invitations were in the mail we began to get calls from friends and relatives telling us You forgot Soand So They are hurt Invite them right away The responses began to trickle in When we invited Mr and Mrs some replied Were bringing our daughter and sonin law Or Of course on know we cant leave Mother home Four days before wedding we had NOT heard from half the people got on the hone Ann Landers says youre sup posed to call the clods if ev dont RSVP was told Of course well be there We figured youd know One card came back Sorry we cant make it No signature At the reception our daughter was in tears There were 61 children ALL uninvited under 16 years of age The kids took over the dance floor pestered the band and played in the rest rooms It was disaster Please Ann tell your readers kids dont belong at weddings If parents cant afford sitter they should all stay home Glad Said It Dear Glad So am hope somebody out there listens mll PLENTY OF STOCK TO CLEAR AT UP TO on 6000 SELECTION FALL WOOLLENS AT ROBERTSONS FABRICS H7 ME iibl stmctions are said to be less However under Australias national health insurance plan Medibank most of the cost is usually refunded to the patient Many people believe cosmetic surgery patients are motivated by vanity But the real reason says the plastic surgeons society kesman is that pic strive or normalit and Just want their nose to loo like other peoples If wrinkles make you look 50 when isou are actually 40 you want em removed so that you look like other 40yearolds If woman is married to man younger than herself she may want the positions to appear re versed when the signs of ad vancing age start to appear The number of plastic sur geons in Melbourne alone has increased to 28 from eight in the last 15 years 49 Mr and Mrs Ray Bishop oi 80 Shirley Ave celebrated their 40th anniversary June with an open house at Barrie The Barrie Examiner Wednesday July 14 twojr 42 Central United Ihurch The dinner was put on by their daughters Betty Douglas of Barrie and Mary Lou Rawn Five basic steps needed in proper skin care expert SASKATOON CP Care of the skin is personalized proce dure says Fely Aranjuez Phili pinesborn cosmetologist butt ere are five ste that are basic for everybo yclean sing facial massage morsturizing toning and enrichment Ms Aranjuez who now lives in Toronto was in Saskatoon recently to conduct skincare clinic where she offered advice and gave demonstrations on makeup application and the se lection of products suited to each type of skin She repre sents line of madeinJapan cosmetics called Shiseido Depending on whether your skin is oily or dry you should choose cream or lotion clean er Your skin is oily if it ap pears shiny and the pores are large and open For the most oily patches it may be neces sary to use an oilblotting prod uct Dry skin is usually inetex turd and taut with powdery look Lines may be evident es pecially in the forehead area Dry skin is ofen sensitive and there may be broken veins Georgian Moll These can bemaskcd with makeup but moisturizing is es sential for this type of skin SOAP DRIES SKIN Ms Aranjuez said soap and water should not be used daily because of their dryingout qualities if you like the foamy feel of soap there are cleansing products that give this effect The second step in skin care is massage usually done in an upwardstroking motion circult larly aound eyes and mouth and downward upon the nose The light strokes are lubricated with special cream applied on the tips of the middle and ring fingers Moisturizing regularly is im portant especially for pregnant women and those who are older Toning the fourth step is an application of mildly astri ngent lotion to close pores and create firm smooth surface The skinnourishing beauty care step is only for bedtime It is an enriching nightcream ap plication which is cleansed off in the morning The application of makeup begins with base which for ms shield between the skin and the elements keeps makeup from going into the pores and prevents makeup from changing color on your skin The base should be close to the skin tone perhaps shade or two darker If you attempt to lighten the color of your skin youre sure to look made up Depending on the degree of coverage wanted moisturized makeup should be of frccmore chr 250 glitxlx attended the affair vliv amincr Photm chosen for shecrncss umm makeup for mctlinm lmiI up or stick makeup to maximum coverage After the base mokwun stick may he uswl to Vtll ow problems or tom lou 21o wanted skintints inc of thc most important things to rememlwr is zilltl you have applied your lnnkvup you must set it with lillf powder it gives your face sheer satin smooth finish and kccps your makeup intact longer Salt needed for health LOMBARD Ill AP So dium prime ingredient of or dinary table salt worries some people who think theyre get ting too much of it in their diet says report published by the Water Quality Association which offers reaSSurance on this point Sodium is essential in hu man nutrition the report says person in normal health will excrete any excess of it For those who must restrict ITAL FASHION VICTORS HAIRSTYLE Your Fashion Centre See TAL FASHION for Bridesmaids Gowns The Latest In sodium for mcdiml riosons oi are merely concimmi ihv port lists the sodium content ol nearly 200 foods litVtlflilt and common non Jlttxtllllllnlv remedies shun oi wlntw bread for cxnmpiv rootmi 129 milligrams oi sodium franklurlcr 610 and two mtzir tablets 1064 Though W£1lltvtnvtliin toned is minor Hum sodium the report llfxlx llll dium contcntoiwmrm21wM4 largest cities Spring and Summer Hair Cuts For Leisure Time is at VICTORS BEAUTY SALON We speCiolize in the CURLY LOOK No Appointment Necessary and Unisex Hairstyles 7269381 7269382 mm zuz 204 mansinu v41 unamw A4