it Ihe Kerr Masonic Lodge of Barrie held its installation of officers in June at the Masonic Lodge on Uwen Street The officers include front left Allison Frank Bowes Iaek McBeth Fred Robinson tworship LODGE INSTALLS OFFICERS fut master Alex Strang Bill Barr and Bill Linton Back row left Arnold Alexander Ewart Mayes Fred Benson Sam Cunningham John ler usse Lewis Robertson lerry Wear and Stu ameron Andreotti given assignment Reception to form Italian government 100 RUME AP tiulio Any dreott twotime premier and fixture in hristian Democratic cabinets began trying to form Italys ltith postwar govern ment today It will probably be weeks before he knows whether he can succeed President iiovanni Leone gave Andreotti the assignment Tuesday night The S7yearold preiiiierdesignatt called on all partic for political economic and social solidarity to help hail Italy out of its grave cco iiomic and social crisis Andreotti said he would meet with other leaders of his own party today and begin talks with leaders of other factions Friday The Christian Democrats won 262 seats in the hamber of Deputies 54 short of major ity in the election last month Because the partys leaders re fuse to invite the secondplace omniunists to join the govern ment Andrcotti can only get majority by enlisting the sup Hotel Dieu Hospital more layoffs expected SI AIIlARINICS tint tCIII Additional staff layoffs are expected at Hotel Dieu Hospital as result of an agreement with the Ontario health ministry to close more beds hospital spokesman said luesday The hospital will close an ad ditioiial litbed medical surgical unit hilt will open an eigbtbed day surgery unit said the has pitals administrator Sister IMPERIAL CINEMA Elizabeth Maclhcrson The ministry had ordered tit bed reduction at Ilotel Dieti as part of costcutting pro gram lwentyone beds were closed immediately and nine pediatric beds have since been closed The titbed surgical unit will close by Aug and the new surgery unit will open soon af ter that date Sister Maclher soiisaid NOW PLAYING 645 920 PM Very possibly HMIH ilin Barrie lwin DriveIn Theatre 487 221 the funniest motion picture of the decade Mottth iioiiio Rani ï¬Nx as 5mm SUBJECT BENJIS ure srom SCREEN STARTS TOMORROW Disney Pictures require us to charge 50 Other Side of the Mountain and The Hindenberg Tonite Semen port of the Socialists who ran third and won 57 seats The Socialists have frequenr tly been cabinet partners of the hristian Democrats during the last 15 years But for more than year they have refused to join the government unless the hristian Democrats assured them of economic and social re forms by sharing power with thctomnninists IAIIIY IN IIRMUII Andreottis chances of get ting the Socialists to change their position were clouded by turmoil within the party because it lost four seats in the hamber of Deputies and four in the Senate to the 0m munists Secrctaryeneral Francesco dc Martino resigned Tuesday under fire from the partys left wing It was not clear which faction will wni control and what it will demand to C0operate with the hristian Democrats Andreotti Roman who headed two shortrlived govern ments in 1972 and 1973 has serr ved as undersecretary or minister in most governments since l947 He was budget minr ister in the last minority gov ernment headed by Aldo Moro Iyï¬eï¬netbnddsmut ADULT INIIIIAMII NV Rowe Iwin Dam in Theatre 487 271 Wigreel Indians MNllthAItli Nineln dians who canoed 900 miles from New Brunswick to Mon treal as an Olympic project re turned home by train this week after receiving poor recep tion The Indians were greeted by people in boats who tried to swamp them said spokesman for the Indians of Quebec Asso ciation liiesday The canoeists were being laughed at by people on the river as they neared their desti nation after Ito days of pad dling said tieorge llill national co ordinator for Indian participation in the lyinpics The group launched two ca noes from the Indian lsland re serve near Moncton June it and arrived in Montreal last weekend There was no one there to greet them Mr III of the aughnawaga Indian Reserve south of Montreal said he was given the wrong time for the groups arrival and they had to park their canoes at near by shopping tre HELD OVER 3RD WEEK 715 900 PM SCREEN NOW PLAYING Brilliantly understated movie about the human spirit an anthem realty WSW Carters nomination certain NICW YUIIK lt lininiy arter untii six months ago an obscure corgia peanut for mer leaves the cool isolation of his midsManbattan hotel today as the hero of the Democratic party and its certain lttTti nonii nce for president tarter 3I1II old forum eoigia governor arrives at the partys nominating con ycntiei in Madison Square iar den with more than the limo otes captured during five wearing months of primaries to assure him of firstrhallot victory llut that will not deter IIIl pomp and ceremony the mar ching bands and btxtcr hattcd parades the speeches and demonstrations planned to sin round aiters otherwise ion tinenomination The only real suspense lt niaining for the public is win the one time career naval offi ttl will select as his vice presi dcntial running mate Is charged KIMARDINII tint itli Hartley Watson lublic Utilities ominission manager of Kincardiue has been charged with two counts undei the onstruction Safety Act af ter the death of Illt workci He is to appear for trial in provincial court tct 18 The charges were laid by the tin tario labor ministry following an investigation into the May if death of IIlmer Ieicy flit Kincardine llYt worker Itt trociited while installing 24004 volt line in new sub division in this community about 4o miles southwest of Owen Sound Native force DRILLIA tint itli lis tablishing iiatiye police forces may be the solution to the prob leni of alcoholism among iia tives lll Northern thitaiio eiit munitics lti Sam ostlcy said Itiesday Alcoholism decreased in fall llay 120 miles north of Thunder Ilay after native po lice force is established he told service tIIIIl Alcoholism there dropped because the llttlt had pee on the force they could identify with hesaid Renovated rouoxio itti $1iooooo renoation job at the lnivci sity of Torontos Varsity Stadium was BRASS atrium Mittens cronimo IOYS WORLD JEAN SHOP near completed luesday five days before the first Olympic soccer game Sin cc the lympic organizing coin niittee took over the stadium in March workers have planted new grass on the playing field built scorcluiard put up flagpole painted all seats renovated the picss booth and lttItttHtltttI dressing iooins lounges and offices Metio police spokesmen have IlltI there will be at least Tito of ticeis iii lllliitlltll and street clothesondnty it tlitsite Gets remand IIiItIIAllC Hut Brian Itiisscll It1tit 77 of Proton Station in wan re iiiaiidcil liiesiiriy in custody to Aug to for trial Illi is charged with IlllttII IHIJIWI and theft of more than SEW it ter man walkcd into thin tlalk home Saturday and stole the keys to car while holding IIIItHtlNtttl gunpoint llicczo which landed in swamp din ing police chase was term cred later in the day Body found RUSSIUIII tllit tlt The body of harleé llagiic of lhunder llay tnt who vb appeared Aug ti lttftl wiiilc diving in search of the sunken yacht hinilda was recoieicit WALTER MATH All TA Mi TI IIA ICXVS am SHOWN DAILY AI 700 900 PHONE 721 FAMOUS PLAY RS YHEA Rl WILD ST CARRIE DOWNTOWN BARR near here Monday lired Ilroen nlc who was with Mr llague tlieday he disappeared located the body near the wreckage of the lBSyloof yacht flat feet below the surface of Lake Superior The two had been at tempting to locate and raise the yacht believed to have had about $8001 in cash iewels and IInglish china on board when if sankin 1911 when Mr Hague disappeared ItlllIlt uiliage attempts were aban doiierl until Mr Ilroennle Himw tti the efforts tbis year orchbearer htthllthH ttli Iiciiiici Hill Iitlltltli of British oluliibia will be one of for ItiltnltYS to relay the Olympic flame the first kilometre of its trip from tittawa to Montreal lliuisday llie bearers each represent ing one of tatiadas ttt prov intes the Yukon or the North wet leriitorics were named liiesday by the ttlympics or gaintugcommittee lieniier litllllttt ill is easily the oldest torclibearer with other team members ages iaiigiiig from It to 19 Men found Nttltlll HAY tint Ii lim iitcial police found two tishawa nien liiesilay who had been missing since they rented MCin CHINESE FOOD WANI QUICK SI RVICIJ try our hot tast delivery roe iiii whims Nor $7 in Btiitio I070 Discount on 9i Ultimo rum 57 00 Phone 778881I 405 RAYI till SI BARR sin on All suntan Minimums numb MAu The Borrie Fxciiriiiier Netiiiesdti mi Uh Huh Inti lin ttitt tiiiwl tn pm tip up ruzirl Iitt 1H it1 boat Monday to take totii of Lake Nipissing Police and ltudy Shawl ttiandJiin Slushi 20 were found in good condition on lhirrit Island JtINtlI sexen miles from North ltay New addition ltilttiNltt lt IIttlIlt ing group The Irish ltmti an iiounccd new addition to thr batiillticsday lies Wciiisteiii iiiaiiagci foi the five man group fttltI Hob YDoiiavaiL fiddler from Mt0 HELD OVER 2nd WEEK MAfUlH PM If Di 39 FROM EMBRYO TO WOMAN IN 4V2 WEEKS Gawain yd 13st tj titii ift riij1i in The peetect creation otscmncealmost ROQK HUDSON EMBRVO roe emf JULY is to mt iiiiAss mam GEORGIINM IRRIE