janesw ANONle mt IIIIIIEIIIIIIIY CLEARANCE OF QUALITY OFFICE FURNITURE osanrcu DENT °ENDS OF HIS can or KIND ommv MANY non ltThe Market Place Wedneedoy July 14 W76 Iiy Loin ttmiuniin Muir WNW TTTT mi IMiIIIE Iienllue IittlttIl mmnitttee wen tlmee Mlililell u31c1an given g1 mmMtit llmnineiu nnil Miu ltnwntnn attended the ltlth by nnniveinm tnnkutnwn Wnnieiiri institute WIIltII wuu By MRS DOWNING grandson Allan lllekely are at If II Im HOLLY Brad Steinem tending the Calgary Stampede FSlllflrt ililin mmm fur Who leaves next month for Theyme visilitifl withrelntiven IIIHtxtt mg ml Nashville Tennessee was whileintalgary Ff II ll given gift and extended good There were to tables at the Wighls by III tonfltttlntlnn of when on July at llnlly tnin wiwvW Fail MISSION htmh at munin entie Ladle Inklnfz ItlIMtlIVIAIHM StXIaI hour after the evenlnfl hnme prizes were Lena Fun ALHMUN thtiilt Illlltt SCFVINOH Sllndav Flnrenee Melmlilen Iearl iirixeeilinu tnr the sunniwr Braid will begin hisuniveisitv Harris nnxnlatinn ltninthy lntntn testivxil WIIIIII Is to he studies at Nashville llistnlents lnritnn Mons prires were wnn held here next ninntli Imli in musie willhegrentlv missed by Stan Watson ltxiiuhl Ittlltl ttltlltNIllt will pro at the church here Ilewill inn Nielsen harles llmtilzill III ItIt the IIIIIIIC lllthlt iii the tinuehis studies in music lete llixlgsnn winning the uni ireiin nn IIItIIIy night Aimith Mr Emerson Iennett and his mlatinn 50 50 iiiher were tit FREE $5 BOOKS OF WINTARIO TICKETS PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES ummmwwhuï¬ummuumhumammJQmtmu wwwuwmmnmwnnmim bdndhetlhuledtben eetfled FIGHT INFLATION WITII LUCKY ONE POP MART Save Up To $300 per one FLAVORS MATCH rzasill nu VT royal 00k really llii 42 Dunlop at Maple 737 223 Wintaiin 9mg 640 Am ml 5955555555338 TACKLE HOT LOBSTER DINNER Roxy gun drawers Doiwo Berliley lb lobster Reg 3I500 Stren Quick Fries rurunmo mus wmi 53 Cole Slow Eu Drcwn Butter I96 Bloke 726937I FARM Ind BLACKLOCKS rams FREEZER ORDERS by the elde the pick at the or our very beet beet cut and wrapped on you like no charge Come and Ielect your beeI Irom over I50 side available 99 lb CORTINA PIIZA 99 ttet Melee Hue do the wey yee Ie It Fer Delivery Cd 72659 Cuetom Cutting All government impeded meat Home Curing Smoking from Ioml area Iorme Always IoeIPorhVeoI lamb quality and reasonable prices RRIIO COORSTOWN ASS423 HWY I9 MILE OF 400 EVERLAST STORM BARRIE AUTO STEREO OStereos Rodios CB Radio Wrm tor the touch that means so much 72683 28 Dunlop 72620I7 50 7283344 mausr $930 aim 02 Bovtiold ALUMINUM mnucrs T°F Pdeulcl TYPING STAND DESERT SAND Teak veneer top chrome legs with casters Artifact The Craft Hillary km Never your Fettan um Stet Requirement betel 7370590 7370815 BERCZY ST ImteIIetlom Sales and Service NOT EXACTLY AS ILL Winwrio Controlled Mobile Concrete DINING ROOM Q5 Specialixing in French Cuisine Licenced under the LLBO ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WE ARE RADIO OISPATCNFD leody Min Concrete ow Gravel Izmgww cm St Mm Stepe Porch 715TO71 PHONE 7265333 IARRIE lira Kellys AUTOMOTIVE DELUXE 30 01° 30 Itcouoirioumc TAXI 7371 82 smuusr III Car Cleanin 1244444 00 Wm pm 1245555 CONDITIONERS $2121 4st 00le 7245451 22995 New Wmta PARADISE MOTOR HOMES wtmmiï¬on MIMI mm stsflgfflm PEDESTAL DESK tn to MINI MOI OMIF 7537 um um 60 ii 30 Walnut finish Chrome plated legs mw rm ii Midhuui Reg 26700 spec 59 STATIONERY INC Dotson owners ask obow tree 15 pt coring onspednon on your or Otter good until In SIMCOE sp355 Vinyl back vvith matching lobric I04 Fer seot MC MLRLRUISAI SYlRNORIVFS OI mu iiou mm OATS Tilt 4562339 737 0254 eel Centre MARINE 540 amend rumz MANY MANY MORE INSTORE SPECIALS 7266602 54 DUNLOP ST BARRIE jam wtet TRANSMISSION Automatic Kl Transmission SpeCiolists 7372292 458 Blake Street WWS GONNESE Fch Innuni um can Take Out Delivery Fine selection at Oriental GiIwore 728l823 53 Collier St en mi