r¢w 8The Market Place Wednesda Jul TA T976 Collingwood library is 120 years old COLLINGWOOD Staff Muiloch and DL Sanson Qne of the oldest public Considerable change came libraries in Simcoe County the about in all these organizations Coliingwood library dates back after the passing of the revised 120 earsto1356 publiclibraryactof 1895 Colllngwood Mechanicï¬ BYLAWPASSEI Institute and Library In Coliingwood bylaw Association had Smith as asking electors to ap We its first presidentand Joseph financial support came by Lawrence librarian Other vote of 619 to 131 The members of the charter board were Hamilton Prosser Andrew Teifer and Dr Ste hens Mr amilton became Collingwoods first mayor when it became an incorporated town in 1858 Located on Hurontario street the Coliingwood institute organized lectures debates and night school classes in its early years Books were gradually aquired and loaned out to members OTHERS FOLLOWED George Tremaine played lrndina role toward forming is towns first library by preparing list of potential subscribers before the opening meeting Not long afterward branch of the Mechanics institute was formed in Barrie and the con sidernhie interest shown led to the organizing of other bran ches The Ilriiliii branch of the Mechanics institute was formed in 1864 when Oriiiia was rural community in Smith Oriilia township it was not tin til iiltiT the community became incorporated with village status The first Orillta meeting was held at the home of Si iowley and the first elected president was James Dallas who later became county warden Dr Slaven became the first secretary and other board members were Rev Stewart Dr tray Joseph Vick Dr Ardagli Grant James Jackson John tookc Dr Corbett ANTIQIE MARKET MIDLAND Staffl The Ladies Auxiliary to St An drew hospital will hold its ilth annual antique market at the Country Mill for three days starting on Tuesday iin 20 VOTING CHANGE MIDLAND tStatfl pro posal that the ward system of election for town aidermen be changed to vote at large has been made here This would give every voter chance to cast ballots on aldcrmen at large it was argued lllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LEPAGE llllllllllllllllflllilllllilllllll OxAaIOI LTD ALTOR HUNTING THIS SEASON For the periect setting to bwld your country home This 50 acre por ce has natural cloormg surrounded by hardwood bush Bock hall lull cleared ideol tor hobby torrning Located miles north Boe ores tiom reforested areas15 000v terms PENNETT 33 MR CLEAN Vt Varse ne housekeeping in this immaculate bedroom semi etoe 29 kchen Quality broodloom in cozy living room oon don to stay cool these hot evenings attractive decor Vaughan ence word hedges large garden North and 33 PENN 3730 Ax OME EELING is Cc uot well through the iront door The warmth oi utr gnome spoless no sekeepvng and the Overall iioor plan 3339 no ress irushed levels in this Allondoie mcQM to ortocte is th tueplpce in ioniin room rec ues to ooub garage $69500 PEN 1r ml Ci SENSE 5x oos on sidesp Grave St Excellent value otvn tzv 09 ncry pine well decorated and IPt teo Sow 21€ pg pENNETT 73700 INS LT Kï¬ EPEC PST OM27 35 ï¬gsc sour oi town tor $33 000 Letty or no one rc odei van and room to roam TENN 10 EL na Am Cruz 333 11 nzmo imashed iloors or mQ 213 20 or on Ourel Cu desoc 52 vi stirrer gr viiifwt LOSE 25 ei aware tho not ereronmg mmd tartr ue reTou zir 70 Sunrode Port mm 03 Valf See me extos ivNi 73I 9L3 Li nEEZ Dli its N3 VJ cie cooocr home neer zone rioctwc 501 we 22 c352 BEE Emu SN OI 73cc Itovjtu 2r inmogo aa Iran it rose Boouhu ergo googo hoop rg husbo ort 50 orro ucrne To Joio Jo 5382 DAISTON ALMOST AN ACï¬t $40 $03 Jus brooho no or Low vu in rho gto syn 41 VJT r9 Nwo Jolion to IOJQ you 0m wonu er rcs oim Coll Murev Jooi 535 HISTORIC CENRURV HOME SHAH BA St TC Ono kind gocicus homo or 00 bodouns both powder room Hood 09 odd or oudrvg old wrWJ harm with robot stone moon CIvoiro rolvng tobutoui tomlly szod ktcnoc pine cpoood oi Ir poolonce 42 tool pool patios Cort Mono Jottory to vow owmrnmn spgct tho most uncommor homo Car 726 5383 ALL THE PLEASURE OI WATERPRONT WITHOUT THE XPENSE $32 000 Just roducod by anxious ownor and lully turniihod Wo prosontly ottor bodroorn homo on hourly wotortront lot Footuros ovorsixod goiogo landscaped lot and tun Iwilod bur moi Coll Wos oi Don ot 737mm TUDOR STYLE SIDE SPLIT 6000 RESIDENTIAL AREA Toke tho timo today to soo truly woll kept homo In good roiidon tiol oroo Proporty otiors oxcoIIont landscaping ottochod gotogo tomin room with stono tiroploco and oxcollont I0 tmoncmg Asking only $52 Coll Wos or Don at 737031 SWEET NEAT AND COMPLETE Picturo your tomin in now homo this summor Wo possibly have tho right homo tor you with tooturos like big tomity sixod rooms walkout irom kttchon Iornily room with bar and car garage Th homo is on oxcollont tint mortgage and soto rosidootiof strooti Pricod at only 353700 Call Now Don or Wos ct 737com PRIVATE CLUBOR L006 lm it oi Loko Sirocco watorIront south oi Barrio roro C4 zoning tor this and Dining iocilitioo ior 75 disco oroo IO guost rooms all chattols lncludod SHOW Excollont torms PENNETT 737ml WillllllllfllmiflmmIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllillillilltlililtllIIIlilllllillllllllillllllliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIITIlIIliliiIIIIlllllillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ARTISTS CONCEPTION THE RIVERWOOD BROOKE IlllIIlIllllIllllllllllilllllIIIlllllllilllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmI llllllllIIIIIlIIIllIIIlllIIIIIIIlllllllIIIIIIIllIllIIIllllIIIIllllllllIIlllliiiliiilliillillillIIlililIIIIllitllilIlllll Collingwood public iibrar also was rincipal of board was reorganized Wit Coliingwood ollegiate Mr William Williams chairman Hogg was then ubiisher of the Other members were Mayor Coilingwood En erprise Gregory Long Pro rtywasdonated byJJ Frame Hogg ernard andT omas Long in 1903 anda Callary andGWBruce library built which served for Mr Williams was publisher some 60 years itwasdestroyed of the Collingwood Bulletin by fire and new building con weekly paper at the time and structed about12 years ago VICTORIA woon RIVERWOOD FARM IN BARRIE FROM With Only $4600 DOWN It you and your wife oorn about $8500 you probably quality to buy at Rlvor wood Farm i0 day move in some plans or when school is out Dotnchod slnolo iomily homo irom lii5 square toot to L643 squoro toot plus ovorsizod bosomonts and bodrooms and washrooms Country sizo lots 55 to 60 loot wide I05 to i50 toot doop Wo include such items as wolItowoll broadloom range and oven roirlgorotor Amtico vinyl asbestos tile in kitchen both and entry oroa ceramic tile around tub and shower double stainless stool kitchon sink insulated secure steel entry door fully woothor strippod insulatod all oxtorIOr walls and atticmmodorn iorcod olr gos hectingiully soddod iront and roar and sldo yard and much more Take Hwy 400 North to Hwy 26 and 27 North Proceed short distance to Cundlos Rd Turn loit and follow the sign to River wood Farm Jle VicroriaWVoodDcvelopmcnt Corporation Inc LePAGE iONTARIUI LIMITED 355 BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 737001 DOUBLE LOTS FOR SALE Suitable for one large or two average size homes Level 15000 sq it each lot CALL VICKI 487250l BEAUTIFUL BARRIE BACK SPLIT Price $52900 bedrooms with piece ensuite Large comiortoble living room and iull separate dining area CALL VICKI KENT 487 250i SEASON HOME gt $29900 Where can you find bedroom home with pc modern both walk in clothes closet dining area large garage and treed lot for such reasonable price Ill tell you CALL MURIEL JEFFERY 7266383 540000 DALSTON Nearly an acre lot The home is immaculate has been duplexed but could easily be converted to one iamin dwelling It you would like country atmosphere but still wont to be close to Barrie CALL MURIEL JEFFERY 7266383 $49900 INDUSTRIAL shrewd investor will pick this up in hurry Lot is 71 425 on which is cosy bedroom bungalow Backs onto railroad siding CALL MURIEL JEFFERY 7266383 GROUND LEVEL FAMILY ROOM WITH FIREPLACE $53900 Gracious entry bedroom home with attached garage Completely fenced pool sized yord Short walk to shopping and schools Coll MURIEL JEFFERY 7266383 HISTORIC CENTURY HOMErr EXCLUSIVE SHANTY BAYBARRIE AREA $110000 One oi kind gracious home on two iloors bedrooms baths powder room Hond hewn log addition exceeding old world charm with cobblestone fireplace and cathedral coiling Family sized kitchen with pine cupboards and built in appliances 42 toot pool patios Many more extras CALL MURIEL JEFFERY 726 6383 HILLSDALE POTTERY Includes Br home renovated Tm yr old red brick Studio and shewroom on one acre landscaped lot Ideal antiques or allied croi ts CALL BARRY CAMPBELLNASH 737 l324 GAS STATION CONFECTIONERY STORE Or busy Highway 27 South at Holly Owner retiring excellent op DOTUlIiiy i0 aggressive couple One cor boy machinery and tools Plus bedroom home on one acre lot zoned C3 Asking price $73 CALL BARRY CAMPBELL NASH 737l324 EXCLUSIVE CLUB OR COUNTRY PUB The Toourcs oi this property loaves nothing to the imagination Top Quality materials and crottsmonship in the restoration oi this true century homo Situated 0n Ti acres oi commercially zoned land rho buildrig romuu oi bodrooms common kitchen dining and lung room lull basement pub that meets LCBO speciï¬cations Tomlin ond roody to go An absolute must to see CALL PETER BPACALENTE 726 39l6 TWOSIOREY IBEDROOM ii ywr tomity crompod in your presont homo ConSIdor Two Simy Tryur Bedroom woll kopt homo at Springdolo Drivo This tmi ottgu tomity room with tiroploco largo Iovol lot and an calmed garage Listing price only $53 900 Call Don or Wes at 737 polI mc 06 PROPERTY REDUCED $49 9CD Two soporoto opts comploto with soporoto ontroncos and bodioorm 00h On lot 67 I63 Ovorlooking lako Coll Vicki Kont at 737 00 or 487 250i EXCELLENT BUILDING LOTS Pnro Sic 91 Fer 6i 250 toot lot Dry and ilot with troos lining sdo lino Coll Vicki Kent 073770011 or 487A250l EXCELLENT IUNGALOW GARDEN Pnco $39 900 loan throo bodroom bungloow with separate living dining room Largo kitchon with ottochod garogo Coil Vicki Kont at 737 ml or 4877501 BIG BAY POINT COTTAGE Excollont bodroom cottogo largo living drop with iioldstono tiroploco and oxtto slooping cabin Only block irom loko Coll Vicki Kont at 737mm or 487250i CENTURY HOME NESTLED AMONGST MATURE TREES Just north oi town in on ostoto typo setting bedroom storoy parlor with iiropIoco specious tormol dining room hugo country kitchon truo country homo in natural sotting Coll PENNETT 737mm ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments $21250 to $22250 montth plus hydro 726 5063 ON LAKE SIMCOE Boaters paradise Cruise Lake Simcoe from our own back garden No more marina charges with your own back gar en moorings City of Oriliia services minutes from downtown LANKINWOODS DETACHED HOMES from $55500 WOODED LOTS FEATURING CANAL FRONT LOTS models to choose from with various elevations and turf styles Srwvmohiirg Sliing Fishing at your rtrxirstep Constnicted to Gold Melnl iltn ildifllilrilJ Fully sorkied lots with paved drives DROP IN AND SEE US ANYTIME Just 20 Minutes North of Barrie FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY 11 AM TO DIISK ORTLLTA sarisen follow signs from Hwy 12 and Wait 31 ltlltUNitidititiitHHiztl iriw MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS APTS TO NT AVAILABLE July Iirst one and two bedroom apartments ml to $232 In cludes refrigerator stove heat and parking bus stop location no pets Telephone 728 40M ONE BEDROOM in downtown area available immediately with various rents Telephone 7263257 $230 FURNISHED $210 unfurnished bedroom modern apartment in country setting l0 minutes trom Barrie 45 minutes Toronto Hydro heat ap pliances included Telephone 705 ONE BEDROOM apartment Suitable FURNISHED bedroom apartment tor business girl downtown location suitable ior adults $225 monthly Cen lrldge stove all utilities included Sl50 tral Iocetlon Telephone 72609 per month references Call 778 0674 weekdays BEDROOM furnished Mobile home on ONE BEDROOM mwa decorated on private Iotin Angus Telephone 424 5379 bus route Includes heat refrigerator 2BEDROOM Apartment ll Victoria St Sim9 Imale emnice paklm 5V Availabe Aug Adum on No walk downtown Available Julyist$l75 pets Apply atterSpmalApt No Ilepho 73793 sum One good We bedroom TWO BEDROOM apartment 3240 per apartment Dinettekltchen living room momh 0V9 °°°°° We and bath Private balcony with view oi wale parklnqr me TV 0W To new ca hydroAvallable Augustilrst no pets 74 Shirley Ave7167JJ or 7379596 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES HONEY No white unpasteurired clover honey niw health toads Woods Hillsrtaltf 835 7303 RASPBERRIES illk your own SI ql Purled 10 qt Boxes Silppllld First TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES in sale or rent Holiday in omplete hurrle comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Ci 34 Bayueld term on trail HIST irilerser tum it matp MOBILE HOME on corner lot In small °GV°W II park Like new Telephone 723 6375 Or 728 77l6 COUNTRY LIVING In qumt park south of Barrie New homes on large 7500 so it lots Ready to move In Low down the lake Very clean 737 UN or 7372097 MORTGAGES ONE EEDIiooM Apartment cs Laue In mint ear rl es Ii 1265 we mpem Tom Mocking Kem Tnyéï¬i I51 AND 7NDMortuaues Bought sold THREE BEDROOM7storey apartment Men Bay Abaiiabte August Ast WANTED arranged Firsts tram ll Mir three to rent utilities Included Telephone Teyephone 7253633 any LET US GET you hitched trailer hitch quarter per cent Seconds as low as 737 I295 TO RENT that Is All types Call Harold at the and one hell Prompt attention FURNISHED Kitchenette bed sitting room shore bathroom Si35 monthly WANTED One wo bedwom aw Downtown Suitable for working girl men or house Norm Collegian area Tfelephone 726 0988 weekdays Needed by September ist Apply to R69 FURNISHED bedroom bachelor apart the Barrie Examiner mom miles from Barrie Abslainers nonsmokers 7288067 AVAILABLE AUGUST bedroom apartment with regrigerator stove and heat and private entrance central toca tions225 monthly Telephone 7289799 or 77 72836 NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Baytield BEDROOM apartment available im SI 89 50°33 5° 05 mediately Close to shopping Fridge 9eqI6 7377 stove and parking included S725 mon DOWNTOWN STORE tor tease thly Call 728 6646 Available July Telephone 776 8900 Hitch House Limited 728 9700 BRITISH LIGHTWEIGHT travel trailers are now built in Canada and are available direct trom the IoIIownq manufacturers Write or phone tor prices and delivery inlormation It and I7 It models Thomson Leisureway Box 09 Welland Ont Phone lib 692 5535 To It models British Travel Trailers Ltd 09 Specrs Road Oakville Phone is 844 7041 Reasonable rates CONTIGETITIHI all Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Pump Jupp Limited Realtor 778 6675 even most I367 COMPARE our rates First second third mortgaues appraisals Gerry Syvokos 487 2700 Pat Quinn til MIA MORTGAGES bought and sent an mediate action conï¬dential David Wass Real Estate Broker I76 It even mos 75 SOLE camper all We MORTGAGES Ist 2nd 3rd bought mn WI 593 Him sold Immediate actioncontidential an no way triage included $7600 praisalservireincluded Hmmltim Helophonc 726 ms or evenings 726 0579 73 icon COME AND COMPARE GETTING MARRIED Changing labs Retiring Prefer small town Just like new apartment Then consider bedroom apartment in Eimvale Call 37720 7H BEDROOM apartment newly decorated $225 including heat hydro water parking trio and stove No pets Telephone 726 0362 AVAILABLE ONE Bedroom apartment Duckworth and Grove area Telephone 737l628toriurther particulars OFFICESSTORES FOR Rear stove and refrigerator Telephone PRICED FROM $37950 Till2 Mortgage $950 $27659 MTHLY If you have seen the rest come and see the best GEORGINA GARDENS Houses can be finished to your specifications $1200 SUBSIDY which brings your interest School Shopping Bus stop at door Paved drive Sodded lot and bedrooms 0Private Garages °Swimming Pool 0Fully Broadloomed AGENTS ARE WELCOME RESALE VALUE GUARANTEE Georgina Gardens is so confident about the quality of their homes mat after two years they Will buy back the home tor the purchase price plus $11130 Solosofï¬coondniorlol Openlitohloily aidiito7wooltonds or call for special showing ANNI siï¬lil GEORGINA GARDE NS 7371981