mm Wmmlnï¬vï¬ï¬ r¢w ZiaJim Barrie Examiner Wednesday July l4 I92 QUEEN ELIZABETH es corted by Prince Philip and Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan chats with Viecv Admiral Douglas Boyle Canadas coastal defence chief at dockside in Halifax luesday ltGov Clarence locsc is behind the Queen tllhoto Fog greets Britannia in visit to Halifax HALIFAX Pr lhousands of people jammed the stops on the first day of the Queens nadiaii tour applauding when ever she appeared and cheering in some places The Queens response was warm and Prince Philip was ready with good hiiinored quips The threatening raiii held off until the crowded schedule had been completed and even then cloaked the port in mist rather than the predicted downpour Slippery paveiiiJiit resulted in collision between escorting police motorcycles and sent one constable to hospital for obser ation lie was not serioust iii iured The Queen arrived early luesday in heavy fog aboard the royal yacht Britannia trowds were sparse at first as but as the day wore on and the weather lifted crowds giew Iwelve thousand watched cere monies at city hall and thou sands lined the streets for the Queens long drive from the north end shipyards to the southend folk show at foot ball stadium where another It 000 gave an enthusiastic flag wavingdemonstration loday the Queen pays cer emonial call on neighboring Dartmouth and then drives to Halifax lnternatioiial Airport for flight to the Annapolis Valley This was change in plans made to escape predicted continuing poor visibility at the Eastern lassage military air base SIll1lIANNICl In the valley she will be given military salute at aiiadiaii Forces Ilase ti reenwotxl At Kentville the Queen will watch concert of bands voices and bagpipes Iler final stop before return an to Halifax will be at Wind sor lreiiiiei ltegans home town where she will open new hospital hi luesday the Queen was greeted by 2i gun salute from MORE TROOPS SEN Syrian attacks remforced BEIRUT tAll Syria has sent more troops into Lebanon to reinforce the Syrian attacks on the Mosleiii towns of Baal bek and Sidon the Vltlllll lale stiniaiileftist Lebanese coin maiid said today leftist communique said two motorized battalions total ling 1000 men rolled across the eastern border during the night tojoiii the attack on Baalbek I2 miles northeast of Beirut The Moslenis reported Tues day that Syrian troops and tanks moved into the outer streets of the thi after heavy shelling that caused many casualties The communique today said the Syrian tanks moved deeper into the town overpowering grenade throw Ill leftist defenders yhile troops conducted house to house search to disarm ltaalbek Han rockets also pounded nearby small Palestinian refii Try Our GREATEST SALE this THURSDAY 25 HAPPY BURGER Rog 35c gee camp called Galilee the communique said adding ur forces are returning fire Baalbek straddles the Itekaa Valleys niain north south road Which the Syrians need to giiar antec direct comtiiunitations between their forces in nor therii and southern lebinon RIIVSIII1It It was not reported whether the fighting has reached the towns Roman ruins They are among the mini notable iii the liddle ITast nother coiiiinuiiiiiue from the Joint Moshiii command said second Syrian force crossed the border and took up positions in lPillf bi istiaii tow ii 12 miles east of Sidon the Moslem port city 33 miles south of Beirut The Palestinians denied re port by Libyan officer oi the Arab League peace foite that Syrian forces were llll 25c FRENCH FRIES Reg 30 the itadel above the city She reviewed guard of honor and drove to city hall to turn the sod for community centre which will also be home for the Nova Scotia Voyageurs hockey team After lunch of lobster tails as guest of ltlov Clarence iosse the Queen held recep tioii for the press Later she donned hard hat to inspect an oil rig and $40 inillioii drill ship more ina iioeuveiable than rig At the football stadium the Queen heard black choir sing spirituals pipe bands counter march and Highland dancers perform The music of 150 fiddles and later 400 youngsters playing likeleles was contagious and those close to the Queen saw her start to clap her hands in time The day ended with glittein ing dinner aboard the Britannia for guests including lovGen and Mme Leger and Prime Minister and Mrs Trudeau drawing from positions around Sidon in fulfilment of an agreement with Libyan lremier Abdel Salam Jalloud The Palestinians said instead the Syrians who had been shelling Sidon and an adjacent oil refinery have moved for ward Ialloud who has been acting as mediator for nearly two months informed Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Mon day that the Syrians also agreed to pull back from artil lery positions threatening Tri poli the Moslems biggest city in northern Lebanon and from Sofar 20 miles east of Beirut hich controls mountain pass on the Beirutlamascus high way But there was no report of any withdrawal at these points HOLDS lltll WATER New Brunswick contains 1990 ponds and lakes and about Iii000 miles of streams 25c lilK SHAKE I4 QUANTITY Our Portion Sizes Not Reduced QUALITY SERVICE We are happv to serve you Aï¬w Boyiield SL Bsi tie Big as ever we mm bllnd products preparing them to your order not cooked ahead in Your car FEED THE It the counter or WHOLE GANG DURING THIS GREAT SALE 7280941 CLEARANCE OF QUALITY OFFICE FURNITURE SCRATCH DENT ENDS OF LINES °0NE OF KIND MANY MANY MORE CONFERENCE DESK 72 36 walnut finish file drawer wlock box drawers log 31500 SPEC II TYPING STAND DESERT SAND Teak veneer top chrome legs with casters 995 NOT EXACTLY AS ILL DOUBLE PEDESTAL DESK 60 30 Walnutfinish Chrome plated legs 26700 STENO CHAIR log $7200 5$55°° Vinyl back with matching fabric seat MANY MANY MORE INSIORE SPECIALS 7266602 54 DUNLOP ST BARRIE wt ll STATIONERY INC III