Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1976, p. 6

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otne Barrie txaminor JUAN Iltilitvtls oi liaiiic was one of ihice who Rliltllllittil i0 lttl til it an level piograiu in spinning offered by Georgian tollege the instruction of Kirk The course under lhiltilliy which is believed to be uni one in ilsoiitliiic liiid itslirst Collier Street United church scene for couples wedding toliier Street tnited thiircti was the scene liiiie when totheiinc Lorraine McFadden Mlt Xlt Nlltb it at Horne and llavid layloi lliillips ot lilllltl exchanged marriage vows ttev William lllllllllil TODAYS RECIPE GOLDEN FISH HTS it tut ser iiigsi lbs fishfillets cup each yellow cornmeal and flour cup Beatrice buttermilk tsp salt tsp pepper cup butter Tangy Sour ieani Sauce recipe below Cut fish into serving sire ieces tombinc cornmeal and tour in shallow pan Pour buttermilk into bowl dip each piece of tish in buttermilk drain briefly Sprinkle with salt and pepper lit in cornmeal mixture to coat lightly on both Sides in hot butter in trying tan brown fish over medium teat iiiitii it is golden on both sides and flakes easily with fork about minutes Serve immeihately with langy Sour ream Sauce liStlllttltlll sircia cup Beatrice sour cream tblsps Beatrice buttermilk tblsps chopped stuttedolivcs tblsps finely chopped parsley tsp salt tsp paprika tombmc ingredients and let stand to minutes to blend fia ors tt ithSlthN Vl Verna Maluske president of the Federated iomens lnr stitutes of Ontario was tiniest speaker recently at the 75th anniversary of ookstown Womens institute She urg ed women to explore new ideas to keep the institute ac tive ltltl otticiated Lloyd liillord wastheoigainst The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Stiiley lieies ol Lt WellingtonStreet and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Phillips of loronto The bride wore gown ot white cliaiitilly lace over tat feta the grown with leg of mutton sleeves was trimmed with sequins and lace flouiice lhe fiiil length train fell from the waist and was accented with wide piece of silk ribbon ller bended diilcli cap was studded with pearls and sequins and she had fingertip veil of netting trimmed with lace She carried cascade of piiik sweetheart roses and stc plianottis Matron of honor was sister of the bride lioiina Murray lliidesiiiaids were Patricia McFadden sister of the groom of Barrie llolly Phillips sister of the groom of loronto and Lisa McGowan of trown ltill They wore full length dresses of pink polyester knit with bolero styled jackets lhc matron of honor carried cascade of pink and white car nations and stepliaiiotas lhc bridesmaids carried nosegays of pink and white cariiations with stephaiiotas They wore pink wide biiiiiined hats with bank of pink and white carna itolts llest man was Murray Phillips brother of the groom of Toronto lshers were Mark itanes brother of the bride of ilarrie and Donald Phillips and Ross Phillips brothers of the groom of Toronto The reception was held in the ltoof Gardens at the ontinen tal bin The brides mother wore full length gown of pink With corsage ot pink and whiterosesaiidciiiiiatioiis lhe grooms mother wore full length gown of green and beige with corsagc of yellow and white roses and cariiatioiis For hoiicyiiimin the bride wore cream colored siiit Willi rust suede accessories and coisiige of sweetheart roses lhe newlyweds will live in irillia hit of town guests attended from loronto tirillia am The brides Mrs lsiibelle Barrie and Mrs llaiics of liuntsVille bridge Windsor grandmother Osborne of Mariolia attended ZISIIIIIMGltINNlNG UWICN SOUND tint PM Lee Manor residents are amused by many travellers asking for nights lodging only to find that it is home for the aged says administrator Hob llutchcr The source of con fusion is billboard near here advertising neighboring hotel iteeve Lyall Mclnnis has asked for new Lee Manor sign GRANTED Wltl EDMUNltiN itli Glenn Gould ltlrtitlttivlltilll pianist and composer is the 1976 recipient of the University of Alberta national award in music Since 9531 the iiiiivei sity has offered national iwai dstotaiiadians wlioliavemade distinguislml contributions to the development of letters music painting and the related arts iii anada UWNIII HY lilt Ntll Reunion is an island in the in than Ocean about 420 miles east of Madagascar and has belong to France since lotto ANN LAN DERS Her nose is her business bear Ann Landiirs An auiit of mine is driving me cray plan to be married in few months She thinks it is very im portant that tell my fiance had rhinoplasty 031 job better known as dont think its any of his business Aunt Marcia insists that it would be unfair not to tell him And wait till you get load of the reason She is afraid our children might be born with schnou like my old one and my husband would wonder who the father is it now have little turnedup nose and his nose is small also What is your opinion of the situationfAVobody Nose The Trouble Seen Dear Trouble The decision should be yours but see no reason for not telling him After all he fell in love with you not your nose Dear nn Landers My problem is 19 year old son He has never been many kind of trouble works every day and pays board and room Things began to change around here last October when Phil took up with year old girl She looks 17 is very mature physically but not mentally Phil is at Dollys bonsc every night of the week They seldom go to movie or out with friends Their only interest is each other liolly seems like nice girl but she iorgeis to wash her hands before meals and ne er uses napkin When Phil tries to hold her chair to help her get seated she says lm not crippled can seat myself manneis hatsoeur Last week she asked for gxrmission to stay here for the weekend hile her parents ere otit of town said UK nn the girl didnt bring thing with her not even toothbrush she slept with my daughter ho offered her nightgown Her reply was hatethose things Phil bought camper and plans to lake Dolly camping every weekend dont know what this girls parents are thinking about Will you please comment Plenty orried Dear Phil has obviously gone gaga over this Dolly and there is nothing you can tor should do about it He is to old enough to know his own mind such as it is Your son should be aware however of the legal ramifica tions in many states Hyearold girl is considered child tn dcr certain Circumstances he could get into legal trouble for contributing to her delinquency The girl sounds pathetically ignorant and completely without parental guidance hope lhil ill assume the responsibility to see that his Dolly doesnt get pregnant Dear Ann Landers our column is great escape vane tor people who need to sound off May blow my top Thank you hear Gentlemen ommuters Although you insist Womens Lib has killed chiyalry it doesnt mean good manners and common sense are also dead How can you sit in that seat on the bus while woman eight months pregnant stands being jostled around for 45 minutes Doesnt it bother you when so plus graiidmotherly type faints from standing in crowded aisle in stifling heat while you sit next to breezy window How do you think you look shoving omen and children aSide in your rush to get or the bus and grab seat if you dont know can tell you in word Lousy Turned tiff in it Dear cant improve on your onoword answer Thank graduates lridiiy attci tiVi years tlixilillitlllllltiitll ttlc Four local women graduate as first master spinners loiii urea women received certificates lTltllly tliiitll send them spinning orii ltownuiii of lliurie tiii Scriveii of Newnuiiket Peggy lletlieiiiigtoii of table and or lltl liooii ot llliievnle were presented Willi iiimiter spinner certificates after taking it six leVel liiogiiiiii ill Georgian tol Ivyy believed to be unique in tiuiada the spinning of lllh andinituiedyeiiig To get llieii iiiiiideii Iiltll had to illlllllll theas based on oi igiiiiil iimai ch llitcc olliei women Molly Aylcuwoi tli oi itiiyiici liiiiiicen Lightboiun and Joan Hodges ot Iliiiiic were pitsmiled with level iix tllillltilllh and Will become llliliill filillllltli when tlicvcoiiiplitcllicii llltftlh lllic piogiiiiii wuii developed thinin the ioopciiition of ill illlltltil liorolhy Kllk of WWI sound the ltuionia Spinners Guild and Geoigiaii tollepe yiuiiinei Hllltltll of thumb It is designed to IiIIiVltli students With an advanced knowledge of fibres and iiatuiedymi colors and to prepare llieiii ioi teaching The piogiiiiii is also recognized Within the collcgeti design arts dcpnitincnt as possible elective ciedit toi iiiateiiiii arts textiles and Weaiviiigoptioii toia liowniaii liaison otlicer rec25 Event PEOPLE AND PLACES ltlIllltlIMllNl IAltlY Linda rawford and Iletli lhoiiipsoii were co ttitivtlltls of the retirement dinner held Saturday at the llarrie Legion for Lloin Shepherd teacher at Georgian ollege The two expressed gratitude for the door prius donated by the Hayfield Mali inemas and Shirt ltiol ISII Kathleen McKenna of King ston visited Mr and Mrs Frank tolliiigriide of Itaiiic on tinweekend till28l Mr and Mrs Lorne Nicliolls and son Harvey of liiindalk lll visited Mr and Mrs Prank Montgomery of Hayfield Street NHL til Pill Stewart recently opened the meeting of the lloiiiics Itiii own which was held in Allistoii Park tiltllllt Director of summer school at Georgian ollego liavc Phillips attended the gradiia tion Friday of four women who received their masters cer tiiicate iii spinning WI MIIIIIING Mrs Walters president of the Sinicoe Keinpenfeidt llli trict Womens institute has returned from the national con vciitioii of the Federated Womens Institutes at hzulot tetuwn lI2i iIUMICMAKlNG Sllttilll Mrs Spring secretary of the Stroiid Womens Institute announced recently that the ll Homemakers will be having class Sept lliiiidti VISII ltAXIlIit Mrs Gloria ookc llarvcy liick tllll ocliiane and llev lhoiiipsoii spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs George row at Man itoiiliii Island GltAlilAliI Florence Grace llaldwick daughter of Mr and Mrs Gilbert llaldwick of Midliiirst graduated from the dental assisting program at aiccr anada loionto Miss llaldwick is graduate of liar rie North tollcgiatc and is working in Scarborough She wil continue her studies this September at George llrown ollege loronto Quebec cuisine course among best in world MtiNlltilAi Itli Que becs department of tourism which began sponsoring train ing courses in bartcnilmg pro fessional cuisine and hotel management in twin recently consolidated the program niifer one roof in unique ultra mod crii facility The lnstitiite of Tourism and Hotel Seiy ices located on east end St llenis Street is the most sophisticated of its kind anywhere says tlttilttt Sam iielli the schools director gen eral There are none even in EU rope with the physical facilities and the capacity for management training that we hayeliere The storey double ing building has four floors of cus tom designed classrooms labs and food seiyice facilities in GRAlilATE Florence Grace Baldwick daughter of Mr and Mrs Gilbert Baldwick of Mid hurst graduated from the dental assistant program at tareer Canada Toronto Miss Paldwick is graduate of Barrie North collegiate and is working in Scar borough She will continue her studies in September at George Brown tollege To ronto one section and 42room professionally equip ed training hotel the Hotel de stitut in theother it has do regular rooms two suites bar and banquet facil iiies underground parking and large dining room specializing in European cuxsine During the year about 40 stir dents at time work Six week shifts running the hotel which is open to the public WORK ULYMPHS All of the schools aoii fulltime students have been placed in summer jobs including 70 or ill who are working for the llym pic Hrganizmg tomniittee There are also about 43m part time students The cost of all programs in cluding student tuxtion and salaries for staff of lliti fiili time and To part time em pioyees is borne by $513 iiiillinii animal operating grant trout the department of tourism Enrolment ruiuirements are strict only one in three appi rants is accepted but the school plans to increase the number oi tail time students to ltll courses incliide hotel adniiii istraiion food and beverage management proteSsional cooking acwunting marketing and legislative regulations Mr Samueiii estimates that the burgmning hotel and res anrani industries need Halli new operational and manage ment personnel annually aorticAIRS iomovobln leg luIWeeii the college and the guild believes the hand spinning program may bi iml pie in tiiuiida ahe Milli Geoigiiui is the li Itifdlttilltin or association to define stun diirdii of competency and kiiowlege iii the cialt and to develop six level instruc tioiinl program loi the liiiiniiig oi these skills In an lillllt Iy and tiltiflltfitaIVllildlliill llie piogiain had modest beginning iii llill when acting on the ieconiinciidiiiion of memberi ol the fiiiiicoc touiiiy Ai ti and iiiitr Araan iatioii and with the ciicouiiiginicnl of lilitilllltll ltnbcit tiawloid lhc illlllllill school of HIP1H lllbl tillfltlliittllilillliililtlllltlu As it as We know their Wlll only How spiiiiiiis ill fillticoe toiinty in Him and pcrlia in lch or hilt in Ill ieciil ed Mis liowmau il iiiciiitiei of that lust class Now tlieiciiicdocirz ilic ll conicm was an chi and dim coin sen Wlt ottiiod lllltittil gicw and thc lluinnia ipiiuieia Giiild Wilts loiiiied iii ltith Willi liVel gi adiiatcs lmiii Hodgea and liunictz Light boiuii as the lll and cumd picnideiit icspcctivcly Today there aic an tiiiiated lfiti Pililtitltlf in thi Georgian liiiy At ca thi iiiiijliii ty of whom hch taken at least some coinlei lliioiigh Gciii gum tiilligi Mrs Kiik taught the lltfJ course and has continued to teach Iacli siicci niVe levrl FOP AREA women received their masters cer tificate iii spinning Friday the graduation cXcitiscs at Georgian tollcgc lresidcin viitiling lecturer iii the tiiiliirio tollege of Art she has been spinning and wmivmg for 26 years and is lllngtllllll as an expert Illhlrmltil llh Well as craftsman Ah the quantity and quality ii men Mllnmlh grew so did the need lot more teachcis and for some foiiii Ht stiindiiidn At this point Mia Kirk the vollege iiiid thi giiild set about to lot lliillll levels at liltilltitlltlli liiday saw the insulin of then Wtitlt Willi then ciititiiiitcs the tout women aii qualified to teach Mi liownuui foi cxiiiii plc is teaching level twu pin gum in Him Itldflf thi leicl thim program in August ill liu ic and the extension couisc iii ticlobci to the Iiialttn ail stiidcntss A97 incmhci of liuionia lipiiiniis Guild Mrs Hownion says Wtilltliu on lici tlicrzis piowd to be the most iewni diiigcriwriciii cut all Mi liownian studied the iiiuslm ihc studied the natural habitat of the animal and llf histoi Wiii1iiigita wool is on ly one pail til thi coiimc lhc littlth natch only to Illlllliltli aiiada and the tip til Gicciilaiid is adly iicglei ted by the anodian HUWHINIIHI Ml liuwman said ll mu moshing in noithcin anadii wcic doiiicsiii alcd the cinnoiiiii potential would he imliiiiiliiiiitil slicsaid Mutation Hm piodiicc meat limlll on one sixth the fodder ltobcrt truwford gave cer llllt ales to tora iowriiaii lront lifl Harrie lca Scriveii New iiiarkct Peggy lictliciiiigton hack tllll of consumed by cows and they can produci Ilvltil undercoat of wont use for spinning at rate of five to six pounds year Mrs Bowman said itight now the sonic iindercoat wool winds at about $55 pound to thc Wild the animal pro duces calf only once ever two years but if doiiiesticat they piodiicmi calf once it yeai Mi liownian said We ould doubh the number of inuskox if tanndn doin estii atcd them she ntifl thc pingiiiin is of particular tiltlll in those who work With lihici and Wish to create yarns md iiilois to suit their par lit ulm newt in areas such as weaving knitting tailing cyniheting liiiciiiaking needlepoint iiiatch em tumult1y ihd ltWll em immhiy toiiisc in thc pro gram Will pimcul iii the fall and wmtci through the col iege extension leltlfi divi sum and in the illlllHitl through the summer 54 boot of the arts in thci courses being offered through the llilti soniiiici school of the arts iniliidi ltWl in ulltll July iizi lcvcl in itarehiidgc July lx it and iii llluc ylouhtain Aug itizti and lcvcl iii tiwlii Hound July 71 III AKI Linkittyilliltlllkll AVlillsl HY hiigland li Hill in talc ill llili illicit llflliltltisllll town said tint ofditerakc halt piicc we ltmsm Food intoxication rare but still eviden Hy SIN ST Hl HomeEconomist iirthbilitciw The word liotiilism is often heard through the sumnici months and is connected with food poisoning Hut lcw people stop to consider the seriousness ofil Although rare bouiisiii strikes wwral taizadians eyeri year liotiiisiii is good borne illness or food intoxica lion caused by the spore llililllttL incro orgiinsi lttlitlllll5 lillllitllllv in low acid fowl uridct iriaeiotni iii tltJiilis he iuilitiliiiill iiii tilt 1r begin ii and pr with it tuiisiitintls substance lhiiilti ioi Juns liilii ifiil fig triui AtII siifw ma tr ilcstiiiy the my sexorr Linss and 117 iif illit lilr His slul iiiliif ii iiiiiii or put we pr lib tow icyempuo ll Emlc titJ po iiij tist sea uf mushrooms eggs at nti ngttiiliiis tiliil pviprm our litts atnl vcttai iilitlns Ill tiimalins iiavt titli mohair at outed Mic sliiiiizi he tuowf tt iiift vAQiP li Ill ti deger legws arc in dstv gtovvl taTt it stuvlis Ntyrl at tegrmM ross alum VIT casters cushioned upholsey 59 Romovableormesis $234 Lokemotic playsersbois $625 macsh HARPERS LWQ WhalesIn qlum il lthdn Penetong St at St Vincent Barrie Ont 7285407 he oirly sign of boiiiii latich weakMs and tiiiirwi sioi usually develop aimi fight in hours afct cam loud iilliliti tvoluiiniiin il in hesc followed ittitltlilfitti Liliiifti il labored hrcai ii speakingi ti iy illliiics licalichiu at doininal dismnifori um and llltlsll paliiijl mulis is dilia ul ii lmginiw 11 ii ls riiti in 14 Mirrrm and sitndarfly lf syinpt ii inaiy other intessos vis or sortie llic litlih Mai with li tif mih gaiail iga ts ho st lillitlA os¢ pit ptout iilullolilii HUNT in or lt rtsii vi Ho Hts fiza xiita at Mgr at spoilage twig her too open ric livf trawlt tit1ft rules froth than irtinifd noer cirg wi oiliiw rm minimal ii tiigprvnntures all yegcabics itaa ai isr ivuisr pr lrsstl pressuri tanner it Films in the Village of Shanty Boy Tues to Sat to 7280599 Lisle and Harriet tool of liticyalc lioiolby Kirk batk row left of tiMi Lworld taught the ioiirnc iix ainiiici Photo liiiil it iiisufli litld Ii destroy all lhf mineral piris ii these foul lii and fish are part marl lesfplliill to the grmh of iflillillldlll we win and are not rm om llHrlldlirlilll1lnlg ifwi there Hill tr no signs of spiliiifl in an extra TIrisiit of safety it is tttxfl boil irJuitl gag tiles fiits Mflir in all and dues ind relishes as uitilisi bud oi it til dl or si itl hi growth of lOINl BIYTV HAY HAYS riiAvn SERVICE 72844700

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