Frank Sinatra and new wife the former Barbara Marx put the first cut through their SINATRAS CUT THE CAKE wedding cake following their marriage Sunday in Raiicho Mirage alifi The ceremony took place at the home of former ambassador Walter Aiiiienberg AP Photo Reaction to court decision on controls act varies By THE ANAIHAN PRESS Reaction to the Supreme ourt of tanadas 7rto2 deci sioii Monday to uphold the fed eral AntiInflation Act as con stitutionally valid generally matched comments from vari ous business and union groups when the legislation was in trodttced last fall Labor leaders said they were not surprised and some spoke of national labor strike Business leaders said they were pleased and the reaction of politicians was mixed and generally cautious The Supreme tourt decision confirms the legality of federal legislation placing the country under three years of selective wage and price controls However the court also re futed in too vote an agree ment between the federal gov ernment and tlntario placing that provinces public servants under the federal wage guides SPANKED ASE It was wage dispute in volving Ontario teachers last March that sparked the Sn preme tourt case on the con stitutioiiahty of the Anti lti flatioii Act and one ttiitario la boi leader hailed the decision as great victory for us Strong reaction against the court decision came from Al berta one of tite proyiiiccs which had challenged the act The Alberta government had no immediate coiiiiiietit but one Alberta labor leader said the decision pushes the country closer to national general strike OBITU JOSICIII IIl FHIS Joseph llall Hmms died last Manda at ltarries Royal Vic toria Hospital He was it He was the husband of Lillian Maude lIi£IIEII and the brother of titace Atrs rchic Soiners of Barrie Funeral was at ttro Station liiited tliurcti lliursday with burial III the adioining cemetery lttllSIWVIIT ItF Funeral service was held Saturday for louisette lit who died last week lll ltoyal Victoria Hospital She as 32 She was the wife of lintce Barrie and the daughter Philippe and Juliet liatte Becanour Que She was also the sister illltS lratte of Montreal WALTER MATTHAll TATUM ON EA nit BAD NIYS til Ut ilt PNONE 72843581 ROXY Mi DUNLOP SI BARRIE Politicians in Quebec the Maritimcs and British olum bia welcomed the decision In Saskatchewan the only province which has not yet signed the antiinflation agree ineiit with ttawa Premier Al Iaii ltlakeney said that as the law of the land the program must be respected by all pro viticial atid municipal gvern ments lteg ltasken president of the Alberta Federation of Labor iAFLt said the decision will not change the labor move ments planned course of ac tioii tnir position has always been that the law is unjust and working people are being held up as the scapegoat for an in flationary cycle created by the corporate pricing policies not wage increases Mr Raskin said Premier Ed Schreyer of Manitoba strong supporter of the antiinflation program withheld comment in order to study the ruling Manitoba also brought its public sector under the federal guides by orderin council saying its move was based on provincial law passed in 1970 New Brunswick government officials would not comment until they had studied the ruling However spokesman for the premiers office said the ruling appears to be in keeping with the provinces position on wage and price controls Quebec had enacted legisla tion setting up its own antiin flation board and the two dis senters on the main con stitutional point are both from Quebec Mr Justice Jean Beetz and Mr Justice Louis Phillipe de Grandpre Seven dead wounded in US shooting spree FULLERION alif tAP The icture of quiet loner troub ed over breaking up with his wife has emerged as author ities try to pinpoint the motive for shooting spree that left seven persons dead and two wounded Edward tharles Allaway 17 turned himself over to author ities shortly after he allegedly shot nine persons Monday mor ning at the California State ARIES Service was from the Jeniiett Funeral Home Chapel WltIl burial in St Mary temetery DAVID RUBBINS David James Robbins the son of Kerwin and Carol Rob bins died Wednesday He was the brother of Joey and the grandson of Mr and Mn George lrviti of Toronto Funeral was Saturday from the Latbangur and Skwarchuk Funeral Home in Bradford With burial in St Pauls temetery thurchill knit Alliston 4354761 Fully Licensed The Rustic Hearth Dining Lounge Char Grilled Steak Lobster Open every evening Tuesday through Sunday Phone ahead tor reservations Lounge DOIICIng Amateur le9 Every University at Fullerton library Authorities said Allawav custodian at the school did not report for his regular ti am shift but turned up about three hours later allegedly carrying rifle Im gonna get you Stllts for messing around with my wife Allaway shouted Seconds later he allegedly opened fire Within five minutes the nine victims all university em ployees were cut down Amol Navarro chief custo dian who said he had known Al laway sitice he was hired tit months ago described Allway as qtnet type He said Al lway had been troubled for the last few weeks over the separa tion frotn his wife Bonnie 22 Bonnie Allaway is employed at hotel in Fullerton After the shooting her husband drove to the hotel and spoke with her before telephoning police to turn himself in INIIABIT thTlVlIVI Bears which are iiatiye to North America are black bear polar bear grizzly bear and KU diak bear Second Wednesday NEWS ROUNDUP BEIRUI MP The Soviet Union is preparing for urgent action to save Palestinian guerrillas and leftist Lebanese Moslems from defeat Lelia iiese hristians out their Syrian allies the Moslems IIeirut ltadio reported today The radio said Alexander Sol datov the Soviet ambassador to Lebanon conveyed the Kremlin decision to Palestinian chief Yasscr Arafat and Kanial liiinblatt the Lebanese Socialist leader Soldatov also told the two leaders that the Soviet Union asked President llafcl Assad to withdraw the H000 Syrian troops and 450 tanks he sent into Lebanon in the last six weeks to prevent Mosleni Victory There was no ttltlltllltil ion of the report lliit Arafat told the Arab foreign iiiinisters meeting iii airo our non Arab friends abroad will come to oiii rescue if Arab countries fail to lielpiis SAYS IItthlSII MADE Arafats representativeat tlic tairo meeting Said lainal told reporters that Assad promised Libyan Premier Ab del Salam lalloud to pull his forces back by Wednesday from three Lebanese cities lripoli the Moslenis biggest city in northern Lebanon Sotai 20 iiiiles east of Itcirut on the ltciriit Damascus highway and Sidoii the Moslcin port miles south of ltcirut Other sources at the airo meeting said liIgypt offered to supply tanks to the peace force the Arab League trs trying to send to Lebanon to enforce ceasefire one can be achieved The foreign IttltltSltlS were reported discussing resolution callingforanininicdiatccease Itlt timetable tor the with ilrawal of Syrian troops an end to the tliristiaii siege of the lalestiinans lal Xaatar ltllt gee caiiip on the southeast side of llcnttt and negotiations be tween the thiistiaiis and Mos Iems lhe lalestiiiiaiis reported that tliiistian and Syrian at tacks were continiimg in lteiriit at Sidoii and lripoli and it ltaalbck Ill eastern Lebanon SSIIIt It got message Sentenced KthSltNiiit itlI Ito ger ltalc ltcyis 36 of Kingston was sentenced Monday to twoyear prison term on two charges of robbery while armed with pellet gun litis was charged with armed robbery last ltccembci attei No3 was stolen from city hotel and gas station Store raided ttSllrtWA tint itli lhicyes broke into the lanibly ii lliiig Mart Sunday caused an 309M699 CINEMA NELD OVER 2nd WEEK PM FROM EMBRYO TO WOMAN IN 42VVEBS The perfect creation otscienceatmost ROCK HUDSON EMBHYO estimated $3400 damage and took sons in cash and drugs Po lice say entry was gained by tossing newspaper box through the window Death probed MILTON nt tll llaltoii regional police are in vestigating the death of Michael assidy to of Milton who died in hospital Sunday af ter he was struck by car near this community about 35 miles west of loronto Police said the yontli was lying on the road and the driver of the car Donald Lemon 40 of Milton thought he had run over an animal until he backed his car up and got otit Is Jailed ltlltttNlti itPi ltoger ltountty tin of Metropolitan lo ioiito retired city parking meter collector was jailed Monday for six months for stealing $20000 in coins from parking meters lioiindy pleaded guilty before Judge tharlcs Upper of provincial court He is the first sentenced among group of four charged in parking meter theft ring that operated in ttiiz and Wm It ilcs notice llAMIlttN ttli The at torney gentrats department has filed notice with the tin laiio tourt of Appeal against the acquittal of Albert Welsh llaiiiilton Weiitwoitli deputy police chief and Anthony lan ltllIl ot Stoncy treek The notice signed by Deputy At torney tieneral Iltltk tallaghaii contends county court ludgc Vitamin erred on two points of law at the trial ol the two men last month The two were acquitted June ft of conspiracy charges after ludgc aiinini ruled evnlence iii the form of taped conversation ftoin wtrctap was mad missahli Pilot sought SIIIIIIIItYUtit ttli Sud bury regional police are search ing for pilot whose silver and red aircraft knocked out power lines just south of the city Sat iiiday llarry llalonen who has summer cottage on Long Lake said Monday he was stan ding outside his cabin when he saw the aircraft which he believed was two seatcr es sna run into the power lines He said the plane kept going Six charged SlMtttli tint ttPi Six men have been charged with assaulting peace officer rob licry and arson following an at tack early Monday on provui cial policeman Police said tonstable Duncan McAleese of the Simcoe detachment was beaten and had his police car and revolver stolen after he at tempted to check 2i vehicle on ltegional ltoad ltt about If miles north of here tharged are William lioycc White 23 and aisoii Mackeimc Lafor me 40 both of llagersvillc tlinton Sherry 22 lshwcken lticbard IIIS Whyte 20 Wilsonville tlark Whytc lit llrantford and Leon llom berry li lowiisend lownship leads council HWIIN SHIINII ttnt itlt Frank liagatto 2H adminis lllltil of In MacKinnon Phil lips Hospital has been ap pointed executive director of the lissex ouiit district hcaltli council effective Sept Malt iiiiiiiiii e3 MATINEE EVERY DAY I30 PM Evmingsct7l$0dy EVERYONES GREAT ADVENTURE OF ALL TIME IUF LAItK invitation PL speaker VANtttllVlCltttPi Prime Minister liiiileaii and national Progressive onserviitive Leader Joe liirk have been in vitcd to attend the annual con vciitions of IIItIl ltrilish toliitn bia parties this fall Mr lark has accepted and will address the toiiscrvativc convention in Victoria Nov lit It is not known yet whether Mr lriidcau WlII attend the Liberal convention ttct lit in Kamloops The Social treiht party Will hold its convention let 24 in Vancouver Postponed lttlttiNlt ttfli Mr Iiis ticc Patrick Mahoiiey riilid Monday in Federal toiirt that hearing involvmg federal government application for warrants to evict 74 former owners from houses cx priipriatetl for the airport in Pickering int be postponed until Sept mediation MlSSlSSAlItiA tint ttli provincial mediator is to be appointed to resolve contract dispute involving 53 public health nurses locked out by lccl ltegion board of health sin cc last month board chairman ltonald Scale said Monday The nurses are seeking wage parity with hospital nurses Meat law llAlllAM tint MP spokesman for delegation of Kent onnty cattle producers says the group received little IMPERIAL CINEMA tANlIV HI in II 00 Barrie Twin DriveIii Theatre 487 22 encouragement in weekend meeting with federal Agriculr ture Minister Eugene Whelani We were given little encour agement for the future of our industry he said in an inter view Monday The spokesman said Mr Wlielan told the lele ation he did not plan to imp emeiit meat import law for Canada The prtxlucers had sought law which would establish meat iin iort quotas on quarterly basis This would help to protect theaniidian livestock industry both now and iii the future the spokesman said He said Mr Wlielaii also told the group he favors national beef marketing board The spokesman said major ity of Ontario prixliicers are not convinced that marketing board would solve most of the problems in the cattle industry on long term basis Flame lit OLYMPIA ireece tlteiiteri lhe til nipic flame was fit today by suns rays in olive groves at the site of Ancient tl yiiipia and began its journey to Athens where it Will be trans mittetltiy satellitetotaniida The flame was kindled by Greek actress Maria Mos clioliou in the role of high priestess on the after at the en tranceoftlicriinisoftlietcinple of llera The flame was then carried into the tllylllplt stadium where the tilympic games began in lit ltt The ceremony opened with the national anthems of aiiada and ireccc followed by sincchcs from representatives of the Ireck Olympic loin mittec anil the organizing com iiiittccof thetllyiiipictiatnesof Montreal Back on job It tlteuteri More than two million Australian workers returned to work today after 24 hour general strike in protest over proposed government changes to the national health plan known as Midibank The government and employ crs said the stoppage had failed because less than half the coun trys work force responded to the strike call by the Australian Touncil tif Trade Unions tAtf llli It is obvious that the unani mous su iport for the strike claimed by union leaders is myth Employment Minister Anthony Street said today The st rikc caused widespread disruption paralysing all ship ping international and domestic airline servoes and public transport llcavy in Australia NOW PLAYING 645 920 PM notation iiui Unujt as asuomwiimzwoisurssmav SCREEN STARTS TOMORROW dustry was halted and manufacturing hit but the countrys white collar workers kept the commercial sector operating The strike was called to pro test government plans to make employees pay part of the cost of the health plan It now is fi nanccd from general govern ment revenue No boom MtINIltlilAl ttli llic tilympic tourist boom tXpttlttI by many Monticalcrs this sum nier has not niaterialied and hotelkeepers shopowners and taxi drivers are shaking their heads in frustration with prc tilympic slump This is absolutely the Worst season thus far that Ive seen in my I8 years III the hotel busi ness says ltcgtlrimmc prcsi dent of Hilton tzinada and gen eral manager of the Queen Elizabeth lfotel Spokesmcn foi the citys ma jor hotels complain of occu policy rates through June and early July of to to no per cent compared WIIII ttt to uo per cent for the same period last year Unemployment tlAWA ttlr National tiiiciiiplovtnent cased lower during June for lIllltI soc ccssivc month to seven pci cilil of the labor torn from per cent during May Statistics aiiada reported today The number without tI was down by noon to 702001 The figures show that the uncinploymcnt rate at seven per cent last month is up from tiff per cent jobless lIl liiiic IJVS Put another way this means Illtll oiiili lll ltlllt Iiiltiiiiol lltlltlt IiiiItiii all yltlltl with tln llllll ti ntinil Iltlittlllltlltl lwmln In It It Ill itt lllll Vltttl II we In In Iltlltlllt tliII trill tlt iitvlfllt iil IIIt tlttll lllllititl It it tliii Iltltltttltullldl lii titty illii iiiitloi It gttl tl niiy illlIlll ammonia Ivllll vl llIlltt and anti tilicutl itlllltlillltlllllttl titiit linii Ittll illtlliI tvlai tltl lilill ll twilldili IIII iiiipiim Hit lrl um Hill II it til iceli liiit tit lIIlii Ilt ltltllittl timl vvl Iiiiti ttlttltlIt Iiiitliiiiwii llic llttl Illtlwl tl itiuiitt llll lL till pair iill watt lttl itI IIlIltllliiilllll tllIIII limits Ail IIll at It It uiiiplilit IMPERIAL CINEMA The Barrie Examiner Iuosgoy Lury Healing Substance Shrinks lilcs Checks Itch cliisiic healing substance proieii to shrink Iiciiioiilioidsaiid repair damaged tissue io IIIUU Soviets may move to save guerrillas Moslems that for every t000 anadians holding job or seeking work last month 70 were unable to find job The slight improvement in the jobless ictiire during June was mainIv because of decline in unemployment among men aged 15 to 24 But there was also some evidence that young men and women in this age group continue to enter the labor force in smaller num bers Woman saved Itlltl IIllItth Mich AP 3ft year old St Tlair woman was plucked Monday from the llluc Water Bridge be fore she could jump into the St tlaii ltivcr 150 feet below Port Huron police said the woman whom they descrilwd as despondent ovcr family problems had climbed to crosslwain about feet above the bridges main leek tine of her rescuers was thick Mctarthy lort Iluron dog warden The other two anadian and an American were identified only as maintor mince superVIsors on the bridge which connects Port lhiion and Sarina Out The bridge currently is being repavcd the three men said they saw the wotiian climbing over the bridge railing and ordered traf Ilt on the bridge halted for 20 minutes as they tried to con vimclicrtoclimbdown When she refused to come down the men said they clim INtI up and brought liertlown The woman who was not ItItlIlllIttI was taken to Port Iluron Ittitplliil for observation policesaid ltll ficaliin ziiliutaiii Illiir Iltit lltt put helps Iicil llllifll rl tilli iiitl sllttlllIIltny Itin IIlt nib tl Ill Htllltttttll iiiit nominat iltlltii IN iiic Iil lttlllll III AI liiliiiatiivii II Iii aililitiuci ti It tittill Iiltlll lll litimiiiiiu ll Iltlilldllltll II Illlii ic and wall tIllIlltliI IIIIi ti pi il Lclpa plt iiit Iltl llllll llli li Itlttl talisi illiciiioiilo itli Illl II Ivltl illtlttlI Itll Iiipai Ilttlt ll Hillipivitiviicu iit Il it iII It llllllitlil ltIl pc Ml appiii it iiiitiiium oi wont money iitiiiiilitl HI HELD OVER 3RD WEEK 7I5 900 PM By ï¬t the the worlds greatest illtluilu SCREEN NOW PLAYING Briltiaotty understated movie about the human spirit an anthem realty CLINT EASTWOOD fTHUNDERBOLI