Elie iï¬arrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontarlo Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Edltor AThe Barrie Examiner Tuesday July 13 I976 Trudeau does his best to make us into hicks Well Pierre you sure found way to take our minds off the resignation of Jean Marchand and the whole air bilingualism mess Newspapers have been carrying or days on the Taiwan situa stories tion Trudeau will not allow athletes from Nationalist China to compete as representatives of the Republic of China More and more politics is being in jected into the Olympics and Pierre is doing his bit to make Canadas name mud What did he do He took back his word and that of Mitchell Sharp Both wrote the In Olympic committee under the name recognized by ICC and properly invited by organizing committee of the games terntional How much longer must Candians put up With such nonsense from our government Only until the next election we hope Harold Wright president of the Canadian Olympic Association said Sunday This is the blackest day in Canadas History We welcome the youth of any country into the Olym pic movement but not the politi cians Like gasoline and water politics and sport make poor bedfellows Let in the athletes from Taiwan After the hicks the ears of fine diplomacy as exempli ied by the late Lester Pearson Canada and Canadians look like Trudeau has made Let the international Olympic Committee decide upon eligibility DOWN MEMORY LANE 55 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 14 1921 Eight thousand members of Orange Order attended July 12 parade and in Barrie Just years Cook of Barrie was oldest celebration months short of 100 Orangeman present privilege of riding in automobile Plaxton Barrie native en trusted with legal presentation of Canadas case in dispute with New foundland re ownership 250000 square miles territory in Labrador with hearing before Privy Council Alderman Edward Byrne at town council tried in vain to have Chautauga playing for week in Queens Park taxed same as circus since performances were held in big tent Police Chief Robert King worried about traffic congestion on Dunlop St since so many autos have Percy four accorded CANADAS STORY Rich mineral deposits were found by luck By non BOWMAN Some of Canadas richest mineral de its have been found by luc The great geolo ist Dr Charles Camsell said ew years ago that he thought it still was possible that people could be lucky and find gold silver and other metals Oil is different pro sition made available only spending mil lions of dollars on extraction methods However in 1886 Kootenai Brawn found oil seeping from the ground in Alberta He used it to grease machinery on his ranch The Porcupine area of North em Ontario has been one of Canadas most important gold roducers for many years The irst strike there was made July 13 mm by Thomas Ged des and George Bannerman Fred LaRose had discovered silver by luck at Cobalt in 1901 Bannerman and Geddes had hunch that they should go further north into the Porcu pine They travelled on the Te miskaming and Northern On tario railway until the end of the line The initials TNO usu ally were described as meaning Time No Object From the end of the line Ban nerman and Geddes paddled 30 miles west and camped where the river flowed into Porcupine Lake Then they began digging and uncovered filigree of gold Workers warned of danger of radiation and smoking YELLOWKNIFE tCPl Workers at Echo Bay Mines El Dorado Silver copper mine at Port Radium NWT are being warned of the combined danger of radiation exposure and smok Prank Burton of Edmon ten general manager of Echo Bay Mines Ltd says that while readings are gradually mmwwï¬swwaflmm $ltlt gt Ehr Harrir Examtnrr t6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266337 Registration Number 0084 Second Class Mail Return tags guaranteed Dai Sunda sand Statutory idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier cents weekly $44 20 yearly Single copies ts cents By Mail Barrie $44 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada 96 00 year ly National Advertismg Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto M17 Cathcart St Mon treat Member of the anadtan Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex elusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and uced in this newspaper yright Registration Num r203815register61 there still is con the radiatlon at improving ccrn about themtne study by the lmled States National Cancer lnr stltute has shown that the in cidence of lung cancer climbs alarmingly if heavy smoking is combined with above average doses of radiation The average twopacka day smoker runs 200 in100000 risk of getting lung cancer while the nonsmoker faces lZintOt000 chance El Dorado is former uranium mine which closed down in the early 19605 It was reopened last year it mine silver lramum from the El lor ado shaft was used in the first atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War 1v Rl BLE Tilt Glll And he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords lnto plowshares and their spears to pruninghooks nations shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more Isaiah In Some day this will be in the meanwhile every believer must introduce in HS own way and to his own world the one whom it will come to pass the Prince of Peace Jesus Gods only begotten Son He said my peace give unto you Ask Him into your heart today appeared in town this summer For seven days temperatures have been around 93 in Barrie no relief in sight yet escaped injury attempting to board Barries new motor fire truck at BradfordEssa Rd corner Company ried off top honors for regimental proficience at Niagara Camp Herman Jennett of Ivy knocked un concious when upset off load of hay but suffered no broken bones Low water and intense heat causing great mortality among pike at Orr Lake near Hillsdale exercise of East End School Prin cipal Carson told of planting 100 maple trees there Square in 189293 Each young tree was labelled with name of person who planted it Pat Moran narrowly Simcoe Foresters car At closing Nelson as thick as the drippings from candle That was the beginning of the Porctnine gold rush in which other ucky strikes were made by Benny Hollinger and Sandy McIntyre after whom famous mines were named July 13 was lucky for leddes but July It was not lie was killed in forest fire that swept through the Porcupine area Jul 11 1913 just two years af ter is gold discovery OTHER llY l3 EVENTS 1632 France regained Quebec after it had been cap tured illegally by Kirke brothers in 1629 I789Spaniards seized British ship Princess Royal at Nootka l9 tanada approved AngloSovict treaty following German attack on Russia lune 22 194977 Opening of first legisla ture of Newfoundland as provmce of Canada 1953 Shakestxiarean Festiv al opened at Stratford Ont FOOL YOULL IllISlltOY lIVlIltYlllthi WllVlI ltl llllOGlJllllJlt PARLIAMENT HILL Ry STEWART MaclEl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service There is little comfort to be found in those reports from Quebec about fist fights be tween French and English air craft workers about French and English air traffic con trollers not speaking to each other and about all those trans fers being sought by English speaking air industry employ ees in the province And this is coupled with per sistent reports of mounting an ger and frustration in the prov ince over the way the govern ment settled the recent air strike There is no uestion about the severity of pro lem But in Ottawa there is one glimmer of optimism Assuming that members of Parliament represent the views of their constituentsand per haps help shape them it is in teresting that Quebec MPs are in far better frame of mind than one week ago After Transport Minister Otto Lang made questionable concessions to the air traffic controllers and pilots to get the planes flying again there were several Quebec Liberals who seriously considered resigning The only actual resignation was Jean Marchands depar ture from the cabinet But several others feeling strongly that the government sold out the principle of bilingualism threatened to quit Parliament REAL RISIS N0 MP will allow himself to be quoted on what goes on in caucusthey are traditionally secret meetingsbut by talking to some of the Quebec mem bers it was obvious that true political crisis developed in the wake of Mr Marchands resig nation For four hours the 59 Quebec MPs battled it out behind closed doors There was YQUR BUSINESS How To Negotiate Raise rather useful new book By thICNT EGAN Business and onsumcr Affairs Anal st Thomson News Service Getting ay mcnasc can be tough lll totays economic cli mate Not for people who belong to unions perhaps They pay their dues and that pays the salary of someone who is always fight ing on their behalf for more But for the unorganized Its different story The l2percent increases sanctioned by the An tilnflation Board arent auto matic for them and in fact the boss may use AlB regulations specifically the mle that rofit margins this year must at least 15 per cent less than last year as reason to turn down requests for raise Still there are techniques as in any inter rsonal relationshipthat can your cause techniques are the sub ject of useful new book How To Negotiate Raise by John Tarrant published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd of Scar borough Ont atsnss STRATEGIC PLANNING Little raises may come automatically the author points out For the big raises you have to negotiate In negotiahons each party is tryin to ain the reatest siblegadvgntage ut suboprdsi hates are often reluctant to negotiate because they fear the loss of an illusion of perfect rap port with the boss especially if the boss IS warm and friendly Pay negotiations call for certain amount of cold blooded impersonal strategy planning Mr Tarrant recom mends sizing up your rivals on the job in terms of performance and qualifications and sizing up your who may be chronic haggler for instance or buck sser As we you must size up your own situation Could the business get along easily with out you Or are you so special that another business would specifically want you if you re Signed over the question of your pay CLOSING THE DEAL Bringing raise negotiation to close succegfully is per haps the most important part of the strategy The author offers this plan Assume that all the ques tions are answered and that the raise will be granted Summarize the main argu ments for the raise and ask for it Smoke out an objection focus down on it as the main ob stacle to the raiseranswer the PIERRE TRUIHIAU shouting pleading and even tears Mr Lang was verbally hung out to dry The usually calm llealth Min ister Marc Lalonde leader of the Quebec caucus emerged ashen faced and worried He in sisted on speaking in French to an En lishspealing reporter an unc aracteristic incident for which he later apologized But it indicated the depth of his anger Some of the MP5 had argued that they couldnt face their constituents on the issue How could they support strike set tlement which they said stacked the deck against bili ngualism How could they de fend the government for ap pearing to bow to the demands of the controllers and pilots who had already been accused of racism in Quebec There were some difficult questions to answer And this situation was even more dicey because many of these memA objection and again ask for the raise Imply the negative results that may result front delay or from no and reassure the boss that he will be making the right move by saying lf necessary make one con cessron and then wait for the bosss answer When you get the raise for malize it by putting it in writing so that there can be no change of heart FEATHERSTONS ILOY One useful play in either raisegetting or jobhunting is to demonstrate to the other parA ty just how widely your talents are recognized Mr Tarrant tells of Britisher who per WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space blic intaest and good taste Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter JEAN MARCIIANI bers traditionally tended to gravitate toward Mr Mar chand for advice on emotional issues such as bilingualism This time Mr Marchand was not available in an advisory capacity TRIIEAUOOI It was Prime Minister Trudeau and Mr Lalondc who carried the full weight The prime minister was magnificent says one of the MP5 He was cool and reason able Our responsibility he re minded us was for the good of the nation anti we couldnt ful fill this responsibility by run ning awas for political popu larity back home similar speech came from Mr Lalonde who although per sonally unhappy with the likely effect of the settlement on na tional unity argued that it wouldnt be changed by any for mer MPs Resignations would he irreswnsiblc he said fected this technique Featherston was waiting in an expensive London restaurant for two money men whom he needed to impress when he spotted the late Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis lunchtng alone at nearby table Diffidently approaching llllll Featherston explained his ties perate newi to impress the men who would soon be Joining him All you have to do Mr Onassis is when you go past my table perhaps on your way to the mens room please say helloto me Thats all ask After trying to brush it off Onassis finally agreed to Featherstons request The money men arrive Featherston is givmg them his pitch Then man appears alongside their table They look up to see that it is Aristotle Onassis Onassis smiles at Feather ston and says Hello Mr Featherston And Featherston replies Buzz off Onassis Cant you seelmousy The Overall message was to sit tight and think out the rami fications over longer period But that meeting broke up with out any commitments from in dividual MP5 QUEEN PARK The Maloney report worthwhile awakening Ry DON OHEARN Queens Park Hurtan Thomson News Service TORONTO The govern ment is into the frying pan again this time over the North Pickering land deals Ombudsman Arthur Maloney has castigated it and no matter what one may think of the of fice of the ombudsman and more on this later in general there has to be agreement with Mr Maloney The approach and some of the tactics used in Pickering were deplorable And let there be no bleeding hearts for the government If it is in another mess and by all reckoning it would cer tainly seem to be so it has to look no further than its mirror to place the blamc For two main reasons it is culpable One is that it didnt bother about or at least didnt pay heed to the lessons of history The second is that it didnt properly appreciate that it is unique in that its role is as servant of the public the genesis of the ombuds mans complaint essentially was that agents of the govern ment had used browbeating and slippery tactics in acquir ing the Pickering properties One word he used to describe the approach was up pressive It is apparent that the goal of the government people was to make the best financial deals possible without very much care as to the means used in gettingthem This really is no surprise For over the years there has been an often criticized trend in gov crnment here towards fast dcaling in its land acquisitions But in this particular case there was precedent which if it had been alert or well briefed should have prepared the gov ernment to act differently Some 25 years or so ago there was another property act uisi lion program on the scae of North Pickering This was the llydro project for the flooding necessary for the St Lawrence Seaway generating plant Huge property acquisitions hat to be made At the start THE WORLD TODAY ludicrous addition to the United Nations By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Anal st Thomson News Service Its time again dear reaticrs to report on one of the new mininations which kccp swell mg the ranks of the boiled Na tions and seek place in the sun Thc newest country in the world is The Seychelles it do clared its indetxndcncc last June 29 after 166 years of Brit tshrulc lhc Scychcllcs have smaller population vuboui moon than many of our cities spread over tdc archipelago Of small islands north of the largc Afrncan island nation of Madagascar Yet they now Will be entitled to the full panoply of Lmted Nations protocol including their own flag among the almost 170 in that body separate representation and presumably authority to borrow funds from in ternotional banks The millilth formation of thcsc non nations ls ludicrous cvcn ridiculous The last time reported to you on such devel opment was the formation of new country out of the jungle territory and primitive peoples of New Gumca thcr ministates like Mau ritius an Indian Ocean neigh bor of the Seychelles and the tiny island countries of the ribbcan notably Grenada have been the nation busmcss for several years NONVIARIJI NATIONS None of them are as the economist puts it Viable na lions relying on tourism or natural resource competitively offered by other and larger cwntries The total area of the Sey chelles where mixed popu lation of Africans Europeans and Chinese speak Creole French is mere 100 square miles represented in 600 islan ds lnxproportionate structures of regions are not urnquc to thc lmtcd Nations membership THE PICK OF PUNCH Weve reason to suspect its metal name tag on hidden chihuahua hydro land people went in with the same misdirected ardor as at Pickerin But on at occasion there was public protest and the gov ernment under that political wise owl Leslie Frost quickly stepped in and set things right What Frost did was see that everybody got fair deal and if there was any question bit betterthan fair Which brings us to the second point the unique role of govern ment Governments role is as public servant and this means its first goal must be to see that citizens get fair deal not to making profit as in the pri vate sector It has duty to see that pub lic money is spent as efficiently as possible but the responsi bility for fairness comes ahead of this This is role that govern ments here anti particularly their servants have not seemed to really understand In the light of this the Malo ncy report may have been rude anti very worthwhile awakening but take place also within na tions in our own for example large and selfsuslaining rovinces like Ontario Que cc and British olumhia share con federation with the famous havenot provinces the smallest among these being Prince Edward lsland Ihat small island province has no heavy industry relies on historic federal arrangements With the Atlantic Provinces like freight rates to survive Its population has four times the representation in the House of ommons of one of Torontos Scarborough ridings which it self Is bursting at the seams with industrial development and an expanding work force The campaign to carve Ontario into two provinces wi Northern Ontario as separate 12th province raises its head from time to time if separation did take place such provmce would auto matically be far richer than any of the Atlantic Provinces because of welldeveloped forest and mining industries inequities lll boundary uns fictions and geographical size have merel been accentuated In the wor of international af fairs Most of the modern and belv ltgerent African natiom have taken their present shape be cause they have conformed by and large to the arbitrary fron tiers of the former Europun celomal empires in that conti nent They often divide tribe from tribe and race from race WHY SEPARATE This brings us back to the Seychelles wondering why they could not havebeenpartofa much larger African island on tion to include Madagascar and Mauritius Why not indeed ex the two other islands independence at earlier times Regional disparity will con tinue to run rampant in our world when these geographical unrel alities perpetuate then seves