lLwrba3u rec yasi my IvwCvvwwï¬zar I2The Barrie Examiner Tuesday July I3 I976 REAL ESTATE PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE FOR LEASE OExecutive luxury townhouses and bedrooms tPrestige location Most overlooking bay Stove refrigerator washer dryer Rental applications now being taken references °For appointment to inspect Call 7262361 AIITOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE I973 FlREBlRD Well equipped VI automatic radials lots more Sharp $2995 Must sell Phone 7700923 I970 PONTIAC TEMPEST 350 va power steering automatic radio 20 miles per gallon excellent condition $1350 Telephone 7370660 after 430 pm I974 TORINO door excéllérttlortdi lion certlfiedS2500 Telephone 424 I995 I973 STATIONWAGON Montego Mx Villager seater automatic power steering and brakes rear window de troster root rock radio excellent condi tion 7260057 after 530 pm l97t MUSTANG fastback ISI Thermo let 45000 miles wide track tires hood lock air shocks togllghts tape deck 82200 4240746 TThSTF ARTICLES FOR SALE KRAZY KELLYS KING OF KOLOUR TV FREE FREE Choose from deluxe 30 pc silverware set Sheffield Steak Knife Set or Slazenger Tennis Quality In very good IMM TEIQPM Racket WEWï¬ï¬ Free with each of these Super cylinder good condition priced Call after 7207262 rm DUSTER for sale door hSrdtop 340 VI excellent condition certllied best offer Telephone 7214323 after prn I973 ME RUCURY Brougham door all power and air conditioning power seats also reclining passenger seat One owner New radials excellent condition 83000 Lorne Hay 7281566 or 726 7660 Im GREMLIN for sale lit ATcondltIon will certify Michelin tires track and radio Telephone 7265075 altergpm m9 FORD Renchwagon good condi tion passenger ered tail gate radio tires 000 erttlied or best of fer Telephone 7266I6I or 726 7464 I970 CAMARO Rally Sports 350 auto matic power steering power brakes radial tires 68000 miles excellent con dition SLWO or best otter Telephone 7760607 alteropm 7749 days DODGE Monaco cylinder door automatic radio Asking $500 as is or best offer 7265470 N72 TOYOTA Land Cruiser wheel drive new engine good condition com plate with Myers power angling hydraulic snowpiow Can be seen at tss vespra street 720 7046 l9 BUICK new ply tires rebuilt transmission I972 350 VI motor $675 or best after Call 436 33 I973 GREMLIN Levis interior auto floor shitt Big motor Touring package Low mileage $2050 or best of ter Certified PhonemJJOI anytime I972 PINTO Idoor 2000 cc overhead cam new paint rebuilt motor as Is best offer Telephone 407 5600 after pm I970 FORD door auto clean certified also I966 Sunbeam Alpine convertivle certified Best alter See at 90 Collier St at Filter Oueenottice 737 I901 MOTOR AND transmission intact GM out of I960 Pontiac 27 VI also cylinder Chev motor both condition best otter 737 I9OI I969 OLDS DELTA El 455 CID 20 miles per gallon 74500 miles new tires shocks paint rebuilt carb power steer lng brakes windows 3995 certified 720 4902 after 7t TOYOTA COROLLA door sedan in excellent condition Needs muffler SSW miles S695 can be certified 7200492 MOTORCYCLES I974 YAMAHA szoo bought new August 75 7200 miles stroke twin Bell helmets Firm SII25 Telephone 7261 alteropm MOPEDJ NewirtéMooytette Idiotider warranty $300 or best offer Call 7396301 t97t lzscz MOTO CROSS In good can 999 A1999J3I923909136 9719 I974 HONDA I75 Street Bike windshield carrier 8000 miles Asking $600 firm Telephone rte9132 TRUCKS ANDTRAILERS Ion FORD tarm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale I35 7306 We DODGE VAN6 cylinder standard sink stove cooler speakers for stereo S700 Telephone 726005 TOw TRUCK tor site Or trade for half 99 ltvsll vol 799909 7370727 1974 DODGE aton pickup wheel drive with snowplow $5500 Telephone 705 4665m2 Ghncglrn I907 FORD VAN partially converted camper with stereo Moving must sell best alter Carpalow s5 GMCTISICRUhsailcan be certified 79209 7391 ms GMC ton radio vi good wheels with tires and camper $050 or best otter Telephone no ton CARS WANTED to BUY SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top pricespalaanl pick up 720 9666 for PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd II9Dramord St Barrie 74 IlII JUNK CARS WANTED nghest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 72007 TRACY WANTS cars and trucksrtor wrecking and parts top prices paid Freevpickup Telephone 726 new SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid tree immediate Itlck up anytime 04 mo COLE EROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 424 59490 43563720r 731 ISIS SHAKELS weéckino and Towmo Scrap metal cars bought over sLales Oran 434 3477 calls wANrep TO suv URGENTLY REQUIRED For Derrles Newesth Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOOILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 IRADFORD ST 724272 SECTION stainless steel restaurant sink Electric deep tryer National cash register For Quick sale No reasonable otter retused Call ISSI DOX TRAILER ft ft heavy duty removable high sides working tights good Conanon 0225 Double spring wall mattr Slo telephone 737 NEARL NEW under counter retrigerator sun inch rangerte s75 AM ITU Sears air conditioner used halt season mo Oneait furnace andM gallon tank best otter tarps Enollslt baby carriages 434th CONTENTS OF one bedroom apart merit Including pc antique dining room suite sole and chew coltee tables shag carpet etc etc 733433 alter pm DUNK DEDS Cottage Tent Electric Stereo 2i TV Telephone no III WELDER tar sale portable DC arc Memo on trailer rebuilt engine 8750 releWte 424 67l4 CLARKS HOME FurnishItos Ware house Annex tor good selection at used chestertield sets and odd sofas lrnrn I99 Used kitchen chairs and tables Odd liv ing room chairs chest or drawers Good used refrigerators stoves and washers Open stock of new chests dressers and beds maple or walnut Ends al carpets JJBaylieldflstreet STY CHAIR for sale floral as now Also davenport SIO and odd china pieces Telephone 726 Itsoatter pm VIKING CLOTHES dryer years old excellent NINTH start or best offer NOWDDDIY Buyg No Money Down No payments tlI Oct76 Phone Tonite Delivery Tonite SUPER I9 RCA XL ACCUCOLOR Now Only $306 or pay $350 wkly Rental Purchase GIANT 26 PHILCO COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel too ESSA MOVERS and Carla 72833 0r SPAlerl COLD APPLIANCES tory built 303 Tiffin 7234040 mom Gravel 0U omo ICCOOI 0C ELECTROLUX Canada ltd New and Re airs Now ONLY spigorggdaazazlas and service l6 Alliance Eavestrou GUITAR LESSONS Classical and WT pgpular Marcel Patvin Guitar Studla commerCIa Garages cleaned °° Residential or pay $590 wkly Rental REPAIR British European and Trash hcued owe MUSIC INSTRUCTION Guitar Ac purchase Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv l7 cardion Piano Canadian Academy of For esimaes ca MarySthzoSyl Music l2l Bayfleld St Two months trlal NYEROR REMODELUN lnstrumanl oaned for home practice CHROMACOLOMO ZENITH roomColl 9363353 YOUR CASTOFFS minnrrandadvonsrd77847 726 3492 PORTABLE azwpmRe erencesavailable BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Dayfield AND ROOFING New and old SLASHED To olfag9upr 772373 mm Repairs Free estimates 3224897 after betweenIOOmand 530pm 981 CARPENTER will do roan PAINTING ROOFING Carpentry Allfallow renovations remodelling etc No job too w°l gumum °nd °°°°bl WT II 726 ml 36540 TFJLULLHH PAINTING decorating drywall fanc of pay wkly RODIOI AND General Contractor Kitchen General Maintenance ing satisfaction guaranteed Free FONS SHINSUNG 35VICE Syria rec rooms renovations additions estimates737I060 n9 repairs ow arms on cot Puchose fltpplgcps guaranteed 7374507 Trees and Hedges PAINTING paper hanging 999 himfYUiitllï¬d cappgNrgp 5pgm in Trimmed perienced free estimates Jack SPANISH 26 ZENITH room imwior modfllmgs mm ll Richardgonv72éqol2 t75¢ea74 CHROMACOLOR 31991990710904allroom allosmsa 9d HILLsoALE DECORATING Tlntsrior SW Ridiculous Redumd noosmo comm durum Exterior Painting exterior wallpopering custom textured My HSSiircflggguxpmï¬m2 Now raglrsoguommnd and Gaionflbltl WindowCeaningsevices 3gl36f0°l9 Y°l°ph°° 705 IBTIDCEIDOS New and used Agents for rater Sewin Machn 7374621 Small Movmg Jobs VELLINGA PAINTING and decoratin 7a7ttas Interior exterIOr Work guarantee Wt sum YOUR 0Y5 68424 EstablishedSOyoars72626097769002 Stucco 5P9 toning to 0y Evenin 4362387 AND PAINTING Interior and ex or pay wkly Roy0 52220yizlguncztsezls with All carpet tariar Free estimates Reasonable RUSSEL TEXTURE SPFOY IXIIYIO urc use SIORM meOWS may Eaves guaranteed rulesCalVDave7262392 stucco interior textured walls and coil Free estimates Dale Russell troughs cleaned lawns cut ard ns PAINIWU E° WPIW and XL too Is RCA ACCUCOLOR c°MMERc rotortilled Phone7289367 palnllngusrroe estimates Reasonable Mdlfm F9PI°F7°3° Personal color portable perfect common mm Logo design 6mm HOME moitom ana TOOL REPAIR at work lo PI II repairs aintln own care coonu l0 C°°9° CONT 59 dorm26330 rlclhone 77926976 PAVING ALL MAKES of electric pneumatic Dramatically Discountod GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance laols pickup deliver Telephone on carpentry renovations painting plum 726l2l8aftar5pm Experience references reliable CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone for estimates Free delivery Dar SPRING CIEANUp pruning mowing WT rie Fence Co 7263066 lambert sodding seeding general maintenance SARRE TV Illhome service to all $3 so 72917670 01sz at 726355 By makes of talevlstons 29 Collier St Call or pay an 7294297 Purchase DRESSMANING EATING COOLING WATER HAULAGE DRESSES FIT If mode by JOSIE VESPRA VALLEY Healin sheet Choose from RCAQuasar GE Aoumo spmuming in Dan mm Form hwmg oi cmde pAVING LTD THE WATERMAN lefroy 45639IB SONY TOSthO ZOHITh PhIlCO gowns and alterations 76 Warsley Ing electronic air cleaners 7280733 W°ll5 059 SWlmmmï¬ 900 Id 72455000 PhAR°f€de°Kr°zvgf°s 592525 °Itg COMM WINWWCHANWG one am alvery DRIVEWAY SEALING eat metal fabrication Service and m9 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING tonite mornienance24 hour servlce 7370909 Tennis Courts on in hou aponm and mpg No money down no payments ROLUES 0M IMPROVEMENB cOncrete work Islphone Idol 76 WATERPROOFING FREE ESTIMATES DontforgetyourFreeGIft sos CUMBERLAND Complete aasements Drlveways bathroom kitchen renovations including wnnen Guaranee ceramics Mosalc tiling also rec rooms orktng Lots Etc 17¢ 36 20 earsex erience Resdenmlond Comerclol STONE brtck facings flaartngs texture in coating Also wholesale and retail of Sgrvmg SlmcoeCOUnty sure TV Open Mon lues Thurs Fri tll9pm Saturday til pm Barrie Plaza 737ll82 737II82 MTThFTF BARRufiv song 20 com PORTABLE $379m Just $392 per wk Electrohome ml COLOR CONSOLE s699 Am 21 per wit BUYERS CHECK LIST vNo down payment wNo oavtnslirs Ill Seotambel schism stseucswtestssll We house PIONEER RECEIVER moon $1 55 watts per channel and to speed bicycles mens 2t inch and 23 inch branan Telephone 737 FISH HUT tor sale man hut in good cellolien or best alter Telephone 434 TITS FORD MOTOR an cubic inch still in tea Galais all stave large kitchen ltoll stove 810 Telephone 710 In even 093 FACTORY REIUILT engines in stock for most cars and trucks Also shop tacllittes to rebuild all engines Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 59 High St Phone 71 59 no POLAROID camera with flash gun and case and dozen bubs 340 also double seat tor van 325 Telephone 73°W909 SOLID BURMA teak dresser with mir ror S250 RCA stereo Sim dresser tor nursery 30 Telephone 72660 SINGER SEWING Machine Cabinets newonsale Sell regular price Will in most other settling machines Singer Company Georgian Mall barrie PIANO FOR SALE upright Heintxman mahogany color very good condition in cludes bench Tbtephorie 4053204 ACOUSTICAL CONTRACTORS ACOUSTIC CEILINGS dr wall systems movable partitions dd ltlons alterations general contractors Hon hoe Volley 8352926 7267l9l ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Sofflt fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old FashionedPrlde GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 sIISINBX 56 MFACIATTZWAlia eavestrou hing Free estimate from Pains lck luminum BELL AND WATSON ALUMINUM co Sofflt Fascia Eavestraughlng and siding Free estimates 7284047 Barrie ALTERATIONS LADIES AND ntlemans alterations 26 Mary St Tlephone 7373432 or BllffP72°f°l ALTERATIONS Dressmaklng tippers horns repairs etchTellephone ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest Iob possible FIREPLACES PICTURE FRAMING LANDSCAPING aorrmc Fromm Sm anti 34555 OIatlDlCLiZ 33 533 EAVESTROIIOIIING HOME IMPROVEMENTS mono Ime munouww INTERIOR MODELLING Kitchens All work done and uatdnteed by owner °° all nu Mml all 10 mg 69 bOOpmIReferences avollgble SUPERIOR EAVESIROUONING NEED MORE vino watt room clolllts Roofing 9nd roafln repaTrs dwomv play lotdti Free estimates Call 4244256 New ll PPEP PalnllW ude wallpapetlrtg Murray loll 72870906 LIFTING AND mavlng cottages loun dations alterations additions custom 7W bulldgng Fax Contracting 726l7l0 ALLWORKGUARANTEED wesr GROVE FREE ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION INCOME TAX 7370179 INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Badhoe EXCOV lorllr uro SS up Dobson MANIERI PAVING LID Patios Trnchin9 42459IOallatdandweekands Sidewalks and Steps kFree estimates Horlzon°I AU Grin War guaranteed Boa now one INSULATION new DILOTTA CONTRACTING Patios SIMCOE Ecoquv notation sldewolks steps chimneys curbs New fibreglass blowing and potting Free WWII and WPOIPI EPIC Iltlmatel estimates ScottMuir 7781267 Lawn and garden malnl landscape ser Speclalizlng in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed SPRING CLEANUp pmnmn mowmal room dividers fences pool fencing All workmanshtp guaranteed soddlng adlng EnErAl mAinlEnAncE F0l°9l7lt°° it PETER HENSTRA °b 35 RIDING INSTRUCTION WEED SPRAVING fertilizing mowing BARRIE 737287l hedo and limb lllmmlno Touch mow RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena lnflVl TlEmlf Horses boarded Barrie five minutes HENSTRA WIndyHaughFarrtt7260l92 TORONTO 2937934 LIGHTNING RODS Roam AND MASONRY Specialixlng In VESPRA VALLEY Heatln Llcen Id fireplaces Written warranty Also agents for Dominion nghlnlng Rod cCo Padsbxhvrdwltl7°°73 BRICK BLOCK stone work Fireplaces specialty Free estimates Stan Knice Iy New Lowell 4245I58 PHONE 7263960 ARTICLES FOR SALE DUNLDPS 0F MO0NSTONE Summer clearance of organs Including models of Hammond Electrohome Baldwin Forfisa Ace Tone Optigon Orcono Phone 83520I6 Open daily til pm Open Evenings Tuesday Thursday Friday pm Jy23 VACCUM CLEANER Sale Singer up right Cleaners from 379 Model suitable for shag rugs etL with beater bar only $09 Canntster cleaners trorn 34° Try one in your home Singer Com pany Georgian Mail Barrie 778 7960 APARTMENT SIZE range everything building products showrooms SClapperton St Battle 72697IO or visit our ARTICLES FOR SALE SHADI TREES S5 discount select how for fall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 295i KRAZY KELLY BARBIE PLAZA BARBIE 7371102 RENT TO OWN vices reasonable rates LAWN CARE Ltd Reduce insurance rates 7280733 MOVING AND STORAGE PAVING 9939l6l1 many sins Phone 7283270 RAILINGS GATES RAILINGS fireplace screens SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar for ID years PHONE 7372472 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE GARDENEURPLEï¬ 99515 AND M97935 DOGS ANDPETS MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional clip ping and grooming reasonable rates 20 Inch TV 350 weekly Phone tonltelDaIIvery Iontle Telephone 726 0061 EDGEHILL AQUARIA fish Aquariums plants all accessories Lowest price I43 Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampootrtg New Low and clipptng at all breeds Street East no Sophia l97617SUNRAY I35 hp Johnson $5295 I976 I5 SUNRAY BOWRIDER 75 hp Johnson $4595 I974 SIDEWINDER I975 I35 hp Johnson with ski bar I975 16 BAYLINER I976 75 hp Johnson $4495 I976 l46 FIBREGLASS Deep $3950 POODLE TRIMMING protessional l97635hp Johnson $2595 grooming al breeds pick up and delivery 726 8796 Pet Studio 76 l3 SUNRAY GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups blonde 779 OhP JODMO 37499 Rental Rates male and female registered all shots USED BOATS $333 11qpegggg° 393 I6 TRAVELLER SKIBOAT mots l20nboard Outboard S2I00 RCA 26 inch per week S6 RCA I9 inch per week S4 REGISTERED lrish Setter pup mon ths old good with kids Must sell $125 Telephone no 1379 REG SALUKIS Due to special Ir I84 TRAVELLER 90hp Johnson tilt SI 950 IS CRESTLINER €995 FARMERS MARKET POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullers Also farm fresh Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroudgt436tsll PERSONAL CARD READING PSYCHDMETHY El COUNSELLING By Appointment Call Morteca 7288868 MWFAull TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267927 anytime PERMANENT REMOVAL of superfluous hair Lydia Hrenchuk certified eleciraloglst phone 7372671 RELIEF trom pain soreness tension due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit man Reg Masseur 7254097 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUETï¬séï¬it It you drink thats your business It you want toguit thats ours Call anytime STAN COWIE of I20 Sanford St Bar rie will not be responsible tor any debts contracted In my name from this date forward July It I976 without my written consent FRENCH STUDENT touring Canada wishes to share expenses at transporta tlon going west Telephone 726 3607 NELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON The Canadian Motor Club will hire two full time salespersons with Guaranteed Weekly Salary plus Commission plus Monthly bonus We prefer you to have previous experience in Direct Sales to the Public You must be selfstarter and enjoy earning high income Promotions are rapid with our Firm NO overnight travel but you must have good car and plenty of ambition Call First Mr Ayers at the Lake Simcoe Motel Barrie Ontario Jyl3 DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time chair side Dental Assistant required for modern progressive preventive orien ted dental practice Previous experience or completion of ap proved Community College Training Program is essential Please REPLY IN WRITING to DR JEFFERSON IIO Dunlap Street East Barrie Ontario stating qualifications and references Applications will be considered only until THUR SDAY JULY 15 Interviews will then be arranged for selected applicants JylS AVON LAID OFF Nows the best time to make top SS selling AVON Be an independent Sales Representative Sell worldfamous cosmetics popular fragrances family products at competitive prices iewelry and more many shown on TV Be your own boss No ex perience necessary Profitable opening in Barrie and Simcoe County NO Obligation Call 728 9652 today for interview or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie Ont MTWJv28 IIELP WANTED IIELP WANTED TORONTO STAR requires SemiRetired Gentleman or Housewife To deliver papers daily to our customers on an established route In West Gwllllmbury township Afternoons only Must have reliable vehicle Apply in writing to Box 372 Orangevllle or telephone 5I9 94I0522 JyI3 FORD SAL LTD 3166447 500 MEMORIAL AVE ORILLIA 5323 MECHANICS required Licenced with Ford experience preferred Flat rate system day week company benefits DODYMANWOMAN also required high volume shop flat rate system day week com pany benefits Licenced person only need apply JyI3 SALES CAREER IMMEDIATE OPENING Du Bots Chemicals of Canada Ltd requires the services of sales person for the Orillia Muskoka area Preference will be given to those with commission sales background THE JOB Selling quality cleaning products and systems to the institutional industrial food and transportation accounts THE APPLICANT Should be organized ambitious self starter who possesses desire to be successful and have mechanical aptitude The applicant should be capable of dealing with people on all levels Remuneration Weekly draw cheque Monthly commission cheque Usual fringe benefits Pension plan For personal interview please contact ALAN WlLSON72b89m OR RON LARGEI 4l67490720 SALESPERSDN $12000 $15000 calibre Lighting products company is seeking topnatch person for the BarrieOrlllia area and surrounding region This is fantastic opportunity for the right person Salesperson will be calling on industrial accounts and institutions Earn very high commission no evenings no weekends and no overnight travel Our repeat orders represented 85 of our volume last year Earn while being trained in the field before being sent out on your own For personal interview call MR TODASCO 7286I Call Wednesday July I4 am to pm and Thursday July IS am to noon JyI4 FINANCE OPPORTUNITY International corporation requires two people preferably with finance experience for its Barrie branch DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE To handle field responsibilities and assist branch management CLERKTYPIST To perform all correspondence filing discounting and related mat ters Bookkeeping experience an asset Send resume or pick up application forms at BURGWARNER ACCEPTANCE CANADA LTD 70 Collier St Suite 202 HAIR STYLIST to take over clientele Top salary paid to qualified person Telephone House ol Bellini Baytield Mail 726 462i EXPERIENCED MECHANIC required for Farm Equipment Dealer knowledge of farm equipment an asset Must have own tools and be able to work with little supervision For appointment contact Murray Richards at 728 5530 Charles Richards and sons ExPERtENCED Short Order Cook Ex cellent company benefits Apply ln per son Wayiare Restaurant Cookstown EXPERIENCED part time meat cutter wanted to work some evenings and weekends Good salary with experience Apply in person at Fudas Food Highway ll North EXPERIENCED full time meat wrap per wanted Good salary and working condttions Apply in person to Fudas Food Highway ll North HOLIDAY INN Collingwood requires experienced Cook Goad employee benefits References rectored Contact Mr SouthreaU Holiday Inn Box 37 Collingwood or calll 705 445 6600 MANAGER for lades wear store located in Barrie Ontario Swtabie for female Experienced preferred Salary negotiable For appointment call collect I705 674 0404 Ask for Mr Jack between Da and Np lNSTRUCTOR NEEDED Four rtars hairdresstng experience readired Full time employment Telephone 776 3962 or 776 oots works S50 Call alters 309 726 5042 ANTIQUES piece love seat rosewood also plece dining room Suite solid Philco2S inch per week S450 Zenith 26 per week S670 waltzut Telephone 770 4525 between mod rm on an annual and basis Short term slightly HOOVER FILTER Queen mactrams Kenmore used vacuum cleaners S20 and t9 Tlpl 77°53 Open Mon Tues Thurs Frt AIR CONDITIONERS WW All sites in stock from 40m to 0000 Saturday til Ayatlable tor regular or Sliding windows Call for your free home survey Priced trom Slao No money down No payments til September Phone tonight Delvet tonight Krazy Kelly in the game shoppmq plaza Bung Hm 83mg U7 IIIZ tyPEWRITER ROYAL 640 carbon or 737 l82 ribbon tuilotttce desk mode Telephone cumstances Katulna Reg Salukis of tered tor sale nghl home more impor tant than full price Rosement 435 5005 PROFESSIONAL POOOLE Grooming all styles trimming bathing all breeds no 7797102 Beeton Delapat Kennels reg Boxersand Poodles GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups Canadian champion lather Import mother Beautltul tarnin dog Slso eglstered Telephone 737 3495 60hp Evinrudd SI 499 SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Day Rd Barrie 726 Iml Jy28 Tm mam FARM MACHINERY BOATS AND MOTORS WE BUY and sell new and used boats Sport Haven Marthe Shanty Bay Rd rte loci MOBILE MARINE Repair Service Wood and libreglass Also light boat abIe Call 434 4553 or 434 245i between attde CUSTOM SAILING cents bale Custom combining and trucking atritll TRACTOR FOR SALE with Allied 72 97 atticehours DESK steel electric adding machHe and 74 lb counter scale Dayton in el ceilent condition Telephone 774 NSI USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable otter will be accepted We new the room tor new stock can trnuousiy coming in Come early tor best selection of calor and black and white TVs barrio tv and Appliances 29 Cal ller St 770 4797 SWIMMING POOL Wholesaler must dispose at l97 aluminum pools in stock sacrifice price desperately needed tactery warehou space brand new swimming Debts include Walk around deck Fenced ttiter and warranty Site Is Is It cash or terms Cali Gard collect davsoreveningsl 4le MI SWIMMING POOL Sacrttice Leadino manulacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 75 season halt price Guaranteed installa lion and terms Call collectdaysor even ingsi ate 4i I002 ELECTRO freeze sott ice cream macth Electra treexe Misty Slush machine deep tryers propane Mot tatt electric grill NCR electric cash register with tax totals and audit MOO multiplex poet mix fountain pap dis penser relrlgerated hot dip ice cream machines hot fudge machine Will sell en block or separately all excellent can ditlon 424 Salt ask tar AI FIVE new steel lolStS 40 It soon by 26 inches peep Telephone 415 5739 business hours MTThFTF YORK AIR conditioner 25 ton com Dressers water cabled was one hydro model torn tor informath all no If LAWN BOY lawnmower and John Outboard Motors new and used Spar Haven Marine 726 Imt ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Dorrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner wilt buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good cmdition bring them to the Cir cutatlan Department Dr phone 726 6539 CASH son OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks adds an ends Praltsottems 72S I234 OLD FURNITURE lamps china and and ends wanted Antiques for sale 73704 OLD CEDAR tenor rails wanted Telephonomow TWIN STROLLER 9006 Coltdlllofl Reasonable Telephone 45a 3272 uPRlGiIT PIANO wanted in good con OlIlOfl Call alters 714 9796 CAMPING EQUIPMENT I974 BELLEVUE deluxe ft hard tent trailer propane tanks Jway refrigerator burner stove 100 BTU turnace sleeps Like new many ex tras so Hem Crescent Borden Telephone 424 building Phone 717 3670 START CRUISIN 26 FT BAYLINER SARATDGA EXPRESS CRUISER years old Immaculate con dition Sleeps Loaded with toys Compass 23 channel CS radio loudhaler swim plot forms ladders depth finder ski towbar remote control long distance spotlight FM radio and tape deck with cabin and aft deck speakers speedometer hour meter deck mattresses for sun bathing power trim pressurized water system dual batteries with triple switch shore power alcohol stove all canvas tor rear deck enclosures I88 hp inboard outboard Marcrulser engine other extras Terms possible to qualified purchaser Coll owner Jennings 72b WOr737I77i TF Cket in good condltlolt Telephone munnor 4p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English riding equipment and apparel Robinson Hardware ll Dunlap St name no 243i HORSES DOARDED Modern new stable large box stalls trailerrng win dy Draes Farm 4th Ora Hwy ll Jmattero NEW HORSE TRAILERS H565 and up Used horse trailers tors huse traller I974 horse trailer Excellent condition Reasonably priced Phone TEST WELL started weaners cut and warmed telephone 42457 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES HONEY No white unpasteurized clover honey also health foods woods Hillsdale us 2304 PASPDERRIES Pick your own SI at Picked SI so at Boxes supplied First farm on left past intersection of bloke anaGrovaold Hwy II FEED seeo AND GRAIN CUSTOM DALING New large baler baled to your requirements Loader also for hire Telephone J49I HAY FOR SALE lated and ready for pick as cents per bale Telephone 72s seal or ratms FRESNCUTW can H39 Telepriori Elmvamlnfltlll EXPERIENCED reliable mature per son to babysit In my home East End weekdays only to com mencing August 72 Telephone 447 MANAGER for tabrlc and drapery preferably experienced and desire to motlvate sales Apply Fabrlciand Dts tributers Baymart Plaza Barrie SALESPERSON WANTED apply in persOnGreenwoods IJDurllOpw car It LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER or babyst ter Portage view Publlc uhool area Telephone UT 3145 MOTHERS HELPER Intetiigent high school student recurred tor cottage at Letroy Live in children telephone 456 1414 tor further InwmTt0l LARGE INTERNATIONAL organrn ilon Features clerk typtst able to corn munlcate Must have some pasc alt courtllng eloerlence and have abilty to work under pressure call Mr Anderson at 717 JS4I ROYAL VICTORIA Hosptel requ res clerk lyptsl pormttirtg otltcp part time nvght shin Pig apply in putting to MissC Dacres Rovalvctoria Hospital to Ross St Darrie MACHINE OPERATORS and ware house personnel requrred by attice Foods Lakevlew Dairy Division Steady employment band wages and paid benefits Apply person at IIS Dunloo St Iarrie SALES HELP AND AGENTS LARGE FINANCIAL organization re quires sales and servlce representative to Altisron Angus area Starting in come to mo per week it qualified year trgutlng program full benefits no Overnight travel Opportunity tor management In future Write us brief resume to Personal Manager lax I07I DarrirOnt OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND wOMeN HIGH SCHOOL Grades Finish at home in your spare time All books supplied Low monthly payments Write for free booklet including phone number United Institute 451 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto MSN IA7 Ontario Jylo EMPLOYMENT WANTED TENDERS RELIABLE CLEANING lad il small factories stores and altlzles r139 SALE BY TENDER or six days week Telephone no 4656 SPORTING 00005 510515 EXPERIENCED paintino tree 009 Contents of ROD AND GUN in 713 lglï¬iallédiglgm fgï¬pmli rho Dayfield Moll barrio In 7793976°75 spectlon MONDAY JULY I9 I0 mo amtOSpm Au sl For details Toronto 3665658 Jyl7 PUBLIC AUCTION SADDLES AND TACK BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledgad to arise through either failure or delay We have been commissioned to sell per order of American Sad dle Company large shipment Of handmode Western and English saddles and locks of all kinds Including approximately IOO saddles most all with year guarantees Sunbeam clippers Kool Kare Pads lifetime lhno omoglng imih Pll guaranteed stainless steel bits wwwo and spurs plus everything imaginable in the tack line Auctioneers note this is one of the most complete lines of sad die and lock that we have had an opportunity to sell and each item offered will be sold at out tion to the high bidder WED JULY l4th CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 edvertleethenrs use not Mflmuetbareeetvedh by preceng tardy to WICKLEN HALL STABLES Chum Duelv 04 and be In by pm mile north of Owen Sound any 0n Hwy 70 behind driveit Mr theatre WAGES MATH WK Guards AUCTION CONDUCTED DY SEIFRIED AUCTION SER VICE LTD TERMS Cash or cheque wtth MC 1M3 CO MM per0rd mungmm Neurone It Doreenwhee It proper Identification 19 com rvpm 12 edssin lndl mmw won construe momma Danesrt 00 pad wï¬an he TENDER FOR WATERMAIN Ole at true Insertions per AND SANITARY sewer Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be recteved untlldmpln on till MONDAYJULYW I916 At the office of The Simcoe WdWeflM County Roman Catholic Separate School Ioard 99 Ml Ferris Lone Dorrie Ontario far wmnw the construction Of LOGS fin It Iberian he Olaled of dia watermain and L964 Wmmtohb Iin ft of IS dio sanitary sewer and service cannection thereto Plans specifications and tender Wt forms may be obtained at the kWhum office of the Barrie Builders Ex wmmdmd change Fred Grant Square Mmd of Dateb Dorrie In atlas Oeckett Eng Garththence Consulting Engineer the same citmet reserve SDI Edgehill Dr Barrie Jyl3