Minam flvfl sgtiii mimwï¬xgifl Ifl tcï¬mm mwn EVIIIFR tilt lilfl student in the Jewelr course at Georgian tollege re ceived an honorable iiieiition Studen Two local students are all glitter after winning honorable mentions in national ttll connietitioii David liiistiiiii 33 won three honorable mentions for mat clinig eddiiig and engagement rings and mens lapel pin III the thaiuonds loniorrow tuiii petition contest sponsored tiltAlll Alla lionalii Bowman son of Ir and Irs lohii Itowman ot Stroiid graduated ltll tucheior of applied science Nutrient engineertng tlte tamersit oi Waerm tr Bowman is it liastxiew Seeon itot Swings slides sandboxes and climbers are now being put to use in the creative Dlayground of the new Rag at the Diamonds lonioi vow toiiipetitioii held in loioiito She also iiexii ed the Uiiiai lU iiiti ioiiiiiil rholaisliip to ioiitiiiiie lltl iiiiiiici llioto Itlillt it Win mention in diamond competition ever two eais lte Beers Consolidated Iines ltd the worlds largest inaikctci ot rough diamonds lletitliei tlraiiigei 31 won honorable mention tor teat shaped pendant Ill Illlt gold with diamonds ltuth are students ot the Material lt toursc at ittllgltltl tollege The competition started in I974 is open to students new designers apprentices and amateur designers to promote original ideas in jewelry design Miss trainger found the coin petition the perfect place to compare her skills witli peers She is encouraged ltorn in Stone treek she came to ltaiiie two years ago While her main interest is weaving she took the optional metal or jewelr course of tered through instructor lion Stuart at Georgian lollege This year was her first taste of jewelry and she plans to con tinue it another year She received the Ontario traft totiiicil Scholarship to do so She has also shown her work at other provincial exhibitions In the first ear the eight Jewelry students studied cut tlebotie lost wax and pierced techniques tuttlebone work is basicall cutting design into ciittleboie bone of fish covering it with charcoal itli just enough opening to pour silver into lest wa is making design from cold in putting it into plaster cast placing it into RhATlV In IV gedy Ann Day Care tentre located behind Georgian Col lege The new centre was first occupied two weeks ago kiln Ioi tiring and pouring the siliei III lieiced work is posting sketched design on sheet on siler lllil cutting the design iilit ltiit the skill and creatii it of eiiili geldsnilth makes etiih Illlltlllliltlt iteiii different and therefore more valuable Iolisliing finishing and originalit are judged in overall competitions iid original they are Miss irainger says while the coin petition teaches student how to handle tees and insurance and an estimation of individual skill jewelry shows itself are an experience When llavid and went to the Ilianioiids loniorrow toni petition we were sitting in long row of other students looked down the row to see kids ltIl all kinds of their hand made jewelry wore pair of ear rings and ring David wore tie pin ltut wait till she hits the big time ttlllltlt to lion Stuart instructor and goldsiiiith for seieial ears the world of eveli is enjoying an upsurge lteeause people demand more handmade jtWtll original ideas are inaterialiiiig iiiio iin practical but interesting inveii tions Well known goldsmiths are into iewelled weltishes and gold ire bras not to mention the almost common elaborate necklace with iiitennaerlike futures lhe goldsniith is becoming an artist is ell as craftsman and organizers are beginning to double the centres enrol ment zlivanniier Photo tli tea25 cant Vows exchanged tho teiiliiil Iiuliitiitiiii lllliilt wiiw lltl tilllIl IHIH ii when lHILIiII tlll liiipii illlil liiiiti heiiiieth liitiie liaiitiwl Hillllilï¬l ioiin Ilri hen leiiiii ottti titted Itloieiiir iiiiipliell ilti the milolnt llie liiiite is the lEIIHHIIIII ol Mi and Min iiit IIHWI Ii ot It It Uio ttuttoii llie giooiii is the iiillitl llii Miii Iiiii liiie IHII lll lilll IOVIIIIIIII Noiiiiaiiliiiiieotitiilllii the tonic ioie ll goon ot white oigaiini iiith tilt emptin iinlltll iiitti tlowtiig llilitt llei IIIIII Int niloiiiiil lllt tolii and Lull IItII littlilt iliiltiil tlii iEILlL iitiil liil ill IiiId ltl plat IN Ilil ot lllliillill tlii iii ted Itlu Iilt oi int lllliflllllllllnllPIIIHNIIII liie iiuiiil ot tioiiui me fiiuiii ro Tliiirith liopri ol Hiii Station lli Itltfillltlltlvi Il ltililili tiiii iiliig ot Hi tho they IHI piiil ItllItilt thronei with pliili iIitttoii tiltIvia KIIII option The liniliii lttlllttillittllll Muir ltl llttltll iiili ii pliili thlVlHltl tlllhh vttli Iillt on the iieililtiii and ill lhir ini iiidtmiiiiiiitnot IIIII1IIIiiIII llllIIIHIIIi iiiiil titiili tunes llii Iiirit IIHIII viis iilli ltlll illlll Itiigei Iitlt ol ttiitlin and In oti Ii opri of III ii the im IIllttl tli held lit the ltllll piiiiiil home with ttilinlri lllllll lliimiugnl llillllii lliiliiii lIiiIlii liiiii Illll lngliiiiil lilo tiilinii Iiiioiitir toiilimvilliy Itlvoithv tiliillliiiiili llie Il1ltlL iiiitliti will lll in MR ANI MRS It IAYNII SparksRamsay wedding has outdoor setting atherin Ann Sparks and Barry Samuel Ramsay were married June 13 ltl an outdoor ceremony at the grooms parents home Rev Ken lur don officiated The bride is the daughter of Mrs Helen Sparks of It It Barrie and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs William Ram sayof 17121eet Angus The bride wore white lace with an empire waist long puffed sleeves scooped neck full skirt ruffled bottom and blue tlltr hon tr She carried bouquet of white roses and blue and white carnations and babys breath the maid of honor was harlene leinents of 37 John son St Barrie She wore blue flowered dress with an empire waist scooped neck short puff slce es and ruffled bottom She carried bouquet of white roses and blue carnations Itest man was Richard Iilsonotngiis lhe newliweds will live in ngiis gown of Ili Xlt llt lltlt PEOPLE Nl PLACES HAY Itill There Is siiuiiie tlltl round iliineing every Hiituidiiv train it fill to II in lit The Hay ot on Ht Vltttllil Htiiet Visitors are Wtlltiltii lioi iiiloiiniitiiii iiill lielty lliiy ttt viliiti NNIVIINSAIH Mi and Mis lliiil Livingston eeleliiiitid Ilieti tttilli wedding tllltlltlult June at theii home at If Moi St lhei tittiiided ii liiii INtlt llli pii ill the home of then non Wilton and Wife leiui of Pain ill ItAIIIAIIUN MI and Min Itiilpli toopei li attended the ltltllllilly when and Min Viiimii Iliitir gliiillltitill iii iiIllitI ill the uilvutloii llll Williiiiii llootli Miiiiiiiliil Iiiiiiiilit tiillipi Iiiiiilitii INhAtIXHIHVI lti indMit It liiittaii llUlIlIl the iiigtigiiiiiiit of thelt IliIHHIlltl lilllliI an Iiigtlt in Miilli Ilillllp mil ol llItolil Phillips at lttopia and Ml liit Illllllliftttl lttniii Ilii wedding will lilll pliiii Ilil at it In in llllililtlllll ltupttnt touch HIIIIHIalt lltlll Mt tiiiIIMti Hiitl Itioiiipuoii WIII hoiioieil iii Ill at it Illlitlllillillitl iliowei ill the home ol Mi and Mir liiiiiiLeighton IHII IAIIIXTI Min Mathias Wlilppa iiittltill VIJIltl Illl iitiitei Mrs John Kell Siliidiiv Vinitoiii were Ml iiiiil MIN lillIIIH Iilkiv iiiiil iliiiighteiu ot Slivlhoiiiiie UllliHl it it ilxfllt iWN WIIl tiilviii and MI theiitei ol Visitor ii IIldliiliteii Mt and Mailing loioiito iilid Mlt liiiviliiii iltil getown wei day at ttoliait lltll loliii iiiid llliiihith Miittiiigton iiiiit ihildieii Miil iIiiw and Lion attended the Iiiioiitolooiiiiiilly tiltIIIlilli Kathy Iliiy iIiiiightiI of Mi and Mli Loini May of It It It ltiuiie hiiii graduated with ii digiei lli liiivel iiiid loiiitiuii Iltiill lllllIlll tollige graduate of NIH Noitti tiilliguite he lfl eiiiployid iit lliiviiliiivelStrivin HIIIUMILWIJIZKIZNII IllillNVAlJZ lioiiiiIi ii illltlllt have INtlI ItIVltltl to at tiiid Hld Itoiiii Weekend on tiiiiiidiiv and Sunday at the ltiltlllllltllly hall and piiili varier IillllW ta planiiid toi Hatiiidnviiight AINTIUN tl1llttY An auction Wlll Lil held iilllltltliiy at It ll in at Iiliov lllillttl liiiicti ANNIVILItHAItY lll IAlllth Iht IZIith iii invertany of At liiiil Anglican thiiiih Will tu riliIn iteit iiinilav liin Lti luron ia committee has business meet tlie Iliiiouia hyiiiphoiiv Woiiieii toiiuiiiltei held theii iiiiiiiial bonniest metling tl thi lnlleiidal home of Mn Noel Htepluuenn tilliieir elected ltll the yeai mt1 ue tltltllltl Ililda Stephenson Iiist Vltt plvhltltlit oiiia ltell second Vieepieraileiit lllliel Mitlttilli son setrelin Aiiiie Mooii lodpiuu Iiiamiiiei till itewail social ionveiiei ltnut TODA lleri l1 vaiiatioii ot an Italian risotto Wllllll usually lllltk and creamy Iltt lldl Make eileii iisotto to uniw individually or to UK with meat dishes IIIJIIIY ltIHUIIt thlsps iookiiigoil llpfliilltltttppitl onion iuphoiliiig water tllltkllllitillllltilltlllil tsp basil leaves riiiiililed It tsp ground black pepper liiiilixatfroii 5i ciipstniely hoppedcelery In large silltipiti oi skillet heat oil Add onion saute it ltlltllltts or iiiilil tendei Add water lioiiilloii lllllt basil black peppii and saffron Stu to llilt bouillon stir in tltl sliiiiiiei iinimeiid to 13 minutes IIIIIIIL orea t7 lll l1li Wheelchaired grad achieves straight As ANCUI Ilt Cl Being confined to whmlchair hasnt interfered with Bonnie Haves abilit to maintain constant average in foe nightschool courses er lWOyEilrpfrlDd white working fulltime and taking care of her family In graduation ceremonies at the Laiigara campus of Van touvei Community College this spring Bonnie receiveil the GovernorGenerals silver medal for the highest scholastic achievement among 394 gradur ating students She achieved straight As in psychologr hiStOI English religious studiesanthropology sociology and philosophy And she is forging ahead at Simon Fraser niversity planning to get doctors degree Bonnie 28 has tenaciously retained an optimistic outlook despite obstacles that would cause most people to thrtm up both hands in resignation Since skating accident at the age of six left her in wheelchair she has dewloped alragniat 1e philosophy hich sustained her at time when she needed lot of strength Responsibility for two younger sisters and brother fell on her shoulders after her mother was murdered tour yearsago Her father disabled war injuries was incapable of look ing after those of the nine chil dren who remained at home She decided to go back to school after she found that typ ing and shorthand would not bring enough money Bonnie praises her mother for having the torisigh to take school seriousl was the oi git ill man phistts class betaust Ioui made iite ake tl she said At the time sure tel hard done lt iii friends iust Vi tinted get married But she resisted the 101th tions tit ti domestic lite uttered her it at leas 11 sunfoi ti said and nued hei location it iiigh school the time ot death she was actoel totxi piir suing teaching career but her present goal is degree in chin cal ps cholog The psycholog courses took at college reall helped me to be tolerant patient and un derstandiiig she sad ther wise couldnt hat coped 1th all itiirillltigt ttl het mother ttiiiton fund inning Itilht An ltlgttill iiiiiiitiIihip Adeli Iiukii Iithtt roiiwiiii taiol laiil publicity ltuth Meshy telephoni ltilintitt Joanne tronk tlltll patty llilloWid Ill liiiuiiiiu meeting Anyone til tiiiteil iii joining lIII iiiiiiiiitioii should phone Adele Iaikii at Wit 4217 lliouv lllltllltlllllltktliltillilltillt toiieiit seine lot iiixi yiJit hoiild telephoni tL tttim RECIPE iotiitly oi tiiittl ttlll iiisp lender wason to taute VHlll still ll desiiid Make to itpoitions anovnh rosters Rmnrwtih Oh eniuti tlm ttiuiln imintimi Sniuutay July l0 I976 11 WI ANNIVIJltSXltY Kathy Moiikiiian sang 1IIU Wednesday night at Will IttllllWlulIIy tlltlltil of tookmtown Women lllllll About tttttilttilni two thi litiii lti Jit lllllttl along Willi about no gutnix from arta Illulllltlt EXHIIIIIHI lh WHEELCHAIR Wormn tiltii In log tests aluminium oshiumsd upholstury $199 $731 powm him $615 In uriniesti mm ii It llaltS £22312 Whoolctnin lnhmaflc Powor hot CH Penetang St at St Viriumi Bairie Ont 72854077 HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE PAITIS ttltilt li tiltitt in the village of Shanty Buy tatni liiitulflwi iiil nawew ow ii it titt fiytll lbflfltttf it fit ilxtlf llttId lltitittl iii no must Ii not lttttltltl itifiltttlii tons to $019 178 0599 ANNOUNCEMENT APPOINTED AGENTS Skylork Holidays Treosure Tours Wcrdor tritervoc Sunquest Gotden Bird Eltrm Toiirs Adeiwe Tours Atr COVOdO Sun Liwnq Feso and Holiday Heuse WE ALSO ARRANGE Air rie tickers Rod serwce ticxets Ch 39 til9s Jest OS As por at Our serwce we Wilt be pleased t7 otter cw do ploritmg serwu Vow home OHy averting 3t yitut Or 9ZE FREE TICKET DELIVERY AVAILABLE HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop Street West Next to theatre 7284700