ner Saturday July 10 1976 20The Barrie Exarpi SAFETY 99 GLIDEAIR 78 KEVLARBELTED GLASSBELTED RADIAL RADIAL WHITEWALL RADIAL £133 We 021136 SAFETY 99 KevlarBelted tire and EACH and EACH SIZE adjustment alter adlustment alter price discount price discount turcashttil tmcashgtk R7813 3655 2997 BR7813 3885 3215 ER7814 5260 4522 4260 3572 0U1PPCIWWHM F1178 WhiteWGH FR7814 5570 4816 4470 3771 Rudifliwith3MB GR7814 5790 5025 4590 3885 1P pound times stronger GR781E 5845 5078 4645 3938 thunï¬tccltund 21mm HR7815 6090 5310 5090 4360 PM PM LR7815 6660 5852 NW 14W ittilczigc cxtrzi safety 5YEAR ROADHAZARD INSURED wttcr sure11th ride This is the tirc 1111 Mitt Belts in ll11111 crcutt thciitigid ItLil1IhH ilLLUltttl 1111 their high milcugc potential llt1111Lxit mw their high milv 1114C Ll hm cmt to hcltx otgluxx With 41 Zph Pnlycxtci casing tn cnxurc unitnrmitt mctull pttfttlltldlkt 1lslllt1 EACH 2+2+2 MULTICORD 7+2MutICord KEVLARBELTED Kevlar Fibre Belted KeviarBemd pm Whitewall 11fb Ztavts or tire 211783 01 $150 We 121113 iéfiousgr WIDEIRACK tdl1t1 more each 1300 mote each SIZE 80111521111111 31191116 tdgustmentl d1181dt8 price 1000 t0 price count for 5130 cash 65013 1648 1786 A7813 35 2494 87813 3995 2655 F781 HPOLYESTER 645m $678713 10 35 2731 whitewo allrheway 695m 1843 11 2779 3157814 15 3368 15 2893 F7814 3491 11 3111 id1h 311 0612 101 ras 37814 39 515 3605 3155 3225 twltxntlxcxt11 twtitttt 111111111t1IHH rmmi1Zi 67814 tiuitm pm 11 731111 ti 117314 3847 17511 3372 xtzttnuci 111111 tccit t1lt11tx111HPWH twym 2275 1m Httn1tiltxtl luhmtcr Rust 50015 37815 10 3691 16 3216 1110 tttxi in 110 11111 1VC my F78 1848 76 358 3496 785 MULTlCORD 2+2 KevlarBelted F7814 L7815 41 4175 var 93317 21 99 lt Xx 1t ffCIZCKn SAYEAH ROM r+f$u3i tNSLilt 21111 Thh 2337 DISCOUNT FOR CASH in lieu of Coupons or use our Canadian Tire BROWN BARRIE CO IAYFIELD Mll IAYFIELD ST HWY 27 ION 7266418 HOURS MON TUES 96 WED WIS FRI 99 SATURDAY 8306 No charge to PassengerrTiie Installation 011 most standdttt tints in V011 buy our 11111 Schmdct 1c LLLJ inguc price ut $100 W0 1mm 115113 111 mu mtt JhL ItgCthci tiic ixnt titxx 1111 Static Balance IllLdlk111Ck1 St 111 111 35801er