Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1976, p. 5

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an wwa¢M Wi lt 49 on MW or ywm 90 HOW TO LEAN MOTORCYCLE Laurette 1afleiir centre ex plains Iean angles to two students She Is teaching motorcycle riding course at Georgian ollege this sum mer The stiidenls are Linda Tracy left and Adrian MacKeigan There are six students in the week long sows ROUNDUP $2 34225 Win tario draw in Bran tford IlRNllOltli Ont itli Five tickets each worth $100 000 were drawn Thursday 111 the Wintario ottery draw The winning ticket numbers tor the grand pllltS of $100000 each were Tltlll In series 05 05008 III series no 1117021 in series 22 03017 in series and 0000 in series 34 There are of prizes of $10000 for persons holding ticket ninn ber Ttltt In any series other than 05 Persons holding one of the 328 tickets with the final four digits 4131 win $100 and there are 1146 pIIes of $1123 for holders IIl tickets ending III 111 liizcs of $1000 go to the ti holders of ticket number 05008 III any series other than 00 The 520 tickets ending at 5000 are worth $100 each and pries of $25 each go to the 3340 tickets with the last threedigits 000 lersons holding one of the 03 tickets with tlienunibcr 107021 111 any other series than win $1000 iiiiicis 01 320 prizes of $100 are holders ot tickets with the final four digits 6708 and there are 3346 winners of $213 for tickets ending III 700 lriles ot $1000 go to persons holding the 03 tickets with the numbers 0381 III any series other than ltioseholdiiig the 530 tickets ending in 3817 win $100 hilc the 3346 tickets end iiIg III til SLY There are 03 prizes of $1000 for ticket number 00093 in any series other than 54 Winners of the 2328 prIes of $100 are holders of tickets with the last tour digits 0093 Holders of oiIeof the 5340 tickets ending III 00 111 325 There was 2342250 III prie tiioiiey tor total of 20700 prIes Winners ol priles other than the to grand pries may time their tickets verified by presentng tickets III person or sending them by registered mail to intario lrize Office tuinlwrlaiid Terrace liloor St Toronto To claim grand prizes win ners are required to present their tickets III person lersons winning $25 may claim their prize at any Ontario branch ot the tanadian lmpe rial Rank ot tommerce The nct draw will be 1cle ised July 32 trom Smiths Falls Raw deal ST tgt1llR1FS Ont itl tosino ItlIpiro restaurant wailei thinks he may hi got the raw end of the deal Thursday when the taverns meat and fish supplies were delivered When the driver delivering the meat stepped out of the truck it rolled down small hill and hit Mr IEpiros car About two hours later the same thing happened when driver delivering the fish step ped out of his mick Study levels TORONTO The Fed eratton of Ontario tottagars Associations has set up coin NEWS QUIZ ANSWERS PART Uganda 1Mars tab 5c PART 11 lb 243 41 5rd PART 111 1e 2b 3a 1c 5d PICTURE QllZ Otto Lang 1approvedz mittce to tackle the problem of high water levels III Lake OH tario which it says is threat eiiiiig the natural shoreline and private homes lordon Mcwhiney lederitioii president said In an Interview lhuisday the water level Is causing millions of dollars of damage to property He said the committee will attempt to determine who created the problem and how it can he rectified Stays silent lORONlO itlI Ernest aron 47 continued to refuse to speak or acknowledge being spoken to when he appeared III provincial court Thursday charged with the attempted kidnapping liiiie 13 of Signy Eaton daughter of John raig Eaton chairman of the hoard ot Eatoiis of anada 1td taroii handcuffed and closely guarded was remanded to July 13 to set date for his preliminary hearing Wine costs more TORONIO 11 Ontario wine consumers are paying more for Ontario wines than consinners are paying for the same wines III other provinces partly because they are paying the tab tor two tier pricing system The system allows Ontario wineries to charge the Liquor tonlrol Board of Ontario 15 to 20 per cent more per case of table time than they charge ain other prm Ince Good background RR11ON Out ItlI tathaiine Marshall Ford 23 linited States citizen working as teacher III lian was sen tenced lhursday to three years III prison on reduced charge of pissession ot drug tor the pur pose ol trafficking She originally had been charged with importing nar colic but trowii attorney llow atd Schneider dropped that charge alter defence counsel Stanley lliidxic said lord had good tamily background no mm was record and was hard worker Ford was arrested last week at Toronto International ir port Iiiei customs otiicers CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot test delivery Free on ordnrs ovnr SIG In some 10 Discount on PickAUp Orders over SIN Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE course More courses are available and information can he obtained from the col lege tExaminerlhoto found pounds of hashisli worth about $01000 hidden in saddle bag and two hollow poles of hammock Big dchCIt WINDSOR Ont itli The Windsor hoard of education will begin the school year in Sep tember with its largest budget deficit more than $1 million Trustees were told Wednesday the deficit was caused by re cent arbitration award to the citys 770 high school teachers and $230000 reduction in pro llltltll education funding The arbit ratois award has not been approved by the federal antiin flatioiiboard Charges dismissed tillIlJll Ont 111 tharges of attempted murder against two Kitchener men were dismissed for lack of evi dence Thursday following preliminary hearing in provin cial court John lilesh 23 and Bruce ihsoii 21 were charged May following an incident at hotel III Arthur about 23 miles north of here Police said two men and woman armed with shotgun challenged hotel par trons to step outside and fight after one hurled an ashtray hit ting woman sitting at table Both men have been committed to trial on charges of possession of dangerous weapon Flesh also Is charged with driving while under suspension Stay off job tAMllRllitilI Ont itli Members of Local 8021 lnited Rubber Workers remained otf the job Thursday following walkout Rixlnesday at tana dian General Tower 1td over grievance Inolving few workers and superIIsor lroduction was halted at the plant major producer of inylcoated materials for automobiles and wide range at allied product lines The union said it filed an official gritaiice with the company It ZBuminiun 39 Alliston 4354761 Fully Licensed The Rustic Hearth Dining Lounge Char Grilled Steak Lobster Open every evening Tuesday through Sunday Phone ahead tor reservations Lounge DanCng Amateur Nite Every Partly paralyzed by stroke LONG llEAtll Calif Ali Doctors kept vigil today on lat Nixon wife of former presi dent Richard Nixon partially paralysed on her left side from stroke and in serious but stable condition Mrs Nixon was reported res ting comfortably after visits with her two daughters lhurs day night but neurologist Dr John Mosier said she is far from being out of danger 1f the stroke doesnt get any worse shes not going to die said Dr Mosier at news brief ing called after Mrs Nixon 64 was admitted to Memorial llos ptial Medical Centre The stroke caused moderate paralysis of Mrs Nixons left leg arm and left side of her face which in turn caused slight slurring of speech lir Mosiersaid think she will walk he said but added She may not Court disbarrs Nixon NEW YORK tReuteri lior nier president Richard Nixon was formally disbarred in New York State on Thursday when the Manhattan Appellate liivi sioII upheld charges brought against him by the states bar association The associations grievance committee brought the dis ciplinary action against Nixon based on several episodes of the Watergate affair hief among them was the associations alle gatioii that the former president obstructed Federal Bureau of investigation probe Into the breakin of the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate building The five judge Appellate Division panel ruled four to one in favor of the action noting that Nixon had not contested or rehutted the evidence against him at any stage Nixon was apinIIted to the New York State lbar in llecein her 1963 Ihursday but Would not give details The company has about 60 employees includidng both hourly paid and salaried workers May withdraw lltKERlNG nt li The 200memlwr Toronto York and Durham Regional 1rur ckers Association will with draw all its gravel hauling services luly 13 unless deman ds for better rate are met Gerald Wilkes association president said Thursday Mr Wilkes said the association has been fighting with gravel pit operators all year for reasonable rates but have not achieved that aim Select committee TORONTO The select committee of the Ontario legisr lature on highway safety will visit 13 Ontario communities this summer The committee establishml in June will hear briefs from interested individ uals and organizations oin munities to be visited at Thunr der Bay luly til Sault Ste Marie July ll Sudbury July 15 Barrie July 20 London July 21 Windsor July 22 It tawa July 3627 Hamilton Aug 17 St atharines Aug 18 KitchenerWaterloo Aug 19 Cornwall Aug 24 Kingston Aug 25 and Oshawa Aug 26 Replace directors SAULT STE MARIE nt itlt one man royal com mission investigating operations of Algoma lniverr sity College recommended to the Ontario cabinet Wednesday that the board of directors academic council and principal of the college be replaced by an Interim board of trustees onr mission hairman John Whiteside professor at lniversity of Windsor said In his preliminary report that trustees should administer the college for period ending no Second Wednesday walk normally Pressures in her life certainly could have been contributing factor to ward her illness lr Mosier said Secret Service agents called an ambulance for Mrs Nixon and she was accompanied dur ing the itimilc trip from the former Western White House by her husband and younger daughter liilie Nixon IIiseii liower Nixon slipped out of the hospital only an hour after her arrival and apparently retur tiedtoSantIemeiite The couples other daughter Tricia ox flew in from New York and she and Mrs Eisen liower visited with their mother before joining their father at Saiitlementc President Ford and his Re publican challenger Ronald Reagan called Nixon at the hospital RllllARl NIXON l0lll11llS President later than June 10 107 The report was made public Thur sday Troops arrive TORONTO ttl About 50 anadian Armed lorccs per sonnel trained to help the patrol Toronto to ternational Airport during the Olympics arrived here llllll sday The 50 men 11 jeeps troop carriers and panel trucks are from the No lield Engineer Squadron at amp letawawa nt ldis coming too IVlONlRlIAliII ien ldi Amin Dada of Uganda will come to Montreal for the Olym pic lames the director of the Ugandan team said Thursday ten lirancis Nyaiigwesco who is also the lgaiidan culture and urban development ininis ter said the ligandan leader is an enthusiastic sports fan and former boxing champion WALTER MATTHAU and TATUM ONEAL together they make it happen lltH Jl0t 1KHH HIHHH THE BAD NIYS OVER ADULT iiltllcltn 72ml nous DKAVIIS rurArnt to woo sr wingmu It could be serious White House spokesman noted Nixon as telling the presii cnt They are very hopeful Reagan quoted the former pres ident as saying after Nixon was notified that her condition had stabilized lr Mosier said said Mrs Nixon is expected to remain in hospital for at least todays Mrs Nixon was being given no medication hospital spokes men said Her seventh floor private room in an eight room cardiac unit at the giant medical centre is just down the hall from the room where Nixon recovered from his bout with phlebilis Iii each room private nurse remains on duty around the clock and three staff doctors man the unit at all times hospi tal spokesmen said In addition Mrs Nixon has two of her own physicians on the case 809MB 7259944 CINEMA Slie as just been bum at age 24 The perfect creation ofsciencealmost the Berri Worst west4391 1976 Provinces milk boards OTTAWA CPI Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan says he understands why dairy farmers are upset but that much of the blame for the current surplus milk rests with the provinces amt their marketinglmards Mr Whelan told more than 000 eastern Ontario dairymen who jammed an arena here Thursday night that production cuts of til per cent ordered last April by the federal govern nient resulted from inismanageinent at the provin cial level dont blame you for being mad would he to if was go ing broke But my lod lets lacesomefacts Im sorry to say the provin cial governments and market iiig boards didnt get the mes sage acrokss when warned them last year that we were facing surplus situation asked for five per cent in Pat Nixon condition serious to blame for surplus crease last year and was told Id be lucky to get two and one half Instead ended up with 15 per cent increase The dairymen say the or dered cuts have left them finanr ciallystrapped and that tho cannot adjust their mil production on such short notice The farmers presented brief to Mr Whelan calling for immediate financial assistance to producers whose monthly cheques have been slashed and for provincial government sub sidies until the surplus has been reduced llut Mr Whelan made no promises that would alter the 1976 dairy policy that regulates the production of industrial milk the milk used to make butter milk powder and cheese The farmers argued that the cuts have substantially reduced their income while the rest of society is allowed wage in HELD OVER 2nd WEEK Bagbizttt Matt ADULT llllilNIINl ANiIi iiowmiii iiiiiiiiiiaiohhw ROCK HUDSON mi uA iEMBRYO DIANI tAllll RUDDY MLIIOWAII wot WIBARBARA CAHltl PA IMPERIAL CINEMA NOW PLAYING 915 pm Matinees Sat Sun at 130 pm Very possibly the funniest motion picture of the decade ix i4III HIV in iil lt Ni Row in D4 as SHORT SUBJECT BENJlS are STORY Barrie Twin Drive In Theatre 4872212 SCREEN TOMORROW IT TAKES RARE AND SPECIAL MOVIE Lt tta for iIiI IIIIiRSim int MULNIAIN WHAT REALLY ED TO THE HINDENBURG 0t 91 aboard cm had motive tor sabotage aJfl Geoch Scott The in¢ 01 wee DRIVEIN TONIGHT Bancroft We wflH warms wit NHI THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG 12699 CINEMA alt Disneys ALL CARTOON FEATURE if creases of 12 to 15 per cent un der the governments antirin flation program But Mr Whelan told the far mers the federal govern ment which set the annual prtxluction level is spending more money than ever before on the dairy industry Try Our Famous NIIllAMMl ADVENTURE AVaiiety of Chinese Foods me out ssawcs 726610t Banquet Facilities MIRAMAB GARDENS Licenced Tavern at Dunlop St Bimio NOW PLAYING mun snuaon T1307zl5lqzl5 BONUS SPEClAl ADULT MATINET PRICE Inner DISHEYS HORSE hit it Itll 11m Ho Ionaxed tiy linoVia yIaa lllliillilllili Awnwii NINNIN HAWNI ll ©Wati nanny tvi Held Over 3rd Week 715 PM ADULT Ollllllllfll Burrie Twin Drive In Theatre 48122 SCREEN NOW PLAYING Brilliantly understated movue abOIit the human spirit an anthem really II and TREASURE ISLAND

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